Seeds of Discordia

Tutorial 22 – Our Conditions

Liam struck a target dummy a few times. After his multiple strikes he took a step back and took a moment to catch his breath. He set his gaze upon his newest weapon he had made before leaving the smithy.

It was curved like a talon and was sharp on the inside. He was able to shape an indent right below where the hilt and the blade met so his index finger could grip better. The hilt was made of leather and felt better than the bulky feel the other ones he had been using before.

He had gotten lucky with it getting its quality to Poor instead of Crude. It wasn’t the absolute best weapon, but it was a step up from his plain crude daggers.

He had learned from Fia that there were different levels of qualities for weapons and armor. They were Crude, Poor, Average, Above Average, Well Crafted, Excellent, Superb, Masterwork, and Exalted.

Fia had also taught him that anything below Average had a penalty placed on the object. The penalty made the object’s stats less than it would be if it were at Average quality. The exact opposite would apply if an object was higher than Average quality.

“It’s a step,” Liam muttered. “Just got to keep at it.” A chime sound echoed in his mind.


“Congratulations! Weapon Skill – Dagger has reached level 8! Progression to level 9: 2%.”


Liam waved it away and then muttered, “Just two more levels and then I can dual wield daggers.”

More sounds of chimes echoed in his mind as a few more notifications appeared.


“Congratulations! Body Attribute Dexterity Sub-stat Agility has reached level 8!”

“Congratulations! Mind Attribute Wisdom Sub-stat Physical Practicality has reached level 6!”

“Congratulations! Spirit Attribute Recovery Sub-stat Stamina Recovery has reached level 10! +5% to recovering stamina!”


“Sweet,” Liam started as he stared at the last notification. “That’s nine Sub-stats that have reached level ten or higher.” He brought up a finger as he counted out. “Speed, Power, Mental Resilience, Knowledge, Perception, Magic Practicality, Will Power, Zen, and now this.”

After he waved the message away unconsciously, he looked around at the other people training. He watched as some of them were sweating while pushing their limits. Others talked leisurely with a friend or companion with the occasional laugh. A few were catching their breath while sitting and a few more were just relaxing.

“Comparing this to how things went the past couple of years, it feels…strange,” Liam muttered. A few images flew past his vision, too quick to see what they were. He shook his head to clear it. As he did so he felt a couple presences approach him from behind.

He turned to see three individuals staring at him. It was two males and a female.

One stood tall with oily slicked black hair and seedy blue eyes. He wore a grey shirt with a blue jean vest, black cargo shorts and black boots. 

The other male was about the same height as Liam. He had short blond hair, and an athletically fit body, like he had lifted a lot of weights before coming into this world. His jaded green eyes looked playful but held a predatory look within them. He wore a white shirt with short sleeves rolled up to show off his toned muscles, black shorts, and black boots.

The female had blond and black hair held up in a short ponytail. Her icy blue eyes gazed condescendingly down at the male before her. She wore clothes in a similar fashion to her two companions, except she had a tank top on showing she had a sinewy built body.

“Can I help you?” Liam questioned.

“We want this spot, so get lost,” Theodore, the athletically built one, ordered with a distasteful look.

“Yeah, you’re finished here now get,” Mia said with her annoyingly high-pitched voice.

Liam remembered the three from before when they tried bossing Roman out of his spot. He didn’t know what it was about them, but their actions just annoyed him. If this was Earth, there wouldn’t need to be any of this talking. It would be a dog eat dog’s fight for the spot.

Liam stopped himself from diving further into that mind set. He wasn’t on Earth anymore. He could just fall back to the rules that heavily stained his soul and hands. Those last couple of years really did a number on him and he wanted to forget that way of living.

Liam gave an even looked then sighed before saying, “I was just finishing up so sure you three stooges can have it.”

“What did you call us?” Henry, the tallest one questioned.

Liam waved a hand as he started walking away and said, “Like I’ve told you three before, I don’t need petty little plebs causing me a headache.”

“What a minute,” Theodore started as he stared at Liam with a scowl. “That’s right you’re one of Mercer’s new lackeys aren’t you.”

