
C5 – Duke Hillshire

A few more months pass, and Dirk is two years old. 

With his increasing levels of freedom, he was able to spend more time interacting with his siblings and doing some activities. During these things, he learned even more new details about them. 

For one, Rita, his sister that was just above him in age, wasn't entirely human. He had noticed early on, but she had ears with a tall point on the end. At first he didn't really think anything of it, but as time went on, he inquired about it, and he actually learned that she was primarily an elf. 

According to his mother, his father, Ryker, was a human and elf hybrid from a far away empire. Rita had apparently inherited most of those elf genes, making her a majority elf hybrid. 

Not only that, but his oldest sibling and sister, Viola, was a half and half hybrid. This was the reason for her looks being well above average. She apparently took the best of both worlds: her mother's human beauty and her father's elven beauty. 

Ethan though, his older brother, was just a human, as was he. Ethan wasn't a bad looking kid though, albeit his nature was a bit wild, something he apparently took from the mother. 

Another thing he came to learn about was magical attributes. Dirk had seen them on his profile, but he didn't really know what they were or meant. This was solved though as he started to watch his siblings train. 

From what he took away from inference, conversations between the siblings, and some tactful questions, attributes represented your affinity toward a certain element. If someone had the fire attribute, that meant they had an affinity toward the fire element and could use fire magic. It was the same for other elements like wind, water, and earth. In addition to those though, there were the dark element and light element.

Dirk's father had great affinities toward fire and wind, and because of this, he was a very skilled warlock. Dirk's mother had an affinity toward earth and dark, and she was apparently a master swordswoman. Then there was Viola who had affinities toward wind and earth, Ethan who had an exclusive affinity for fire, and Rita who had an exclusive affinity for the dark element. 

All his siblings were apparently very gifted. Just because you had an attribute didn't mean your affinity was high. However, all his siblings had high affinities for their elements. Especially Rita, who had a perfect affinity for the dark element. So while Dirk knew he had three attributes for fire, earth, and dark, he didn't know how high his affinity was.

Luckily though, the time to figure everything out was fast approaching. According to a tradition set by his father, each child was appraised at four years of age. That time for Dirk was coming, and needless to say, the expectations were high. 

He wasn't nervous though. He at least knew he had attributes, so unless his affinities were absolute trash, then he would be fine. Besides, he had his other personal traits, and his knowledge of combat was extensive. Even if he were a normal human all by himself, he was a force to be reckoned with. 

Speaking of traits though, as the date approached for his appraisal and he continued to grow, Dirk started to experience some weird things. 

Ever since the discovery of the Profile and the activation of his AI interface, he's noticed some weird energies that mysteriously appeared around him. He found that there were two separate energies that were ever-present throughout the atmosphere, and they flowed everywhere like a fog and a wind. It was weird because he couldn't actually touch them or feel them, but he could sense them.

At first, he assumed that this was the Mana that his mother spoke of, some kind of magical energy. But there were two energies, and he couldn't really understand the functions of either. However, after observing for some time and growing for a while, his sense that detected these energies grew more distinct. 

When he approached three years of age, Dirk was able to sense one of the energies more clearly, and they appeared to him with special traits. He could sense a fiery and electric energy, a strong and metallic energy, and then a dark and shadowy energy. These three elements flickered through the atmosphere, and because they were the elements associated with his attributes, he quickly determined that this energy was Mana, the magical energy by which his mother and siblings could conjure spells. As for the second energy, he still didn't know. 

Either way, when he discovered this, he was rather excited. Whenever he tried to reach out toward a flickering electric spark, it would come to his hand. He was able to exert some control over the elemental energy, though directing it toward him was about the limits of his control. At most, he was able to bring the energy into his body and hold it there for a bit, something that gave him a nice clarity of mind like meditation. 

That was enough for him though. As a child with nothing to do except watch other people, being able to mess around with some weird magical energy like a wizard was nice. With that and his AI interface, he was able to keep himself occupied. 


