Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 32: The Arrow, The Memories, My Future

Erwin Ferguson stood in front of the mirror and fixed his tie. It was the day he would go and visit his fief.

Blaine entered the room and stood in a corner as he waited for Erwin to finish. Laura's words repeated in Erwin's head all over again. For a while, he believed it, and he felt that it was just weird for him to believe in it.

It was now the day when Erwin's fate will be decided. Will he believe in Laura or not? It was up to Erwin, who stayed alert as he was ready to leave his place.

Just to be sure of his safety, Erwin had asked his guards to check the premises. But when the guard reported that nothing was suspicious, he became wary and decided to order the security to be tighter instead.

"Are you ready to go?" Blaine asked, handing Erwin his blazer.

"Let's go."

"Are you going to believe what she said?" Blaine asked once more.

"Do I have a choice?" Erwin looked at Blaine with a straight face. He, too, was unsure.

Blaine kept his mouth shut and decided to see where it would lead him instead. He was worried that Erwin would die, and that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

The sky turned dark, and it was raining. Lightning flashed, and the thunder roared. Erwin looked out the window and thought he had seen this setting before.

But he couldn't remember where he had seen it. It was as if a big storm was coming. Erwin walked to his carriage and paused before getting in. Is this the right decision? He had been feeling weird and anxious lately.

It was as if he was being watched or followed by someone. But whenever he turned around and asked his guards to check, no one was there. Erwin knew he didn't imagine things.

Indeed there was someone following him, tracking his next moves, and planning to kill him.

Angelo felt a pair of eyes watching them from afar. He turned around and looked at the tree and was alert. He felt someone pointing an arrow towards Erwin.

Erwin noticed Angelo being protective and saw that he was about to wield his sword. But before Angelo wields his sword, Erwin stopped him.

It would be unfortunate if the enemy knew that they were aware of what was happening.

The best solution, for now, was to wait for them to attack first. But as Erwin took a step on the carriage, out of nowhere, an arrow flew towards him.

Angelo was to slow to react and saw the arrow flying past him.

"Master!" Angelo turned around and saw freezing arrow mid-air. His eyes widened and looked at the person who did it.

. "Ah…so this is how I died. I remembered now," Erwin said softly and turned the arrow back to the assassin.

Erwin flicked his finger, and the arrow aimed at the assassin. The assassin fell onto the floor and was bleeding. The killer looked like he was in great pain.

Erwin thought about how pathetic he was. To die just because of an arrow. His eyes grew colder as he looked down at the assassin. Now what?

"Blaine, make sure he stays alive. I'll move the inspection of the fief on another day. I'll need to write someone a letter," Erwin said, stepping down the carriage.

Blaine bowed and ordered the rest of the guard to inspect the area further. He turned around and looked at Erwin's back. Blaine didn't like how Erwin was suddenly emitting a dark aura around him.

It scared him, and he thought it wasn't like him to be this furious. The door slammed, and Erwin sat on the floor, ruffling his hair.

Why couldn't he remember anything about his past? He then had an idea that Laura could have been placed in the same situation as him.

"Second life, huh?" He smiled, but his heart was aching.

The memories of his death flashed into his head. He was scared, and his hands trembled. It wasn't like him to do so.

"Is this why you told me to find her, Septus?" Erwin gritted his teeth and laughed out loud. "My future."

Erwin Ferguson was a person who lived his life secretly. No one knew who he was and disguised himself. He was unknown to the people.

The crowned prince, a good friend, and cousin to Erwin had entrusted him with investigating the organization group called Silence. Silence is an organization that is famous in the underground market.

They smuggled drugs, and because of them, human trafficking incidents have been frequent. Lately, Erwin was able to gather a great amount of information about them, which may be why they wanted him dead.

The past life Erwin had lived was the same, but this time he survived because he was warned beforehand.

Erwin sighed and removed his necktie, tossing it aside. He covered his ears as the thunder roared, he really hated it when there was a storm. He felt alone.