Liam ignored him and continued walking, until Theodore added, “You better hope I don’t meet up with you with that sorry excuse for a sad sack Mercer after we all leave the Tutorial Area. Because when I catch him, I will make him my…”

He started to say until Liam suddenly spun around and jolted for him but was stopped as Blair and Roman appeared grabbing his arms.

Theodore noticed the fist inches away from his face and gulped with a wide-eyed look.

“It’s not worth it Liam,” Blair stated as she glared at Theodore.

“Remember what you said before?” Roman asked, trying to hold back his dislike for the three. “They’re nothing, but small unnecessary distractions.”

Liam’s furious looking expression slowly disappeared as he pulled his fist back and started to recompose himself. “You’re right.”

Roman and Blair eyed him before releasing their grip on him.

“Let’s get out of here,” Liam suggested as he glared at the three before him and turned around.

“That’s right. Run back to your master,” Theodore goaded. “You three are nothing, but weak beings that follow a pathetic sniveling snobbish cobbled master.”

“Yeah,” Henry agreed with a chuckle.

Roman and Blair glowered as Liam questioned, “Why are you doing this? I know you’re grasping for something, but I’m not sure what. What do you hope to achieve by doing this?”

Theodore smiled as he said, “I want to fight you. Specifically, I want to beat you so hard that you understand you’re worthless and weak.”

Something unfamiliar slowly stirred inside Liam bringing with it a familiar feeling. He recognized that feeling causing his blood to warm up. Liam tried to force it down, but Theodore’s words echoed deep inside of him making the thing stirring fight back a bit harder.

So, it all comes back to how it was over there. Liam thought as he failed to hold the frustration and annoyance down.

A faint whisper tickled the back of his mind saying, If this guy wants to act all high and mighty then maybe it’s time to show him who’s truly worthless one.

“So, you want to assert dominance because you feel so weak?” Liam asked as he nodded. “Okay, that make much more sense and more up to my speed of things. How do we do this?”

Blair and Roman glanced over at him, shocked by Liam’s readiness.

“There’s an area in the back. We can have a match there without any worry of death so we can let loose. However, let’s have a rule and a wager,” Theodore stated smugly.

“Oh? What are they?” Liam questioned.

“Rule is no magic. Just weapons and physical attacks. If we win you will get on your knees and proclaim to everyone that you will disband Mercer from your group and that no one should have him in theirs,” Theodore demanded.

Blair and Roman felt anger start to boil in their veins.

“Alright,” Liam agreed sounding unfazed.

Theodore smiled malevolently.

Liam, Blair and Roman turned and started for the arena in the back of the compound.

“Not that it matters, but what are you going to demand if you win?” Mia asked.

Liam stopped, slowly turned his head, and said with a cold even voice, “I’ll tell you when we win.”




People crowded the seats around the small arena. They chattered as the six combatants gathered around on opposite sides.

Blair placed her Helm of The Grave Keeper over her head then pulled out her sword and buckler. Her armor already dawned. She looked at Roman who wore shorts, a chain-linked vest over a black cotton shirt, and spiked gloves.

She looked at Roman and questioned with a confused expression, “What are you wearing?”

“I can’t wear that Mage beginner’s robe set. It’ll hinder my attacks and isn’t meant for close combat,” Roman answered as he flexed his hands testing the fit of the gloves. “This isn’t much I know, but it’s better for this style of fighting than that armor set.”

Liam, wearing his Beginner’s light armor set, stared at the opponents through his googles that covered his eyes.

Theodore wore armor similar to Blair, but instead of wielding a shield and a sword, he gripped a long handled single sided axe that resembled a war axe. The handle was made from a red colored wood while the color of the giant blade was a crimson color.

Liam assessed it.

“Crimson Lizard Broad Axe. Item Rarity – Uncommon. Quality – Poor. + 2.5% against scaled and lizard type monsters.”

He looked at Henry. Henry wore armor similar to him, but he wielded two daggers instead of one.

“Tch,” Liam clicked as he thought, “He’s already got his dagger skills to level ten.”

As he looked at Mia who stood behind the two he noticed her armor was different and her weapon was a bow. She wore a tan hood over a white shirt. A quiver was strapped around her shoulder across to her right hip. Her tan leather boots hugged over her pants and ran up to her mid shins. He assessed her as well.