"Dirk! Today's the day! Are you ready?!"

A young female voice rang out. Dirk, who was in his bedroom, watched as his older sister Rita barged in with an excited smile. 

"Good morning, Rit- Oof!"

"Hehe, good morning!"

Dirk smiled as Rita ran over and tackled him, sending them both to the floor in a hug. 

Dirk was now 4 years old, and Rita was 8. Rita's elf ears had become more defined, her hair had somehow become blacker, almost dripping darkness, and her refined face had become even brighter and cuter. Dirk had also gotten bigger, although he was still the smallest in the family. 

As time passed, Rita and Dirk had come to grow the closest as they were the closest in age. Well, Rita and her older brother Ethan were closer in age, but Rita wasn't compatible with her older brother that had grown more rambunctious and wild. She liked Dirk more who was the quiet one in the family. Plus, as she had come to observe Dirk, she was actually able to discover his affinity toward the dark element, which she had a perfect affinity toward. From then on, she liked to spend all her time with him. 

"Hey, aren't you excited? You get appraised today!"

"You seem more excited than me."

"It's a big deal! You finally get to see your affinities! Maybe you'll have a perfect affinity like me for the dark element."

"I doubt that."

"Hey, you never know. Now come on. Everyone is waiting at the table."

Pulling Dirk by the arm, Rita dragged him out of the room and they both headed down to the dining room. There, Dirk's mother and father as well as his two other siblings were preparing to eat. When Dirk sat, he observed his family. 

Viola, the oldest sibling and sister, was now 12 years old. Her ears had a small point that wasn't as tall as Rita's but still displayed her elven traits. Her dirty blonde hair flowed down just past her shoulders, but as she usually liked to put it, it was done up in a ponytail, keeping out of the way. Her eyes shone with green as she looked at Dirk with a smile. 

Ethan, the oldest brother, was now a large kid with muscles starting to poke out from his developing body. His hair was wild and blonde with a slight red hue that represented his fiery nature and attribute toward flame. His eyes though were solid red, and he almost looked like a dragon as he smirked toward the small Dirk. 

Dirk's father, Ryker, was also looking at him with an anticipatory glance. Ryker was a tall and slender man with some elven features standing at a tall 6'5". His face was pale, and he was usually seen wearing a cloak with some fancy robes underneath. He almost always had a large book with him as well, and as Dirk came to find out, he was a very accomplished magician who did some work at a magic school. 

As for Dirk's mother, she was the only one who seemed more anxious than anything. She was a pretty woman who usually wore moderate clothing and donned her brown hair in a bun. Standing at 5'6", she didn't seem like much at first glance, but Dirk knew that she was an exceptionally skilled and strong fighter who used a rapier as her weapon. 

These people watched as Dirk and Rita took a seat. When the last maids set the rest of the table, they all dug in. Dirk especially. Because of his cybernetics and unique body structure and developing composition, he needed all the nutrients and energy he could get. The only person who outate him was Ethan despite him being so much smaller.

For a while, everyone was silent and food like meats, fruits, and bread was cleared quickly. Eventually, Dirk's father, Ryker, finished and spoke as everyone else ate. 

"Today, we're going to head to the Duke's household where the three of you got appraised. Dirk will be getting appraised there. We leave after you all finish eating and dressing in semi-formal attire. Understood?"

"Yesh fathur."


"Yes, sir."

Viola nodded, and the others gave their acknowledgment. Ryker frowned at Ethan though, who spoke with a mouthful of food. 

"Don't speak when you chew. Have you not learned any manners? And why can't you address me with sir like Dirk?"

"Gulp. Hmph! I don't even know where he got that from. Why do we need to call our own father sir anyway?"

"Maybe he got it from his sense of respect toward his father, as you should have, you runt."

"I am not a runt!"


Dirk watched the exchange between his brother and father and chuckled inwardly. 

