Self Made [Harry Potter fanfic]

14. Crazy happenings

I didn’t know what to think as I looked at myself in the mirror. The process of engraving the glyphs had gone well. Unlike before, my magic didn't react as violently. It did react with a token of resistance as to make its displeasure towards my actions very apparent. The pain was something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy… no I lie, I would wish it upon them but that is besides the point. 


I did lose a good four years of vitality from the ordinal proving that I need to improve the whole thing further. That and from the looks of it I am still working with unknown forces as the glyphs once again mutated into something different. I instinctively knew that they would still serve their original purpose just with an added something making the whole thing… more. 


Unfortunately I didn’t really know what had changed just that it had. That and something at the back of my head was telling me I did know. It was a strange sensation really known that you know something you don’t know… does that make any sense? Whatever, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is the rather interesting form the glyphs have chosen. 


I have spent the last twenty minutes or so admiring the new formation on my crotch tracing each line with my fingers. Like the one on my back it is made of ethereal cyan threads of glyphs so small they are impossible to read with the naked eye. The whole thing in the vague shape of a heart, not overly realistic like the one on my back but instead like those you would find on valentine cards. 


“This is a lewd crest like those found in hentai isn’t it.” I couldn’t help but comment out loud to myself. It really looked just like that, the heart was placed where I am sure my womb should be. A pair of protrusions on the upper part  looked like a pair of tentacles reaching for what I am sure is the representation of my ovaries. The tentacles moved by themselves ever so slightly at an incredibly slow pace. I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn't spent the last twenty minutes admiring the thing.


That wasn’t it however. There were more tentacles flowing from the bottom of the heart in the shape of a canal that I am sure I don’t need to say what it represents. The things wiggled around a bit more animatedly if just barely. There were a few more tentacles here and there doing their own thing as well. Finally, inside the heart there was a small flower being the most detailed of the entire thing. 


At a single glance the flower looked normal. However, by inspecting its details I realized the entire thing was nothing more than more tentacles doing a mimicry of a five petaled flower. Overall, I would expect this being on a succubus or something not on a… 


The thought invaded my mind like a blow with a hammer. Had I inadvertently made myself into a succubus analog by mistake? The answer came from that same instinct at the back of my mind. I sighed with relief as the instinct gave me a vague sense of denial. Thank Lucy for that otherwise I would be fucked, literaly. Drinking blood had become rather enjoyable after my little accident back then. I wouldn’t know what to do should sex, an already pleasurable activity become even more alluring. 


Shaking my head to drive those unnecessary thoughts aside I decided to try and figure out what had changed. What new and interesting effects the new addition would have compared to what it should originally have been. Each wrong guess would bring a slight sense of denial to the back of my mind. Now it was just a matter of making the right one. 


Funny thing is that despite the two hours I spent asking, I never came to the right answer. Instead it was when out of frustration I came out of my room to breathe some fresh air that I found the answer with the unwitting help of Draco. The fool had been running through the hallway for whatever reason. He ended up colliding with me full force, falling to the floor, slamming his head full force against the carpet. 


“Damn it Draco! How many times has mother told you to not run in the hallways? Now go along and tell mother what happened so she can get you patched up.” This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Though it was the first time he hit his head. Normally he would start complaining about the pain but instead he looked dazed like someone had just fed him veritaserum or something.


To my surprise Draco stood up without saying a word before walking away, presumably to find mother. It would be too much of a coincidence for this to happen right after I placed a new glyph formation on myself without both events holding no connection. Because of this I made the decision to figure out what was going on.


“Stop.” As soon as I finished speaking Draco stopped in place. I could see the nasty bump forming on the back of his head but it wasn’t anything life threatening so it could wait. No, the fact he stopped when I told him to was what held my interest. 


“Why are you listening to me? and turn around.” Once he did turn around I once again inspected his expression. His eyes were glazed like he was high on some kind of drug, his expression relaxed like he just smoked the biggest blunt out there. 


“I… You…” It was obvious he was having trouble formulating coherent thoughts. Meaning whatever I was doing was actively manipulating his mind in a way that made it blatantly clear he was nothing more than a puppet at the moment. It took a while for him to formulate a somewhat coherent sentence. 


“You smell nice.” That was all he said though it made little sense to me, I always smell nice. I will admit I have a thing for cleanliness especially since I have to deal with blood all the time and I would much rather not catch some blood borne disease. Instead of trying to figure out what the idiot was going on about I decided to try and release my control over him. 


It took a while for me to figure out how to do so. If I had to give an analog on how it felt it was like trying to find a light switch in a dark unknown room. Once you found it, it would be easy to flick the thing on and off whenever, the problem was finding it. Anyway once I felt whatever I was doing turned off, it took a while for Draco to come back from lalaland.  


“I… why does my head hurt so much.” Those were Draco’s first words right after blinking a whole bunch. His glazed eyes turned normal as he began rubbing the painful bump on the back of his head. Seeing as whatever I did also messed with his memory I saw no reason to tell him the truth on the matter.


“You slammed onto me while running on the hallway and fell hitting the back of your head. Then you just stood there for a while looking at nothing while I was trying to get you to listen. I think you might have a concussion, do you want me to help you find mother?” 


Draco just nodded his head before we started walking, still confused about the whole interaction. A while later we found mother reading a book on her private study. I told her about the revised events that had taken place. While she began treating Draco I had an idea. Maybe I could use this new ability to try and get answers out of her seeing as my dimwit of a brother couldn’t. 


“What is that smell, it's rather pleasant.” By the end of the sentence mother’s words slurred a tiny little bit. She looked a bit dazed and confused. Before she could start suspecting something being wrong I turned off the ability while keeping my stoic expression. That simple sentence had been enough confirmation. 


