Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 30 – The Hippodrome

Vol. 1 - Chapter 30 - The Hippodrome




Holding onto Jeanne's soft arm, Mathias walked her outside of the house, with some struggles since she was so clumsy that it made her think something strange.

'Come on, it isn't that hard to walk on high heels, not that I tried, but I guess it is similar to ice skating. I need my patience now and also to keep my hands in check.'

Getting out of the mansion, Jeanne took a deep breath whispering to Mathias with an embarrassed voice.

"Can't I just go take my normal shoes?"

"Well, you could have done that, but now? No. Let's train you to be more like women, starting with walking on high heels."

"Arghh, it is easy to tell this from the sideline." pouted Jeanne while holding onto Mathias, afraid she would drop on her face.

"First, we will try to keep our balance while walking some steps forward." said Mathias, not buying into her complaints, as he left her standing at the courtyard road alone.

"Y-You, come back here immediately. I think I will lose my balance and drop down."

"No, you won't, so let me see you walking. Chop-chop, do you want to spend all day here?"

"I don't mind." mentioned Jeanne while smiling at Mathias, who facepalmed himself.

"Okay, okay, I will try." said Jeanne, figuring that she jumped into this situation on her own by trying to check on Mathias if she wasn't hideous wearing women's clothes.

Minutes passed, and with a lot of struggle, she managed to make some steps without losing balance. Then feeling encouraged, she went further, trying to walk normally, point where everything went down the drain hole.

"Ahhhhh, I am losing balance!" cried out Jeanne, slowly but surely losing her balance, lucky not breaking her ankles.

Yet before she landed on the ground, Mathias appeared behind her, holding her up. She was surprised to see that Mathias got so fast to her from where he was, and looking around herself, she noticed that his legs were releasing black feathers that disintegrated when touching the ground.

"Phew, that was close. Please, don't get reckless to try things I haven't told you. How are your legs?" asked Mathias, exhaling a deep breath at Jeanne's ears.

"I am good. I think I got the gist of things." said Jeanne while blushing a bit.

"You think? Hah, okay, we will check it in a moment, but before that, calm yourself."

Jeanne nodded her head while her cheeks were still rosy. Slowly after her break, she was left once again alone with Mathias watching her like he was a fashion creator watching his models walking on stage.

She started with balanced and steady feet, walking patiently, and with Mathias telling her to increase the rhythm of her walking, she kept her calm and did as she was told.

Her start was good, but slowly she seemed to get tired and lose her balance again.

"We will repeat again, don't get discouraged." said Mathias, who was behind her, to keep her safe from falling and losing courage.

Lowering her head while being held up by him, she felt a bit better seeing her progress.

It was only after 30-45 minutes of patience that Mathias no longer was there to help her.

"I can finally walk on the heels. To think I could do it. Mathias, are you some Sage to be able to teach me this fast?"

"No, not at all. I just have some experience skating on ice. The major problem with those, or in our case, high heels, is the balance of the feet. Ahem, do you want to hear an interesting thing?"

"Yea, I am all ears." responded Jeanne, wanting to hear what Mathias had in store for her.

"You think heels are made for women, correct?" At which Jeanne nodded her head and so made Mathias chuckle, confessing to her.

"That is a wrong conception. The heels were designed at first for men, specifically for warriors who would want to have a better balance while riding their horses and for aristocrats who wanted to appear taller and show off their status."

"Really?? Wait, if I think about it, it makes a bit of sense. This means women copied this style from men? But why, these heels are so stupid, why would they choose to harm themselves?"

Laughing seeing her perplexed expression, he walked to her and grabbed, placing his arms around her waist, he told her.

"That's most likely the case, but I have no clue as to why. However, maybe it is because they want to stay at the same level as the men? Or maybe it makes their legs more beautiful. In each case, I could agree. So, are you ready to go to that secret place?"

"Yes, by the Goddess, how much I wanted to go there, but because of my status as Bishop, and because of my hideous appearance, I couldn't make my way there. Now with this new look, I am confident no one will notice or know me."


Prepared mentally and physically, Jeanne started walking on the wealthy part of Sagletius, side by side with Mathias, who was wearing the 'Cidarian' set along with the 'Saharan Hunting Boots'. The people always had their heads turned at Jeanne, making her uncomfortable, saying worried to Mathias.

"Do they stare at me because I am ugly?"

"Not at all. Remember what I told you before you wanted to dash like a wounded deer?"

Then with what she said, she remembered what he told her, and it seemed to change her expression a bit, turning her even so brighter.


As they walked, he could see a building similar to the Hippodrome that had him gaze like an excited kid that saw a superhero. It was him who led Jeanne toward the building, grabbing her hand.

"What happened with you, Mathias? Do you know the place already? I thought you outlanders don't know much about our customs. Ahh, I'll lose my balance."

