Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia


I did a quick scan around with my different vision modes and I didn't see him anywhere. The train approached and I looked over at his apartment and saw Inko at the kitchen sink doing the dishes. She didn't look sad or upset, so Izuku not being here to go to school wasn't a surprise for her.

I stepped onto the train and kept looking around to see if Izuku would appear, and he didn't. I went all the way to Shiketsu Academy and fully expected to see Izuku somewhere along the route. Even when the train came to a stop and I walked to the school, I thought I would see Izuku pop out of somewhere and say he was playing hide and seek.

“Hi, Connor!” A happy female voice said.

I came to a stop and turned around to see Saida as she waved at me. She was with two other girls and neither of them were Ming. Helen with the dust quirk and Nicola the tall redhead were with her and the three of them smiled as they approached and then they stopped beside me.

“Thank you so much for the job recommendation!” Saida said happily and leaned in to give me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Sarah's been the best and I've spent the last week pretty much taking over the paperwork and meeting all of the heroes there!”

I smiled. “I'm glad the two of you hit it off.”

“Thanks to you.” Saida said and gave me a look. “Are you still off limits?”

I opened my mouth to say no, that the joke had gone on long enough, then I remembered I had a very beautiful woman at home. “Unfortunately, my time at the agency taught me a lot more about dealing with the public, and doing hero work, than I thought was possible.”

“That sucks.” Helen said with a smirk. “I wouldn't have minded another visit to the library to study.”

Nicola blushed and Saida barked a laugh.

I had to grin at her boldness. “I believe the fair exchange was more than justified at the time.”

“Oh, my god.” Nicola whispered and blushed heavily.

“Connor!” Saida said and laughed. I could almost see it on her face as she remembered doing that the morning after we had our date.

“Yeah, it was.” Helen said and her smirk became a pout. “Darn societal morals getting in the way.”

“For now.” I said and her eyebrows rose. “Times change and people need to change with them or be left behind.”

“W-wow. Okay.” Nicola looked at her two friends briefly and back at me. “You really changed.”

“We've got some time before class starts, so I can tell you a little bit about my internship and how I almost messed things up on the very first day.”

“We're all ears!” Saida said and took my arm and pretty much dragged me into the school with Helen and Nicola following us.

I suspected that Sarah had told her about some of the things that went on, which would explain why Saida was so eager to hear about it from me. Getting confirmation for any rumors would be a gossip queen's bread and butter.

The four of us sat in the classroom and I started to tell them about what happened when I arrived at the agency and they listened intensely, as did a few of the other students around us.

“You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you had a girlfriend before going there.” Miss Aiga said from her desk at the front of the room.

I hadn't realized that all of the talking in the class had stopped. It hadn't been just the few students around us that had been listening, they all were. “I could have lied about that and said I had one or I could have simply just said no.” I responded to her comment and she nodded. “At the time, none of those things occurred to me and I was blindsided by Burnin's boldness.”

“Do you like bold girls?” Nicola asked into the silence.

“Apparently.” I said and turned to smile at her. “That's not all I like, it's just working out that way. I heard a lot of comments about people trying to manipulate me to ask about me and my powers and to see if I was any good in bed... until I slept with Burnin. After that, I was just another guy she had slept with and I wasn't interesting anymore.”

“You lost your virginity to a pro hero.” One of the guys said. It was Lino and he looked impressed.

“Yeah, let's go with that story.” I said and glanced at Saida, who blushed as hard as Nicola had earlier.

“Oh, my god!” Helen gasped and looked at me, looked at Saida, and back at me and then at Saida again, as if her head was on a swivel.

“No way.” A harsh voice spat.

I turned to look and Ming stood there by the door. “Hello.”

“I can't believe you would do that to me!” Ming said, angrily.

“I didn't do that to you.” I said and she looked even angrier.

“You just said...”

“I didn't say anything. All I did was look at Saida when virginity was mentioned. She blushed. You're jumping to conclusions again and overreacting again.” I interrupted her and gave her a pointed look. “What stories are you going to spread around this time about me? Are you going to actually apologize to me after you do?”

The complete silence in the room was my answer.

“Why don't you have a seat, learn your lessons about being a respectable hero, and stop judging people.” I said.

“You're telling me to be respectable after the story you just told!” Ming gasped.

“I learned my lesson from that and changed my behavior and how I interacted with everyone. The rest of my time at the agency was productive and I learned a lot. I even helped a pro hero increase her threat rating by two steps, which increased her pay and upgraded the missions she would be assigned.”

“No way!” One of the guys I didn't know gasped.

“That's Fire you're talking about.” Saida said and everyone turned to look at her. “We get more requests about her than half of the other heroes at the agency.”

I nodded. “Did Sarah show you the footage from the training area?”

“Yeah, that was amazing.” Saida responded. “I don't know what you said to her to get her to perform like that. Everyone is still talking about it, too.”

I chuckled. “Her teammates were more shocked than she was.”

“What did you teach her?” Miss Aiga asked.

“I taught her how to shoot fireballs from her fingertip instead of using her whole forearm and palm.”

