Saharan Successor

Vol. 1 – Chapter 41 – ‘Mutated Bear Den’ Dungeon

Vol. 1 - Chapter 41 - 'Mutated Bear Den' Dungeon




With the two writing on their story, Fayrene reading his work and copying the new pages to add to her own, while Mathias was transcribing from the records he took outside of the game.

"How is it Fay, can you still write after so many hours?" asked Mathias, stopping and taking a breather, seeing his book taking form right in front of his eye.

"I'll be fine. I think I will write until my bedtime arrives, so until 23:00 you'll get me around, keeping you company." mentioned Fayrene looking outside, where night reigned.

Turning to look at his ingame clock, showing 21:25, he nodded his head and got back to writing on, reaching a number of 125 pages done by now.

In such a manner, the couple spent their nighttime talking around in the writing process, with Fayrene being curious about certain characters of the story.

"Mathias, is your story really inspired by the history of your lands?"

"That is correct. All the main characters of my story are inspired by those historical people, Petrus or how his name is told in the story Justinian, to Theodora, Belisarius, Petrus's uncle Justin. Every single character made their mark on history, and I just reimagine them telling the story from the newly awakened Petrus."

"Truly interesting." commented Fayrene, loving the story Mathias was writing, finding more things about him, and also about other subjects from politics, how to build a kingdom using unfathomable approaches, to how to manage an army or the beautifully told romance between the two main protagonists of the story, Justinian and Theodora.

Scratching his hair a bit, feeling embarrassed, he told her in a calm voice. "Thank you. I hope you will love the rest of the story."

"I will look forward, dear."

Both smiled at each other and once Fayrene went to sleep, he placed his manuscript in order and also Fayrene's, taking a look at her gorgeous calligraphy that made even his handwriting look hideous, and by no means was he known for a bad calligraphy when writing by hand.

"The writing of a person can tell many things about a person. It was something that even the ancients knew about it. She is truly an intelligent girl, and she is mostly self-taught, or her parents taught her. Still, the kids nowadays, most don't even know how to write properly."

"I really wish to meet them in the future and see for myself what type of people they are."

Done with his ordering, he walked to the workstation taking his tapestry, beginning his work on both pieces.

The kittens were as lively as one would get them. Their gaze could make you believe they were staring right at you from the canvas. On the other hand, the small angel and devil touching their hands facing each other was shyly also taking a form, with his careful handling.

"The kittens, I think I will finish them before we depart to Empar Forest. With this one, she will feel great courage facing herself and all the traumas and fears. The kittens will be there for her to warm her soul and mind.

Meanwhile, the angel and devil piece, I will have it done by the time I return from my adventure. This will accompany me in my confession, and I hope she receives it well. Arghh, wait, what if Fay will think I am cheating on her. I can't have this, I need to tell her. Even though this empire has laws allowing, not every partner is willing for this."

"I will not cheat on any of my future partners. Not under any circumstances. In case she doesn't wish for me to be with someone else, I will respect her wishes."

Confronting himself, not wishing to reach a point where he might lose both of them because of his possible lies. He made up his mind to confess to Fayrene about this and hear what she thought.

As he was doing the tapestry, feeling a bit clear-minded, he kept receiving Vlad's private messages, telling him about his sufferings with his old man and how hard it became for him to learn his skills.

Turning to look at his level, he saw that he even reached level 17, from yesterday's level 11.

From what Vlad told him, he went outside of Reinhardt to hunt some wild beasts and kept practising his skills there.

"That is good, getting your skills in check and having sound control over your body. Hah, it has been quite some days since I drilled my spear skills. I think I've done plenty with the spear. For now, I will focus strictly on the tapestry and writing the book."


Time flew, and it was Friday where he intended to go to Empar Forest.

At work, his breaks would fly by so fast with him and Vlad talking around that even some colleagues got curious and listened to their talks and were staring weirdly when they found out they were playing the upcoming game 'Satisfy' that had a 5-star rating in all gaming publishers websites.

"Heh, don't tell me you guys are interested in getting inside the game when the live version kick in?" asked Vlad, one girl colleague and two other guys taking their lunch.

"I don't know, Vlad, isn't the game expensive? I didn't gather so much money lately since I moved out with my girlfriend in a new apartment, and we have to do some changes around." responded one of the guys, before with Vlad gazing at the woman in her early twenties, she also shook her head.

"Sorry, for now, I will just watch the news and some content creators. Maybe after the game grows more popular and it is safe for me, I will get in with you guys.

