Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 37 – Completing the Moonlight Dress

Vol. 1 - Chapter 37 - Completing the Moonlight Dress




After finishing their work around the same time, those two took to get home. Vlad was lucky to be relatively close to his home, in about 10 minutes of walk, yet Mathias had to take the metro, which had a variable timeframe, and also walk home for another 10-15 minutes.

Stopping to make some shops to buy some vegetables and necessary foods, he returned with full hands back to his apartment and cooked some food that he served after showering himself and changing his clothes into something comfortable.

The next thing Mathias did was to check his email and also entering his books files, with books he has read so far, clicking on the ones he promised Fayrene teaching her since finding out from Vlad that he could access the recordings while being inside the game. Mathias only had to move the files he recorded in the capsule recording saves.

"To think there would be such a feature inside. Well, the more you know, I guess." jeered Mathias at himself for not knowing about that feature.

Using the new discovery, he began recording his own book to the point he was posting online, followed by the rest of the books that would help Fayrene in her future. Later he linked his laptop with the capsule and accessed the recording file as per Vlad's instructions, following by uploading there all the recordings he took.

Afterward, he worked out, and only that did he jump in the capsule. It worked perfectly in his mind because he could relax his muscles while playing the game.

Loading in the game, he woke himself welcomed by Fayrene, who was reading a book where he usually was standing.

Walking toward her and giving her a warm embrace from behind, she placed the book down and touched his hands.

"Welcome back." said Fayrene with a tender voice while caressing his hand.

"I am home. How was the first day I was away?"

"Well, quite boring. I even stopped from finishing the dress because I was waiting for you. Aside from this, I was reading some medicine book."

Still with her in his arms, he asked with a curious voice seeing the book. "You really thought about my little heart, but it wasn't needed. Ohh, what is the book talking about?"

*Giggling* "We worked for so long on the dress. Would I look like a heartless partner?

As for the book, it talks about beneficial flowers for the human body, magical plants that might be useful in alchemy, and other paths of magic." responded Fayrene with a cheerful voice, patting on his hand as if inviting him to sit next to her.

"Come here. It might interest you because you are an adventurer. I would probably not stumble upon them since I am afraid of going in the wilderness."

Breaking his embrace, he went to sit beside her, shoulder to shoulder and reading the book's content, at the page, she was currently.

[Dusk Lily -

A flower that can symbolize maybe things, from resistance to suppression to patience and following many characterizations, can charm any person with a taste for beauty.

It also holds the mana of the world inside, being a valuable ingredient in alchemy and enchantment.


Following a description of the location the flower could be encountered, he noted down in his mind the place of those flowers that were new even for him.

Fayrene noticing that Mathias finished reading, turned the page without saying anything else, arriving at a plant that was called [Brightleaf]. This plant was growing only in the places surrounding the Rebecca Churches since they needed the divine light of Goddess Rebecca, holding divine energy and being helpful in curing curses and healing in general.

Both of them nodded their heads, seeming to understand the information about this plant, and this time it was Mathias who turned the page, not saying much or ask her anything concerning the plant.

The third plant he stumbled was called [Okra] and was told to hold mana like the [Dusk Lily] but unknown to the book's author, who was the most energized plant.

Page by page, flower and plant alike, the couple was in their own small world, learning about different things and how they could use those respective plants in alchemy and general use.

When they got to a plant called [Flower of Luck], both were amazed by the description of the flower. Fayrene started to read out loud at a slower pace the description of the flower that had a sketch for how this flower could appear for them.

"Flower of Luck with his sister twin Flower of Fate, are found in pair and are a unique apparition in the world, theorized to be formed by the energy of the world taking on two aspects, Luck and Fortune. They can be found anywhere in this world, from the hardest place to access to the most common one. Fate and luck know no bounds. Once the fated ones encounter the twins, they will feel their calling."

"Wow, there can exist such a flower in this world? Its appearance is also basic as if it was some simple garden flower." commented Mathias while looking at the drawing with keen eyes.

"Indeed, but I think it is just a story. There can't be such concepts as Luck and Fate. Don't you think so, Mat?"

"Fay, why do you say so? You don't believe in fate and luck? What if I say it is fate that the two of us meet? Would you believe it? Also, aren't I lucky to study with you the magic tome?" throw Mathias back a question with a calm expression while Fayrene enters a pondering state.

After a minute or so that he let her think in silence, she nodded her head and smiled brightly at him. "If this is fate, then I am thankful to it for throwing you in my life."

