Samantha Rye and the Magic Girl High


I tried to speak but my mouth was sealed. The teacher motioned to an empty set of desks in the back and Sable led me down the aisle. Most of the girls avoided eye contact as we walked, but one very bubbly blue-haired girl was waving enthusiastically. 

I was commanded to sit and Sable took the seat to my right. She propped her feet on the desk and slouched back, getting comfortable. She pulled a magazine out of the bag she was carrying. 

'Alright, I'm going to unseal your upper body. Any funny business and it's getting locked up again. Your supplies are in your desk. Just take out a pen and take some notes. ' 

A slight flick of the wrist and I could control my upper body again while everything below my waist felt as though it was glued to the chair. I looked inside the desk and found a notebook and a fairly nice pen. What kind of sick forced school is this? I got out my notebook and a pen and at least pretended to follow along for now. The teacher was about to start class. 

'Welcome everyone to your orientation class. I know that many of you are confused as to what is going on. I am Miss Wintry. I will guide you through what your next few years here will be like.' 

'Years?!' I exclaimed. I was actually surprised that my voice could come out at all. I caught a sharp glance from Sable. 

'Yes, child. Through this school, you will be going through vigorous training and learning to prepare you for what the world is like on the outside. Once you have gone through your Naming Ceremony you will gain a stronger connection to the world and will better understand why you are here. Just listen for now, although much of it will not make much sense.' 

I wanted to protest but I felt a stiffening of my body. Sable was leering at me over her magazine. I'd have to find a way past her before getting anywhere. 

The teacher began to drone on about odd things. Things like fairy links and magic boosting. I felt like I was in some sort of cosplay camp except for the fact that the magic was obviously real. 

'Through your Fairy Link, you are bound to this world. If you are to die or even become mortally wounded you will be brought back here to be healed or recover. As long as that link exists it doesn't matter how far you travel for a mission, you will always be returned to your root world.' 

A glimmer of hope came when Sable's neighbor asked her a question. As she answered the other students' questions, I felt a slight easing in my legs. I could slightly lift them off the desk. So, concentration was the key. If I could distract her enough, I could break the binding. 

I took the pen and dropped it on the ground making sure that it rolled in the direction of Sable. It stopped at the base of her desk. I made an exaggerated leaning motion for it emphasizing the fact that my legs were stuck. 

'Hey, Sable. Mind doing something constructive for once and getting my pen? I'm kind of stuck here and can't reach.' 

She clicked her tongue in disgust and reached for the pen then angrily placed it in my hand. Before she could react, I grabbed her arm with my other hand and slammed the pen into her upper arm. I felt penetration as she yelped in pain. 

Instantly I was free. I wasted no time jumping out of my desk. Sable was still a threat and I wouldn't be taking her strength for granted this time. I leaped over her desk with everything I had and knocked her to the floor. Her eyes were full of surprise as I grabbed her head and slammed it into the ground until her eyes rolled back into her head. I punched her one last time in the face for good measure and stood up. 

Everyone in the class was staring in disbelief, everyone except the teacher. She seemed to have this annoyed and disinterested look in her eyes as she stood with a book open in her hands. I made for the door and immediately slammed into some invisible wall. 

'I'm sorry but the class is still in session. Until this bell rings you cannot leave the classroom. Please take your seat.' Miss Wintry gestured to a small grey circle on the wall above her. I put my palm against the invisible wall and then looked down at the bloody pen I still had in my hands. Then I looked back at the teacher. 

'So, when that bell rings this wall disappears?' 

'Correct. So please take your seat so I may...' 

Mid-sentence I threw the pen at the bell. The pen hit the bell tip first and made a satisfying noise. 


I felt the pressure against my other hand instantly disappear. 


A slight smirk marked her lips as I turned to run down the hall. I followed my path from earlier and ran down the stairs. I was met by a woman in a black uniform I can only guess was some sort of guard. She was several yards down the hall but clearly alarmed by my presence in the hall. To my left was a set of double doors. I remembered seeing them as we traveled through the school. On the other side was the administration building. 

I shouldered my way into the room and found myself in what seemed to be a gymnasium. I almost ran straight through when my eyes drifted to the far wall. It was full of racks of medieval weapons. Almost any weapon was represented. Some were overly large and unwieldy. Having a weapon in this situation wouldn't be a bad plan. 

A quick scan over the weapons and I was immediately drawn to a sheathed katana. Another spark broke through the mental haze. I ran over and grabbed it just as the woman in black ran into the room. 

'Young lady, you're not supposed to be in here. Please return to your classroom or I will have to report you for discipline.' 

I quickly inspected the blade. It was surprisingly sharp. I had expected it to be a sparring weapon. I held the weapon in my left hand at my hip and turned to the guard. 

'I'm heading to the administration office. I need to talk to the Headmistress to work a few things out. Please don't stand in my way.' 

Before she could respond, a flood of girls came through the double doors. It was the orientation class. I spotted the blue-haired girl once again and she once again smiled and waved. I ignored her. The class was followed by Miss Wintry and a very pissed off looking Sable. 