“I must have been far more tired than I thought.” Mother commented while she came back from whatever high she was getting into while shaking her head. Draco for his part failed to notice anything weird. I had chosen the moment she had separated from brother to grab some supplies to do my little test. 


A while later I was back in my room naked in front of the mirror. Turning on the ability once again I felt how my magic and vitality worked in tandem to do something. The consumption of vitality was rather low thankfully. Inspecting my body for any changes I realized a rather thin film of what looked like sweat had formed over my skin. Once the ability was turned off the film evaporated into nothing. 


With this I could make an educated guess on what was going on. My first guess being that I now could generate a sort of magical pheromone that would make whoever breathes it susceptible to suggestions. Now the question is, how strong is it? Mother seemed to resist it far better than Draco did.


I had quite a few questions regarding this new ability and I very much wanted the answers to them. That same instinct at the back of my mind was telling me there was one more thing I didn’t know about the formation but it also told me that it wasn’t important. Then again it wasn’t an explicit form of communication, just a sort of feeling. No matter, I would figure it out with time. 


Now I was far more interested in figuring out the limits of this new ability. For example, would it work on non-humans? Could I control the intensity of the release of the pheromones? No, more importantly was it really pheromones? Or was it something else? With that last question in mind I got to work. 


The rest of the day was spent running some experiments with the pheromones. Yes, it just so happens that my first guess was correct, mostly. In truth the pheromones seemed to be enchanted somehow making their effects a combination of both magic and biology. Another interesting thing is that they can dissolve in water. They can affect pretty much anything biological, being the most effective when influencing mammals, magicals have a higher resistance to its effects. If I concentrate it can come with some preset effect, like making people angry, melancholic, euphoric, that sort of thing. Yes, I can make people feel horny, no, I don’t want to talk about it. I can control how much or how little I want to produce with both a maximum and minimum limit. Finally, prolonged production of the thing makes me rather hungry.  


Overall, I will say that this new ability of mine is a great addition. It is not omnipotent however. Gurry could keep himself from being fully affected for a whole thirty minutes if he focuses on resisting the effects. I doubt it would have much of an effect on people like dumbbulldoor or baldymort. 


With that out of the way and the satisfaction of knowing that puberty won’t be kicking me in the uterus I finally fell asleep. The next day I was simply reading some enchanting books when I came face to face with the expansion charm. Now what does this have to do with anything? Well, an insane idea came to mind involving this very enchantment. As I matter of fact, I think I have finally gone off the deep end with this new idea of mine. 


I of course won’t be implementing it without copious amounts of experimentation including human experimentation. This idea would be a game changer but should anything go wrong best case scenario I die, worst case… I don’t want to even think about it. My newest brain child of insanity involves just that, the brain. Yeah, yeah, I know, I already modified my brain, what’s the big deal? The big deal is that I plan to use expansion charms inside my skull to give my brain more space. Then I would grow said brain using one of the good doctor’s concoctions.


Newt Scamander has a whole bloody magical zoo inside a simple handbag. The human brain is an extremely complex biocomputer responsible for the body's function. As a matter of fact, it is my belief that nature's biggest accomplishment is creating the brain. Now imagine what a building sized brain could do! Of course it wouldn’t be that easy. 


For my big brained idea, heh, I would need to factor in a lot of variables. The brain needs blood for oxygen, meaning my heart would need to work a lot harder. I would also need a lot more blood meaning my bone marrow would also be overworked. Cooling such a massive cluster of neurons wouldn’t be easy either. It is said that the brain accounts for twenty percent of the human body's energy consumption. I would need to eat a lot more to keep it supplied with energy and, AND! I doubt my digestive system could keep up. 


Sure, there is magic that could help with a few of these problems but that doesn't mean taking such an insane undertaking would become easy. Well, it doesn't matter now, I won’t be able to start human experimentation until I get into hogwarts. Not to mention that even then I would need to keep it to a minimum as to not alert the faculties staff. 


It’s just a crazy idea anyway so I will work on it in my spare time. Instead I should focus on easier projects. Though I like body modification a lot I still need to strengthen my spell slinging capabilities. Well, I doubt I will be able to finish any important project in the little time left before entering Hogwarts. Only two more days and I will be on board a magical train going to magical school. 


Now that I think of it I haven’t given the whole thing too much consideration. Should I meet Harry on the train? Yes, yes I should. Draco will be an ass anyway and I will be tagged as one by association. Ron will also make things difficult later since I am sure I will end up in slytherin. 


So, I should meet Harry before Ron, make a good first impression, maybe berate Draco once he appears to earn some extra brownie points. Right! There is Sophia as well, I could try and find out if she is a reincarnator as well. Unfortunately the information I hold regarding her is sorely lacking. I know what the public knows which is a bunch of nothing. Now, what should I do about the last member of the golden trio? 


Granger is an interesting character especially so in the books. I do wonder if she will be as unhinged as in the books. As funny as it would be I hope not, dealing with her would be like walking a tightrope. Well not like it matters, if she annoys me too much she could be my very first human experimentation subject.  


So, the plan is as follows: Meet Harry and Sophia before Ron. Make a good first impression. Find out if Ron and Hermione are the movie version or the book version or a weird combination of both. Try and befriend them anyway, if not possible make them disappear and blame it on Hogwarts shitty security. 


“A solid plan if I say so myself” 

Yes, Silver is a woman of culture. She read manga and comics to get inspiration for her magic. One thing led to another and she found Hentai which she reads for the same reason, no other reason, none at all. (her favorite tag is: corruption) 

Before any of you comments about the new inscription and what not, if you are going to complain about it I don't want to hear it and I WILL erase the comment.

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