
C30 – Arrogance

After Dirk learned the technique within his Anima manual, he went on to train day by day with it. 

He was indeed correct that this training technique was incredibly efficient. Within only 10 minutes, he would be on the floor sapped of all his strength. This was even after he received the stamina enhancement. He was baffled by it all, but it quickly replaced the way he trained. The only time he refrained from training this way was when he was training combat with Ava. 

With that, time passed quickly. In only a few weeks, Dirk was able to complete the destruction cycles on his face, though not before he was called plenty of names. Dirk never really spoke or interacted with anyone, and now that he had a face of nightmares, nobody wanted to interact with him. It made him something like a black sheep that nobody went out of their way to be friends with. Naturally though, Dirk wasn't bothered. He barely even noticed the difference since he was never social to begin with.

Right when he finished the cycles on his face, his Rank went up to 3. Now, he had lots of anima at his disposal. He also learned to control his anima channeling technique better, lowering the anima expenditure so that high strengths could be maintained for long periods of time. He immediately determined that this ability was his best weapon. 

Also, with finishing his skin destruction came moving on to the next section. From Rank 3 to 4, he would be destroying his blood. The principle was exactly the same as with the skin. He would destroy blood by resonating anima, and some of the blood would be enhanced in the process. After recovering, he would rinse and repeat. However, there were a few things he would have to do differently. 

First, he couldn't destroy too much. The book noted that destroying too much blood could be dangerous and even permanently debilitating. He wouldn't actually only be destroying blood, but also his veins. The two would be enhanced together. So Dirk had to take things a step at a time. 

Second, this wasn't like the skin where he could do a few patches at a time. His blood came in one big supply. After destroying some, he would have to wait for complete recovery. Each cycle would take longer because of this, and lots of energy would be used up in the process of regenerating his blood. 

Third, destroying the blood was actually incredibly painful. Dirk didn't think it would be painful at all, but after trying it once, he learned that it was worse than destroying skin. 

The first time he tried it, Dirk concentrated the Anima around his forearms, thighs, and neck. These places held major veins and arteries with lots of blood flow, and this was actually pointed out in the book. From there, he resonated the anima according to the book. The anima strictly targetted the blood with its unique frequency, and soon, blood was destroyed. However, that's when the pain hit him like a truck. 

It felt like lava and needles were pumping through his veins. The blood vessels all through his legs, arms, and head screamed in pain, and Dirk couldn't hold back his own shout of pain. He grunted and trembled as blood disappeared from his body and his blood vessels were cracked just like his skin. Streaks of red matching his veins appeared all over his body. 

It was only when he lost about 15% of his total blood that he stopped. When he did, he felt a splitting headache and burning all over his body. The pain didn't even stop when he did, and it was a long while before he finally recovered enough to move around. A feeling of low energy and weakness hit him not long after, and he forced tons of food into his stomach to kickstart recovery. 

According to his AI after that, it would take a few weeks to regenerate all blood. And Dirk didn't know how much blood was enhanced. The book only told him to continue doing cycles until it no longer hurt. 

With that, Dirk could only push through without a sense of progress. Luckily, training anima was only half his focus. Right as he finished off his skin destruction cycles, Dirk was also able to advance in Tier. It only took a few weeks to get his Tier back up to Tier II. From there, he re-started the formation of his mana heart. However, this time, the process was a bit different. 

Whenever he would train his mana heart, lots of the mana would be sucked into his bloodstream. This slowed the process of forming the heart, but it was very good at saturating his body with more mana. Nevertheless, he was able to notice how much his vascular system had changed. Even his mana breathing was easier because of the genetic enhancement he was subjected to. His body simply had less resistance to mana and would absorb it willingly. 

With that, Dirk trained every day. Two more months pass, and the middle of the year comes around. 

Every year, the school hosted two tournaments where the students would fight each other to test their strengths and form rankings. For a long time, the students in the first year class were excited to fight and form a hierarchy. However, their excitement was dashed when they received a piece of news. 

