
C21 – Stigma / Academy

"This is your last one?"

"Yea, I think so."

"That's good. Any more and you would have a hard time getting to the academy."

Ava smiled as she spoke with Dirk. They were currently in his room, and Dirk was preparing for a destruction cycle. 

Two more months had passed, and Dirk had finished his left foot. Now, he was on his right and hoping he would only have to do one more cycle. 

After getting comfortable on his bed, he started. He moved the Anima over to the skin and began the resonation. The skin started to redden, and 5 minutes later there were a few shallow cracks. That was it though. Even continuing more, Dirk couldn't feel anything. The rest of his skin had been cycled through and wouldn't be destroyed under the resonation. 

He smiled seeing how little damage there was. Something like this could heal in a few days. Not only did Anima toughen and strengthen his body, it also made it recovery faster. Something that took a week now only took 4 days. This combined with his nanites and the potions he was fed made recovering very convenient. 

"Looks like you'll be able to walk."

Ava also nodded seeing the light damage. She had almost always been there to watch his cycles. She also saw how he became tougher after each one. The first cycle he trembled and had to vomit. But now, he could push through a first cycle with a mere grunt and frown. This kind of tenacity was insane to Ava. 

After finishing the cycle, the AI moved the nanites to seal and begin repairing the wounds. The sealing made it so that nothing would get infected and the skin would be supported, preventing any more tearing. The AI had actually come to learn how to better handle Dirk's destruction wounds over time, optimizing the repair process. Though Dirk wasn't really aware of this.

Seeing how the sealing was done, Dirk took the medical wrap next to him and wrapped his foot. This was more for show as his mother had ordered him to wrap his wounds to prevent infection. He didn't need to with his nanites, but he didn't really have a choice. He didn't mind though. It at least made things more comfortable.

As he wrapped his foot, Ava stared at him for a bit before speaking.

"I won't be coming tomorrow. My parents need me to prepare for entering the academy."


Dirk simply nodded. The day to officially enter the academy was the day after tomorrow. Dirk obviously wouldn't insist that she arrive for training. He was surprised that she even came today.

"Will... we be seeing each other there?"

"I don't know. I'm not even sure what we'll be doing there besides learning magic."

Dirk shrugged. He didn't know much about the academy, let alone whether he and Ava would be seeing each other. He assumed they probably would since the place was only so big, but how often was a different question. 

Ava thought for a second before speaking.

"...Well, I'll be looking for you. Depending on our schedules, we can keep training."

"Mm. But in case we don't see each other, you should take to training by yourself when you can. I know you train Anima, but you still lose stamina fast. You shouldn't have more than three day gaps between training. Just do the workouts we would normally do and you'll be fine."

"Alright. But what about martial arts?"

"That... I'm not sure. It's hard to train without a partner. Just work on fundamental striking movements and that should keep you sharp. The knowledge of martial arts movements don't go away so easily, and many movements should be reflex for you now."

Ava nodded hearing that. Dirk's training had firmly engraved many fundamental techniques into her bones. She was capable of reacting properly on pure instinct now. Those instincts wouldn't wash away so easily, and doing fundamentals on her downtime would keep her refreshed. 

"Just make sure not to forget your training. When the time comes for you to really fight someone, you need to keep yourself calm and use the moves you've been taught."

"I understand. It's not like we're going to war though...'

Ava brushed off his words a bit. Dirk shook his head though and spoke firmly.

"That's irrelevant. Two years ago, you were a timid mess incapable of standing for yourself. You had no knowledge or skills that could keep you safe and secure. Now, I've trained you to be strong in body and mind. No matter where you're at, you must be strong. In all situations and in all decisions, you must be strong. Wield the strength that you've earned, otherwise it will be washed away by the people and environment around you. Am I clear?"


Ava answered strictly, something she had been taught to do by Dirk. The next moment though, she thought a little more deeply about his words. She looked back and realized how far she had come. Her first day of school, she had struggled to even enter a classroom. Now, she was capable of holding her own in any conflict, and her confidence was high. She was no longer so self-conscious. It was as if she were a totally different person. 

