Scion of Humanity

Chapter 54 - Bird Season

Blake peered through his rifle’s scope at the avians as they approached. The rifle was supposedly sighted in for a hundred yards. Unfortunately, the Stoltar were much closer than that. At only fifty yards, they overwhelmed the eight times magnification.

However, it was child’s play for him to hold the rifle steady and manually adjust as they glided directly toward him. When he felt the timing was right, he held his breath and gently pulled the trigger.

The crack of the rifle was deafening, and reverberated off the trees. Through the scope, Blake saw the targeted Stoltar flinch from impact. Its azure chest feathers turned crimson, and it began to twitch as it struggled to maintain its glide.

Unlike Hollywood’s portrayal of gunfire, his target was not blown backward, nor did it immediately die from a shot to the chest. The avian struggled to maintain its elevation as it slowly bled out, confused by its sudden injury. He wished he knew more about their anatomy, as the bullet would have pierced a human’s heart.

Blake smoothly shifted targets, lined up the crosshairs, and gently squeezed the trigger once more. This time, his bullet impacted the avian’s head, and immediately ended its life.

As the second gunshot resounded through the canopy, the rest of the flight became aware of the threat he posed. The uninjured avians broke away from their formation and scattered to the sides into the canopy. Meanwhile, Blake’s first victim struggled to land on the platforms, while the second tumbled lifelessly to the forest floor.

Unfortunately, his targets now moved too erratically for him to line up another shot. Blake lowered his weapon and searched the skies for the other flight. A single flight of ten was far too few to be his only enemies in this scenario.

Sure enough, the second offensive had already landed. They rushed along the wooden slats in the distance and barreled into the doors to force them open. As they attempted to locate their quarry, Blake re-shouldered his weapon and fired four additional shots.

The rifle’s magazine was fully expended, and three avians stumbled from impact. Only one of his shots went wide. Blake ejected the magazine and snatched a spare from his belt.

As he reloaded, he watched one of the injured Stoltar slump against a nearby wooden door. He noted the location of the shot for the future. The other two, however, remained combat worthy. They scanned the area until their eyes locked on Blake, and immediately rushed his way.

The two avians sprinted from the wooden platform and leapt into the air. Their wings spread wide, caught the wind, and they glided toward him.

With the magazine replaced, Blake racked the slide and injected a round into the chamber. He raised his rifle, looked through the sights, and squeezed the trigger.

Suddenly, a wave of audible force washed over him, and his shot went wide.


Even though Blake almost fully resisted the Sonic Blast, the surprise distracted him and left him slightly disoriented. He shook off the disruption and lined up his next shot.

Before he could release another round, a flash of light temporarily blinded him. He blinked his eyes repeatedly in an effort to regain his sight.

Okay, that one was only partially resisted.

When his vision did not immediately return, he blindly laid his rifle on the wooden platform and unsheathed his sword. After the spots cleared, he found the two avians almost upon him.

He dodged to the side and slid his blade along the first’s ribs as it soared past him. The second avian glided just behind the first. Its long talons glowed with chi, and Blake barely had time to duck before it impacted him.

I hate the smart ones.

As the wind from its swift passing still swayed his chin length hair, he snatched his rifle from the ground and quickly used Analyze on his opponent.

Stoltar Level 1

Aether, Chi

Physical Power - High

Physical Stamina - Low

Physical Resistance - Average

Magic Power - Average

Magic Stamina - Low

Magic Resistance - Average

That’s what I thought! This one will be a pain.

The avian held a dual class, something incredibly rare for an enemy in a scenario. Its form receded from his vision and gently circled around for another pass. When it was far enough away, he raised his rifle and located it through his scope.

Blake carefully aligned the shot and squeezed the trigger. At impact, its graceful glide devolved into a death spiral, and Blake internally celebrated his accuracy.

Unfortunately, he had been focused on the immediate battle for too long. The remainder of the flight closed ranks. As they encircled him, he once again placed his rifle on the planks and collected his dropped sword from the wooden pathway.

“Pin down the Human!” a Stoltar shouted. “Let the mana users take him out!”

Blake was glad for the AI’s automatic translation.