"Well, it's not like we can force any of you guys. Just stay tuned with the game on the news. The subscription count keeps skyrocketing since the announcement for the live version kicking in." said Vlad to the two guys and the girl, who giggled, looking at her hand watch, and returning back to her centralist position.

The two guys also left, leaving only Vlad and Mathias alone, with the latter asking.

"Have you managed to steal everything from the old man? There are 9 more days of game time."

"Bro, I think there's one more skill to go, and I got him clean. At least for the techniques, he told me I can learn because he most likely has greater skills. What about, have you managed to pick up all those spells and those two hot chicks? Sometimes I am really envious of you, knowing I have to resist the pain brought upon me by that crazy old man while you are on your honeymoon."

"Yeah, sure, stop your bs, it is not all honey and sweetness. What if I am busted, and all my progress is lost? Still, I choose to go all in and hope for the best."

"Haha, that's how it should be. Stop worrying about what some "smart" people tell you on forums and what those gathered idiots tell around. It is up to the developers and Morpheus if they cut you. Hope for the best brother, I really want to see my new sisters and nephews." laughed Vlad, patting Mathias back, before getting up and walking along with his friend back to the hotel, resuming their work.

Following another 4 more hours of work, Mathias returned home, and after changing his clothes into something comfortable and eating, he checked his emails and posted another chapter for his story before closing the platform.

After that, he did his usual workout routine, and only after that, he jumped in the capsule to start his new adventure, returning to Empar Forest and getting revenge on his defeat against the mutated bear who took advantage of his weakened state.

Waking himself inside Fayrene's private room, seated on a chair beside her small table, he felt Fayrene arms wrapping around him, greeting him with an enthusiastic voice.

"Good morning, handsome. Welcome back. I missed you yesterday."

Taking her hand in his arm and raising her on his feet, he planted a kiss on her forehead with a warm smile on his expression.

"I am back, my Grand Arcanist. How have you been?"

"I've been preparing for our journey. I even bought from the market the potions with all the money you have given me. Hehe, you should have seen their faces. Everyone began talking respectfully to me to get to their stalls and take a look."

"Ohh, my arcanist got some arrogance on her face? Let me see."

As he said that, he looked at her face like he was doing an inspection, which had Fayrene gaze at him with her violet eyes, and with a kiss on her lips, he commented to her.

"No more arrogance on my arcanist, just a shy little girl."

"You tease me again, you jerk. Just now, you returned and began your antics, shame."

"There's no shame. My skin is quite thick, here touch it. See how thick it is. It is just enough to handle you. Arghh, fine, I'll cut it off." cried Mathias in pain after boosting a bit before Fayrene, who pinched his cheeks.

"I will grow a beard if you keep pinching my cheeks. Just so I teach you a lesson." chuckled Mathias as he was pinched by Fayrene, whose smile grew bright and sweet seeing him whine, faking his pain, yet soon she gave him a weird expression.

"Mat with a beard? You can grow a beard?"

"Indeed, I just cut it off every three days."

"No!! You better don't do anything stupid. A beard will make you look like a middle-aged person. Walking with you on the streets will feel weird."

*Chuckling* "I see. I never tried growing a full beard, so who knows, maybe after a long adventure of mine, you will see me return with one."

Making fun of each other in a loving manner, Mathias let Fayrene prepare herself, change her clothes for the hunt, while he too was sorting out the 15 [Intermediate Health Potion] and 5 [Intermediate Mana Potions], along with 10 [Beginner Mana Potions].

Preparing his plans for the hunt and also checking his status window, something he rarely did this weekend, and nothing was left for surprises because he expected his status to sit in a balanced state. He buffed himself with 'Arcane Intellect' so he could estimate how impactful it was aside from giving him the unique feeling of smoother brain function.


[Status Window]

Name: Mathias / Class:  Beginner

Level 25 (28.899/28.900) / Title: Syndicate Nemesis

Health: 2224/2224  /Mana: 956/956


Strength: 155(+31) / Stamina: 100(+20)

Agility: 136(+27) / Intelligence: 264(+139)-> 403

Dexterity : 15



"This is good. My stats look better than Vlad's by a lot. Especially the INT, but he sure beats me in regard to AGI while he is closely on par with my STR. Heh, it will be fun to see what he pulls out in the live version. As for me? I will probably try to get a fighting class."