Wield the strength that you've earned. Be strong in body and mind. Don't let it be washed away by the people around you. These words engraved themselves in her psyche, and she became a bit emotional. Dirk had given her a chance, and she had worked so hard. She didn't let him or herself down. She couldn't imagine where she would be if she hadn't met him. The thought of going into the academy and the outside world as a timid girl incapable of defending herself scared her, and she understood how priceless such a transformation was. 

Her eyes reddened a bit, and her mouth trembled as she spoke.

"Can... Can we hug?"


Dirk's eyebrows raised a bit at her question, and he realized she was getting emotional. He didn't really understand why, but she was a girl, and like with his mother he stopped questioning why. Thinking about it, he just nodded and stood up. He had taught her to ask questions outright, and if it were just this, he didn't mind.

Seeing him agree, Ava moved in. The two hugged deeply, and Dirk could hear some light sniffles. Ava was shorter than him, so her face was buried in his chest. He wondered if he would have to wash his shirt. 

The two were like that for almost a minute as Ava calmed down. Eventually they separated, and she wiped her eyes. 

"T-thank you."


She backed away with a red but content face. Dirk nodded before going back to the bed and beginning his Mana Lung training.

Seeing him, Ava also sat on the bed and did some meditation. Though, she couldn't concentrate much as she thought about the future and what she would do if she didn't see Dirk anymore. Also, Dirk's effect on the surrounding mana was rather intense, making meditation difficult. 

Dirk didn't care though as he simply 'breathed' in and out. By now, he was capable of dozens of breaths. Mana Lungs was beginning to become more like actual breathing, the mana around him flowing freely from the environment into his soul and back out again. When he first started, breathing in to the limit caused soul-tearing pain, and breathing all the way out would cause him to almost faint. But now, breathing in to the limit only caused a dull pain, and breathing all the way out didn't make him so drowsy. He knew that his soul had gotten tougher, so as he pushed himself more, he became capable of doing the technique easily.

Dirk seemed to be breathing mana normally for several minutes. Each time he breathed in and out, he felt like he could contain a tiny bit more mana than before. However, he had yet to actually step into Tier 2. He had felt like he was on the edge for almost a year now. It was getting a bit frustrating not advancing.

'Maybe I just need to practice this more. Since it's getting easier, I should try training throughout the day. Can't get better if I don't push myself.'

With that conclusion, Dirk continued to breathe. He wanted to be able to breathe mana just as he breathed air, so he set his new goal and worked on it. 



"Please don't tell me you're actually going to workout."

"...Do I not have time?"

"Just relax, child. You can survive a day without training. We leave in two hours. Oh, and don't do any mana training either. You'll need to be in good shape for the test."

Cecilia spoke as she shook her head. 

Today was the day that Dirk officially entered the academy. Initially, he didn't really mind that as he prepared to do his morning routine. His mom stopped him though, baffled that he would still think of such a thing when today was a big day.

Hearing her, Dirk reluctantly returned to his room to wait for the two hours. In there, he decided to do some light exercises to get his blood flowing and pass the time. Nothing that would make him that tired, of course. He also did a few minutes of mana breathing. 

When the time to leave approached, Dirk dressed in a formal casual set of clothes. He had come to greatly prefer clothes that he could move around in as he never liked being restricted. Plus, he didn't have any formal clothes that fit him since he had grown so much and had no need for them. 

After dressing, Dirk went down to the entry hall right when he was supposed to. Cecilia was already there and nodded when she saw him. Dirk was always very punctual. The two then quickly boarded the carriage and drove off. 

"Dirk, what Tier are you now?"

While they were riding through the busy streets, Cecilia asked him. Dirk quickly answered. 

"I'm still Tier I+."

"I see. Now, I'm not exactly worried about this happening soon, but I think I'll let you know about it anyway just in case. There's a certain thing that mages and warriors eventually come to form after rising in power. It's called a Stigma, and you can think of it as a unique tool that's formed from the soul. It's rather rare to form one, but I have actually formed it, as has your father. This is my Stigma."

