Scumbag Regrets the Divorce

Chapter 326

Chapter 326 The past is really painful, but the futu

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In the car. After drinking, he held Ling Yu all the time. Ling Yu buried his head in Hou Ming’s arms. He didn’t cry any more, but his body was still trembling slightly. In fact, he has really worked hard to forget that memory. The terrifying claustrophobic underground… is full of dark surroundings.

Such a thick whip hit him like this with one whip and one whip. Obviously Houming was so close to him at the time. But Kegen didn’t know his existence! Ling Li looked at the hope to approach him… and then felt it far away little by little… It was an indescribable endless despair! No one would Save him… no one thinks of him either.

That kind of painful self-denial kept Ling Yu in pain! As long as he remembered those memories at that time, he felt as if he was being stabbed severely by a knife. There was blood flowing out from there. For Wan Rong, these were nothing but mouth movements. Want to arouse Man Zuan’s hateful heart. However, he didn’t know what Ling Yu experienced during that period of time? The darkness during that period directly turned Ling Yu into a lunatic 03. There is no hope at all. His despair, the piercing pain that tortured him deeply, and the hard-to-heal whiplash, has been torturing his body. The double torture of body and essence made his mind collapse instantly! So until now, Ling Shu still suffers from the fear of being out of control. So long has passed since that period of time. Ling Yu has also been trying hard to cure her disease. However, it doesn’t matter how many treatments he tried? No matter how hard he tried. The fear deep into the bones has always been with him like a shadow.

In fact, when I was dreaming, I don’t know how many times I have had such bandit dreams? I don’t even know these. He just opened his wound so easily. Then, using a good excuse for him, salt was sprinkled on the wound! Ling Yu gritted his teeth tightly, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. His face also became extremely pale. After watching this picture, his fingers clenched tightly into fists. I hate myself in my heart. He firmly held Ling Niu in his arms, gently patted his back, trying to comfort him.

“Ling Yu, those have passed. I am here…I will protect you from now on.” Hou Hui knew that the culprit who caused Lingcuo’s pain was himself. “I’m sorry, Ling Co. I’m really sorry. He clenched his teeth and hugged Ling Yu in his arms. He was full of regrets. A memory, but two people tortured. _sihubl.

Li Drink didn’t know how to heal the wound like that? He kissed Ling You’s hair softly, really hoping that the painful memory came from him. . He would rather be tortured himself than let Ling Diamond feel pain. . ,4 These are all…. Mengyou “I’m sorry. However, Ling Yu just shook his head. He lay in Hou Ming’s arms and grabbed the lap of his chest with his hands.

This sentence was actually what Ling Yu wanted to say most at the time. He is afraid

I really thought that later did not leave, but opened the door to save myself. “Hou Ming, why are you leaving? Why don’t you save me?” Tears still fell. Ling Yu’s voice was full of grievances. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Houming felt that he was incompetent. At this time, it seemed that he couldn’t say anything except these three words. He caused too much damage to Ling Diamond.

He doesn’t know what language he should use to comfort Ling Yu? “Later? If you knew I was there, would you come to save me?” Ling Yu’s voice was hesitant, “Will you Think I’m annoying? So I don’t want to save me? Let me live in it… “How come?” Hou Mingda held Ling Zuan tightly, as if he was afraid that he would disappear from his side at any time.’Ling Yu, I won’t help you. In fact, at that time, I had been sending people to look for you. Although I didn’t know the truth of the matter at that time, I thought I hated you very much. But I learned later that I was already at that time. Falling in love with you-I am too slow, I have never noticed a hoarse voice in the hoarse voice that loves you. “Is that 53 Linglianzhuang seems to be relieved, and said, “If at that time, You can open that door. Hou Ming, do you know how much I wish you could count me? I really wish you could open that door..

Ling Zuan choked as he spoke. “I was listening to your footsteps when I was moving away bit by bit. I was really sad

Hou Ming’s heart was full of regret, but at that time he had already let his hands go to Yanmen.

