Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 123: Finally together

Being back in his own office meant more work to do. Things have gotten chaotic not just the citizens but within the nobles too. Many complaint letters were sent to his office especially about the secret. But this is what they had planned for and there is no turning back.

Prince Winston sighed heavily as he lowered the paper he was reading and placed it on the pile of stamped papers. Complaints here and there they don't even know anything. It's better if they just shut their mouths and not add to the problem.

Prince Elijah assigned him to deal with the nobles while Prince Elijah himself will deal with the people as this is his responsibility. Being a prince is a pain in the past but this is his duty as one.

"Your Highness, another batch has been sent," Said his butler who didn't know what to say after as the number of letters increased. The way his butler acted Prince Winston already knew what it was about and told him to bring it in. A troubled expression raised on him and seeing the letters made him feel more tired.

"This will take another day to finish," Prince Winston said as he massaged his temples. He was feeling much more tired than usual and it might be because of stress.

"Do you want me to brew some coffee for you?" The butler asked worriedly as he was getting worried about Prince Winston's health.


The butler made his way out to brew the coffee while Prince Winston was reading the letters sent to him. The more letters he read he wanted to storm to their place or announce to the nobles to shut their mouths. They aren't helping either. They are just a bunch of foolish people.

Giving up reading the letters he laid down on the couch and covered his eyes with his arm. While laying down on the couch he was reminded of what Laura said earlier. He felt tired but he wanted to see her. Tell her everything is alright and ask her to wait for him.

But he felt scared at the same time. He didn't want to get rejected by Serena since the chances are high. After two years and more of suffering will she forgive him? Will she even accept his heart? Having to wait for someone is quite sad. Only in novels, it will happen but the reality it won't happen at all.

Before entering the office the butler knocked on the door and before he could speak Prince Winston rushed out.

"Sorry, I'll be going out."

"At midnight?" The butler panic while Prince Winston didn't say anything else. He looked down the hot coffee he brewed and drank from the cup. Another cup of coffee for me the butler sighed as he closes the doors of the office.

"It must be nice to be young."

Back in the Smythe estate, the lights to Serena's room were still opened. She was watching the moon and couldn't fall asleep. She felt worried about the recent events and how things were moving in a flash.

Serena walked out of the balcony to clear her mind before going to sleep. Staying at the balcony she was reminded about Laura's incident. Even if Laura told her not to blame herself since she did nothing wrong. She couldn't bring to forgive herself.

She closed her eyes and let the cold wind hit her face. She continued to stay in that position for minutes and as she was about to return back in. A person called her name out. She felt her blood rushing up to her head and as she looked down the balcony she gasped.

The moonlight was flashing down at the silver-haired man. He then asked Serena to stay and not move as he climbed up the balcony. It wasn't his first time climbing up her room but the last he climbed up was when he was younger.

Seeing the sweat drop onto the ground Serena asked, "Did you run all the way here?" While laughing softly Prince Winston answered, "No, I rode my horse but I rushed to see you." Serena blushed a bit and averted her eyes away.

"Do you want to go into my room?" Serena asked while Prince Winston shook his head rejecting her offer.

"You're asking a man to enter a lady's room? Do you have any idea what I can do to you?" He smirked while Serena felt flustered and took a step back when he tried touching her.

He frowned when Serena dodge him. He retreated his hand back down then apologized after. Silence took over the both and slowly the atmosphere between them became awkward. Prince Winston wanted to say something but he didn't know where to start.

While Serena was confused why he was here but she was worried when she saw his pale face. It must be because of the recent news spread in town. Unexpectedly they were all true but Serena was on the side of Prince Elijah. He worked his way up without anymore realizing about it. It must have been hard to keep it all by himself.

"What are you doing here, Your Highness?" Serena asked before Prince Winston could.

"I wanted to see you," He answered with all honesty and sincerity. This time he isn't going to run away. The misunderstanding from the beginning he promised to clear it all out and return back to her. Serena bit her lip then asked, "Why? Don't you have Tine?"

"I'm sorry. Please give me this chance to explain to you," He frowned as he tried holding her hand but she took another step back.

"But why now? It's late at night won't rumor spark between us if you do this?" Serena argued.

"I know you will never forgive me but my heart has always been yours."

"Please don't say those words to me. Save it for Tine," Serena held her tears in and didn't want to hear more. The words he is saying are all lies.

"I'm not lying. Each day I live in fear. I couldn't do anything because Tine threatened me with something the royal family has been keeping about," Prince Winston clenched his fist as he looked down the ground.

"She threatened you?" Serena asked aloud while Prince Winston nodded his head then looked back up at her.

"Not only that but she said she will kill you. But now that the secret has been revealed. I am no longer under her threat. I don't care if you don't believe me but I want to let you know ever since we were children, I decided to make you mine."

Serena was having mixed thoughts about this and didn't know what to say. But hearing those words from him. She knew that they weren't lies. It was a good thing she waited for him all these years. This time she won't make the same mistake as last time. She held his hand gently and gave him a smile.

"It was a good thing I kept waiting for you," Said Serena who was pulled into his embrace.

It was real her warmth. He wondered why he didn't wish for this to happen earlier. Love is fragile but is strong when misunderstandings are cleared. He rested his forehead on her shoulder and didn't want to let her go.

Serena chuckled and stroke his head making him blush and felt the excitement rush all over his body. This is what he was been waiting for. He was scared for nothing but there was one question that stayed in his mind.

"That man you danced with who is he?" He asked.

"You saw?" Serena asked.

"I was watching and I felt jealous. Why didn't you rejected him?" He started to act like a child and she thought it was adorable.

"That's because Laura and Miss Andrea forced me to accept it. That man came from a viscount family and I've seen him looking in my direction many times. But I rejected him so it's fine."

"The engagement between me and Tine was fake. I never signed the document. It was just for show," Prince Winston said as he released her.

From the beginning, the document of their engagement was a fake. Prince Winston did sign the paper but it wasn't his real signature. There is no chance he wanted to be officially engaged. As for Tine she never knew about it and still doesn't know about it.

Hearing a sneeze from Serena, Prince Winston removed the coat he was wearing then placed it around her shoulder. It was about time for him to go back and he didn't want to but he still has things to be finished.

"Can you wait a little bit more?" He asked Serena.

Now that she was sure about his true feelings. There isn't anything for her to doubt anymore. She nodded her head and pulled him closer to her. Then gave him a kiss on the cheek which almost gave him a heart attack.

"You better be prepared next time. I will be waiting," Serena smiled as she walked back into her room.

"Serena, I love you," He confessed out loud making her flustered, and walked back to him to shut his mouth.

"What do you think are you doing?"

"Confessing my love and releasing stress," He teased her. Serena walked back into her room and as she was about to close the door she said.

"Me too. I love you."

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