Saying that, Cecilia raised her hand. In it, a saber mysteriously appeared out of thin air. The saber was solid gray, but Dirk had a hard time seeing where the blade was located. It was like it did and didn't exist. 

"Stigmata can come in many forms. Your father's stigma is that magic book you always see him carrying. A stigma can also be a cloak, an alchemical flask, a shield, a bow, a forging hammer, or a magic staff. There is no definite rule to what a stigma can be, and we only have general ideas about how they are formed. Generally, talented people begin to form their stigmata around tier 4. People who aren't talented won't form one at all, and they also don't tend to rise high in tiers. Warriors can also form a stigma after reaching a high enough rank. Again, the rules to form one aren't well defined, but it's agreed that only talented people will be capable of forming one. And you, my child, are a talented boy."

Cecilia ruffled Dirk's hair proudly.

"You have three attributes, two of which are specialized. Most people only have one attribute, and it's rare to get two. Three is even rarer, and a 4 attribute mage is something you may only hear about once in your life. You are a three attribute mage, so you automatically have some talent. Should you develop smoothly, I have no doubt that you'll form a stigma of your own. Just know that if you begin to feel anything weird in your soul and start to 'feel' an image take form, then it's likely your stigma forming. I'm not sure when it'll be for you, but you could very well form it after reaching tier 3. Or rank 3 if you get there first. If you have any questions, you can also ask your father. After all, he'll be at the academy."


Dirk memorized all the words she said. This stigma thing sounded interesting, but he hadn't yet felt anything taking form. It looked like he would have to give it time and simply keep an eye out.

The next moment though, he thought of something. What was his mother going to do while he was gone? Was she going to stay in the house by herself? 

"Mother, what will you be doing after I enter?"

"Me? I've been thinking about that recently. I might just go live with your father in the academy since that's basically become his home. Hm, I still have to take care of my plants though...  I don't know. I'll have to think about it more. All I know is that you probably won't be seeing home for a long while. Your siblings all live in the academy, except for Viola who has gone off on her own dungeon expedition to further her power. I believe Ethan is also joining the military, so he'll be leaving soon. There isn't much for you back home anyway. Everything you need is in the academy."

Cecilia hugged her son as she said that. She was both happy and sad that he was moving on. She was mostly excited though. Her son couldn't be more ready, and she looked forward to what he achieved in the future. 

Soon, the two arrived at the plaza outside the academy walls. The place was filled with people, all of them parents and children who were entering. Dirk and his mother exited the carriage and walked into the plaza. They kept an eye out for Ryker who was supposed to come get them. 

"Dirk! Ahh!"

"What the..?"

Dirk's head snapped around when he heard a shrill shout. He could see Rita running toward him, but as he watched her approach, his pupils contracted. Occasionally as she ran, she would suddenly disappear in a black fog and reappear a few meters away. She did this consecutively to weave through the crowds of people, and Dirk almost threw out a punch when she teleported almost right in front of him. It took all his self control to refrain from doing anything as she dove into him. 

"Ahh! Look how big you've gotten! Oh, and strong! How are you?!"

Rita hugged him tightly while he stood there and took it. Seeing how much Rita had grown, Dirk could only smile. 

Rita was now 16 and a bit taller than Dirk. She was a slim but developed girl with a stunning face and gorgeous black hair that seemed to be illusory. Also, he could feel intense power from her. Seeing through his mana sense, she simply looked like a dense ball of chaotic dark energy. He didn't know what happened, but she had become seriously powerful since he'd last seen her. 

After evaluating her progress, Dirk smiled a bit.

"I'm doing fine. How are you?"

"Good! Very good! You are going to love the academy. I'm already Tier 5!"

"You also have perfect affinity for the dark element."

Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind. Rita turned around to see her dad smirking at her. 

"Oh, hi dad."

"Uh-huh. What did I tell you about void walking in public?"

"...To not."

"Yea. You haven't mastered it, so don't go zipping around all over the place."

"I'm good enough though! I at least won't hit anybody."

Rita spoke with a bit of injustice. Ryker just shook his head.

"I don't care. Spatial magic isn't your forte and it's not a joke. A single slip and you'll kill someone with a spatial ripple."

