Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 837 - God Of Devils' Wrath (III)

Chapter 837: God Of Devils’ Wrath (III)

The more pressure he faced, the stronger his ability would become. The powerful talent of the God of Light’s constitution also broke out further under the great pressure of the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar in the sky.

Even Long Haochen himself did not know how far his practice could be with the help of Ye Xiaolei’s wisdom furnace. If he were to be added to the Sealed Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation, perhaps it should be close to the top level of the ninth tier. However, the gap between and the God of Devils and himself was still huge.

Breaking through millions of psychic powers, the demigod God of Devils and the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar, which was absolutely an Imperial Weapon, no one could predict how horrifying it would be. It was because now all living human beings, including the Eternal Heroes, had never seen what the God of Devils Feng Xiu looked like when he went all out to fight.

But what if we add Hao Yue?

Thinking of Hao Yue, Long Haochen’s empty heart suddenly felt a trace of ripples, a trace of fiery ripples. He hadn’t fought with Hao Yue for a long time.

Since the evolution of Hao Yue, Long Haochen had returned, and Hao Yue seemed to have entered a special state of practice. At the beginning, Long Haochen thought he was in a stable realm, but he soon found out that it was not, because Hao Yue had reached the bottleneck long before this breakthrough, and the realm was also very stable. So, what was the reason for its deep sleep? It seemed to have something to do with the seedlings of the Tree of Destruction that he acquired in the test of Sealed Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation.

It was also destruction, was it true that the power of the Tree of Destruction had not been fully absorbed by Hao Yue? If it was fully absorbed, how much would the strength of Hao Yue reach by now?

Hao Yue was the biggest card of Long Haochen, even the God of Devils feared it, when Hao Yue and Long Haochen joined hands, Long Haochen believed that he must have the strength to fight hard with the God of Devils.

Time went by, and in less than half an hour, in the distance, the light of the stars and the moon next to the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar rose at the same time. On the other hand, the aura of terror of the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar surged violently.

“Good. Very good.” A full quarter of an hour passed, when the voice of Feng Xiu sounded again, everyone had lost the previous insipid, and there was only endless cold. That chill seemed to warm up outside Yu Longguan. The pressure on the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar soared instantly, along with the huge black dragon with a length of one kilometer being covered with a layer of black and golden brilliance.

One after another, several figures flashed from the dark golden light and rushed straight to the direction of Yu Longguan.

They were huge black dragons, and they all had red eyes. On the back of each black dragon sat two strong men. One was a Moon Devil with long purple hair, while the other was a Star Devil in an orange magic robe.

This was the perfect combination of the Anti-Heavenly Dragon, Moon Devil, and Star Devil. And there were as many as 80 groups of them coming out.

There was no doubt that all the Anti-Heavenly Dragons were the ninth-level strong dragons, and most of these Moon Devils and Star Devils were also ninth-level strong Devils. There was no doubt that this was the strongest power of the Devil’s clan.

After eighty Anti-Heavenly Dragons flew out, they lined up in the air. A layer of black and golden luster shrouded down from the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar in the rear, covering them all.

All of a sudden, the bodies of all the Anti-Heavenly Dragons doubled in the light of the dark golden light. The largest body length had exceeded 200 meters, and although the increase of Moon Devils and Star Devils on their backs was relatively small, their momentum had also greatly increased.

Standing on the back of the first four largest Anti-Heavenly Dragons were the four Heavenly Kings of the Moon Devil’s clan and the Star Devil’s clan. All were domain-level strong Devils.

On both sides of the top strength of more than 200 Devils, more than a thousand eighth-level Devils had also appeared one after another, and their bodies were also covered with black and golden lusters. Under the increase of the Anti-Heavenly Dragon’s Pillar, the aura was already very close to the ninth-level strong Devils.

“Very well, Long Haochen.”

There was a strong anger in the cold voice of the God of Devils. “You succeeded in infuriating me. And you did give me a big surprise.”

The God of Devils Feng Xiu said, “Very well.” several times because he was not calm at all, and the news just got him out of order. Feng Xiu never thought that Samigina and Marbus would be defeated, and really as Long Haochen said, the defeat was so miserable.

His millions of elite troops were routed in the process of attacking the two fortresses. Since when did human beings have such a strong power? Whether it was the magic trap or the Gate of Hell, it had never been seen before. But it also played a devastating role in this decisive battle.

After getting the accurate information, Feng Xiu wanted to whip Samigina and tear up Marbus and Warlifer into ten thousand pieces. Their failure completely destroyed the original plan of the God of Devils, especially when he wanted to threaten Long Haochen with the whole human being’s life.