Before she could even say anything, Mathias grabbed her in his carry, and while looking around the gathered people mainly wearing Green, Red, Blue and White clothes, he said with full excitement.

"The Hippodrome. By the Lord, I can finally see it with my two eyes in his glory!"

"Calm down! We are making a scene, and we will be thrown out." shouted Jeanne that was in his carry, feeling embarrassed by how childish Mathias turned out to be at this moment, later pinching on his cheek.

"Arghh, what was that for? Wait, I got too excited now. Sorry." excused Mathias while placing Jeanne down, right when they were about to enter the entrance of the ancient-looking stadium, which was in pristine condition.


Jeanne walked first toward the guard standing at the entrance, followed by Mathias, and after she took out a golden medallion with a gryphon head imprinted on it.

"My lady, my lord, you can enter inside and take your respective seats at the lord's lounge." said the guard respectfully after staring at the medallion and later at Jeanne and Mathias, who were wearing beautiful clothes similar to nobles.

Jeanne did a lady bow, while Mathias also played along with the noble act, nodding his head with slight arrogance.

When entering inside the Hippodrome, Mathias asked Jeanne with an intrigued tone, still wondering what that medallion was.

" What is that medalion?"

"Ohh, nothing much, just the sign of Duke Gelder that represents his authority in the Empire. I can use this medallion for sitting at the Lord's lounge. We. *Giggling*. Aren't you happy you can see from up-close the races?"

"Are you still asking me? Do you want a kiss or something for doing me such a favour?"

"No thanks. I am good without any." said Jeanne, weaving her hand playfully at Mathias.

Not long after this, they got to their seats really close to the ground itself, sitting side by side on some free chairs decorated in a lavish-styled marble stone with a soft leather cushion.

Mathias looked around himself, gazing at the upper floors of the Hippodrome, where the commoners started making their way down. While to his level, on his right side was the box of the Imperial Family.

On that designated lounge, there was seated Juander and three boys of ranging ages, from the smallest that seemed to be 9-11, to the oldest one that appeared to be 18, while the middle one seemed to be in his 16.

Apart from those boys that were next to him, there was also a beautiful woman that was in her mid-late twenties giving a smile as she was telling something to Juander that he couldn't hear. Yet, Juander didn't even talk back and left the woman to talk.

'So this is your family, Juander. But why are you so detached? Don't you have a beautiful wife sitting next to you, and from whom it looks, caring for you?'

As Mathias was staring at Juander with a curious expression, the latter feeling someone observing him, he turned his crimson eyes and gazed back.

Juander stoic expression suddenly shifted a smile, followed by a lingering surprise.

"Interesting. Don't tell me he sneaked inside? I doubt the Red Knights would let people pass so randomly to the noble lounge. Regardless, enjoy this evening, young man."

"Dear, with whom are you talking?" asked the woman, confused that Juander, who mostly remained quiet when they would go out in public, suddenly talked to himself.

"With my younger self, Marie. Now stop disturbing the boys and me because the chariots will soon appear."

She bit down her lip, wanting to say more, but with the younger boy touching her leg, she calmed down. After that, she turned her head around. Looking at the various lower nobles attending the race this weekend, she noticed a woman with blonde hair standing side by side with a man that seemed to talk with excitement in his tone.

'Hmm, those two, I have never seen them before at any noble events. Whatever, I don't like that woman because she seems to be on par with me when it comes to beauty.'

'I'll solve her before she could get Juander enticed.'

Thinking that, she looked at one of her maids at the back of the imperial lounge and made her a sign while pointing at Mathias and Jeanne.

Nodding her head, while bowing and kissing her hand, the maid went out of the lounge, moving outside of the Hippodrome.


As the schemes, without much reason, were staged by Marie, Jeanne, who was for the first time at the Hippodrome, asked Mathias about all sorts of things, while he could only speculate from the historical references.

"That statue row at the center of the track is called Spina. Its role is to delimit the track acting like a barrier, where chariots are supposed to race around."

"Those statues, I have no clue about them, but that Obelisk caught my attention." mentioned Mathias staring at the obelisk, the first time even for him.

Jeanne, who also stared intently at the statues, noticed some that felt familiar and informed Mathias.

"Those are statues from the different races of the Empire. Look, that hammer is probably from the Dwarfs, those giant dragon teeth are from the Draconians, the Wardrum is most likely something from the Orc Tribes."

"I see. Good to hear about it. Get tight on your seats. The chariots are coming."


Slowly as Mathias envisioned in his mind when writing his story, four chariots were making their way to the arena, going for a starting line, a point where everyone in the Hippodrome started cheering. A whole building where 250.000 people were present made Mathias shiver in excitement.

"Can you feel it, Jeanne?" asked Mathias to Jeanne's ears, barely audible because of the noise.

