
C170 – Basic Martial Mastery

“Well look at you. A single advancement seems to have done wonders for you. To think you even have a Mana Body.”


Dirk was silent as the Spear King spoke while smiling. 

This man was Pandora’s grandfather and someone who thought fondly of Dirk. Since Dirk was the only person who could seem to interact with the true Pandora, this doting grandfather took a liking to him. Especially since Dirk was far more extraordinary than his identity warranted. 

Now, it seemed that this worried old man took it upon himself to monitor his granddaughter. Pandora didn’t have the slightest clue, and if she did, she would absolutely do something about it. She was always adamant about secrecy and only surrounding herself with variables she could control. 

A man like her grandfather, a Spear King who could go toe to toe with the most powerful people in the world, wasn’t someone she could control no matter how she tried to manipulate him. He was simply above it all. 

Case in point, his ability to immediately sense Dirk’s acquisition of a Mana Body. 

The Mana Body brought about some miraculous effects, one of them being the absolute control of mana within the body. Such a thing seemed normal, but that was far from the case. Most mages could only control the mana within the mana cores created by their mana techniques. To do anything beyond that was either extremely difficult or outright impossible. 

Not only that, but a Mana Body was a body entirely enhanced by mana. All the facilities of the body would be boosted, refined, and protected by mana. To mimic these effects otherwise would require powerful spells that needed to be constantly fed and activated. 

This Trait being a requisite for Tier 8’s wasn’t by mistake, and its effects were deserving of its level. 

But then again, all of this was mana based. Knights who strictly refined their body, or anybody else who isn’t a mage, can’t sense mana. 

So it made Dirk wonder how the Spear King could do so. Although that old man was atrociously powerful, he still wasn’t a mage. 

For a moment, the two stared at each other. The Spear King continued to smile before speaking again. 

“Don’t be so surprised. Reach a certain level, and even Knights can sense mana. It’s a working theory that mana and anima are one and the same, but only at the highest levels. Anyway, it seems you’re far more extraordinary than I initially thought. Even your anima is bristling with pent up power. The only people who could compare to you at the same level are people like me.”

“...Thanks for the compliment, Sir.”

“Call me Grandpa Qoi, and you’re welcome. Now, time for the criticisms. Take out your sword.”


Dirk didn’t respond as his hand flipped, retrieving the Sword of Dissonance. 

Then, the Spear King tossed out an object. It was a flat black metal monolith that was about 3 inches thick and a meter wide. It stood about as tall as Dirk, and its base had a few legs that stabilized it on the floor. 

He pointed.

“Use your sword and strike straight down on the top of that monolith. Utilize all of your strength outside of mana.”


Dirk readily nodded. Any training from this man, Grandpa Qoi, was unbelievably valuable. 

Standing square to the board, Dirk raised his sword with two arms. The Sword of Dissonance was incredibly conductive to anima, so Aura had no issue being pushed through it. If anything, it enhanced Dirk’s control, acting like a guide. And all that wasn’t even mentioning the enchantments that utilized dark mana. 

But Dirk stuck strictly to anima. Not an ounce of mana left his body as the sword glowed with a golden Aura. 

The tip of the sword let out a ribbon of gold as it swung down. The entire blade’s edge also flashed, letting out a soft light that seemed to be exploding with power yet being completely constrained to a small space. 

And then, the sword collided with the metal, letting out, shockingly, no noise. 

Dirk’s sword sunk about an inch into the metal before grinding to a halt. The only sound that came then was from his hand slipping off the handle of the sword as the impact sent shockwaves up his arm. 

Dirk frowned as he felt a few bones in his palm fracture. Considering how much stronger he had become, hurting his palm like this was shocking. He didn’t even use lightning to multiply his strength or speed either. If he did, his hand may have exploded. 

Stepping away, Dirk saw the sword stuck in the top of the board. Not long after though, the board morphed and spit the sword out, the blade falling to the floor as the metal healed itself, returning to normal. 

Dirk’s eyebrows raised. If he could make armor with that material…

“Half decent, coming from a relative perspective.”

Grandpa Qoi suddenly spoke, rubbing his chin. 

“Coming from an objective perspective, everything about what you did is horrid enough to make me vomit. Your technique is disgusting, and your manipulation of Aura is nonexistent. The only two things I’ll give to you are your amazing ability to brutishly bend your Aura to your whim and the control you have over your body. But that’s about where your qualities drop off a cliff.”