Across the short bridge on the opposite platform, two avians initiated their spell forms, while three others cornered him with their spears. Two of the nearby Stoltar glowed with chi, but Blake ignored their threat. Instead, he focused on the opposite platform that held the mana users.

Blake activated Spatial Step and appeared behind the two confused enemies. He quickly slashed with his sword and ended their lives, before they were even aware of his presence.

God, I love that spell.

“By the Architect’s grace!” An avian swore. “It can teleport!”

Blake scowled at the phrase and sprinted across the bridge toward the three chi users.

“Retreat!” An avian shouted. “It’s too strong! Gather reinforcements!”


The last thing Blake wanted was to be surrounded by fifteen enemies, and the victim of a coordinated assault. As they leapt off the platform, Blake switched his long sword for his discarded rifle. He aimed at a shrinking silhouette, fired, shifted his aim, and then fired again.


Two Stoltar were mortally injured, yet one escaped. The living avian was careful to remain hidden behind the giant trunks of the trees as it gathered its reinforcements.

That’s not good.

Until this moment, the battle had been relatively easy. He was able to surprise the enemy with his high attributes and martial skill. Unfortunately, they would now be aware of the threat he posed and would be far more wary of him.

Well, at least they don’t know about Mind Blast.

His Regeneration would have no effect on this battle. Likewise, his Flame Shield was only capable of blocking heat from fire-based spells. The two spells were not chosen with this particular enemy in mind, but to specifically counter the Manders.

His Mental Blast, however, would be very useful against the Stoltar.

While he impatiently waited for his enemies to arrive, Blake cast Flame Shield on himself and reloaded his rifle. There was no reason for him to ignore the spell, regardless of how unlikely it was to help in his fight.

A few minutes later, his enemies returned.

They combined flocks and surrounded him with an en masse, coordinated assault. Blake was able to fatally shoot two of the closing enemies before he was forced to set down his rifle and switch to his sword.

Four avians rushed him on the platform, while three others dove through the air. Far above, two more gently drifted in circles while they cast their spells.

Suddenly, his movements became sluggish as his body was affected by a Slow. A spear was thrown at him, and he dodged to the side as he struggled against the aether spell.

To his surprise, a psi user maintained telekinetic control over the projectile. The spear tracked his movement, and he was forced to use Spatial Step to avoid injury.

Once line of sight was broken, slow no longer affected him. Blake appeared behind a nearby avian and quickly executed it. Its dying squawks immediately alerted the flock to his new location, and he was only able to kill one additional avian before the two nearby set a defense stance.

While they hesitated, he glanced up and disrupted one of the mana users with a Mind Blast. He briefly considered using another on its partner, but decided against it. A crushing migraine would likely hinder him more in battle than whatever spell it would release.

The second mana user finished its spell, and a Water Blast shot from its extended hand. A jet of water instantly threw him to the ground. Blake remained uninjured, but was unable to rebuff their attacks. After the stream of water ceased, he immediately raised his sword to parry a spear’s thrust.

Unfortunately, the second jab connected.

Blake felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as the tip of a spear pierced through his armor and into his flesh. He immediately pulled on the spear, rolled to the side, and dropped his sword while he activated Regeneration. The move surprised his opponent and the avian stumbled forward.

Blake swept its legs with his own, unsheathed his dagger, and slammed the small blade into its throat as it fell. Before he could retrieve his sword, another Slow washed over him.


The last remaining avian on his platform charged with his spear raised. At the last second, its movement faltered as it activated Hardened Shell.

Fine, let’s see how you like this.

Rather than continue to reach for his weapon, Blake snatched the approaching spear and pulled. The avian stumbled forward, unable to regain its balance, as Hardened Shell slowed its own movements. While on his back, Blake lifted his feet, caught the avian as it fell atop him, and kicked.

Aided by thirty percent lighter gravity, the last nearby Stoltar soared through the air and over the edge of the platform. It would glide to safety once the Hardened Shell faded, but was out of the fight for now.

Suddenly, the Slow no longer restricted his movement, and he scrambled for his fallen rifle. After he snatched the weapon, he rolled to his back, and sighted in on an airborne avian.