“It increased her accuracy on targets by about 250%, because she just has to point now and doesn't have to try and angle her whole forearm to aim with her palm.” Saida said and then gave me a pointed look. “She asked me for your number, too.”

“NO WAY!” The same guy yelled.

I laughed and everyone looked at me. “You all have dirty minds! She wants me to keep teaching her because I gave her a huge list of things she should be able to do and couldn't at that point. When the internships ended so abruptly, our next scheduled training session was cancelled.”

“You're crushing my dreams here.” The guy whispered.

“She knew I was off all week and she didn't call, so it's not that much of a priority for her.” I said with a shrug. “Speaking of which.” I turned to the front of the room and looked at the teacher. “I don't know where Izuku is. He didn't show up at the train this morning and he wasn't here when I arrived.”

Miss Aiga's smile faded and she frowned.

That look can't be good. I thought and waited for the news she apparently had that I didn't.

“Mister Midoriya has transferred to UA Academy's general studies course.”

I was stunned. Completely stunned. We had a bit of a falling out because of Mei and I expected a bit of a cooling off period and then a few jokes and shared training classes would smooth it all over. I never expected that he would completely abandon the plans we had made for our future.

“That. Fucking. Idiot.” I spat and my words were filled with so much anger that everyone leaned away from me, even Saida. My slightly glowing red eyes might have had something to do with that, too.

“C-Connor, calm down.” Miss Aiga whispered.

I looked at her and saw her nervous face. “I sincerely apologize.” I said and closed my eyes.

I expanded my perception of time and slowed it down to have minutes last for only nanoseconds. I quickly went over everything that Izuku and I had planned out. Getting our provisional licenses, trying out for a hero agency, and making a name for ourselves.

The agency thing would have changed with me hiring Rachel and Amanda to run our own agency in six months. I hadn't even had the chance to tell Izuku about the change and us striking out on our own, or about my idea to hire Mei as our main support personnel and to run the entire department. I had intended for it to be a surprise to tell them after we had finished our internships.

Things just seemed to spiral out of control after the Nomu attack and then with Mei. I sighed as I calmed down and stopped my heat vision from reacting to my emotions. I thought about how much my plans would change without Izuku right there beside me to help... and they didn't really change much at all.

It meant I didn't have to accommodate Mei into the plans I already had, which assumed Izuku remained stubborn and didn't come to his senses. He didn't talk to me about anything he had been planning with Mei, which hurt a little, especially something this significant. Changing schools and programs, just to try and earn a spot back into UA's hero course? That was a really stupid move.

Even though UA is All Might's high school and Mei was in the support course, all of the things that Izuku had participated in to give the school a black eye, was going to bite him in the ass. He was going to have to fight hard to get into the course and bump out one of the other students. He was also very far behind in making friends with them and didn't know anyone except Momo and Bakugo.

I decided right then to check into things, especially how long Izuku had been planning to change schools. If it wasn't a last minute thing, then I would have to take some steps. They were steps I really didn't want to take; but, I would take them if it would ensure that Izuku was put back on the right path.

My path.

I let my perception return to normal and smiled at Miss Aiga as I opened my eyes. She caught her breath at whatever her quirk was sensing from me. I didn't acknowledge her reaction and turned to smile at the people that looked nervous, especially Saida and Nicola.

“I'm okay. I'll deal with the whole Izuku thing when it's appropriate.” I reassured them and looked back at the teacher. “I'm sorry about causing a scene like that. I can't promise that it won't happen again; but, I can promise to try and mitigate them as much as possible.”

Miss Aiga smiled at me and nodded. “Everyone, go to your seats and I'll start the class.”

“There's still another few minute before the bell.” Someone commented.

“I'll stop that much earlier.” Miss Aiga said and everyone took their proper seats. “I'm going to briefy go over the copies of some of your hero internship reports, just to let you all know the different degrees that you performed at different agencies.”

A few of the students grumbled about that.

“I didn't mean that in a negative way. Each person is different and you each handle stress differently.” Miss Aiga's eyes went right to me.

I felt a tingle inside my head as her quirk shared the knowledge that she liked having her nipples lightly bitten. All right, that was new. I thought and opened my mouth slightly to lightly tap my teeth together.

Miss Aiga smiled at me and the tingle went away. “Since we already received a fairly good account of Connor's first day, I'll read out the summary from his report.”

“You all better hold onto your panties for this.” I said pretty loudly. Several girly giggles and a manly chuckle came from the students around me.

“I'm sure some of your friends are.” Miss Aiga said and picked up a folder from her desk and opened it to start reading. Everyone fell silent as her voice and quirk filled the room.

As she listed the crimes I stopped and the efforts I made volunteering with the secretaries, then assisting with the clean-up after the attack, six of the girls in the class had wet panties and one of them had sighed sadly. I didn't have to look to know that one was Ming.

Miss Aiga would have had wet panties as well, had she been wearing any. Her free hand hadn't been idle, either. The little gush she had when she had an orgasm and stopped using her quirk, was quite the turn on. I didn't even bother trying to fight having my erection show. She deserved to see it after getting at least half of the class horny.

“Does anyone have any questions about Connor's performance during his internship?” Miss Aiga asked. Neither she nor I were surprised when everyone put up their hands.

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