Self Insert As Superboy In My Hero Academia

60 Ink(o) Stains

I'm going away for a few days for the long weekend, so posting this early (2,900 words). Also, we're #1 on Trending on the main page! Woohoo!

I went to school the next day and it passed by like it didn't happen. I was pretty much going through the motions and no one noticed, not even Miss Aiga. Our half hour private session to teach me new material was almost a waste for the both of us, because we were too far ahead of the class for her to impart new knowledge to me.

The mid-term exams were coming up soon and we would be going on Summer Break for two months after that. The school year was really odd to do it that way and it was something that no one seemed to question. It had always been that way and they would continue to do it that way.

In any event, we called our morning sessions to an end and Miss Aiga told me to concentrate on getting the rest of the class up to speed on the material. I held in my sigh at that, because it was starting to become a chore to teach people when they didn't really want to learn. I also had something important to do after school. Inko Midoriya.

When my sufficiently mind blown and sex addled brain had calmed down after Lois and I had a lot of fun together, I fully realized what she meant for me to do. She actually meant for me to seduce Izuku's mother. I knew it was bad to give in to Inko's desires and just have sex with her, because that wouldn't help her. I would have to do as Lois suggested and be subtle about it.

I had an idea about that and mulled it over in the back of my head as I sat through the Hero Training course in the afternoon. I stayed out and off to the side again, because Red Fury was still right. I was so far beyond the simple rescue scenarios that I would do more harm than good if I was paired up with anyone in the class. Trying to help them succeed would sabotage my own efforts, if it wasn't handled properly.

I skipped homeroom again and rode the train back home and quickly changed into a nice dress shirt and dress pants, withdrew some money from my bank account, and walked over to Inko's apartment building. I took several deep breaths before I knocked on the door. A moment later, it opened and Inko stood there as her face showed surprise.

“Hi, Auntie.” I said in a soft voice.

Inko shivered slightly and stared at me. Her eyes went down my body, took all of me in, and she looked back at my face. She licked her lips and then bit her lower lip. “C-Connor, my sweet little boy.”

“Can I come in? I have something to ask you.” I said and she nodded her head several times.

Inko stepped back and waved me inside the apartment and closed the door behind me. I walked into the living room and she walked behind me, a little too close for propriety's sake. I ignored that and sat down on the couch and she sat right next to me, definitely invading my personal space.

“Connor.” Inko whispered and gave me a teasing smile. “You naughty boy. You lied to me. I can easily tell when I have sex and when I didn't.”

I smiled sadly at her. “I'm sorry, Auntie. When you said those things to me the last time I was here, you made me nervous. It just seemed to come out of nowhere and I didn't know how to react.”

Inko's smile changed to be unsure. “What... what do you mean?”

“You can't just spring something like that on someone and expect them to react properly. I might have done something horrible to you and I would have never forgiven myself.”

“Wh-what?” Inko asked, her smile gone.

“Inko... you are worth more to me than a quick hop into bed.” I whispered and took her hand. It trembled and her eyes widened slightly as I leaned in closer. “If I had stripped off and did you like you asked, it would have been cheap and meaningless sex. That's not how you treat someone you love. It's not right.”

“B-but... but, you... why...” Inko stammered.

“If we're going to cross that line, a line that would have us ostracized if anyone knew...” I trailed off and she shivered slightly, as if that alone excited her. “...we have to do it right.”

Inko caught her breath and stared at me.

“I want you to go to your room and get changed. Put on something nice. Something that makes you feel good about yourself.”

“W-why?” Inko asked.

“We are going out on a date.” I said and her eyes widened.

“B-but... but, you... why...” Inko stammered again.

“Because I love you and I am going to treat you right.” I said and leaned that last bit of distance and gave her a tender kiss, which made her moan a little. “I was thinking a nice restaurant to start, then maybe a walk on the beach. If you're up for it, we could also stop at one of the sidewalk markets for a bit of shopping.”

Inko stared at me and looked unsure of what to say.

I reached up and cupped the side of her face. “Can you add a little make-up, too? I want others to see how pretty you are and I want them to feel jealous when they look at us.”

Inko opened her mouth to speak and closed it. She opened it again and closed it once more.