The guard looked very confused at the unfolding series of events. The teacher walked over to her and put her hand on her shoulder. 

'It's alright. I will handle this. Listen up, class. I want you to see the difference between a person blessed with magic versus someone who is not. Sable, your job is to detain her. Am I clear? ' 


Sable stepped through the crowd and grabbed on to the jade bangle on her wrist. She then struck a ridiculous pose. 

'Midnight Soul Transformation!' 

I would have laughed if not for the dark energy that enveloped Sable. Her outline became completely black. It was difficult to distinguish three dimensions as there were no reflections to give off contours and curves. She began to twirl around as the dark energy seemed to form cloths on her body. 

After everything I'd seen, there was no way I was going to wait for this process to finish. What waited on the other side was probably me being imprisoned again. This was a kidnapping and I was the hostage. Use of force was adequate. 

I dashed forward as fast as I could muster attempting to close ground. Sable didn't react and continued to transform. Right as I got into range she stopped and the dark energy dissipated. 

She had finished with a costume black as night with gleaming stars in the fabric. It was an ornate top with a knee-high fluffy skirt. A pure large black oval was fixed on her chest. She had black gloves and a silver tiara also with a fixed black orb. In her hands was a black chain whip that oozed some type of dark energy. Her pose was terrible and full of openings. She had her legs far apart, her left hand on her hip, and her whip extended out in front of her. 

'Time to fe...Ah!' 

She seemed genuinely surprised that I had not waited for her to finish. As she finished her pose, I was already halfway through drawing my weapon in striking range. As she was kind enough to hold out that weapon, I decided to remove it from her. 

Shwa Ching! 

I crouched to her left as I followed through with my movements. The sound of the chain was heard as it and her hand fell to the ground. Sable's eyes went wide as blood began to spray out of the wound. 


I finished with a blunt hit with the base of the katana to the back of her head. She collapsed onto the ground. I sheathed the sword and faced the group once again. I gripped the sheathed sword tight and at that moment I felt the veil in my mind break a little. The look on everyone's face was that of sheer terror. Except for the teachers, whose face beamed with amusement. I decided to push the crowd to ease my escape. 

'I'm in a hurry and this one needs medical attention. There is no need to fight anyone else so just stay here and I'll send someone this way.' 

I turned toward the door on the far side only to feel myself freeze in place again. At the far side of the gym stood the Headmistress with her hand outstretched. 

'What do we have here?' 

I tensed up. This binding felt different. I gripped my sword tighter and drew in all the strength I could gather and took a step forward. The binding force shattered. It was as if I had walked through a sheet of sugar glass. I continued to walk forward in the Headmistress's direction. 

She tried again. This time it felt like I was walking through tissue paper. I increased my speed. She raised her hand in the air and gathered some yellow energy into it and let it loose in my direction. I attempted to cut the energy in the air only to have it wash over me and chain me to the ground. But it didn't stop me. 

'What in the world?' 

I took a braced step forward and one of the energy chain tendrils snapped. Each step broke a new chain. She began to cast a second wave just as I broke out of the last chain. I wasn't foolish enough to take this one head-on and I sidestepped the energy this time. A few tendrils managed to grip my leg but they were easily shrugged off. 

I dashed at full speed at her. If she was going to be hostile then so was I. I drew my sword and swung in one solid motion. My sword made contact and the ring of metal on metal echoed through the room. 

What should have been a solid hit on her arm was now blocked by a large broadsword wielded by the white-haired maid from before. She held it firmly in both of her hands by her shoulders and the tip had been lodged into the ground. The curve of my blade was stopped just inches away from the Headmistresses' arm. 

I contemplated shifting my stance and thrusting forward around the large sword's blade to continue my attack when the maid delivered a lightning-fast kick to my stomach. I flew back at least ten feet and rolled a few more. It would be a miracle if none of my ribs were broken. I gasped for air when Miss Wintry's voice rang out behind me. 

'Crystal Ice Prison.' 

An icy chill washed over me. I was locked to the floor by ice crystals. There was no pain from the cold but the ice was dense and unbreakable. I looked behind me to see Miss Wintry holding her hand forward with a disinterested look in her eyes. The Headmistress, obviously a bit frazzled, adjusted herself to a more dignified position. 

'Thank you, Miss Irons and Miss Wintry. I believe since everyone is here, we might as well go through the naming ceremony now.' 

The guard's jaw about hit the floor. She had been tending to Sable and trying to stabilize the wound. 

'After that rampage, you want to give this girl MORE power?' 

'After that showing of strength, I'm sure you can see why it is essential to have her on our side. She seems to have some resistance to barriers so it seems there is a flaw in my Psychic Veil. That will be fixed. Take Sable to the infirmary and have her wounds treated. I will address her later.' 

'But...Ah...Yes, Headmistress.' 

The defeated guard picked up Sable, who had reverted back to her school uniform, and walked her out of the room. The Headmistress clapped her hands together and began to summon more yellow energy. 

'Now cheer up everyone! This is a joyous occasion! We have another child who will make a pact with a fairy, joining your class from here on! It's time for the Naming Ceremony!' 

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