The stability of the rear of the Temple Union and two great victories were bound to strengthen the belief in these human life-and-death battles before them. It would also greatly increase the difficulty of the Devil’s clan to conquer human beings.

Long Haochen smiled calmly and said, “I hope you are not too happy. If you become the first and the last God of Devils in the history of the Devil’s clan, you will leave a great deal of color in the history of the whole continent.”

After listening to Long Haochen’s words, the God of Devils suddenly smiled, and it was not the kind of laughter with hatred or anger, but a smile full of strong self-confidence and disdain.

“Long Haochen, do you really think that you and your Temple Federation have won? Yes, I admit, you have caused me a lot of trouble. However, this only added a little trouble to the land. The Southeast Fortress and Wan Shouguan were both failures, but it doesn’t matter. I will personally break through your Yu Longguan and visit the Temple Federation. You will soon learn that all schemes are useless in the face of absolute power.”

At this point, the voice of the God of Devils suddenly became colder and colder. “Kill all of them. Don’t leave a single one behind.”

More than a thousand powerful Devils all started in an instant. In addition to the God of Devils and the 19 Devil Gods he brought, more than 1200 top Devils rushed to the head of Yu Longguan at an astonishing speed. The magical brilliance that bloomed on them instantly lit up the sky and Yu Longguan.

For the first time in the history of the Holy Demon Land, more than 200 ninth-level strong Devils and more than 1,000 eighth-level strong Devils attacked a city fortress at the same time. Even when the Devils first came to the land more than six thousand years ago, they never set off such a momentum, when their main force was complete 72 Pillar Devil Gods. The various races that had been infected and transformed into Devils were not nearly as strong as they were now.

At this time, the six bright lights lit up in the air at the same time, first started by the Sealed Divine Throne of Eternity and Creation, then all the six Sealed Divine Thrones turned into six streams of light in mid-air, shrouded in their masters, and at the same time, all the strong men on the head of Yu Longguan rose into the air.

The time for a fight to the death had finally come, and the God of Devils was right. No matter how fiercely the Southeast Fortress and Wan Shouguan fought, this was the place of the final battle, and it was also the place that would determine the ultimate winner of this holy war between the human race and the Devil’s clan.

“Launch.” The clear voice of Long Haochen resounded through the sky over Yu Longguan. At the same time, about two hundred rays of light lit up on the walls and the top of the city tower. The terrifying psychic fluctuation immediately made the whole Yu Longguan tremble slightly. Originally, the pressure brought about by the overall charge of the top players of more than a thousand Devils actually fluctuated violently.

If the human body was used to describe this pressure, then, in this huge body, more than 200 places felt sharp tingling sensation at the same time.

Boom— More than 200 roars sounded at the same time, and more than 200 beams of different colors were instantly ejected from the walls and city heads of Yu Longguan.

The sound and psychic fluctuations that broke out at that moment were so terrifying that Yu Longguan emitted a layer of smoke in the violent shock, and cracks appeared in many places on the thick city walls.

Long Haochen’s first card at Yu Longguan was unveiled.

Why was it that Mo Dao cannons that the Temple Federation had always relied on for defense did not exert its power in the intense battle at the Southeast Fortress and Wan Shouguan? It was because all the Mo Dao cannons of the entire Temple Federation were concentrated at Yu Longguan.

As early as when Long Haochen led an army of Sharp Knives into the six northern provinces of the Devil’s clan, his plan began to be carried out. The Temple Federation mobilized almost all the storage equipment above the legendary level to transport the Mo Dao cannons, installed and debugged them at Yu Longguan.

In fact, the biggest threat for the Devil’s clan was still awaiting inside. If the God of Devils could get the news earlier that there were no Mo Dao cannons in the Southeast Fortress and Wan Shouguan, then he would be able to judge the whereabouts of the Mo Dao cannons. Unfortunately, a large part of the news he received was filtered by Yue Ye’s organization. No matter how powerful the God of Devils was, once he became deaf and blind, his strength would be greatly reduced.

To put it another way, after the great victory of the Southeast Fortress and Wan Shouguan, Yue Ye’s organization increased its support for human beings to an unprecedented level, even at the risk of being exposed at any time.

More than two hundred beams of light burst at the same time, and without warning, even the God of Devils could not take effective measures at this moment.

The biggest difference between a Mo Dao cannons and a wizard’s magic attack was that it did not need to be casted. It relied solely on the legal array of the cannon itself and the magic crystals that provided energy. Therefore, there would be no warning before it was released.

The top leaders of more than a thousand Devils were greeted by the bombardment of the Mo Dao cannons’ group, which was all powered by ninth-level magic crystals.

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