Second Life's Revenge

Chapter 58: Underground Market I

Drip, drip, drip

Seeing the blood flow out of Erwin's abdomen, Laura felt nauseous and wanted to turn her back. But seeing the wounded Erwin, who had a sword pierced into him, made Laura unmoveable.

Laura watched the blood dripping onto the floor as the man who stabbed Erwin flee, leaving the sword pierced in Erwin's abdomen. 

As her legs trembled, walking to the injured man, and her voice trembling, she asked, "What do I do here?"

While Erwin's breath cut short and his vision started to blur. With a sword stabbed into him and losing countless blood surely, he knew that it was the end for him. Erwin knew that, and yet, he felt regret in him.

Laura's hand trembled, looking at the sword, half-pierced into Erwin. There was no chance for Erwin to survive this. Even if he did, he might be in a coma forever. Laura felt a hand stroking her cheek, and as she looked at, she saw Erwin smiling.

Laura bit her lip and asked, "Why are you smiling? Aren't you supposed to be asking for help?"

"Who can help me when we're both the only ones in this old ruined house?" Erwin laughed and immediately hissed after he felt a sharp pain. 

"Don't move," Laura cried and continued, "I'll ask someone for help. That's why just stay alive."

Erwin laughed, feeling hopeless. Getting by a sword that was halfway in him, how can he not die from blood loss? There was one gamble Erwin thought of, but he might end up dead by then. But thinking whatever the outcome may be, Erwin decided it was best to take this chance.

"Laura, turn around," Erwin said in a coarse voice.

"Why? What are you going to do?" Laura asked, wiping her tears.

"It's going to be a big gamble, and I don't think you would want to see it," Erwin said as his breath started to grow deeper and deeper.

Not knowing what Erwin will do, Laura listened and turned her back toward Erwin. Laura wrapped her arms around herself and heard Erwin groan out loud. Laura urged to turn back to see what was happening, but at the same time, she didn't want to because she needed to trust Erwin with whatever he is trying to do.

Laura shut her eyes tightly and asked herself, "Just like that, will you leave me?"

"Laura," she heard a faint voice that didn't belong to Erwin calling her.

"Laura," she heard the voice again, but this time louder and more precise.

"Laura? Aren't you going to start moving?" Count Harrison asked, bringing Laura coming back to reality, which he overlooked because he was focused on cutting the beef into half.

"I'm sorry, it seems like I spaced out for a while," Laura apologized and picked the utensils up.

They all ate in silence, and the clacking sounds of the fork and knife echoed in the dining hall. In contrast, Laura felt a pair of eyes glaring at her. Knowing it coming from Tine, Laura decided to ignore it and continued eating.

It was satisfying to see the angry and annoyed look on Tine's face, but it wasn't pleasurable having some glare at you dreadfully as you eat. No matter how many times Tine did it, Laura still couldn't get used to it. 

Laura placed her fork down and sighed as she looked at Tine. As Laura turned to face her, Tine immediately panicked as their eyes met. How insightful, Laura thought. If you want to pick a fight, then do it. There's no need to hold back.

"Is there a problem, Tine?" Laura asked with a sickly sweet smile.

"N-no, why do you ask?" Tine stammered.

"You keep looking at me. That's why I thought you had one," Laura said as she stabbed a piece of beef, putting it into her mouth.

Tine clenched her dress, wanting to curse at Laura but held it in as she didn't want to ruin her angelic character in front of her father. Tine didn't like to compliment Laura, but she was left with no choice if it means to not stir a misunderstanding.

"I was just admiring your beauty," Tine averted her eyes away, while Count Harrison laughed out loud, wiping his mouth.

"You two sure are close," Count Harrison said, nodding his head.

"We're not and will never be," Tine whispered, clicking her tongue.

Laura took the chance to talk to Count Harrison about his business because it was around this time when the carriage that delivered silk was looted by bandits. Though in the past, Count Harrison wasn't that affected badly still he lost valuable customers.

Sadly the carriage was looted by no ordinary bandits but bandits who came from the underground market.

When Count Harrison sent guards to check what was left in the carriage, nothing was left but a piece of paper with a skull that represented the underground market. Once they saw the paper, they immediately abandoned the case.

Many people, including nobles, avoided any case related to the underground market because they might get targeted and end up dead. No one knows why the people in the underground market do things in that way but for sure it was to intimidate ordinary people.

Since it was about time to come, Laura hoped she could sneak into the investigation just to go to the underground market, despite it being dangerous. 

Rumors say that once you enter, you will never go back out unharmed. It was scary to think about it, but if it's to get more information about Tine and Marquess Rogen, Laura didn't careS.

Even if life is precious and a saying that goes, you only live once. Laura didn't mind getting wounded to expose Tine. She wanted to get revenge, and this was the only thing she had thought. 

To gamble, there is a risk, and that risk was to get hurt. 

"How is work so far?" Laura asked.

Count Harrison shook his head and said, "So far so good, but I'm worried about something."

"And that is?" Laura furrowed a brow.

"It has something to do with the underground market's skull or bandits," Count Harrison sighed.

"Is there something I can help with," Tine intervened.

"My dear, thank you for trying to help, but it's alright," Count Harrison assured.

"I think I can help," beseeched Laura with eyes anticipating.

"Since you were able to help me the last time, tell me what you know," Count Harrison asked, rubbing his chin.

Tine slammed both hands onto the table and startled the people inside the dining hall, and after a few seconds of silence, she spoke, "Isn't that unfair?" 

Seeing Tine expressing her jealousy and annoyance, Count Harrison felt his chest tightening as he looked at the fierce eyes of Tine. He felt his hair standing and felt cold sweat forming on his forehead.

For the first time, Tine showed a face Count Harrison never saw before. He wondered since when did Tine, the angel make such spine-chilling expression. Just when did she mature that much?

"I-it's because Laura might have a better idea than you have," Count Harrison laughed awkwardly, clasping both hands.

"I see," Tine smiled, returning her angelic face.

Laura felt the thick tension between the Count and Tine. It might be an eye-opener to Count Harrison, and it sure looks like it affected him. But at the same moment, Laura took this opportunity to call Count Harrison.

"Father, do you trust me?" Laura asked.

"Yes, I do, why?" Count Harrison blinked twice.

"Then please permit me to go to the underground market," Laura stands tall.

"I cannot do that. You do know that the underground market is the most dangerous place in the world," Count Harrison crossed his arms together.

"If you don't permit me, then I no choice but to get one from Duke Erwin," Laura said, raising her chin.

Count Harrison was left speechless, and his eyes widened. He called for Percival and whispered into his ear, asking him to get a permit. Count Harrison allowed Laura to go because she looked determined and didn't look like she'll back down anytime. 

"I'll allow you to go," Count Harrison said, and a smile lit up on Laura's face.

"But sister can't go there alone, can she?" Tine worried.

"That's right. I'll only allow you to go if His Grace goes. I heard that you two are acquainted," Count Harrison said, resting his elbow on the table.

"That's...I'll try if His Grace isn't busy," Laura sighed out of frustration.

The heavy feeling that resided in Laura still hasn't subdued. She thought that she had forgotten about him and the things that happened a few days back. Flashbacks of Erwin asking had pained Laura.

Just why did she say his name? She could've asked for Viscountess Andrea to help, yet the first person that came into her mind was Erwin. Laura turned her head at Count Harrison and flashed a smile.

Laura confidently showed a smile as not to be bewildered by Tine's plan. Knowing what kind of thinking Tine had, it was best to walk with confidence than to walk with uncertainty.

"Don't worry, father. I will do my best to reach your expectations."

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