“I would prefer you wear a dress, please. If you don't have one that fits, wear something else appropriate. We can stop at one of the shops in the main district and I'll buy you something to wear.”

“You... buy me...” Inko whispered.

I smiled at her wording and slid my hand down to her shoulder and caressed it. “I told you that you deserve to be treated right, Auntie. Buying things for you is the right thing to do. If you're not comfortable when we're out together, then I'm not doing my job of taking care of you.”

Inko blinked her eyes several times. “You want to take care of me?”

“No, I want to screw you and then leave you.” I said with a chuckle. I did not miss that her eyes squinted slightly at my intentional dig against Izuku. “That's not how family treats each other. I want you to be happy and abandoning you is not how that happens.”

“Connor.” Inko said and moved back slightly. “You can't say such things about...”

“He made a huge mistake, Auntie. A huge mistake.” I whispered and moved my hands back up to cup the sides of her face. “I am not going to make the same mistake. I could never do that to you because you mean too much to me.” I said and gave her another tender kiss.

She didn't moan this time, which meant she wasn't as into this as she had been.

“Get yourself ready for an evening out, please. I want to start our first date as soon as possible.” I said and let her face go.

“I... don't think... I want to.” Inko said.

“Why? Because I care more about how you feel?” I asked and she closed her mouth. “Shall we have our first date right here, then? I don't mind staying here to watch television.” I said and leaned back onto the couch and put my arms across the back of it.

Inko just sat there and stared at me. I stared right back with a slight smile on my face. We sat there for about ten minutes before Inko seemed to have come to a decision and stood up. She went into the kitchen and started puttering around.

I watched her for several minutes and saw that she was making supper. I stood up and joined her in the kitchen without saying anything and started to help her. When she was about halfway through the preparations, she paused because she finally realized that she was only making enough for herself and not for me.

I didn't stop, though. I continued on and Inko stood there as I finished making supper for one and I served it up at the kitchen table for her. When she didn't move, I put a hand on her back and guided her to her chair and sat her down properly, as if we were at a fancy restaurant, and I sat across from her with a pleasant smile on my face.

I stayed quiet and patiently waited for her. After another few minutes, I discreetly gave her food a blast of heat vision without letting the beams be seen in the visual spectrum. Inko stayed where she was, as still as a statue, and stared at me. When her stomach let out a little rumble, she blushed. I waved a hand at the food and she gave me a pointed look for another minute, then she sighed and started eating.

The look of surprise on her face that the food was still hot, was worth the time wasted with a staring contest. I remained silent and watched as she ate everything, and the surprise on her face stayed as everything had remained hot, despite her taking her time while eating. Heat vision was pretty useful.

Inko finished the meal and started to stand. I held a hand up to stop her, then I cleared the dishes for her and washed them, the slow and normal way, and put everything away. I went back to the table and her eyes remained wide as she stared at me. I smiled at her and took her hand, helped her stand, and brought her to the couch.

Inko opened her mouth to say something and stopped when I sat down with her tucked into my side with my arm over her shoulders. She seemed to fit quite snugly there and she looked surprised about that. I turned on the television and handed her the remote, still completely silent, and settled in for an evening of ignoring the television.

Inko cuddled in after about half an hour and looked at my face, only to see me give her a happy smile and a peck on the lips. She tucked her legs under herself after that and her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. She let out a contented sigh and stiffened slightly, then she relaxed as my hand on her shoulder gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Two hours later, Inko turned off the television and lifted her head from where it rested between my shoulder and my chest. The conflicted look of longing on her face was heartbreaking, because I knew it was her desire fighting against her emotions. She knew I didn't approve of Izuku leaving her and she didn't want to do anything with someone that didn't support her son.

“My dear beautiful Auntie.” I whispered and started kissing her.

Inko's loud moan betrayed her feelings as she kissed me back. She tried to make it into a passionate and frantic kiss, and I didn't let her. I stopped moving my lips when she tried and she made a frustrated sound before she gave up and kissed me slowly. Her hands roamed all over my chest and then dropped down to between my legs.

I already had my hand there to block her and she made another sound of frustration. I took her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers and her hand gripped mine hard. I kept kissing her slowly and continued the make-out session for quite some time. I didn't let my hands roam and I didn't try to change our closeness into an intimate moment.

