Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

112 The Avenger

I still have power, even as the winds are picking up and the rain's starting. Spotty internet, though. So, here's the next chapter and I'll see you all when the storm's passed. Just over 3,000 words.

Only three days had passed after the Avengers had assembled on the helicarrier and one day since they had tracked down and captured Loki in Germany. The agents he had corrupted had succeeded in stealing the iridium he needed to open the portal using the tesseract, which meant the time of the invasion was only a couple of days away.

I had just put the final touches on my vibranium cloth laced steel armor suit when a muted air raid siren went off.

Jarvis walked into the lab and held up a tablet to show me what it displayed. “Ben, we have an incoming fire trail from space and it's headed right for us.”

I glanced at the screen and saw the trajectory. “We should have just enough time to get to the helipad to greet our guest.”

Jarvis nodded and killed the siren. I wiped my hands off and grabbed the modified pager and a cardboard box, that I handed to Jarvis, before we went to the elevator. It was a quick ride up to the penthouse and I went right over to the outer doors that led to a patio of sorts and the huge balcony. I opened the doors and stepped out with a confident stride as I looked up at the thin streak of fire coming towards us.

“Have you been masking her trail by every means except sight?” I asked.

“Yes. Most of it can be explained away as only seeing a meteorite.” Jarvis said and worked on his tablet. “Should I release any news reports upon impact?”

I chuckled. “No, my friend. When nothing happens... well, hopefully nothing will happen... people will dismiss it as unimportant, even with the target being this building.”

“People do tend to ignore events that concern Stark Tower.” Jarvis said and looked up. “She isn't slowing down.”

“I suspect she's going to try showing off a little.” I commented as the streak of fire plummeted right towards us.

At the last second, it diverted and landed ten feet away with a blast of blue energy that dissipated the fire and blew our hair around our faces. Neither Jarvis nor I moved from where we stood.

Captain Marvel couldn't keep the surprise off of her face. “How are you still on your feet?”

I chuckled and Jarvis smiled. “We can talk about that later, Vers.” I said and her eyes widened. “Or do you prefer Captain Danvers or Captain Marvel?” I asked and she didn't respond. “What about Carol?”

“Where's Nick Fury?” Danvers asked instead.

“Funny thing that.” I said and held up the modified pager. “He either forgot about you or he decided that he wasn't going to call you about the invasion of Earth by the Chitauri army in a couple of days.”

“The Chitauri?!?” Danvers exclaimed and then she squinted her eyes at me. “If he didn't call me, why am I here?”

“Because even if Fury thinks he has enough super-powered people around to handle it, that doesn't mean he should keep one of Earth's strongest heroes in the dark about everything.” I said and she lost the accusing look. “I do have to apologize if you were in the middle of something, however. I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important.”

“You should be glad that it wasn't urgent.” Jarvis said. “Eleven days have passed since you were sent the signal.”

Danvers gave him a squinted-eyed look. “It takes a long time to travel across interstellar space.”

I held up a hand to forestall any arguments. “Before we get into that, did you have access to a ship that could traverse the distance with a hyperdrive or whatever they use to travel faster than light?”

Danvers lost the accusing look and turned her head slightly away.

“Ah, I see. You didn't want anyone to have access to a ship that had interstellar flight capabilities, even if this planet has been visited dozens of times in the past by several races.” I said and her eyes widened again. “I can't really blame you for wanting to keep humanity from getting their hands on advanced technology. Most of us can be real pricks about receiving anything even close to real power.”

Danvers gave me an odd look. “Not you?”

I barked a laugh and Jarvis smiled again. “I'm guilty of it myself and I've even let it go to my head a few times; but, I also try to keep myself grounded. I'm more concerned about ensuring that those with power can use it effectively without causing harm to any innocents.”

Danvers gave me a nod and she looked at me from head to foot. “What are your powers?”

“I make a mean breakfast burrito and can bake cookies in my sleep.” I said with a grin.

Danvers raised a single eyebrow at me.

“I can't really tell you anything except that I just finished construction of an armored suit for myself. I didn't wear it because I wanted to greet you like this, wearing normal clothing, and I wanted you to see my face.”

Danver's gave me another odd look. “Why?”

“Because I wanted you to know that I'm not trying to hide anything from you.” I said and held up the pager. “Will this work again to call you or do you have to reset it? The screen hasn't changed since I activated it.”

Danvers held a hand out for it. “I'll fix it for you and...”

“Reset. Got it.” I said and flipped it over and popped the battery pack off of it and put it back on. It beeped at me and I flipped it back over. I went through the settings and chose the previous contact for the next signal.

“How did you know how to do that?” Danvers asked me.

“It's not that difficult.” I said and put it into my pocket. “I've worked with more advanced technology.”

Danvers gave me a wide-eyed look.