Waiting for Fayrene to finish her last preparations, he saw her exit wearing an adventurer outfit, something similar to Jeanne, only that she was wearing boots similar to him, not flashing out some heels. The all-black outfit with her white shirt matched together with the raven hair and violet eyes.

"I am ready. Are you talking to yourself again, dear?"

"Professional defect. Also helps with my sanity. Come let's start our adventure while the sun still shines."

Nodding her head, she had a bag around herself tied on her belt full with potions and provisions, which made Mathias give her a look that she returned while asking, perplexed.

"What?? We will stay the night inside the forest most likely. We need food and something to make a sleeping place."

"You know I have the dimensional bag and got us covered, correct?"

"Ahhh, my, I forgot about that. Here carry my things then, since you are the grand arcanist."

"Hah, keep the potions to yourself. The rest hand it here."

Saying that, he placed the tools Fayrene gathered, placing them in his bag, and only after the couple journeys out, getting out of the Capital rather easy in the morning.

After a decent hiking with both talking, especially Fayrene, who pointed out that the way toward Empar forest where the crossover was situated and the path toward Grenhal Duchy was spotted. There behind the Gravelmark Mountains, was where her small village was located.

"Wow, you really journeyed out quite a lot from your village to Titan. Do you keep tabs with your parents and family?"

"Yes, I write monthly to my mother back home. She even knows about you from my letters." mentioned Fayrene with a shy expression on her face, which baffled Mathias, who didn't expect this.

"You've been talking about me since back then? Should I be happy or feel bad?"

"Maybe both because mother for sure told father about you."

Keeping quiet while holding Fayrene hand in his own, he entered the forested area, still walking on the principal road, where soon entered the dim forest.

The larger than life trees still shrouded the forest in a shadow, keeping the light away, only allowing a fragment. The moment he stepped inside, he activated 'Arcane Intellect', something that Fayrene followed suit.

From nowhere, Fayrene grabbed into Mathias and asked him with a trembling voice.

"Have you heard that? What was that sound?"

"Divebeak Owls. Quite annoying bastards, so be vigilant because they like to ambush people."

Saying that, he heard the branches shaking and bringing Ragnius into his hand, he focused bringing his mana ready to activate spells, and in 30 seconds he looked up at a group of 3 [Divebeak Owls] who descended for him and Fayrene.

"[Arcane Barrier]"

[You have suffered 60 damage.]

[You have suffered 75 damage and reflected to the attacking enemy 40 damage because of 'Arcane Barrier' effect.]

Not this time you annoying chickens, I am way more prepared than last time.

"[Arcane Missile]"

With the remaining mana he gathered in his right arm, he sent a missile that took down the last one to attack him, causing a massive hit.

[You have dealt 1350 to the target.]

At that moment, he saw their levels being 15, with 3500 HP. Way higher than the first time he fought in Empar Forest, killing the 'Divebeak Owl' that was only a level 7 elite.

'This means even those monsters increase in level as time passes. Or it depends on the leveling grounds? Maybe I was wrong, and those beasts were lurking around the forest all along.'

Fayrene also sent out her 'Arcane Missile' dealing 630 damage to the downed owl, and before the other two owls could get unto the couple to rescue their downed mate, Mathias dashed toward the owl and unleashed [Piercing Rain] and without being able to finish off the wild beast, Fayrene sent another missile just in time.

Health: 2089/2224 /Mana: 711/956

[You have defeated a 'Divebeak Owl' of Empar Forest.]

[12500 Experience acquired]

[Pristine Feather 4x has been acquired]

[Owl Talons has been acquired.]

['Divebeak Owl Eyes' has been acquired.]


"We did it, Mat. We hunted one of these big owls."

"Focus, Fay." saying that he sent an 'Arcane Missile' in the direction of an owl that wanted to wound Fayrene.

Fayrene saw the white-purple projectile charging past her and hitting something that later gave off the sound of collision with the ground.

[You have dealt 590 damage to the target.]

Soon enough, she also channelled her own spell that hit double damage, causing [1254], making the wild beast shriek in pain, before Mathias arrived in front of the beast planting a leg kick straight in the owl's body, which caused [120] damage, before triggering [Piercing Rain] and ending the beast's life as it turned into the grey light.

With only one owl being in the sky, it released a shriek of hatred in the direction of the couple, but instead of attacking as most wild beasts would do, it turned around to get away from the front.

"Ahhh, it is escaping. What should we do, Mat?"

"Nothing much. Just let it go is not like we can catch it in the air. Let's get going and go deeper in the forest. Come give me your hand." said Mathias as he extended his hand to Fayrene's, taking off from this place they hunted.