'I say sir because it's more habitual than anything. I guess father enjoys that.'


After finishing their meal, everyone left for their rooms and prepared themselves. 

Dirk walked into a walk-in closet that had many different clothes, footwear, accessories, and other fashion items. For the rest of the family, maids would come in and help dress them, making sure everything was nice and pristine. For Dirk though, not only did he not enjoy that, but his ability to dress himself was perfect as per his previous life's training. After finding out that Dirk never needed help despite being 4 years old and that he didn't enjoy being assisted, maids never came in to help dress him anymore.

After finding the semi-formal clothes, Dirk proceeded to put everything on systematically. He threw on a silk shirt that was tapered to his size, then some cloth pants. Upon putting on the pants, the waist suddenly glowed and shrunk down to his size automatically, fitting nice and snug. This was the magical alternative to elastic, something that had stunned Dirk upon seeing it for the first time. 

After throwing on the pants and shirt, he then put on a doublet that was this world's equivalent to a jacket or vest. The doublet was a blue semi-casual taper, and it went well with his black pants. After that Dirk slipped on some leather shoes that were surprisingly comfortable despite the stiff appearance. 

After cleaning his face and brushing his hair to the side, Dirk went and sat on his bed to wait. Raising his hand, he looked toward the elements that flowed around him. Electric sparks, black wisps, and metal shards. Of course, they weren't actually material, but that's how Dirk was able to see them flowing around him. 

With a finger, he went and poked an electric spark. The chunk of mana was controlled and brought over his palm where more continued to gather. He soon had a tiny ball of electricity flowing above his hand, and through strong concentration, he was able to prevent it from dissipating.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Young master, the family awaits."

Suddenly, a knock came from the door, and from it a maid's voice. Dirk's attention was diverted, and the ball of sparks dissipated. 

"I'll be down soon."

Responding to the maid, Dirk didn't mind the dissipated ball and left the room, heading downstairs. 

"There he is. Since we're ready, let's go."

Seeing Dirk, Ryker nodded. The rest of the family was already downstairs and waiting. The women like Cecilia and Viola and Rita were dressed in classy dresses that weren't overly dramatic. Ryker had taken off his cloak and was donned in nice robes, and Ethan was dressed in somewhat formal clothes like a shirt, jacket, and slim pants similar to Dirk.

Walking outside the manor, a large pathway with grass and plants all around it was seen. This manor was gated in and away from the normal outside city. The location it was in was an area of the city where other Marquesses resided, and through the gate that led outside the property, they could see a long empty street along with other gates that led to other manors. 

"We're taking the carriage, so hop in."

"Really? Yay!"

Ryker spoke and Rita cheered as they walked through the gate of the property. Outside was a large carriage that looked almost similar to a large supply truck, except much fancier and designed to transport people. 

Excited, the other siblings quickly ran over and boarded. Dirk didn't know what was so great about it, but he also got in and sat himself next to Rita who pulled him over. 

The next moment, the carriage turned and drove like a car down the street. It quickly gained speed, and using his senses, Dirk could detect strong fluctuations in the Mana around him. Soon, while looking through a window, Dirk saw the carriage actually rise into the air. 

With wide eyes, all the children looked out the windows of the carriages. They had risen high into the air and could see the large city below them. The many buildings that stretched out as far as the eye could see, the huge castle that everything seemed to be based around, and all the tiny dots of people on the floor that flooded through all the streets like ants. That combined with a bright and sunny day made for a miraculous view. 

Of course, Dirk wasn't that impressed with the view. He had seen plenty of massive cities in his days. What he was baffled about was the fact that this carriage could fly. He looked to his father about to ask what this was, but the man seemed to predict the question and spoke.

"This carriage runs off of a thing called magic crystals that power wind enchantments on the carriage. The wind element around us is sucked in and used to help us fly. Usually it's a very expensive form of transportation, but I happen to be an excellent wind mage and can greatly increase the efficiency."