“What name do you go by while off-planet?” I asked and Jarvis handed me the cardboard box. “Oh, right.” I said and walked several steps closer to her and handed her the box. “This is a present for you.”

“Wh-what?” Danvers asked as she accepted it.

“It's something that will be out on the market in a few weeks.” I said and motioned for her to open it.

Danvers popped it open and caught her breath. “What... what is this?”

“It's the Captain Marvel line of action figures.” I said, a bit proudly. “There's you in your current outfit, you in your old Starforce uniform, you in your Air Force uniform with a removable helmet, and a toy jet.”

Jarvis hit a button and a flat surface raised up beside her.

Danvers put the box down on it and took each thing out until there was only one thing left. She picked up the last item and it was a plush ginger cat. “You made Goose into a toy, too?”

I grinned and nodded. “Squeeze his sides.”

Danvers did so and the cat's mouth opened up before several plush purple tentacles flopped out as if to grab something. The stunned look on her face as she did that several times was pretty funny to see.

“It's a limited edition that's only going to be available for those in the know.” I commented and she nodded as she played with it. “You're getting the first ones ever produced.”

“You... how... why...” Danvers asked.

“Superheroes like you can't really have a regular job or a steady income, especially if you're out saving multiple worlds from evil and tyranny.” I said and she gave me a startled look. “Yes, before you ask, I own the patents and trademarks for everything and I've had Jarvis set up an account for you to get your fair share for using your likeness. You have a few hundred thousand in it by now.”

“As of one minute ago, you currently have two hundred and sixty-five thousand, three hundred and twelve dollars, and eighty-three cents.” Jarvis said.

Danvers gave me another odd look. “What's your name?”

“You can call me Ben. Benjamin Parker.” I said with as welcoming of a smile as possible.

“You can call me Carol.” Danvers said with a small smile.

I stepped forward and held a hand out towards her for her to shake. “It's very nice to meet you, Carol.”

Danvers took my hand and shook it. “I think I can claim the same. For now.”

I chuckled and let her hand go. “Are you hungry? I was about to order a New York Chili Cheese Dog with the works for lunch.”

“Are you buying?” Danvers asked with a smirk.

“Of course! I won't make you dip into your petty cash for only a couple of hot dogs.” I joked and she let out a bark of laughter. “Jarvis, can you order five of them and make sure Frank the doorman accepts his this time?”

“Yes, Ben.” Jarvis said and played on his tablet.

“Jarvis and I have rooms prepared for you down on floor 60. We can go down there and continue our talk and eat at the same time.”

Danvers put the packaged action figures back into the box and kept out the plush Goose toy. “I guess I could stick around for a few days.”

“Wonderful.” I said and picked up the box for her. “Jarvis? Are you coming along?”

“No, thank you. I need to check the new factory to make sure the next set of products will be ready for production by the end of the month and that the protective shields are in place.” Jarvis said.

“Let me know if you have any problems or if any tweaks are needed.” I said and he nodded. “Carol, if you'll follow me?”

Danvers nodded and I led her inside. “Is this your penthouse?”

“No, Tony Stark's. He's Howard's son.” I said and she nodded. “There is also a giant self-sustaining arc reactor below the lobby that takes the entire building completely off the city's power grid.”

“You're kidding.” Danvers asked as we stepped into the elevator.

“It's a bit dated, I know.” I said and pushed the button as she gave me two raised eyebrows. “I have a palm-sized one that can do the same thing and he won't let me change it out.”

Danvers gave me another odd look before she smiled. “You are keeping me off balance by continuously bombarding me with new information, aren't you?”

“I'm sure you can take the relentless pounding.” I said and wagged my eyebrows at her.

Danvers let out another bark of laughter. “How old are you? Sixteen?”

“I plead the fifth and refuse to answer anything that may incriminate me.” I said in a haughty voice.

Danvers laughed and went to punch my arm. I felt my spider-sense tingle and leaned to the side out of the way as her hand went by and then dented the back wall with a metallic thump.

“Oh, my god!” Danvers gasped. “I'm so sorry!”

“For what?” I asked her.

Danvers gave me that same odd look. “I could have seriously hurt or killed you just now!”

I turned to face her and smiled my warmest smile as the elevator stopped and opened. “Carol, you never have to worry about that when around me.”

Danvers stepped out into the hallway with me. “You can't seriously think that it was okay for me to...”

I took her hand and held it. “I'm going to need you to sign a few papers before I can tell you anything.” I said and then leaned in close to whisper. “Now squeeze my hand like you want to crush it.”

“Ben! I can't do that!” Danvers exclaimed.

“No?” I let her hand go. “Then try punching me again.”


“Just for playing.” I said and she looked conflicted. “Go ahead.” I prompted. “Please.”