"I understand..."

Rita's mood was dampened under Ryker's scolding. He just rolled his eyes at her and turned to his son.

"Are you ready kid? From today onward, you'll be a mage and body refiner. They train both in the academy, so you won't be missing out on anything."

"Yes sir."

Dirk answered with a bit of excitement. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time. All those days of slogging through school was for this very moment. 

"Alright then. Since you're my son, you won't have to worry about getting in line and going through all these procedures. Before that though, say bye to your mother. You might not see her for a few days."

"Bye mom."

Dirk nodded and turned around, giving his mother a hug. She hugged him tightly before letting him go with a kiss on the forehead. 

"Okay. Follow me you two."

Ryker walked off, and Dirk and Rita followed him. Cecilia watched them walk off for a bit before turning around herself. Taking a step, darkness enveloped her and she disappeared. 


After walking off, Ryker took Dirk inside the academy. They walked straight through the gates and off to a large building that looked something like a gymnasium. 

After walking in, they were greeted with a small crowd of people. There were several different stations with short lines behind them, and children around Dirk's age were all getting tested for something. 

"This is the testing area. All your information is already processed, so you only need to get tested for your ability to control mana. All you need to do is place your hand on the ball and inject mana into it. Reach a certain threshold, and you'll be cleared. The farther you go, the better your rating. Though, that doesn't particularly matter for you. You'll be put into the class I've set aside for you anyway. Now go ahead and wait in line."


After Ryker patted him, Dirk went over and got in one of the lines. None of the kids talked to each other as they stepped up to the table one by one. The atmosphere was tense for them, but Dirk didn't particularly feel nervous. He was rather confident in his ability to control mana.

Eventually, Dirk stepped up to the table. There was a man who looked to be in his 50s behind the table, though with Dirk's new knowledge about lifespans, he couldn't tell how old he was. He could be 400 years old for all Dirk knew.

"What's your name?"

"Dirk Strider"

"Strider... Alright. 12 years old, Tier I+. Okay, I want you to put your hand on the ball and inject your mana into it. Simply sending it through the ball will do. The more mana you stream into it, the higher your rating. Do as much as you can, but don't hurt yourself. As long as you reach the minimum you'll have passed. Any questions?"


"Then put your hands on the ball and start when you're ready."

After shaking his head, Dirk looked down at the crystal ball near the edge of the table in front of him. The ball had slash marks on it, and each mark had a different number next to it. The bottom slash had the number 0 on it, and the slashes numbered up to 10 which was at the top of the ball. It looked like one had to literally fill the ball with mana. The stand that the ball was on also had 'I+' engraved on it, probably signifying that this ball was used for those who were Tier I+. 

Dirk didn't think too much though before putting a hand on it and sending through some mana. The element he chose was the dark element, and after it entered the ball, black liquid appeared and filled some of the ball. It looked like he was dumping water into it. 

Seeing how this worked, Dirk finally went full force. The ball seemed to consume his mana and convert it to this liquid, so he simply had to feed it to increase the level. He dumped copious amounts of mana into the ball, and it quickly surged past the halfway mark. 

To the side, Rita was watching with gleaming eyes. In her vision, the dark element around Dirk was flooding into him and being sent into the ball. She had never seen such a technique, and she wondered how he could so fluidly bring in mana like that. If she attempted that, her soul would scream in pain. 

Meanwhile, Dirk started to feel fatigued after pushing the liquid past the number 9 mark. He didn't let it bother him though as he utilized the Mana Lungs technique to pull in and push out mana. The technique was very efficient, and soon enough, he had totally filled the ball with that black liquid. When the ball didn't accept his mana anymore, he stopped and pulled his hand away. He still had a bit of energy left in him too. 

"...Wow. Alright then. Congrats Dirk Strider, you've earned a level 10 grade. Go ahead and step to the side."

"Understood. Thank you."

"Of course."

The man behind the table nodded to him with surprised eyes. Dirk simply stepped out of line as the ball on the table drained of the black liquid, leaving no evidence of the previous result. 


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