Second Life Paradise


"You did well, Ash," Veylnn said with a slight smile, her fingers moving through his hair as she combed it gently. Asher didn’t think he had performed particularly well, but since his master praised him, he nodded and smiled in agreement.

The next words from Veylnn took him by surprise.

"Let’s test your skills against opponents your age."

Asher's eyes widened at her suggestion. In the past few years, his master had rarely interacted with anyone outside of Clive and Luna, yet he knew she was an elder with vast experience.

"A few acquaintances I met a while back are bragging about how talented their disciples are," she explained. "I told them that I also had a disciple and invited them to bring their students here. I contacted them while you were out, and they will be here in two days. I’ve made all the preparations, so don’t worry."

Excitement surged through Asher at her words. He had always longed to fight opponents his own age, and now he had the perfect opportunity.

"Thank you, Master!" Asher shouted, his voice a bit louder than usual as he ran up and hugged her. For a brief moment, Veylnn was surprised, but she quickly reciprocated the hug, savoring the warmth of her disciple.

"I’m going to tell Luna and Clive! I can’t wait, Master. I hope they’re strong!"

Asher bolted toward the cabin, bubbling with enthusiasm.

I hope they are strong too, Veylnn thought, a smile tugging at her lips.

Two days later, Veylnn sat in the same training arena, her eyes closed in meditation. Powerful auras began to fill the space as masters from various realms gathered, each accompanied by their respective disciples. The atmosphere buzzed with chatter.

"To think you would find yourself a disciple, Veylnn," one remarked.

"Tch, this better be worth it for my disciple," another scoffed.

"Hahaha, I’m sure this will be fun!" someone else chimed in.

"Nice to see you all again," Veylnn greeted.

"You have to win against that woman's disciple!" came another voice.

The attendees included masters of the Sovereign Realm: a Human, a Dragon, an Elf, a Vampire, and a Demi-Wolf, each accompanied by their disciples. The human, Zion Scallor, brought along two twins—a boy named Rin Starcrest and a girl named Eira Starcrest. They both had long blonde hair, fair skin, green eyes, and an air of slight arrogance.

The Dragon, Scarlet Snow, introduced her disciple, Seris Van Sky. Seris had tanned skin, long black hair with blue highlights tied in a ponytail, and sapphire blue eyes. Her bored expression suggested she thought this was a waste of time.

The Elf, Edward Silva, brought a boy named Edwardo Silva, who bore a striking resemblance to him. Edwardo had short blonde hair even brighter than the humans’, green eyes a darker shade, and a handsome face with a neutral expression that conveyed indifference toward the gathering.

Amaya Nightingale, the Vampire, introduced her disciple, Mira Windfall. Mira sported green hair tied into twin tails, grey eyes, and a serious expression that belied her cute appearance, her master having warned her that Veylnn’s disciple would be extraordinary.

Lastly, the Demi-Wolf, Brandon Shale, brought along another Demi-Wolf, a boy named Cory Frost. Cory had dark grey, long, messy hair, the color of wolf fur, and black eyes that sparkled with excitement, his tail swaying back and forth in anticipation of the battles ahead.

As the chatter continued, Veylnn clapped her hands, a loud boom echoing across the arena.

"I'm glad you all came today. You are here for one reason and one reason only—to fight against my disciple." Her voice carried traces of arrogance and pride.

Some in the crowd scoffed, while others groaned or took her words seriously, but all the older attendees understood that Veylnn would never choose a typical disciple.

Moments later, Veylnn snapped her fingers, causing space to crack around the entrance of the arena. Everyone turned to the source of the disturbance, and what they saw left them momentarily speechless: a strikingly handsome teen with an air of mystery. His pitch-black hair was thick and slightly tousled, falling just above his ears in smooth, inky strands. His eyes, dark as his hair, seemed endless, absorbing all light and revealing no clear pupils, resembling a void. His pale, flawless skin contrasted starkly with his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. A subtle, unreadable expression played on his lips—a half-smile that made him seem both alluring and distant. Though quiet, his presence felt powerful, as if he held secrets no one else could grasp.

It took everyone a moment to break free from his charm. Some frowned when they realized they couldn't feel any aura from him.

"This is my disciple, Asher Nii Raven. He turned fifteen not long ago. I have sealed his aura so you cannot discern his realm," Veylnn announced. "That is all. You may choose among yourselves who will fight first."

Shortly after, an Elf with blonde hair and green eyes stepped forward, his expression neutral.

"Everyone, please allow my disciple to go first. He is seventeen this year, and I want him to gain real battle experience against a skilled fighter."

The others nodded in agreement without much hesitation.

The blonde boy, Edwardo, stepped onto the arena opposite Asher. Though he wore a neutral expression, his thoughts were anything but.

He is just a mere child, only fifteen, he thought, recalling Veylnn's warning to exercise caution. But is there really any need to worry about this guy? Honestly, this will probably be a waste of time. I'd rather fight that Seris woman, but I guess I can prove to my master that I’m ready.

Edwardo pulled out a silver rapier, which glowed brilliantly against the backdrop of the snow. A small sneer crept onto his face, revealing his true feelings for just a moment.


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