Blake fired, and the bullet pierced cleanly through its neck. Its spell form was interrupted, and he rapidly switched targets to the nearby mana user that had hit him with a Water Blast. After two more shots, it fell dead, and his rifle was empty. He replaced the magazine as the avians glided cautiously above him. With the greatest threats eliminated, the final four Stoltar were easy to finish off with his rifle.

You have successfully completed the Combat Scenario. Would you like to choose your reward now?


Blake rolled to his feet and gathered his discarded longsword. After he sheathed the blade, he checked his status to determine how much nano he gained.

Nano - 90m

That’s what I thought. Pathetic.

Blake shook his head. He had gained so little from this scenario, that the interface still showed his original ninety mega-nano. For what seemed the hundredth time, Blake had to remind himself that nano was not the goal of this scenario, Breshian Broadleaf was. He needed to harvest two tons of the wood and have Jason transport it to the Storehouse.

Or do I?

Blake grinned as an idea suddenly occurred to him. He messaged his friends to head through the portal and then stalked over to the nearby double doors where the incumbent avians waited.

“The threat’s over!” he yelled. “You can come out now!”

The doors remained closed.

Fine, then I guess I’m coming in.

Blake tried the handle, but it was barred from the inside. Annoyed, he leaned back, and kicked the door with his full strength.

The door flew off its hinges and into the room. Sawdust filled the air as furniture used as a barricade snapped into kindling. When the air cleared, he saw the flock huddled in fear, wary of his approach.

“Like I said before,” he reiterated in an even voice. “The threat’s over, and you can come out now.”

Wearily, the brave medic from before replied bitterly, “Then why are you still here? Why have you not returned to your home?”

Beside the healer was the still body of their leader.

I guess they couldn’t stop the blood loss. At least I only lost one.

As callous as it seemed, he found that he could not find it in himself to care. He had been attacked, gave them a second chance, and was then attacked once more.

“Who’s in charge now that your leader’s dead?”

“I am,” a nervous spear-wielding guard stepped forward. “Until another is chosen, I lead the flock.”

Blake nodded. “Then we need to discuss my payment.”

“Payment?” It squawked in confusion. “Were you not compensated by the almighty Architect?”

He clenched his fist at the mention of the evil AI and breathed deeply. “Yes, I was. But YOU haven’t compensated me yet,” Blake pointed at the newly promoted leader.

It swallowed in fear. “What is it you want?”

Blake grinned. “The entire reason I’m here is for the wood your homes are burrowed out of. I assume your furniture is made from this too?” He gestured to the bare walls around him.

The leader hesitantly nodded.

“Great! Then I’m going to need two tons of it.”

Its eyes widened in shock, and it stuttered in protest, “That is ridiculous! You ask too much!”

He narrowed his eyes and said darkly, “I don’t think I do. Your leader attacked me. I was kind enough to give him a second chance, and then he BROKE HIS WORD and attacked me again.”

The interim leader opened its beak to protest again, but Blake cut it off, “This IS going to happen. The question is, how many leaders does your flock have to go through before I find one that’s willing to listen?”

His threat was met with silence from the interim leader.

“My people are here to harvest the wood, I could have them choose the trees your homes are in.”

The leader’s eyes widened and he replied. “We will do as you ask.”

“Holy shit, fam! This place is fire!” Jason announced from a platform outside. The avians flinched at the sight of the additional humans.

I’m glad I made a strong impression.

“Check this out!” Owen said excitedly, and then jumped high into the air. “I can totally dunk on you now.”

Blake chuckled at their enthusiasm, and his anger abated. He strolled out of the cramped room, and met up with his friends. Kuruk kneeled down beside the corpse of a Stoltar with a frown, while Jason and Owen were distracted by the reduced gravity.

“Hey Kuruk, see if you can send that spear back to the Storehouse.”

After a moment, the blacksmith nodded absently and lifted the spear. After it disappeared, Blake contacted his mother.

Lord Blake Summers, Scion of Humanity: Hey mom, I finished the scenario and sent back some metal. Did that count towards the materials we need?

Donna Summers: Yes, it did. Although just a tiny bit. Are you going to be able to find enough?

Blake grinned as he replied.

Lord Blake Summers, Scion of Humanity: Oh, don’t worry, that’s not going to be a problem. I’m going to get the locals to do our work for us.

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