"Yea, it is nosy as if a dragon descended upon us." confirmed Jeanne feeling overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

Slowly the cheers ended, turning the Hippodrome quiet. Everyone was looking toward the Imperial Lounge, especially the chariot racers.

Going along with the procedures nominal for any Imperial House member, but with him being the most senior, Juander opened the races after addressing the public and wishing them an enjoyable watch.

When the racers got the start from Juander, they did their magic, whiplashing their two horses harnessed at their chariots.

From the silence from not too long, the people roared back to life, cheering for their favorite team, whites, reds, greens, and blues.

"Mathias, for whom do we cheer for? Should we go with the Reds? They seem to be ahead of the rest."

"I am blue for life. LET'S GO BLUE!" said Mathias with a loud voice to Jeanne, so she could hear him, before roaring getting on his feet, shouting for his team.

Jeanne didn't go overboard as Mathias, however as the crazed fan was the sole person on the noble lounge to chant like a commoner for his winning team, everyone could hear him, especially the Imperial Family.

"Brother Roland, since when did the nobility of Saharan drop so low to chant like some peasants?"

"I have no idea, Dulandal. However, it's a bit comical, don't you think. It makes me also want to tag in with the rest of the people and cheer. Still, that guy is delusional. The reds will win all day long."

"Do you want to make a bet, brother? Who will win?" asked Dulandal, his older brother Roland.

"Nah, go make one with that crazy noble. I don't have any money on me since I didn't expect much to happen today."

"Fine, watch and learn. You will understand how easy it is to make money. You can join if you want to see the action up-close."

"Haha, after you, little brother. Sorry father, we will go out a bit. Hope you have a nice watch. Also, you too, Marie." said Roland, while bowing toward Juander, who just waved his hand, saying with a calm voice.

"You are already big to do as you wish without having my approval. Still, don't make a scene if you lose, understood, Dulandal?"

"Yes, father. Don't worry, I am not a sore loser."

"Not yet." replied Roland, laughing behind his brother's back.

"You!! Come, let's go, brother."

Then, Marie, who was holding onto the youngest prince Edan, told him with a motherly tone. "Go along with your elder brothers, Edan."

"Yes, mother." said the young boy, who dashed toward his elder brothers that exited the Imperial lounge.

Seeing his sons interact with each other, not treating themselves cold, especially the eldest he made with his true love, Aria, left a melancholic smile that soon vanished with Marie's touch.

"Dear, let me get in your embrace."

Not caring much, he allowed her to sit in his lap, snuggling on his chest and looking at his stoic face. She asked him with a tender voice.

"Juander, why do you like those boring races? There's nothing fun in seeing some peasants whiplashing horses to run around that abomination at the center of the stage."

"I see, then if you didn't like it, maybe you shouldn't have come."

"That's harsh dear, isn't it obvious why I attend this boring event?"

"Yea, I got it. Now keep it lower. I want to see my Blues win."

"Blue, like what that peasant kid roars like there's no tomorrow?" inquired Marie, feeling the name that stuck in her mind following Mathias chants, like he was an ultras.

"Indeed, so better not come with your excuses to get on the bed when I am spending my free time."

Hearing Juanders response, Marie kept quiet as she placed her head on his chest. However, her inner monologue was something intriguing and dark at the same time.

'It is bizarre. He usually would accept all my demands and would fiddle on my fingers. Having sex whenever I wished, but now? It's been about 5 months, and I didn't even get a chance to see him eye to eye.'

'Juander, you are mine and only mine. Don't tell me you are cheating on me? Only I can do such a thing! Could it be, he found about Asmophel and me, about the schemes I played against Duke Piaro?'

'No, no, there's no way he could find out. I did everything to have you, everything, even killing that whore Aria. There is no chance you will slip by me until I have Edan's crown secured.'


Meanwhile, outside of Marie's crazy and dark thoughts, Mathias calmed his enthusiasm a bit when seeing the Blues in the second position on the 2nd lap, feeling that they would have a chance to take the overall first ranking of the race.

Nevertheless, Dulandal's voice could be heard traveling in his direction.

"Hey you, the lower noble seated next to the blonde girl. Do you want to make a bet with me?"

Turning his head after hearing such proposal, he saw a silver blonde-haired young man with blue eyes, looking to be around the same age as his younger brothers, while being accompanied by another young man with the same colored hair, but having green eyes, and a smaller one that seemed to be only 9 or 10 years old whose hair was black.

"Do I know you? Usually, I don't bet, especially with strangers."

Jeanne, who turned her head from the race, noticed the three princes, and after almost tripping off because of her heels, she got safely to him later, whispering to his ears.

"Those three are Prince Roland, Prince Dulandal, and Prince Edan."