First year students didn't get to compete. Because they were new and knew nothing about real combat, first year students weren't recklessly thrown out to battle each other. This could result in deaths if a student couldn't control their power or another didn't know how to defend themself. They were simply too inexperienced, so they were only allowed to watch their seniors fight in the colosseum. 

However, they weren't totally depressed. When the halfway mark rolled around, all their teachers finally brought them out for some practical training. Magic teachers had their students perform live spells all the time, and anima instructors had their students start to learn combat and ways to use their anima. They finally received combat training, and all the students were thrilled to be able to show off their ability. 

However, when it came to hand to hand combat training in the anima classes, two dark horses quickly made themselves known. They were Dirk and Ava. 

Since Dirk had trained Ava for a long time in the ways of martial arts, she was naturally very proficient. And when she was put up against these other students who knew nothing, she destroyed them. 

One day, when the teacher had decided to have his trainees spar with a partner, Dirk and Ava had automatically gone to each other. After all, they sparred and trained like this almost daily. However, the instructor had separated them. Boys could only fight boys, and same with the girls. In his words, he didn't want anyone getting handsy. This was a very sensible concern, and Dirk nor Ava had any reason to disagree. 

Thus, they were arranged partners. Dirk faced off against another similarly sized kid, though this kid was quite a bit skinnier than Dirk. By now, Dirk had ripped and sizeable muscles that could be seen clearly just from his visible biceps. To many of the students, he was actually rather intimidating with his cold and dominating air, one that couldn't be brought down by anything. It was like nothing and no one could ever beat him. Though, it also wasn't arrogant in the slightest. He simply exuded strength and confidence, and others couldn't help but shrink away. 

Of course, Dirk didn't feel like going all out against a kid. Because of that, he took up the position of a teacher and went on with the spar. He corrected mistakes and taught the kid how to properly carry out techniques. Of course, his teaching involved live demonstrations, and the kid was the test dummy. The kid was soon covered in bruises, looking quite miserable. Though, his eyes were fiery. He wasn't at all disappointed or embarrassed. 

However, on Ava's side, the situation was very different. Ava didn't know that she wasn't supposed to really fight against these kids. She was still a kid herself. Plus, with Dirk's philosophy of being strong in everything he did, she went on to be serious and perform her best. She squared off with her partner, and when the spar started, the partner couldn't even react before she was being thrown around. 



A slam was heard, and everyone stopped to turn to the shout of pain. They all saw Ava who had done a shoulder throw on her partner. The girl on the floor had the wind knocked out of her, and she looked as if she were dying. 

Of course, Dirk had seen the whole thing. He decided he would keep an eye on Ava to see how she did. Seeing the shoulder throw, he sighed a bit inwardly. As for the instructor, he had a much louder reaction.

"Ava! What's going on?!"


"What did you do to her?"

The instructor ran over and checked on the girl who was catching her breath. The girl was basically crying as a few tears streamed down her cheeks. All the boys felt pity and wanted nothing more than to comfort her. 

Facing the angry instructor, Ava was a bit stunned. She had realized she went too hard when she threw the girl, but why was the instructor angry? She simply sparred with her. And it wasn't like she would die. There was nothing to be angry over. Getting hurt was normal in a fight. 

"I... I just sparred."

"Yes, but we're not trying to hurt people. They're your classmates."

"How are we supposed to spar if nobody can get hurt? That defeats the purpose of fighting."

Hearing the instructor's ridiculous response, Ava retorted, a slight hint of anger in her voice. She was now questioning whether that man truly served in the military or not. She was also starting to realize how weak her other classmates were. A huge deal was being made over a simple shoulder throw. Dirk's training would hurt many times more, and that stuff went on for hours. 

Hearing Ava, the instructor seemed to realize the stupidity behind his statement. He went quiet and contemplated for a bit before sighing. 

"You're right, but you seem to be experienced in combat, whereas your classmates are not. Knowing that, you shouldn't be throwing them around like dolls. When they get better and learn to put up a fight, then you can start throwing them around. However, until then, I guess you won't be able to spar with them."



At that moment, Dirk walked over. He went up to the instructor and quietly spoke to him. After a few seconds, the instructor's eyes lit up. 