As they walked deeper, their head a beastly roar which instantly had Mathias expression turn serious, holding Fayrene's hands tighter.

"It is that beast. Make no mistake about it. Let's move, Fayrene. I plan to see for myself what that beast is all about."

"Are you sure, Mat?"

Nodding his head, he walked toward the sound of the beast activating his buffs again, and as he walked, rapidly recovering his MP, about 12 mana per second.

Along the way, he encountered a group of wolves that were about level 14, which he cleaned relatively with ease, earning some materials for tailoring and alchemy.

Pushing ahead toward the beast's roar, Mathias found that he was about to exit the forest and enter into the section of the Gravelmark Heights. The elevation could be seen, and not far from where he stopped, the sound of flowing water could be heard.

"We exited the forest and entered the first section of Gravelmark Heights. The bear should be nearby, maybe inside a cave?"

"Slowly, Mat. What if the beast is stronger than you and me?" asked Fayrene, worried about the next endeavour they were about to pull.

"If the worst-case scenario happens, I will buy you enough time to escape and return to the first part of Empar Forest. I am a resilient person even when fighting. If I get myself done is because of lacking resources, not because of being bad skills-wise."

Fayrene understood what Mathias was referring to, and walking closer to him, with the sun already rising, signalling it was 12PM-2PM, soon found marks of trees being ravaged and with skeletons of different animals, and even humans.

"Stay here. I will check ahead." said Mathias after arriving at a secluded zone, hidden by the trees and high grass.

After that, he activated 'Raven's Movement' and dashed out toward a deeper part of the mountain, and guided by the corpse remains, he stumbled on a cave entrance that was irking with the smell of decay and death.

Silently making his way closer to the cave, he saw a notification window that alerted him with a red sign.

[You are about to enter the instance 'Mutated Bear Den'. Once you enter inside, you can't exit the instance.]

Mathias stopped immediately, double-checking the contents of the notification and backing off. He arrived back at Fayrene, telling her about the den, asking her if she wanted to continue.

"Fay, this is important. The den of that beast doesn't allow people to exit. I can't decide for you, I simply can't."

"Really? There is such a thing as a place I can't get away once I enter. This is strange. I never heard of such a thing while I was reading books and back home."

"This is something only I an outlander can tell and is certain. Once we get there, the only way out is to defeat the beast."

"Ahhhh, so frustrating. While I want to listen to you and keep myself from harm's way, I can't stand here all alone, knowing you might fight a powerful beast and lose your life. Also, Mat, you have to remember, the path I am walking will be filled with dangers."

"Sigh, that is indeed correct. You better have to experience such fights early on because who knows what the future might hold for us. I decided, is up to your choice if you will join me or stay here, do a prayer for me."

Fayrene held his hands and embraced him, saying with a confident voice. "Don't worry, my love, what kind Grand Arcanist will I be if I am afraid of some beast. My enemies are way greater than just some beasts."

Nodding, feeling more assured by Fayrene's confidence, he kissed her forehead before taking her hands and walking calmly toward the Den's entrance.


[You are about to enter the instance 'Mutated Bear Den'. Once you enter inside, you can't exit the instance.]


Stopping in place again with this notification, he turned his head at Fayrene and asked for her confirmation.

"Ready, love?"

"Yes, I used my assisting spells on myself already."

Then he stepped forward holding Fayrene's left hand, and along with the notifications of the instance, he spotted a tunnel-like system filled with rats that instantly reacted when noticing Mathias and Fayrene.

"Use 'Mana Barrier' on yourself, dear. I will take care of those pesky vermin."

With Ragnius in his hand, he dashed toward the 20 rats that were running after him, showing their teeth and also some green saliva. Yet, once he got closer to them, he dropped down and unleashed [Sweep Thrust], getting all of them in his AOE field.

[You have dealt 189 to all twenty targets around you.]

With this strike, he could see their levels which were level 10, with the health gauge balanced around the mark of 1000 HP. Enough for him to act, and following the [Thrust] of his spear which impaled 6 rats. Following that, he unleashed another two [Sweep Thrust], clearing this group of monsters and opening the tunnel path.

Fayrene walked closer to him, and seeing the flood of grey light released by the rats, she released a "Wow", before commenting.

"Mat, have you ever seen such rats? Also, you aren't hurt, right?"

"I am fine. Those spear skills don't even consume much from my resources anymore.  As for those rats, gods know what kind of monstrosities they are."

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