Danvers gave me a sigh and swiped at me. I easily dodged her hand. She did several more swipes and never touched me. Her eyes started to have a determined look to them and she started to swing at me with more purpose. I avoided everything without moving my feet from where I stood. When her hands started to glow blue, I held up my own hand to stop her.

“How did you do that?” Danvers asked.

“Training with one of the fiercest warriors on the planet.” I said as the elevator opened to reveal Frank and a box in his hands. I accepted it and smiled, because there were only four chili dogs. “Thank you.”

Frank saluted with a smile before he hit the door closed button.

“Let's get to your rooms and we can enjoy these delectably tasty artery cloggers.” I joked and led her to the far back room where Jarvis' brain used to be. It has easily been converted into a two bedroom apartment, considering how large the room had been beforehand. It did not surprise me how quickly things could get done when you had tons and tons of money.

I put the food on the kitchen table and sat Carol down as if we were on a date, then sat beside her. She gave me that same odd look for a moment before we both started to chow down on the great tasting food.


“What was it?” Fury asked sternly.

“We don't know.” Maria responded.

“Excuse me?” Fury asked and his patented glare was quite pronounced. “Did you just tell me that an object fell from space and impacted Stark Tower, with thousands of witnesses, and we don't know what it was?”

Maria took a deep breath and sighed. “None of the monitoring devices we have access to were able to capture an image of it.”

Fury gave her a look that asked if she was stupid. “What did the witnesses say?”

“A streak of fire disappeared when it neared the top of the building.” Maria quoted without having to look at the folder in front of her.

“It disappeared?” Fury asked and she nodded. “How?”

“Most witnesses say it fizzled out like most meteorites do.” Maria said. “Only two said it seemed to just end completely when it disappeared.”

Fury frowned at that description. If that was the case, it sounded like there was some kind of stealth tech installed on top of Stark Tower. Whatever that thing had been, it had landed and probably gone inside, even if no one had actually seen it land and go inside. You could still clearly see the balcony and helipad, even with a live shot, and there had been nothing there.

“We can do a fly-by.” Natasha offered.

Fury shook is head. “If what I suspect it true, you would have to try and land to see what's up.”

“We can do that.” Natasha said.

“Not without permission.” Maria pointed out.

“We could ask Tony.” Clint suggested.

“Hill?” Fury asked.

Maria nodded and quickly did up a little info packet and sent it to Tony's cell phone. Five seconds later, she received a text back. “He said if anything had been there or hit the tower, he would have been notified.”

Fury did his best to not scowl. “How is Stark and Banner's work on the sceptre coming along?”

“They're trying to build a device to help analyze it and block its emissions from the gamma detector, so it doesn't interfere with the equipment.” Maria said and opened another folder. “The power source seems to be fairly strong, considering how it has been used by Loki so far. It doesn't seem to be getting dimmer or less potent, either.”

“Tell them to keep on it. If they can fix the issue or even use it to track the tesseract, I want it soonest.” Fury said.

“Yes, sir.” Maria said and sent another text.

Fury turned to Karen, the head of the computer department. “Have you tracked down who sent those kill orders?”

“Which ones?” Karen asked.

Fury held in his sigh. “It doesn't matter. Did you trace any of them?”

“No, sir.” Karen said. “It's like they just appeared out of thin air and then after they were completed, disappeared again. The only reason I have any records of them at all was because I was working and printed off the log files to eyeball them for spelling errors.”

Fury gave her a wide-eyed look with his sole eye. “You print off secured and secret orders to spell-check them?”

Karen blushed a little. “I meant that I check for validation codes, completion codes, and destination codes. Unless they match up with what's in the system, the orders are considered suspicious and shunted aside.”

That brought Fury up short. “You mean to tell me that everything was valid? There were no mistakes and they all had complete approval?”

“Yes, sir.” Karen said.

“How is that possible?” Clint asked. “I thought only Director Fury and Deputy Director Hill could issue blanket orders like that.”

“They weren't blanket orders, especially the latest ones to take out all of those mob bosses and their criminal organizations.” Karen said. “Each order was parsed and handed out to the appropriate SHIELD asset that was nearby or in the area. It was also done on an individual target to agent basis.”

“Good lord.” Someone whispered.

“It was the best concentrated effort I've ever seen to completely conceal what the overall picture would be when the orders were carried out.” Maria commented. “Not one agent had any idea that so many other agents had been sent out to do the same thing.”

“Whoever did this must have planned it out for weeks beforehand. Perhaps even months beforehand.” Fury said and then stopped breathing. His lone eye went to Maria and she stiffened as she realized the truth as well.

There was only one person that they knew that had specific foreknowledge of certain things and had even given them a lot of information about it. He was also one of their own.

Agent Benjamin Peter Parker.

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