Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 35: The Visit I

A week had passed, and without fail, rumors spread around the estate. When Laura arrived back in the estate, it was like when she first came, she was treated coldly.

They treated her like how they did in the past. Laura was well prepared when she got out of the carriage.

Still, it reminded her of the painful days. During the past week, she noticed how Tine acted as if she never existed. Not only that, but she also notices Tine going out at day and coming back at night.

Laura didn't know what she was feeling. Maybe it was uneasiness?

"Laura, focus. Seriously, what has been going on with you?" Viscountess Andrea asked, scolding her.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I can't seem to focus," Laura sighed, dropping the book she was holding on the table.

The uneasiness feeling that she had, has been lingering around Laura, and she wanted to find a solution to it. She was desperate for the journal to show her something or even maybe learn about Septus.

"Miss Andrea, do you know the god of life and death?" Laura asked, hoping Viscountess Andrea knew.

"I do. It's rumored that Septus gives his children a second life to live. Why?" Viscountess asked, tilting her head.

"I was just curious because I read it in a book and it didn't have much information about him," Laura made up a reason, crossing her fingers, hoping Viscountess Andrea wouldn't notice.

"I have a friend, and he's the High priest."


"I can set a meeting for you guys, and don't worry, you'll get along for sure," Viscountess Andrea said as she took a sip of the tea.

"I would gladly want to meet him," Laura said, with eyes sparkling. This was her chance to know more about Septus.

It wasn't because she was suspicious of him, but she was curious why he had chosen her. Not only that, she recalled not only being the one who was reincarnated.

It seemed like Erwin was also experiencing the same thing she was. To the people, Septus was the god of life and death. The people who are sick would usually go to him and pray or ask for his blessings.

Some believe him, but some say it's just a fraud. Laura had mixed feelings about Septus, but for sure, she wasn't wrong that he was real.

The church is usually the best place to ask, but Laura didn't have the time to go out and do so. Luckily Viscountess Andrea has a connection with one of them, and to be exact, it was the High priest.

However, no one really knows what he looked like. When there were big events in the church, the high priest usually handled the mass but still he managed to cover his face with a special cloth.

The High priest is an unknown man, no one except for some priests knew how he looked like. The two ladies continued talking, not until they were interrupted by a knock. Laura turned to see Lester entering, holding a majestic-looking envelope.

"It's from the emperor," He said, handing the letter to Laura. Laura wondered why the emperor had sent her a letter. Did she perhaps do something wrong?

Laura opened the letter, and as she continued to read through the letter, her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. How could she forget about this?

The emperor wrote a letter to Laura, wishing to see her. Laura was supposed to see the king sooner, but she didn't, and it slipped out of her mind. She hit herself lightly on the head for being so forgetful and placed the letter down. Laura can't reject the emperor's wishes.

For best, she needed to reply quickly, not wanting the emperor to wait. Laura asked Lester to bring the nicest envelope and paper that she had. After writing the letter, she asked Lester to send it out immediately. But as Lester was almost out of sight, Laura stopped him asking him to do something.

Since Laura had been feeling uneasy about what Tine's doing, she needed someone to keep an eye on her. The best person who fitted the job was Lester. Laura instructed him to stay by Tine's side.

After all, Tine still didn't have a personal maid after Helga's death. When Laura learned about Helga's death, she couldn't help but pity her. What has Tine ever done to Helga?

Helga was always by her side and stayed loyal to her until the very end. Laura respected Helga, it was because of the loyalty she had shown to Tine. Still, Laura felt that Tine had betrayed Helga.

It was a pity that Helga was gone, but she didn't expect Tine to use her and be so heartless. Lester hesitated and didn't know what Laura was thinking, but surely there was a reason why. He to was suspicious of Tine's movements lately.

After the big turmoil that happened in the estate, things weren't going well. News about Laura falsely accusing Tine had spread amongst the nobles. And factions between Tine and Laura were made.

Some groups of nobles supported Tine, and some were for Laura. It was weird how there was a sudden group between the two, but surely it isn't good.

Laura did not also expect it to happen, but once something has happened, you cannot change it.

"Some nobles are really for Tine. Just because she looked pitiful," Viscountess Andrea said, flipping her fan out.

"I don't really understand why it is happening, but I guess it just happens," Laura said.

"But no matter what happens, I'll be by your side," She smiled, fanning herself.

"I know you are, teacher," Laughed Laura, teasing Viscountess, Andrea.

It was about Time Viscountess Andrea would leave, but suddenly someone slammed the door open and entered Tine, who gave Laura a look of disgust as soon as she saw her.

"What do you need from us?" Laura asked calmly.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you. Is there a problem?" She bashfully smiled.

"I see…" Laura said suspicious.

"My, I didn't see you there, Viscountess Andrea," Tine said in a mocking tone. Viscountess Andrea pretended she did not see or hear Tine.

It was rude of Tine to speak to her like that, despite Tine's status higher than her. Viscountess Andrea believed that one must speak with kindness and not in a mocking way.

Tine brushed it off coolly, not bothered with how she was treated. She didn't care and was only aiming towards Laura.

"Laura, did you hear someone talking?" Viscountess, Andrea asked innocently. Taking revenge on Tine.

"I did, was a kind of soft," Laura said, mocking Tine back. Tine went silent, scowling at Laura. She was left speechless and didn't know what to do.

Once again, she embarrassed herself. Tine smirked and straightened her back, looking down at Laura.

"I just wish to see my sister, yet I'm being bullied here," Tine sulked, swirling her fingers around her hair.

"I never thought of that. I was telling Miss Andrea that the birds outside were chirping, and it seems like she didn't hear the birds singing. Did you want to hear it too?" Tine didn't like the feeling of defeat.

Every Time she loses to Laura, her mouth would have a bitter taste, and it wasn't alright for her. She just wanted to win against Laura again.

"I recently heard that Prince Winston had an eye for someone, but with how clearly he described the girl, I was sure that it wasn't you," Laura smirked, knowing she hit the jackpot.

"If you excuse me, I need to escort Miss Andrea out." Laura and Viscountess Andrea walked out of the study room, holding in their laughter.

The face Tine made was revealing her true intention, and it was to mock Laura. Unexpectedly, the tables turned and were now was in favor of Laura.

The bitterness stayed in Tine, but she managed to stay cool. Indeed, the opponent she tried to fight was strong and not weak.

Tine thought that if she could at least find a piece of weakness that could go against Laura, then there was a chance that she would win.

The past few days, Tine had been going out to meet the other ladies and was the one who spread the rumors. She thought everyone would believe her, but only half of them did.

Tine also blamed it on Viscountess Andrea. However, supported Viscountess Andrea and never doubted whom she chose. Because of that, Laura also earned some favors from the other nobles.

The factions between the two started since then, and it was like a wildfire that spread even through the ears of the lower class. But Tine wasn't done, it was just the beginning of her plan.

There was still much more she needed to do, and one of them was to recover Silence secretly.Tine learned that the duke had annihilated the organization, but some managed to escape and are out there waiting to take their revenge.

Despite knowing that, it's going to be a hard task for Tine. Because she doesn't know who they truly are, and lost track of the person who worked for her.

But Tine was unlucky. She didn't know that the duke was after the people who supported the organization and how her own shadow, Angelo, was now on the duke's side.

Laura watched Viscountess Andrea's carriage leaving the gate before she could go back to her room and rest.

Now what she will need to worry about is her visit tomorrow, to see the emperor.

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