“Bowmen Beginner Armor set. Beginner gloves. Light Armor. Quality – Poor. Armor +5. Beginner Cloth Sleeveless shirt. Cloth Armor. Armor +3. Beginner Cloth Cloak. Cloth Armor. Quality – Poor. Armor + 3. Beginner pants. Quality – Poor. Light Armor. Armor +5. Beginner boots. Quality – Poor. Light Armor. Armor +5. Beginner Quiver. Quality – Crude. Item rarity – Common. Can hold up to 7 arrows at a time. Beginner Bow. Item Rarity – Common. Quality – Crude.”

Liam looked back to Blair and Roman and stated, “Looks like their formation will be two front liners and a ranged attacker.”

“Yeah?” Blair asked as she eyed them.

“What’s the plan?” Roman questioned as he looked at Liam.

“Hm, I’m not too sure about Theodore’s or Mia’s skills, but I do know that you need your Daggers to level ten in order to dual wield. Also, since Henry has the same armor as me, he’s a dexterity build,” Liam started.

“You need a Sub-stat Power and Body Strength of ten to wield that weapon,” Blair informed. “It was one of the weapons I was considering, so seeing it in action will be beneficial.”

“Why do you need both of those Sub-stats at level ten to wield it?” Roman asked.

“You need to have Body Strength in order to wield a heavier weapon than a sword, dagger, or any other smaller type weapon. Level ten is just the minimum to counter act the penalties, not only that you get the muscles needed to swing it better without spending so much stamina,” Blair explained.

She glanced over at Theodore once more and then added, “You need Power at level ten so you can do appropriate damage with it. So, without both those Sub-stats at least to that level you’re just a weak person straining to swing a heavy object. Think of it like trying to pick a heavy rock. If you don’t have the strength, then you can hurt yourself from the strain.

“Ah, ok now I see,” Roman said. “So that’s the difference between the two Sub-Stats Power and Body Strength. That makes sense.”

Liam nodded. “So that leaves Mia as an unknown. For now, try and dodge her attacks.” Liam looked at Blair and asked, “If need be, can we jump behind you to support us from the arrows?”

“I can do my best but no promises,” Blair replied.

“Alright, if I can I’ll try to throw some daggers her way to offset her. Roman, can you take Henry?” Liam questioned.

“My speed and Agility might not be up to par, but I can at least distract him,” Roman stated.

“Ok, at the start I’ll hang back and instruct what to do until I get a feel for the flow of the fight. Does that work?” Liam asked.

Blair and Roman nodded as Theodore yelled out, “Are you done planning how you’re going to lose?”

The three glared at Theodore as they readied themselves.

“Oh, we’re done planning,” Roman started as he cracked his knuckles. “But it isn’t us who’s going to lose.”

Henry and Mia let out a laugh.

“Tough talk for a shortie,” Henry commented.

Roman’s eyes narrowed. He then said with a thick lace of fury building in his voice, “Forget what I said earlier. I want to take him down.”

Liam nodded as he said evenly, “Do it.”

“Ready!” a voice shouted.

All six combatants nodded with affirmation.


Roman and Blair raced forward as Henry and Theodore charged.

Mia pulled an arrow out from her quiver and aimed it at Liam. After steadying her hand, she released it. The arrow flew between her two companions and sailed forward, but was deflected as Blair swatted her buckler against it.

Mia clicked her tongue sounding annoyed.

 Liam watched as Henry swiped one dagger down in a forty-degree angle at Roman with his right hand. Roman side stepped out of the way before dropping down to his knees to dodge the other dagger from striking him at a ninety-degree horizontal angle. After the dagger passed over his head, Roman stood back up and struck Henry in the stomach, making him take a step back.

Liam turned his gaze to Blair who parried the axe strike, guiding it over her head. Before she could counter strike, Theodore brought a foot up and kicked her solar plex making her let out a cough and take a step back.

As Blair faltered backwards, Theodore swung his axe behind his head and swung down as hard as he could. Blair jumped to her right to dodge it, then took a step forward to strike.

Liam caught Mia knock an arrow back, aiming for Blair.

“Incoming attack from your two o’clock Blair!” Liam shouted.

Blair ignored the warning as she continued her strike.

Liam then watched the arrow zoom towards Blair’s head. Before the arrow could collide, the vines hanging behind Blair’s neck came to life and formed a small shield big enough to stop the attack.