"I see. Very well. Ava, go ahead and spar with Dirk from now on. You two are always together anyways, and I guess both of you are experienced, so go ahead."


Ava nodded with a smile, and the two went off to their own area, leaving their partners behind. As they walked, Dirk spoke to her. 

"Next time, activate your core more. You want to keep your center of gravity stable when performing the throw or you'll throw yourself off balance."


Ava almost burst out laughing. She expected a scolding or something like a talking to, but Dirk instead corrected her form. She smiled brightly. Despite practicing twice a day with Dirk, she somehow felt that training together in this class was more fun. 

The class soon resumed after that with everyone going back to clumsily sparring with each other. However, they were quickly distracted once more when ava and Dirk did their own session. 




The two threw, kicked, grappled, and punched each other It was like they were really fighting, and the entire class couldn't help but turn their eyes towards them. Their spar was violent, but somehow very fluid and artistic in a way. Both people were incredibly experienced with each other, so they naturally had their way of going back and forth. One moment, Dirk would throw a kick at Ava's thigh and go in for a tackle, but the next, Ava would counter with a knee and takedown. They would move from their feet to their knees and then to the floor, dozens of different moves, combos, and techniques being used throughout each series of fighting.

Even the instructor didn't know what to say. Dirk and Ava were definitely hurting each other. Just the sounds of slamming bodies and slapping impacts made everyone cringe, but neither person seemed to acknowledge the pain. It made the girl who cried over a single shoulder throw look like a joke, and the girl herself was slack-jawed over what she was seeing. 

The class eventually concluded with Ava and Dirk practically putting on a show for everyone. Not even the instructor stopped what was happening. He realized that they had done this before as soon as they started, so he had no reason to step in. Plus, letting the students watch the display was good experience. It would make them more eager to fight themselves. 

While spars didn't happen every day, they did happen around once a week. And every week, the students would watch Ava and Dirk duke it out. Eventually though, the students started fighting themselves, and they were toughened by the fights that became increasingly violent. They didn't want to cry in pain when two people just like them were going through much worse without a peep. 


Fast forward another 5 months, and Dirk came up on the end of the year. 

By now, Dirk had done many cycles of destruction on his blood, but it still didn't hurt much less than the first cycle. Only his ability to tolerate the pain got better. And after so many months of training up his mana heart, there was a rather solid core of mana on top of his heart. The heart formation was coming along nicely.

Ava also made lots of progress. In fact, she was able to hit Tier 3 before Dirk did. While her anima remained at Rank 2, it was still impressive growth. 

When the end of the year came around though, the entire academy became active. This was because the second tournament of the year was going to start, and this time, first-year students were allowed to compete. 

Dirk's entire class was excited and doing everything they could to prepare. Everyone trained twice as hard, and the spell ranges were always filled up with people trying to increase their proficiency. 

Dirk, however, wasn't one of these people. He simply went about his days as normal. This was because he had no intention of competing in the tournament.

"What? Why not?! You would do really good!"

Hearing how Dirk was going to abstain from the tournament, Ava was stunned. The point of the tournament was to test your skills and get ranked above your peers. What kid at their age didn't want to be number one? It was insane that a person as skilled as Dirk didn't want to put those skills to use.

"There's no reason to compete. I just don't want to."

Dirk made up an excuse. The reason he didn't want to compete was because of the experience from his previous life. Not only would it be unfair for all the other kids, but the tournament was filled with just that. Kids. Dirk had a lifetime's worth of brutality and bloodshed, and this little tournament seemed like nothing but a cute pastime. Not only that, but after coming to this world and spending so much time being idle, he didn't have the mood for combat. Sure he still practiced martial arts, but he didn't actually feel like truly fighting anybody. That lifetime's worth of battle seemed enough for him, and he would rather spend his time training himself, something he saw as productive.

But of course, he couldn't tell Ava that, so he had to make something up. 

"Why wouldn't you want to? There's no better place to fight! What, do you think you're too good?"


"Well... that might be true, but that's no reason not to enter! The tournament is more than just fighting your own class. You get to fight the seniors too!"

Ava spoke excitedly. She was much more enthusiastic about this tournament than Dirk was. All the people she knew from her dorm and her classes were constantly talking about it. It was a big deal for all of them. 