"Awww, how sweet. Where have you learned those deep lines? Come here, you little succubus." said Mathias while taking her in his embrace and cradling her a bit before planting a kiss on her forehead and lips.

"See, if you wouldn't be in my life, probably I would still be sleeping on the streets and most likely die of hunger. If my delicate lover wouldn't be here for me, how would I have spent my time? Writing like a possessed ghost or going to hunt monsters like my brethren."

"I also love you, Mat. But let's not get too entangled. We will have a long time to do that in the future."

"So mature and well-spoken. Then let's see what else this plant book has for us, and afterward, I think we should get going and finish the dress, and we will see what else we will do."

"Yes, dear." replied Fayrene, placing her head on his hard chest that was wearing a simple shirt where she could feel his warmth and heart, unlike the malicious [Midnight Abyssal Armor] that had even her on the back footing when approaching him wearing that armor.


Like this, they managed to read the book while discussing some plants that Mathias encountered when going to Empar Forest, but reaching a conclusion, they could be only used for poisons and some remedies.

"I should bring some of those plants next time I go to the forest, you heard, we can make it into a lotion that would keep the skin clean and also have a chance of cleaning wounds, such as scars and burns. Would you want to give it a try, Fay?"

"That… I am still not prepared to show you my arm. Please be patient with me, Mathias. I just fear you will leave me once you see my arm." mentioned Fayrene in a weak voice while grabbing her right arm, where Mathias did the same, caressing it tenderly.

"Understood, but you know I love you regardless of any imperfection or creature you are hiding under your sleeves." said Mathias having her chuckle in his embrace, nodding her head a slight bit.

"I plan to go to the forest once again in 5 days to check on that beast who ended me and search for the healing plants. Then we will make the lotion and see how you feel at that time, okay, dear?"

"Still, Mat… I don't know, but you are right. I hope I am prepared at that time. Besides, I have a request for you. Can I join you this time in your adventure inside the forest?"

"Wait, wait, that's quite fast, Fay. Are you sure about this? I am going there to hunt, not sightseeing."

"Pleasee, I learned the basic spells of the master. I can protect you and myself." asked Fayrene while staring at his face with puppy eyes.

While Mathias was contemplating if he should let Fayrene join him in his plans of revenge against the Mutated Bear, he kept hearing her insisting, which produced a small smile on his face.

"Fine, but you better listen to everything I say when it comes to fighting those beasts. Don't forget to continue your training and to rest before we go. This time I will go in the morning."

"Understood, Mat. I also need to experience combat using my spells. This is the most efficient way to learn better your spells. You need to keep me safe." said Fayrene pleased while planting a kiss on Mathias's lips.

"Aye, my Grand Arcanist." replied with a sailor's accent responding to his captain.

*Giggling* "Let's see what we have left for the dress. Most likely, I stressed you quite a lot with my project."

Ended Fayrene saying as she got away from Mathias's embrace, moving toward the mannequin she bought at Mathias's insistence, followed by the latter, who was still amazed after all these days that he did something for its completion.

Getting the tools required for the last touches, the couple began working in harmony, and then after about one hour of menial work, Fayrene stopped from sewing and beamed with a wide smile.

"This is it. My creation. No, it is our creation. Are we going with that name, Mat?"

Mathias also smiled, being influenced by Fayrene happiness along with a unique feeling of accomplishment, even though he was only doing some simple things on the dress itself.

"Yes, love, that name is perfect for this dress that would fit perfectly with your figure."

"I see. Just wait a bit more if this is what you wish. Moonlight Dress, it is indeed matching with my sketch and idea."

After Fayrene confirmed the name of the dress, he received a notification from the system that remarked on the rating of the dress.



[Congratulations, you have worked and assisted Beginner Tailoress level, Fayrene into creating the epic rated item 'Moonlight Dress']

[Fayrene cleared the requirements to advance to Intermediate Tailor level, gaining rewards in the process.]

[Congratulations, you have cleared the quest 'Assist Fayrene in her tailoring work', gaining the following rewards: (+1) level & Beginner Tailoring Technique]

'Sure, sure, it is unimportant right now. Fay is the star here, not my rewards.'


He could see her body surrounded by white-purple light as it looked like she was leveling up, similar to a player. This made him open his eyes wide open and contemplate what he discovered.

