Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc I Chapter 2



Arc I Chapter 2



11th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


“Lady Aurora, I am aware of your lineage and your talent, but being a Schwarz is no reason for neglecting your studies. Magic is a delicate art. Hard work and continuous effort are required to master it. You are the sole heiress of the House von Schwarz. You have a duty to fulfil, a duty you cannot escape through negligence. You are a Schwarz. As such, expectations rest upon your shoulders, Lady Aurora.” Geralt chose to resort to an admonishing stare. His dark cerulean eyes narrowed at Aurora, who was quick to lower her head in shame.


Her father Aurelius, an old friend of his and his liege, entrusted him his cherished daughter, Aurora. A cheerful child, a joyous child, a small girl full of curiosity and beaming radiance. Her lustrous ruby lips complemented her soft angelic cheeks and her short tiny nose. Purple eyes, crystal clear and polished, adorned her face, while strands of black silken hair covered her precious fluffy head, reaching far as her lower waist. Despite her fourteen years of age, Aurora's figure still exuded the heart warming charm of juvenile innocence, of naive childish ignorance veiled in frivolous yet shy frill and playful meandering lace. 


Her father hoped that he might succeed where all others had failed, awakening his daughter's magic potential. Her father placed his faith in him, a trusted friend and a retainer versed in the field of magic. He failed. He failed, like all tutors before him. Teaching her the secrets of magic proved far harder than expected. Aurora didn't lack mana. Her line, the ancient power Schwarzean blood running through her veins, blessed her with considerable potential, yet her magic amounted to little despite plenty of mana at her disposal.


No matter the effort, even her simplest spells failed time and time again. He didn't understand why. Was it because of her lack of resolve, her timid nature, her tender heart, or her weak constitution? Aurora was a frail girl. Her entire childhood, she suffered from frequent illness and unstable mana due to the unfortunate circumstances of her birth and heritage.


Geralt pitied the poor girl and the future that awaited her. He truly did. Aurora was a good girl who deserved better. Since the day she was born, Aurora carried not only rights, but also obligations. She wasn't a girl of lesser birth. She was a Schwarz. Much was expected of her, yet she fell short of the expectations placed upon her. 


Aurora disappointed her father, yet her being born weak was of little relevance, as she was only placed second in the line of succession. Aurora could have continued her pampered life for the rest of her days, but fate decided otherwise. Death claimed her  beloved mother early, and then her older brother.


Tiberius was widely hailed as a genius of the magic arts and rarely failed to impress. He possessed intellect. He possessed charisma. He possessed status. He possessed everything that Aurora lacked. Her brother was destined for greatness. He stood for the brilliant future that awaited the House von Schwarz, yet misfortune struck.   


Peace reigned between the Kingdom of Arcadia and the High Elves of Alfreik since the war of the Fifth Livonian coalition thirty years ago, yet the peace was brittle. The war between the humans and elves might have ended, but border disputes persisted across the entire north-eastern regions. Skirmishes, minor incursions, frequent raids were anything but rare, plaguing the lands of the Ostmark to this day. 


Young and confident, eager to prove himself in the eyes of everyone, Tiberius volunteered for an assignment at the border. It was the duty of nobility to fight, and the posting promised prestige and honour. Tiberius never returned. He and his retinue fell victim to an ambush. Lurking in darkness and biding their time, the enemy lay hidden until the moment came to strike. Like so many before him, they met their fate at the hand of the treacherous elves.


Overnight, Aurora became the sole heiress of the House von Schwarz. Always overshadowed by her older brother, she was forced to play a role she never wanted. Her lack of magic talent suddenly turned problematic, very problematic. A Schwarz duchess with only rudimentary understanding of the arcane arts was ... troublesome in many aspects. In a world where strength ruled supreme, weakness could not be tolerated.


Geralt narrowed his eyes. “Do you understand? That is why you need to study hard.” 


Aurora averted her eyes. Lengthy stares distressed her. They followed her everywhere, ever judging, ever ridiculing, ever deriding her for being nothing but an eternal failure. “I will give my best, Geralt.”


Even when her best was never enough ... Never enough ... No amount of studying, no amount of training helped. Her magic didn’t improve, and the bullying at the academy didn't stop. The bullying only grew worse since the day her brother died. Tiberius couldn't protect her any more.


“I know you do, Lady Aurora. I am sure one day your efforts will bear fruit.” Geralt encouraged her with a smile. 


“Do you really think so, Geralt?” Aurora's eyes sparkled with new hope.


“I do, Lady Aurora. Just believe in yourself ...”


“Count Geralt!” Ardbert and his horse approached the carriage. A seasoned veteran and knight captain, he commanded the escorting knights. His face looked concerned.


Geralt listened. “What's the matter, Sir Ardbert? Have we already reached the village?”


Ardbert shook his head. “No, My Lord, but something else requires your attention. It seems we have met some uninvited friends. I doubt they come with the best of intentions.”


Ardbert's hand reached for his sword. The meaning was clear.


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