Dirk just sighed. There was probably no way he could convince her that he shouldn't compete. There was actually no reason for him not to. It looked like he would just have to disappoint her.

"What's this I hear about not competing?"

At this moment though, the door to Dirk's house opened, and a person walked through. Both he and Ava recognized the voice. It was Rita.

Rita's appearance now slightly surprised Dirk, and not because she appeared from nowhere. She was a bit taller, her face and body mature, and her demeanor confident. She almost seemed like a grown woman, and it was only her face that still maintained a bit of teenage youth. Her long black hair fell down on the back of the gray robes she wore, and her eyes held a certain dark violence within. It seemed she had her fair share of battles. 

Dirk didn't mind any of this though as he turned to her. 

"Hi Rita."

"So why don't you want to compete?"

After Dirk greeted her, she wasted no time and interrogated him. He responded to her with a blank face while she stood opposite to him with her arms crossed.

"I don't want to."

"That's not a reason to refrain from fighting. You know, I'm surprised. I didn't think you of all people would be scared to enter."

"I'm not scared."

"Then fight."

"There's no reason for me to."

"There's no reason for you not to. Enter the tournament, Dirk. It'll be good for your growth."

Rita spoke to him seriously, and Dirk had no choice but to go quiet. Why was his sister so adamant about him competing? This tournament was just a little game the kids were eager to play. It would do nothing for him.

"...I'll talk to dad."

"Ok, now I'm curious. What's up with you and not wanting to compete so badly?"

Now it was Rita's turn to be questioning. She didn't think Dirk would be so resistant. He usually just went with things, but now he was actively fighting her on this. That didn't happen very often, if ever. 

"...It won't do anything for me. Nobody is experienced enough to fight me well. Me doing well would mean nothing, so I would rather just refrain."

Dirk responded with a hint of the truth. He couldn't elaborate, but it would hopefully be enough. Unfortunately, Rita was surprised by his answer. The next moment, she sneered.

"Well that's a lot of arrogance I didn't expect out of you. Dirk, you might be a bit of a genius, but there are others out there. You haven't seen them since you seem to abhor social interaction, but they are there. There are those that have received training from an early age, and those that simply advance absurdly fast. There are also those who can simply comprehend everything about their element in no time at all, giving them a wide range of spells to use. This academy is full of very capable people, so don't get all high and mighty. Arrogance is a very dangerous thing, and it could mean the end of your life if you aren't careful."

Rita took on a scary aura as she approached and got in Dirk's face. Dirk simply stood there at attention and let her. However, her words seemed to strike a chord in him. He delved into thought before nodding.

"...I understand."

"Do you? Then enter the tournament and earn your right to be confident in your skills. Until you put yourself to the test, you aren't allowed to assume anything about your ability. Do you concur?"


"Good. Then I'll get going. In fact, I'll talk to dad for you. You'll have your spot in the tournament within the week. If you back out, I'll personally hunt you down and beat you into the floor."

With that threat, Rita left the house, slamming the door behind her. Dirk sighed.

'Well now I don't have a choice. But she's right. There's no room for arrogance. I'm also a kid, so if I can't fight those at my level, then I still have a lot to work on. I have yet to earn my confidence here.'

With that, Dirk took a seat. He and Ava were about to make dinner. As for Rita's surprisingly hostile interaction, Dirk didn't think much of it. She was growing and becoming more mature. By now, she had done many dungeon dives, and she was very capable of killing. Her words came from experience. Only, Dirk had yet to experience what it truly meant to fight in this world.

On Earth, everyone was rather equal, and there wasn't a significant separation between the damage people could do with weapons. Skill didn't necessarily secure your life. But in this world, there was an extreme amount of power variation between individuals. 

Dirk would now have to prove himself. He knew that there was a lot to learn about power in this world. 

Meanwhile, Ava simply stood to the side the whole time. She was both nervous and excited. Nervous for Dirk, but excited that he would be fighting. Not even she could pull out his full ability, and she could tell that he had a lot hidden. She was eager to see if someone could push him to his best. 


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