Schwarz -‖- Der Wille zur Macht

Arc II Chapter 5



Arc II Chapter 5



12th Anima Lunar VIII AAC 753


Trusting his instincts, Lambert reacted. He drew his sword and took formation with the rest of his party. Rudolf readied his spear, Michael his blade, and Iris her staff. They were all ready, ready to fight the enemy head on. An enemy that never came.






Time passed and Lambert scanned his surroundings, looking left and right. The forest was ... completely ... peaceful. There was no danger in sight. No bandits, no monsters, no rampant spirits, no hungry dragons looking for a little snack, nothing. It was just them and a lot of trees.


His eyes blinked, mildly confused. Lambert sheathed his sword, his head turning to Arwing, annoyed because his client made them all look like bloody fools. “What the fuck, what was that supposed to be?”


Arwing didn't answer. “Lambert, do you see that?”


“See what? Can't you be a bit more specific?” Lambert didn't even try to hide his annoyance.


“There is a girl lying on the ground, in the middle of the road.”


“What? A girl?” Lambert furrowed his eyebrow. Since when were girls lying around on roads? The answer was, they didn't.


“Rudolf, Michael, keep your guard up and watch the area.” Lambert commanded. Better safe than sorry, that was his unofficial motto together with, rich adventurers are happy adventurers.


“Understood.” Rudolf obeyed, while Michael merely nodded.


“Iris, you come with me. We will take a look.” Iris, his favourite and only mage within their party, followed him. Lambert took the lead, his armour rattling as he walked. His mail rubbed against each other in a soothing, metallic rhythm he only knew too well. His little expedition yielded a little girl, lying on the ground ..., with her eyes closed ..., probably sleeping ... in the middle of the road. Her arms were hugging her cute frilly costumed doll. The girl didn't move.


People commonly said that he was a greedy arsehole, and they were right, but he still had a heart and his ethics. A child in need was a child in need. Lambert rushed to the girl and knelt downwards, checking her condition. Her appearance was ragged. She was covered in dirt, filth, and sweat.  


What caught his attention were the very subtle reddish, rusty stains. Two or three, little sprinkles of crusted blood embellished her tiny face, meanwhile her clothes remained remarkably unsullied. He deduced that the girl must have cut or injured herself somehow. Probably while wandering through the under wood.


“Iris!” Lambert called for help. 


“Yes, Lambert?”


“Iris, can you check her condition. You are more experienced when it comes to medical matters.”


Iris frowned. “Lambert, I have already told you countless times before, I am not a healer. I am a mage, not a healer! Big, big difference!”


“I know, I know, but technicalities aside, can't you check on her? It's for a little girl.” He knew Iris' weakness and how to exploit it.


Lambert offered a bright smile. “Please.”


Their domestic mage rolled her eyes. “... If it's for her, I guess I can make an exception ...”


Iris approached the girl and commenced her work. Her trained hand touched her neck. “Her pulse is weak. Her breathing is shallow. Her body functions are reduced to a minimum.”


“And that means?” Lambert raised his eyebrow.


“That means she is ...”


“That means the girl is sleeping, you idiot.” Arwing gave them a blank stare.


“Uuuuuuaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.” The sleeping girl yawned before rolling over to change sides. Apparently, the road was, contrary to expectations of the common man, a very comfortable place to nap.


The girl hugged her doll and continued her peaceful slumber, clearly enjoying her fluffy, puffy dreams, undisturbed by all the commotion. The girl didn't care. After all, Aurora was just sleeping. She wasn't eavesdropping at all. She wasn't monitoring them. Aurora was a good girl, obviously.


Lambert retracted his hand in surprise, yet the mysterious girl started mumbling in her dreams. “Strange humies loudie. Hearing angry voicies. Can't sleep. Headsie ouchie. Don't want to wake up. Still sleepie. But no choice.”


The girl awakened from her peaceful nap and yawned, rubbing her heavy eyes to banish her sleepiness. Her purple eyes opened, staring at all of them with a mixture of surprise, confusion and ... fear.


The girl was nervous, even scared. Her arms kept her doll close to protect her chest. Her voice trembled, wavered. “Who are you? Are you here to hurt me?”



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