"Are you okay, Fay? Everything is fine with you?"  asked Mathias, seeing that she was still enveloped by these bursts of light similar to leveling up.

It looked like she cleared a quest of her own, leveling up.

"Yes, dear. I am feeling refreshed. Now, wait a bit, and don't peek in my room."  answered Fayrene, taking carefully in her arms the dress from the mannequin before walking to her private room.

"She sure didn't joke when she mentioned her revenge on me for teasing her. Hah, but it is fine. As long she is happy, I am fine. Now, let's see what this tailoring technique is all about."


[Beginner Tailoring Technique] -Lv.1

Equipment items can be made from various fabrics and leather materials. If a tailor would craft armor, he could only craft leather armor and cloth armor.

There is a very rare probability of producing rare-epic rated items

*When rare items are produced, all stats will permanently rise by +2, and reputation throughout the continent will rise by 10

* When epic-rated items are produced, all stats will permanently rise by +4, and reputation throughout the continent will rise by +20

[Gaining the Tailoring Technique also opens the Dexterity stat. Gaining 10 points as starting reward for the finished work]


"Ohh, this is quite interesting. I can get stat points for completing a piece if it's rare or epic. Chances of getting them are abysmal, however, there's no need to reject a free bonus for when you actually do the tailoring with the intent of getting nothing."

"Also, there is dexterity. I wonder what it does?"

Seeing the stats he would get, he looked at his stat points and saw that he was still level 25 even after the bonus level reward. Yet, using this chance, he began placing his free stat points in the right places.



[Status Window]


Name: Mathias / Class:  Beginner

Level 25 (28.899/28.900) / Title: Syndicate Nemesis

Health: 2040 /Mana: 568


Strength: 155(+16) / Stamina: 100(+10)

Agility: 136(+14) / Intelligence: 164(+45)->209  / Dexterity: 10

Stat point: 0



'This looks better than I expected. Everything seems to be reaching a 1:1 ratio. Still, to be as efficient as possible, I need more mana to use my skill and spam 'Arcane Missile'. This time when the live version comes, I will focus on Intelligence, since 'Raven's Movement' and the spear skills eat a lot of my resources.'

As he was planning for his future, minutes passed, and Fayrene still had to make her appearance. However, not long since her presence started feeling missed that she walked out.

A beautiful woman with raven hair, little makeup on her face without touching her violet eyes, and lips made her presence felt wearing the dress they have worked for so long.

Walking timidly toward him, Fayrene held her right arm protected by the dress sleeves, she later asked with an awkward tone.

"How do I look? How does the dress look?"

"Both of you are gorgeous, yet the one wearing the piece makes the cloth. Well, well, we really did a fantastic job with the waistline and upper level." said Mathias as he studied Fayrene from top to bottom, visibly pleased by what he was seeing.

This dress was simply magnifying Fayrene's looks and features, and he, as her partner, was in his own world.

"I see you really don't want to take your eyes off me. Do you like the dress so much that you wish to wear it?" asked Fayrene in a teasing manner, with slight embarrassment as Mathias got closer, taking her left arm and raising it.

"Wait, what are you doing? What if the dress is ripped? Stop jesting, you dummy." mentioned Fayrene before she felt a pleasant, ticklish sensation.

"Don't worry, love, I am just doing some checks." said Mathias as he touched Fayrene armpit and later caressing that weak spot of the body that made her do a small moan of pleasure.

"What was that for?" asked Fayrene before Mathias moved his arms slowly following her body line, passing her cleavage by brushing his hand a bit and then reaching her stomach area, which he caressed.

"Truly great materials. The silk fabric feels so delicate to touch. Have you tried? Here, so you don't think I am just a pervert."  reminded Mathias, taking both of Fayrene's hands into his own and placing them on the dress fabric.

"Hmmm, it really is not bad fondling. You like it a lot, little imp?" asked Fayrene, staring at Mathias's eyes with her own violet before sticking to him and wrapping her arms around his back.

"Ohh my, little succubus, are you sure you are ready?" asked Mathias with a wide grin that made Fayrene seem afraid, but unlike her fears, Mathias just caressed her back before telling her in a warm voice.

"Don't worry, I am not one of those animals who think with their lower tool. When you are ready, I will not force you to do anything without consent."

Thinking to herself with closed eyes and with hands that trembled at his back, she told him with a quiet voice barely audible. "When I will show you my arm, and we confront it together. I hope you will be the same."

"Sigh, silly, you know my answer already."