“What the hell!” Mia shouted then complained, “We agreed to no magic! You should forfeit due to cheating!”

“It’s not magic, but an armor skill,” Blair grinned as she rushed towards Theodore to shoulder chuck him.

Theodore swung his axe horizontally as hard as he could crashing it into Blair’s buckler, making the attack attempt stop. The momentum of his strike hitting her buckler made her slide across the dirt.

Liam looked back at Roman and saw Henry land a two-hit combo across Roman’s chest. Liam went to take a step in that direction until Roman shouted, “I’ve got this! Just focus on your task.”

Liam nodded before stating, “He leads with his right hand. Be careful of feints.”

Roman grinned. “Got it!”

After Liam said that, he swiftly jumped into a roll to his right, dodging an arrow.

“What the hell!” Mia shouted feeling frustrated.

“These guys should be easy picking for you Mia,” Theodore growled as he swung his axe vertically, missing his attack as Blair parried it to her left. “What are you doing over there?”

“I’m doing the best I can!” Mia shouted as she grabbed another arrow. “You should have overpowered them by now Theo!” She knocked it back and aimed for Roman.

“One O’clock incoming Roman!” Liam barked.

The arrow flew fast. Roman jumped to his right but was still grazed by it. A thin red line formed as a crimson liquid slowly trickled out of the wound.

Theodore let out an angry yell as he spun around and charged Roman while swinging his weapon over his head.

Liam saw Theodore charge as Henry pincered Roman from the front.

“Crap! Roman, attack coming from the front and back!” Liam shouted.

Blair rushed to get beside Theodore but couldn’t reach the area she needed to be in to block the attack.

Liam watched Roman give a small smile as he surprisingly spun his right foot in a circle behind him and stopped on the other side of his other foot, pivoting his body to narrowly dodge the powerful strike.

The axe came crashing down on top of Henry, making him immobile for the rest of the fight as his body flashed red.

Shell-shocked by what happened, Theodore and Mia stared at Henry.

Liam saw the opportunity and shouted as he started sprinting, “Blair! Shield up!”

Without hesitating, Blair raised the buckler horizontally above her head.

Liam jumped and used it as a springboard to launch himself into the air and started throwing dagger after dagger from his inventory drilling them into Mia.

After the fifth successful dagger penetrated her skin, she dropped to her knees being taken out of the fight as her body flashed red as well.

Theodore snapped out of his confusion and was about to swing his axe around, but was a moment too late as Liam gripped the small amount of blond hair Theodore had, pulled his head back and plunged his dagger into his neck.

Theodore let out a silent scream as his body flashed red indicating he was no longer able to fight.

Before Liam released Theodore’s hair, he gripped it harder and tugged his ear next to his mouth and whispered in a low tone laced with thick anger, “Our conditions for winning are…you don’t come near my crew ever again. Because if you do I won’t hesitate to kill you.” He then flung Theodore’s head away from him watching it land face first into the dirt.

Liam took a couple of breaths in and then out. He then looked at the crowd and noticed Mercer, Aryana, Avery, and Artem looking at them.

The unfamiliar thing that was stirring inside Liam dissipated allowing panic to suddenly replace itself inside him. As the panic started to grow a few images flashed before his eyes.

His breathing began to quicken a bit before he took a shaky breath. Trying to keep a calm composure he then looked at Blair and Roman and stated, “I’m going to get out of here. I’ll catch you guys later.”

“Huh,” Blair said as she put her buckler away.

“Where are you going?” Roman questioned as he saw Liam jog away.

Confused by Liam’s actions, both Roman and Blair stared at each other.

“What was that about?” Blair asked with confusion.

“Who knows,” Roman replied with a shrug. “Maybe he needed to poop?”

Blair looked at him with a bit of disgust on her face. “I think I’ll tell Ariyana that you need more lessons on your talking habits.”

“What?!” Roman stated with widened eyes. “I didn’t say anything bad though. That was a logical guess.”

“One that probably should have been kept to yourself,” Blair replied as she walked over to where Liam’s daggers were. As she picked up the daggers, she noticed the design. She had both interest and respect for the design, but a frown still won over her face. With a thought she mentally added, I’m going to need to have a talk with him about leaving his stuff on the ground.

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