Inko eventually broke the kiss and sat back from me to glare at me. “Why are you stopping me from enjoying myself?”

“You're not enjoying this?” I asked and lifted the hands we still had clasped together.

“Connor, that's not what I meant.” Inko said.

“Auntie.” I said and used my free hand to comb my fingers through her hair. “If all I wanted from you was sex, I could get that from any other woman in the entire world.”

Inko blinked her eyes at me several times. “I don't understand what you mean.”

“There are hundreds, no thousands of women that would want to have sex with an up and coming hero like me.” I said and she nodded. “Now tell me how many of them would actually love me?”

Inko opened her mouth to respond, then closed it.

“Right. Exactly that many. None.” I said and let her hand go and stopped combing her hair to pull her into a hug. “You are my precious Auntie. You love me and I love you. I won't cheapen it by just using you. That's not how relationships are built. They are built up one touch at a time, with love, with caring, with shared experiences, and by spending time with each other.”

“C-Connor...” Inko whispered.

“I told you that I am going to do this right. There's no rush and there's no reason to force things between us.” I said and gave her another kiss for several seconds. “I love you and I want to show you how much.”

“Connor, you... why would you...” Inko started to ask and tears came to her eyes.

“This is why.” I whispered and kissed each of her cheeks to destroy the tears before they fell. “You deserve to have someone pay attention to you and I'm going to do my best to do that.”

Inko shook her head as she pushed out of my embrace. “No, I... I don't deserve...”

“But, you do.” I said and gave her a reassuring smile. “That's why our first date was so important to me. I wanted to show you off. I wanted others to see that I get to spend time with you and they don't. I also feel privileged that you wanted me here to be with you.”

“Connor, I... I just... I wanted...”

“It's the same answer, Auntie Inko.” I said and her eyebrows rose up. “If all you wanted was sex, there are hundreds of penises around, both real and fake, for you to use whenever you wanted.”

“Connor!” Inko gasped and blushed from embarrassment.

“We both know that's not what you really want, though.” I said and she turned her head away slightly. “You want someone to love you as much as you love them.”

“I... I just... I'm so lonely and...”

“I know.” I said and pulled her back in for another hug. “That's why I'm here. I wanted to spend time with you, too.”

“Are you... lonely?” Inko asked.

“Very much so.” I admitted and she looked surprised. “My school life has become a dull and boring experience without Izuku around.”

“Wh-what? He told me that you had lots of friends at school!” Inko exclaimed.

“No, we had friends at school. We had a good dynamic going and then Izuku disappeared without explanation and now there's an Izuku-sized hole in my life that can't be filled.”

Inko's eyes roamed around her apartment and came back to look into my eyes. “I know.”

I took a deep breath and let it out. “I'm not him and I can't fit into the hole he's made in your life.”

“And I'm not big and strong enough to fit into the hole he left in yours.” Inko responded.

“You know what that means, right?” I asked and she nodded. “We try to make new holes for each other to fit in.”

Inko was quiet for several moments as I held her. “That's what you tried to do tonight, wasn't it?”

“It was. You haven't had anyone do anything like this for you for too long. I had hoped I could make this my hole and fill it for you.”

Inko blushed as she whispered something.

“Inko!” I gasped. “You're such a dirty girl to say that!”

Inko giggled. “A woman wants what a woman wants.”

I chuckled and eased my hold on her as I moved back slightly to recline on the couch. “Can you guess what else would like that, too?”

Inko's blush came back as she looked down at the tent pole in my dress pants. “Oh, my.”

“I think a bit of over the clothes touching is okay, now that we know what we expect from each other.”

Inko made a cute sound, then her hand gripped me through the loose cloth. “Oh, Connor! It's hard as a rock!”

“They didn't call my dad the 'Man of Steel' for no reason.” I joked.

“Hard... as... steeeeel.” Inko moaned and kissed me as she moved her hand up and down vigorously.

I couldn't let her get one over on me, so my hand went to her ass and slid between her plump cheeks to rub her through her pants. I also tweaked her clitoris a bit with telekinesis.

“OHHHH!” Inko gasped and came. When her slight shaking stopped, she glared at me with a smile on her face. “You bastard. I wanted you to get off first.”

“I know.” I said and kissed her again.

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