"I know, I am still afraid to face myself and look in the mirror."



Like this with a calming of emotions, the two separated with Fayrene bringing the magic tome to sit at the freed workstation wearing her casual clothes that she changed back and Mathias who was at the counter doing the canvas that was about 60% completed.

He noticed a change with the addition of the Dexterity status. Even though it was a small number of only 10 points, it still was enough for Mathias to notice.

'This new stat most likely has an effect on hand-eye coordination, something that I feel can't be missed from a tailor or, in fact, any producer or objects.' thought Mathias to himself as he saw his hands complete the tapestry, with each part more visible than the other.

Hours passed, and he heard Fayrene call him out from the kitchen, the point where he stopped from his work to fill his hunger.

"Fay, I was thinking of something since I got more money than we actually need."

"Yes, Mat, what happened with the money? Didn't you give me more than I wanted?"

"That's what I wanted to add. I think we should go to look for some magic equipment, mostly for you, since I don't need it that much."

"No. I don't want to spend your hard-earned money on this. I can use my own powers to protect you and myself." said Fayrene after clearing her mouth with a dissatisfied expression.

"Fay, think of it as an investment. The stronger you are, the safer I will be. The stronger you are, the better I will feel, knowing that you will be safe. I also have an unpaid debt to someone."

"Arghh, fine, you devil. You really have your way with words and convincing me."

"I know you the best, after all, maybe, your parents might beat me." said Mathias while chuckling, at which Fayrene also gave a warm smile, nodding her head a bit and winking at him.

"Isn't your head grown big, and nose like the lying wood marionette, Pinocchio from your stories?"

"Haha, you wouldn't want that, dear. You will only be able to see my nose."




Finishing their meal, the couple went out toward the blacksmithing shop Mathias bought Ragnius. Besides trying to look for some magic equipment for Fayrene using his 1700 gold funds, he was also preparing to repay a part of the debt to the owner for taking Ragnius at a scamming price.

Nevertheless, Ragnius and the rest of his gear that suffered from his fight with 'Black Spades' Syndicate required repairing that a blacksmith could offer.

Once outside, holding their hands together, Fayrene with slight embarrassment when noticing how the people looked back at her, while Mathias simply ignored them, focusing on Fay and at the possible suspicious men.

Since gaining the title 'Syndicate Nemesis', he never went outside of the house to check its features, but only after they reached 'Nelmon Blacksmith Shop', he saw some men around the corners of the alley with names being marked by a red star.

"There are rats around." commented Mathias while increasing his hold a tiny bit on Fayrene's hands.

"Those bad guys? Are they around here?" asked Fayrene, a bit scared.

"They are around, but let's act casual since there wouldn't be a reason to be targeted."

Nodding her head, the couple entered the shop together and were welcomed by the young boy that Mathias encountered in his first visit to the shop, Ralph, who was standing with a bored expression on his face.

With the shop being empty of customers, the boy raised his head when noticing Mathias walked inside with someone else and greeted him from the counter.

"Big brother, you came back! I am so happy. How might I be of service today? Ahh, is the big sister here your wife, big brother? She is gorgeous."

This time it was Fayrene who placed some strength in her grasp, as if telling Mathias, "You better watch what you say.".

"Heh, you have keen eyes, little Ralph. But she is not yet my wife. You can say we are close, just like when your father and mom meet together." explained Mathias after getting in the front of the counter and flickering the boy's forehead softly.

"Understood, big brother. I wish you good luck with the big sister then. Did you come to buy my father's equipment or to repair them?"

"Both. However, little Ralph, can you go and call your father? I have something to talk about with him."

The young boy reacted quickly by nodding his head and rushing toward the back of the shop, calling out his father.

"Dad, the big brother I sold the spear returned back. He wants to talk with you about something!"

"Finally! You are exempted from doing the equipment forging until I put you on notice. Now go to the back while I do the talking with this young gentlemen." said a loud voice of a man, where later the one Mathias wanted to meet appeared.

A person with a gold-framed name, called Nelmon, was the owner of the shop itself. He was a man with a well-built body, with black hair that suffered the passage of time, holding some white strands of hair and a long black beard.

Before the man could say something, and it seemed he had quite a lot on his chest from his expression, Mathias took it ahead, bowing at the person, confessing to you.

"Sir, I am in your sons and your own debt for allowing me to walk off with your treasure. This time I returned to pay back a small part of this debt."

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