Dirk only responded with that. To be complimented at all was an achievement, and he knew that. He was under no impression that he could compare in any way to this man. 

Dirk had two advantages when facing opponents. His combat instincts were inhuman and his ability to control his body, even before advancing, was through the roof. These things allowed him to fight well above his level and toy with those who stood on even ground. 

But his combat instincts, while coming from atrocious talent, were nothing before the Spear King. Because not only did the Spear King have instincts just as good, but he’s also lived for several times Dirk’s age. His expertise could not be measured and most certainly dwarfed Dirk’s own skill by magnitudes. 

Grandpa Qoi lectured. 

“I can tell that you’ve never even been taught any anima techniques, or at the very least, never bothered to ever use them. The strike you delivered was merely the culmination of all your experience thus far and what you believe to be the best way to deliver the most power in the most effective way from your position. Your control over Aura is brutish at best. While I can tell that you have it under absolute control, as I said earlier, you fail to apply it in any meaningful way. Sure, that’s good for getting to the Rook Class, but it won’t get you anywhere further. The Bishop Class requires you to use anima in a way very similar to mana, and that can’t be done without developing an anima technique to its most extreme. You, young one, haven’t even started your technique.”


Dirk nodded. Everything he said was completely correct. 

Grandpa Qoi then reclined.

“Now, what to do with such a perfect blank slate such as yourself… If I’m correct, you don’t want to confine yourself to a single weapon, correct?”

“Yes. I believe in versatility.”

“That’s a good belief. Usually, versatility is thought of with respect to the weapon. A spear technique that can handle any situation, for example, would be versatile. But you want universal versatility. Meaning, you can handle any situation with any weapon, and handle any weapon in any situation. Heh, just saying that makes me laugh.”

Grandpa Qoi chuckled. 

“It’s been a long time since I’ve encountered a Martial Master. The last time was around 200 years ago. That man, known as the Kimin Godsum, had reached the Bishop Class with every weapon imaginable. He could pick up a twig and fight another Bishop class on equal grounds. Throw away that twig, and he would crush them with his bare hands. Unfortunately, he was killed while challenging the Kings in an attempt to take the last step forward. I spared his life out of respect, but others weren’t so nice. And had he advanced, he would have become the most powerful of us all. Perhaps he would’ve been the one to break past the barrier into Auric Godhood, the Mythical Rank 9.”

He sighed in melancholy, and Dirk couldn’t help but shake his head at the pitiful story. 

Then, Grandpa Qoi’s eyes sharpened, making Dirk tense up. 

“You’re trying to walk the same path. The only way to do so is to achieve universal mastery for every weapon at every level. And your weapons include your bare body. You should be able to wield your Rook Class Aura no matter if your hands are empty or wielding a sword. Your Aura will become no different than its own weapon. But there is a reason doing so is impossibly difficult. A weapon is a guide, an image your mind uses to control itself. Without one, you must become the weapon. Your very soul will need to embody the concept of martial arts. Even using your fists or legs is a barrier to achieving true mastery. Only by separating yourself from the tools you use will you succeed. And yet, speaking those words to some of the other Kings would make them cry blasphemy.”

Grandpa Qoi sighed. And everything he said made Dirk realize just how difficult his path actually was. 

He could easily have learned a technique for swords or knives or even bows. His mother had tried to teach him several. Dirk was no stranger to anima techniques because of this. 

But he had never done anything other than take inspiration from it, or merely improve his own skills. And this was for a very specific reason. 

Dirk spoke these thoughts.

“While training with my mother, I refrained from utilizing techniques. I felt that if I used them and developed them, I would be limiting myself.”

“Well, given your belief in versatility, I can understand that. A technique would be boxing you in, keeping you from using anything other than it.”

“No, more than that.”

Dirk shook his head for the first time in disagreement.

“It felt like I would be walking myself down a path of no return. Like, even if I wanted to later, I wouldn’t be able to go back and learn other things. If I learned a sword technique right now, I wouldn’t be able to learn a spear technique later. I don’t know why, but that’s the main reason I never used anything. It felt wrong to do so, even if I didn’t know it back then.”

“...What monstrous instincts.”

Grandpa Qoi suddenly smiled as Dirk finished speaking, his grin slowly becoming abnormally wide. 

“You really do have the talent to become a King. I felt the same thing when I was young. I had explored many weapons back then, trying to find the best fit for me. I almost settled on the sword, but after nearly two decades, I had yet to actually utilize a technique. The entire time, I felt like doing so would throw my potential into a cage. I did many things to try and work around that feeling, but it was only when I had begun to take the first step down that road that I felt my instincts scream at me. It was like I was about to be killed, like I would die should I have truly devoted myself to the sword.