"It's raining!" Joan shouted out loud, rushing to get the clothes outside that were being hanged.

Laura looked out the window and somehow didn't like how she was feeling. She felt nervous and worried as if something bad had happened.

"Laura?" Mary asked, and Laura was startled. Laura turned around and tilted her head. She didn't hear what Mary was saying because yet mind was filled with worries, and she didn't know why.

"Is there something wrong?" Mary asked.

"I feel like something bad had happened," Laura answered and stood up.

"Bad?" Mary questioned.

"No, don't mind me. It's just an instinct of mine," Laura brushed it off casually. Like she never had said it before.

The sky turned darker, lightning flashed, and the sound of thunder followed. It scared Laura, and she felt anxious. It wasn't like her to get scared, but somehow she is today.

Laura wondered if Erwin is alright. She hasn't heard anything from him or the people, and so maybe he survived. It wasn't like her to be worried about someone she disliked.

"Laura! Wanna play with us?" Azera asked, walking into her room.

"Sure," Laura said and stood up.

"My future." Laura turned to her back and heard a voice out of nowhere. She paused and asked Mary if she heard anything. Mary shook her head and began to feel worried for Laura.

The journal's image suddenly flashed into Laura's head, and she gasped when she remembered what was written.

"Your future," Laura said out loud unconsciously, touching her lips.

"Miss?" Mary asked, worriedly looking at Laura.

"Nothing…" She tried to shrug it off like it was nothing and continued walking down the stairs.

Laura took a seat on the chair, and the other kids gathered around the table and started talking.

Laura was in a daze and couldn't hear what Joan was talking about. She was really bothered by the voice she had heard.

Luke noticed Laura starting to look pale. He immediately got Laura's attention, who didn't hear his voice. He called her name once more, and she tilted her head, wondering why Luke called for her.

"You don't look so good," Luke said, walking towards her.

"I'm fine?" Laura said with an unsure tone. Was it because she was feeling anxious?

"You're not. You're sick," Luke sighed and forced Laura to go back to the bedroom and rest.

"I am?" Laura questioned again.

"Yes, you are. That's why you aren't yourself today."

"I'm not?" Laura paused. Her eyes felt heavy each time she talked, and her head felt like it was splitting into half.

But before she knew it, her vision started to blur, and she began to see black dots around. As she was about to hit the ground, Luke caught her, as she was unconscious and her body was burning up.

Luke blamed himself for not noticing it earlier. Luke carried Laura and brought her to her room. Luke placed Laura's body gently on the bed, asking Joan to get a basin filled with water and a clean towel.

"What happened?" Sister Abby came rushing into Laura's room.

"She fainted, and it looks like she had gotten a cold," Luke answered.

"This is why I told her not to sleep on the couch without something warm to wear," Mary said angrily.

"Was she like this earlier?" Sister Abby asked.

"I noticed she wasn't feeling well ever since she rode the carriage. It was unusual for her to fall asleep."

Luke dipped the clean towel into the basin and squeezed it tightly before placing it on her forehead to bring down her temperature.

"Let's leave her alone to rest and head downstairs," Sister Abby said, and followed Luke and Mary.

Laura opened her eyes, and there she laid on the cold floor. She looked around her and only saw pitch black. Laura was back again in the darkroom.

The room she never wanted to come back in. Laura crossed her legs together and felt like she didn't want to move at all. She was scared of the darkness that had surrounded her.

The room was silent, and there was no one around her. It wasn't her room, but she was in her dreams again.

Laura forced herself to get up despite being alone in a dark place. She thought that if she didn't move, there wouldn't be any progress at all. Still, she was alone and scared.

"Hello?" Laura asked, rubbing her shoulders.

It was cool, and Laura wasn't wearing something warm. Laura didn't like what she was dreaming of.

A dream that was meaningless, a dream without a dream.

"Anyone here?" She asked once more and began to lose hope. "Of course... who will be there to save me?"

Laura stopped walking and closed her eyes tightly, wishing to be out of this nightmare, wishing for someone to bring her out of the dark.

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