Settle at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Duel?

After receiving extra points from Dumbledore, Tabor was not idle. Instead, he patiently explained the key points of transformation to Miss Greengrass beside him, and finally asked her to transform the button into a An ordinary silver needle.

"Tabo, you were so awesome just now. You actually transformed successfully in one go."

Tabor, who was packing up his textbooks, looked at Sylvia's admiring eyes and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his heart: "I tried it at home in advance. Your talent is really amazing. It is the best among all the people." He is the only one among us who can turn buttons into needles in just one lesson!"


The third person in the classroom, who had been ignored by the two, snorted and ran out.

Tabor frowned helplessly as he looked at Feili's retreating back.

Although the current Slytherin and Gryffindor are not as tit-for-tat as they were after Voldemort's uprising, they are not exactly in harmony.

As the saying goes, the butt determines the head, and Tabor should do what he should do wherever he feels he is.Now that we have entered Slytherin, where pure blood is supreme, we should safeguard the status of pure blood, and that is also safeguarding our own interests.

And alienating a pure Gryffindor is also a way of protecting her.

Fili belongs to Gryffindor, so she should have friends like the Iron Triangle. If she associates too closely with a Slytherin, it will more or less cause trouble for both of them.And Tabor hates trouble.

“Without absolute power that can break all shackles, there is no real freedom.”

"Tub, what are you looking at? That Miss Potter has run away." Although Sylvia didn't hear the whisper in Tab's mouth clearly, she reminded her with a playful expression.

"Nothing, aren't you going to the library? Let's go together." Although Tabor has been single for many years, he also knows that he should not mention another woman in front of a woman, unless that person is your mother.

When Tabor thought about it, she and Philly Potter really had nothing to do with each other. They just got to know each other on the train. Afterwards, when she saw him, she was basically angry for no reason.

"Well, my brother should be here soon."

Sylvia held her textbook and wanted to take a look at the classroom door.

Tabor followed her, clearing away those messy thoughts, and began to think about the difference between transforming dead things into living things and creating life in the actual sense.In the myths and legends of previous lives, Nuwa used the soil of the Nine Heavens to create humans. Perhaps in the eyes of wizards, she used advanced deformation techniques to permanently shape the soil and give it life.

So can transfiguration really give life to objects?Before today, Tabor would firmly believe that it was impossible, but the agility in the eyes of the big bird that Dumbledore transformed just now made him feel a little bit uncertain.

"Cunning Slytherin, you dare to bully my sister, I will fight you."

This shout echoed in the corridor, causing many people to cast curious glances.

"you are?"

Sylvia looked at the black-haired boy in front of her and Feili who had just left and returned next to him.He had a rough guess about the identity of this reckless boy.

Tabor took a few steps quickly and stood in front of Sylvia: "Gryffindor? I don't know the identity of the senior. What grade is he in now?"

"Fremont Potter, fifth year Gryffindor."

"Tsk, tsk," Tabor said helplessly as he shook his head: "Did Gryffindor, who I originally thought was brave, actually degenerate to the point of asking new students for a duel?"

When Frémont heard what Tabor said, he felt a little inappropriate in his heart, but when he saw the remaining tears on his sister's face, the little bit of reason he had was completely washed away.

"I just represent myself, as a brother, and challenge the people who bully my sister."

As Flemont Potter spoke, he took out his wand from his robes and chanted the spell.

"It's all petrified."

Tabor, who had been on guard for a long time, directly relied on his sufficient magic power, silently recited a spell, and cast a large-scale armor protection, covering himself and Sylvia.

However, the petrification spell failed to touch the magic barrier formed by the protective spell, and was knocked away by a spell flying from the side.The two curses happened to fall on Fili who was standing nearby, waiting to watch her brother teach Slytherin.

"Potter, I didn't expect him to be really promising."

Eric took the administrator of Hogwarts and squeezed in through the crowd that had gathered around him at some point.

"Look, it's Gryffindor's kid again. Casting spells in the corridor on the first day of school. This time Dumbledore can't find any other reason."

Administrator Harper didn't even look at Tabor and Sylvia who were standing in the Transfiguration classroom. He directly grabbed Fleamont Potter with one hand and held up the wand with the other to maintain the levitating spell, and used the petrified Philito. behind.

Seeing that there was no excitement to be seen, most of the students dispersed.

Eric looked at his sister and the boys from the Prince family and couldn't help but ask, "Why did you offend that mad dog of the Potter family?"

Sylvia wrinkled her nose: "Who knows what happened to that Philly Potter? She kept staring at me during class, and then she suddenly ran away crying after class."

Tabor touched his nose in embarrassment and said with some uncertainty, "Maybe it's because of me."

Eric believed that his smart sister would not suffer any disadvantage compared with anyone in the same grade, so he didn't take Philly Potter to heart.He just secretly decided to keep an eye on Fleamont Potter to prevent him from bullying the small ones.

"Tabo, that Feili..." Sylvia's eyes sparkled with gossip, but she was too embarrassed to directly ask about their relationship.

Tabor didn't hide anything, and roughly told the story between himself and Feili from his own point of view.

Sylvia was a little indignant after hearing this: "Obviously Slytherin is the most noble house, Tabor, you are different from those brainless lions. Why should she ask you to go to Gryffindor!"

Tabor was originally a little unclear about the little girl's thoughts, but when he heard Sylvia, who was also a little lolita, say this, he felt that it made sense for a moment, and he nodded in approval.

Eric was in favor of Tabor's move to keep a distance from members of the Potter family.

Fremont Potter and Eric were students of the same grade, both of whom were excellent in every aspect.One is a traditional Gryffindor family, and the other is from a Slytherin family. They have been competing for more than five years, and there is no clear winner. They both know something about each other.

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