"Indeed, gorgeous. Still, to think someone from the Empire doesn't know us is a bit insulting. Well, what can we do? I told father I will not make a commotion here." commented Dulandal, hearing what Jeanne said to Mathias.

"Ahem, thanks, Jeanne. Still, it is not like I should mind them too much." whispered Mathias straight to Jeanne's ear, and this one couldn't be heard by the 3 princes, ignoring the prince a bit.

"Now that you know us, do you dare to bet against me on who will win the race?" asked Dulandal with confidence in himself.

Looking at Dulandal with his green eyes attentively, he later threw a simple question back.

"Overall scores or individual races?"

"Hmm, so you know about it. Let me think. Let's do it overall since it's more enticing and more fun to see your face when the race is over."

"Overall, you say? Interesting. How much do you bet?"

"One thousand gold." said Dulandal with a smile on his face, while Roland chuckled at the back.

"I have only 700 gold on me. Do you still want to bet with me in that case?"

"Tsk, you really are a lesser noble. Fine, since I am royalty, I will not fuss too much on a 300 gold difference."

"Wait, Mathias, I took my money bag with me. I can give you the rest of the 300 gold coins. Here, take them." ended Jeanne saying to Mathias while taking a pouch from the pocket of her trousers and giving Mathias the required gold coins.

'Not needed, I could have scammed this kid of his money. Nevertheless, this is still risky because the Blues don't seem to be as legendary as in Justinian's era.'

"It seems I have all the required money. Overall score bet it shall be." said Mathias extending his hand to seal the bet.

Dulandal was taken by surprise by this strange gesture, looking perplexed at Mathias, but going with the flow, he grabbed his hand, sealing the handshake.

"Good, you guys come next to my seat since people seem to be avoiding me. Haha, I'll better have you close by so you don't run after all this bravado." invited Mathias, the young princes, to sit next to him and Jeanne.

Dulandal nodded his head and walked next to Mathias while the rest of the princes sat closer to their brother. They kept their quiet when the chariots reached the 3rd lap of the course, and things seemed to end quickly, with the red team being victorious.

"That's it! This is one win out of 3 for me. No way my Red's losing this race." commented Dulandal with confidence.

Mathias remained quiet without saying much. However, the Hippodrome's Red Team fans were cheering intensively, only turning quiet after 15 minutes had passed and the second round of races were played.

After preparing their chariots and strapping the horse harnesses, they followed suit with the Emperor's signal, starting the second race.

The people erupted in cheers and chants, only the noble lounge this time was quiet because Mathias was watching the race with a serious face, the problem on his mind? Money was at play this time."

The race started slowly since the Hippodrome was large, big as a sizable park, a 230 meters track from point A to B. The sound of the horses neighing as they were whiplashed by the races resounded in the area, as two teams were fighting for the first place, the Reds and the Blue's, with 3rd place being for the Greens 4th for the Whites.

Two laps passed like this, with Red and Blue being shoulder to shoulder, and this time even Dulandal and Roland kept their quiet when staring at the track.

"Come on, guys, take the win." said Dulandal, gripping his fist with emotion in his tone.

"No, watch, this is my blues win. The horses entered in synchrony with one another, and the blue racer lowered the center of gravity with greater mastery, removing the weight on the horses." commented Mathias, who was observing everything that was happening on the Hippodrome with keen eyes.

Dulandal snorted, not wanting to accept this, but when the third lap arrived, he saw the Blue Chariot detach from the Red Chariot, the horses neighing, and the racers roar that entered in a dimension of their own accompanied the cheers of the public.

"NOOO, what happened!? They were winning." cried out Dulandal after the Blue team won the race.

Meanwhile, Mathias grasped his fist to celebrate his favorite's victory. The same could be said for Juander, who only said while nodding "Good."

"This is the last race. Prepare your money, Mathias." said Dulandal, awaiting the 4 horse chariots to arrive, the final showdown of this chariot race.

"Bah, the same could be said for you, Prince Dulandal. Four horse chariots are totally different from the two-horse chariots."

Minutes passed, and after 15 minutes, the chariots, having harnessed four horses each, made their appearance, waving their hands at the public and bowing respectfully to the Emperor.

Getting ready and having the emperor signal, the race began, quieting every spectator in the tribunes. Everyone was waiting with their breaths captured for who the winner of the race would be.

Compared to the two-horse quicker starts, the four-horse chariots were chaotic and had a slow start.

Things seemed to be good, with the Green and Whites distancing from the Reds and Blues, but as there were about to switch directions, turning, the green and white chariot collided with each other, which had everyone on the Hippodrome get on their feet, and shout from the top of their lungs.



Mathias, who saw this and noticed the panicking of the Blue chariot racer, could only curse out loud, not caring about the young prince Edan or the rest of them.

"Motherfuckers, they sabotaged the race with this shipwreck. Now what?"

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