“After that, I retreated and tried several other weapons before finally finding the spear. And the Spear was the only weapon that felt right. Now, I’m a Spear King. And you, Dirk, are a King in the process of finding his way. Heed my advice, and always trust your instincts. They are your greatest guide.”

“I will.”

Dirk nodded in affirmation. He already trusted his instincts, and now, he trusted them even more. It seemed that, especially in this world, one’s instincts went beyond just being a vague feeling. It was an almost mystical sense that could guide someone to their greatest potential, a power in its own right. So Dirk decided that he would unconditionally trust his instincts, even beyond what he sensed or understood in the real world. 

In that moment, he felt like he had been relieved of a small burden, one that lightened his mind. 

Recently, Dirk felt like he had been thinking too much. Being around Pandora and all her schemes, he had been trying to keep up, trying to utilize logical deduction to understand her crazy plans or actions. 

But now, he decided that he would no longer do that. If his instincts really were the powerful guide that they had proven to be, then he would just follow them. 

They would lead him down the right path. They had done so thus far, and they would continue to do so. He didn’t doubt them. 

Because of that, Dirk felt like he had a sudden inspiration. 

Raising his head, he turned to the metal board. 

And then, he stood in front of it before throwing out a punch. 


It landed solidly against the metal, blood dripping from his fists as the skin over his knuckles split. 

Then, he punched with his other fist. 


More blood came down as his skin instantly worked to seal itself and stop bleeding. Only a few drops went down his fingers. 

But Dirk didn’t stop punching. His fists repeatedly delivered blows, and it wasn’t long before they became almost purple. 

Grandpa Qoi watched with interest. Each time Dirk punched, he could see the invisible Aura around his fists fluctuating wildly. Even the anima in the atmosphere followed with his movements and impacts.

And with every punch, his control over Aura was refined. At first, it was like he was a beginner. But it only took a few minutes before he was looking like an expert. 

After half an hour, anima no longer whipped around his arms. Instead, it all flowed through his muscles, the anima in the atmosphere gliding along his skin, and all of it impacting onto the metal like a jackhammer. 


The air exploded as his fist came down. And after Dirk arrived at this point, he stopped. 

Suddenly, Grandpa Qoi stepped forward. He did away with the board and faced Dirk. 

Dirk didn’t even speak before suddenly throwing his leg out. 


Like a whip, it slammed against Qoi’s arm. He did nothing to counter attack as Dirk continued to throw out kicks of varying angles and from different positions. 

Like with his punches, Dirk constantly refined his skill, as if starting from scratch. Gradually, he picked out what he felt was the best technique. He didn’t care about the end result of his blow, only that it felt best. 

Of course, he still had his entire life of experience. Dirk called upon it, trying everything and making sure that what he knew of martial arts was correct. Some things, he threw out. Others, he integrated them and focused on them more. 

Like that, each of his kicks went from snapping like whips to hitting like a freight train. Of course, Grandpa Qoi wasn’t moved in the slightest, but he was still smiling wildly. 

“That’s it! Now fight!”

Suddenly, he threw out a spear, which Dirk caught. They then both thrust out, their spears colliding. 

Dirk’s naturally recoiled, as if slapped away like a child. His blow looked sloppy, like he was just swinging around a stick. 

He had very little real experience with the spear. But now, he had the world’s greatest spear expert right here. 

And the Spear King taught him through battle. When Dirk thrust with the spear, Grandpa Qoi would deliver his own violent blow that overwhelmed Dirk’s own. 

But those blows didn’t simply suppress Dirk’s. Instead, they seemed to guide Dirk toward the correct path. Where Dirk felt the most resistance was his wrongdoing, and where Dirk felt powerful was his success. Like this, he continued to stab and slash until his blows began to feel correct. 

Grandpa Qoi shouted after almost 4 hours had passed. 

“You must learn the absolute basics! You needn’t learn techniques, not until you’ve learned the most fundamental principles of every weapon in this world! And when you get to the point where merely picking up a weapon affords you complete knowledge on how to use it, you will have achieved Basic Martial Mastery, and can then move on to true techniques! Just wait for that damned skill to appear, and don’t do anything until it does!”


Suddenly, Dirk’s spear collided with Grandpa Qoi’s. 

And to his disbelief, they both came to a standstill. 

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