However, at this moment, he saw Ling Niu wipe the teardrops from the corners of his eyes vigorously. Then he took a deep breath and raised his head to look at himself. “It’s okay, I’m all right. After drinking, he was a little stunned. He didn’t understand what Ling Co meant, and he was completely at a loss. “I said, I’m fine, Ling Li picked out the teardrops from the corners of Mian’s eyes, just as it was. Nothing has happened before.

He didn’t want to keep himself in that painful past. So he tried hard to make himself look forward. He didn’t want to become a person who only knew anger and pain. So he told Houming that he would be sad for a while. And when he was locked in the bathroom before, didn’t he already show up after drinking? Although the memory is painful. …This time, it was Houming who appeared to rescue him. “It’s okay, I have adjusted my emotions. It’s okay. It can’t be turned off. It’s closed….bl. Hou Mingfan looked at Ling Niu stupidly like this, and he couldn’t speak of self-blame in his heart. Shu he I feel too useless. He can’t do anything. “I’m sorry…” 643

“I said, it’s okay, Mengyou 25

Ling Yu frowned deeply. Life is not only the past, but also the future… He should not immerse himself in the pain of the past.

Ling Yu closed his eyes and lay in Hou Ming’s arms, “We are not going there. Just sleep in your car for a while, okay?”

Hou Ming gently hugged Ling Yu and watched him close his eyes. Ling Zuan felt the warmth from Hou Ming around him, and Haruna’s tight heart loosened little by little. He should no longer be afraid, no more painful. The road ahead is so long. He doesn’t want to spend it in pain forever.

The sound of even breathing came from Ling Yu’s nose. He just cried for fruit, so he soon fell asleep. Houming lowered his head and looked at him motionlessly, his eyes flashing with movement. Then he kissed his lips gently, and murmured softly in his mouth. “You have to believe me, I will really protect you. From now on, you won’t be hurt a little bit.” Houming’s voice was very small, he was just talking to himself, but let Ling Zuan follow Woke up in his sleep. Ling Yu opened his eyes and looked at him with a smile. He heard those words just after Hou Ming. Ling Yu nodded to him, then stretched out his hand to hook Hou Drink’s neck, pulled his head off, and kissed him gently… After a moment of stunned Hou Ji, he lowered his head to make the kiss more effective. There is no overbearing tyranny that can’t wait for this kiss, nor the **** that can’t be waited for. Some are just soft and lingering. The warm sun shines through the glass of the car window, and the wine is so cute on the two of them. At least for this moment, Ling Yu feels warm… Jianqu is indeed painful, but the future is clear…

Wanke got up from the ground in embarrassment, and many people around him were pointing at him. In fact, many outsiders know about the relationship between Wanfa and Ling Shu. When Bi Jinghouming asked Ling Yu for the first time, Wan Gao rushed to the stage. For so many years, he has always appeared in front of the public as Ling Yu’s fish-seeker. However, now between Houming and Ling Yu, at least they appear to be very affectionate in front of the public, so Wan Rong’s position seems a little more subtle. The spread of the Internet is extremely rapid. Da Wanrong himself didn’t realize that everything that happened just now has been filmed into a video and spread. The phone rang untimely. . That is an unfamiliar phone number. Wanke frowned and pressed his finger on the answer button. Although the phone number is unfamiliar, the voice on the other end of the phone is not unfamiliar. The person who called is Wen Chi. Wenchi has been actively contacting Wannong since this time. Without He Feng’s help, he is now struggling. So he will not let go of all possibilities. This even includes finding Wanrong. However, Wenchi’s style has been ignored by Wanjiao, and Wan Shenggen has no interest in cooperating with him. In the end, he was directly pulled into the blacklist. im.shubh At this moment, that person changed his number and called himself. “Wan Mi, it’s me. As soon as I heard Wen Chi’s voice, Wan Ge planned to hang up the phone without even thinking about it… 13 However, on the other end of the phone, it seemed as if he had guessed what he wanted to do. Jian Xing said loudly. “Don’t hang up in a hurry, I have seen the video of you at the airport just now. Wan Rong, do you know what you are saying on the Internet now? Saying that you are like me

Wanmi’s face is obviously a bit ugly, he hates those people who compare himself with Wenchi. “Wan Lu, you see that they all say that to you, don’t you think about cooperating with me?”

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