His father spoke that last part smugly with a smile. Dirk thought it was definitely something to be proud of though. To be able to help a carriage with 6 people in it fly was an amazing feat. 

"Anyway, the friend we're going to be meeting is named Duke Hillshire. He's an exceptionally powerful wind mage and warrior that I had once fought and studied alongside. Each child of mine has been appraised by his appraiser who's one of the best in the city. She'll be able to accurately tell your affinities. You just need to follow along, alright Dirk?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Now, we should be coming up on his residence shortly."

Saying that, the family flew for a few more minutes before slowing down and landing on another runway street. Out of the windows, they could see a residence that was even bigger than their's, fitted with statues, fountains, and carried a heavy magical aura. 

The family exited the carriage when it came to a stop and got a better view. They all took deep breaths unconsciously, taking in both the fresh, serene air as well as the dense mana that was like a fog in Dirk's magical senses. 

"Welcome, Marquess Strider."

A man came walking up to the family not long after. He was a middle aged man with slightly graying hairs but a healthy complexion dressed in a nice suit. Seeing him, Dirk's father smiled and went to greet the man. 

"Butler Gordon! It's nice to see you!"

"You as well, Marquess. I hear we have a new addition to the family."

"Yes indeed! This is Dirk, my 4th child. Dirk, come give your greetings."

"A pleasure to meet you, Butler Gordon."

Walking over, Dirk was about to subconsciously click his heels together and salute. However, remembering the new etiquette he had been taught, he forcefully relaxed his tightening muscles and placed his right fist over his chest, the national salute and greeting toward superiors in this Empire. 

Seeing his rigid and perfect greeting, the butler just chuckled and also saluted. 

"It's also a pleasure, young master Dirk. Are you ready for your appraisal?"

"Yes sir."

"Very good. The Duke and Appraiser are waiting in the hall, if you would follow me."

"Thank you for your time."

"Huhu, of course, young master."

Smiling widely, the butler turned and led the family toward the Duke's manor. Ryker also smiled, proud of his son's manners and humble etiquette. 

With the butler leading them, the family walked to the large double doors that led into the manner. After pushing them open, they walked into a hall where another family was waiting for them. 

"Strider! Still going crazy with the children eh?"

"Hah! You're one to talk. Tell me again how many children you've had? I lost count at 15."

Two booming voices filled the hall as Ryker and the Duke saw each other. The Duke, a muscular blonde man, stood in the center of the hall with his family behind him consisting of his pregnant wife and 5 other children, 2 of which looked like young adults. 

The two men smiled and gave each other a hardy hug, the friendship between both clear for all to see. Cecilia, Dirk's mother, also went over to greet the wife of the Duke. 

"Who said crazy was a bad thing? We have long lives, Strider. Why not fill it with children?"

"Having any children at your level is a hard thing to achieve. To think you have almost 20 now baffles me."

"Indeed. They're all my little miracles. Now, is this the new addition? He looks pale, just like you."

Smiling, the Duke approached Dirk who smoothly saluted him.

"Greetings, Duke Hillshire."

"Haha! Nice manners, kid. Dirk, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Right. You know, your soul seems rather good when I take a close look."

Kneeling down, the Duke made himself eye level with Dirk. His brown pupils looked directly into Dirk's. 

Meeting his gaze, Dirk's neck tingled. It felt like the Duke's gaze could pierce him, and he felt like a small rabbit in front of a sabertooth. He had never felt such pressure before.

"Hmm... Yes, your soul, your presence... It's... fresh, but vague."

"Do you see something, Duke?"

"Hmm... Strider, I'm thinking you're going to have another talent."

The Duke smiled and stood up, leaving Dirk to slightly stumble. Hearing the Duke, Ryker grinned brightly. 

"Is that right?"

"Maybe. Who knows? I might just be totally wrong. I trust in my judgment though. Now, why don't we get this little one appraised? After that, only time will tell how talented he is."


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