Sexy Steampunk Babes

Chapter Thirty Seven - NSFW

“With that said,” he continued as he slowly forced his rational mind to reassert itself. “I can’t help but wonder why you’re doing this?”

The dark elf seemed momentarily wrong footed, almost reaching for the edges of her shirt, as if to pull it back about herself, before she rallied.

“I thought this was what you wanted?” she said. “You certainly seemed interested in it a few months ago.”

Calming his quickening pulse as best he could as he tried not to stare – something the elf seemed to notice as she almost gingerly flaunted more of her lingerie clad form.

“Oh, I do. I most certainly do. You’re a rather stunning woman,” he admitted. “With that said, I can’t help but be concerned that this is some kind of honey-pot situation.”

The elf’s eyebrows twitched, before she laughed. “Honey-pot. The opposite of a honey-spoon. An amusing concept.”

William said nothing – not least of all because he’d never actually heard the word honey-spoon before. Was that what they called it in this world?

Griffith wiped an errant tear from her eye as her laughter ended. “Well, in that case I can promise you I’m not a ‘honey-pot’ William. Just a woman who’s looking to cash in on an offer you made not too long ago, now that it’s an option.”

He paused. “Because we’re… equals now?”

“Essentially.” The dark elf shrugged, seemingly a little embarrassed. “Though I’d rather have avoided spelling it out.”

This time he laughed. “And the nervousness?”

This time she glared, though the flush she was sporting did much to undercut the heat of the moment. “Well, I’m sorry if I was a little nervous. Believe it or not, I don’t make a habit of… coming onto young men who are nominally my students. The only reason I’m doing so now is… that we’re equals in status. The playing field is leveled here and now.”

William supposed he could buy that. On some level. Even if the last part of that statement sounded suspiciously like an excuse.

And… more to the point, what difference did it make if Griffith was a honeypot? Were his feelings about her about to change because he slept with her? Children wouldn’t be an issue, because he’d had a contraceptive spell on him since he’d reached the academy - for exactly that reason.

No matter how much this world loved bastards as a cheap source of potential mages, William had no intention of letting someone use his progeny to entrap him.

“Just for the record, this… thing.” He waved his hand nebulously. “Is it supposed to be a one-off entanglement, or are you looking for something more serious?”

The irritation was washed off the dark elf’s face instantly as she once more returned to stuttering. “Well… the f-former, but ioesn’t have to be… j-just the once.”

That was adorable.

And he was totally down for that idea.

First though. “So, I just need to confirm? No one’s forcing you to do this?”

Griffith paused, her face going blank as she stared at him, as if studying him. When she spoke again, she sounded irritated once more. “No, Yelena’s not forcing me to do this. Nor would she. While she has my fealty in all other things, she could not and would not ask this of me.”

He was about to speak, when suddenly the dark elf rushed forward – and he twitched as his back hit the workstation behind him and her hand brushed against the rapidly hardening head of his cock, the fabric of his pants doing little to dull the sensation.

“So, I have to ask you in turn? I came here to make due on the offer you made me all that time ago? Are you still willing?” She smiled at him, eyes blazing with lust. “Because I grow tired of these questions.”

He swallowed, before nodding.

“Great,” she grinned, before planting a hungry kiss against his throat, hot tongue darting out to lap at his salty skin, while her hands unbuttoned his shirt and practically tore it from his back.

“Ah,” he hissed reflexively as her warm mouth slid along his neck to his shoulder, a whiff of her hair – spice and caramel – wafting across his senses. The smell of it filled them as she practically plundered his body.

He moved to get involved himself, only for her hands to grip his, pushing him back against the wall.

“None of that,” she whispered. “No clever words or even more inventions. I’m in charge now.”

Her pants slid down, joined a moment later by his. Then her underwear.

“I mean, do you know how frustrating it was? To have this sexy little cadet in my cohort who just… wouldn’t stop teasing me with that impish little smile of his? With his body?” Teeth nipped at his skin, as she casually flicked their discarded clothes away with a foot.

“Ugh. The things I wanted to do to you.” He tried to say something, only for her to speak over him. “So precocious. So in need of… discipline.”

She pushed back, face dangerously flushed as she stared down at him. Then one of her hands came up to grip his shirt, before guiding him downwards.

Once more he moved to make a glib comment only for her other hand to place a finger against his lips.

"No talking.” She said casually as he looked up at her from between her knees.

He had to admit, the angle did a lot for her. Svelte as elves tended to be, the teardrop shape of Griffith’s breasts stood out against the low light of his workshop, her powerful abdominal muscles below them giving testament to just how in shape the woman was. Her chocolate brown skin practically glistened under the low light, smooth and blemishless, serving as a tapestry to her beauty.

Indeed, he might have taken a moment to compliment such, were it not for the ‘silence’ imposed on him. Instead, he allowed his eyes to move down to the smooth, hairless mound practically pressed against his face.

A pair of puffy, vertical lips, flushed a slightly darker shade of brown than the skin surrounding them, they glistened with the woman’s excitement.

Instinct took over as he moved his head forward.

"Good boy...” The dark elf’s voice said smugly from above. “Good boy. Finally put that to use on something other than vexing me.”

Smirking internally, he did as she requested, dragging his tongue across her outer lips. A low moan issued forth from the woman above him, back arching just from that first initial contact.

Clearly his instructor was just a little pent up – and feeling just a little hypersensitive as a result.

So he continued, tongue sliding across the sodden flesh, questing towards the soft, pink flesh between her outer lips, while the dark elf twitched and bucked above him.

If the smell of her had been strong before, down here it was almost overwhelming, the clear fluid of her excitement pungent with it as more and more of the substance splashed across his palate.

Feeling the sensation of her hands coming down to grip his hair, he continued lapping at her hot flesh, enjoying the woman’s low moans as he probed at her womanhood, searching for which spots elicited the most. His tongue explored every crease and crevice, committing the taste of her to memory, occasionally coming up to slide almost teasingly across the engorged nub of her clitoris with his tongue or fingers.

Not too much. Not too little.

As he did, her smooth thighs continued brushing his cheeks as she rolled her hips in time with his motions. His own erection felt like iron in his pants, begging them to pay it heed, but he ignored it for now. The time for that would come, but for the moment he was focused on… repaying Griffith for some of the stress he’d caused her.

To that end, he eased a finger inside of her, the tunnel of damp flesh close around his digit like a vice. Gods, she was tight, the firm muscles of her insides shifting and squeezing at his finger in waves, practically trying to draw it deeper.

Once more, his own erection bobbed at the thought of delving deep into that wet, tight hotness, but he ignored it.

“More!” Griffith grunted, hands gripping – not quite painfully, but intently – on his hair.

He did as she asked. A second finger joining the first as he plunged in and out of her, the tips of his fingers sliding across the smooth satiny walls within. As he did, his mouth continued working on the outside, lips having joined his tongue in tormenting the engorged and throbbing flesh there.

"Ancestors!” Griffith hissed as he moved his attentions to her clit once more – her voice loud enough that he was actually a little concerned about being heard outside.

Sure, the walls and doors to his workshop were thick, but there were two members of his household guard right outside the door – and Griffith’s audible exclamations were only getting louder as her climax approached.

Her toned body was twitching and shuddering, thighs trembling around his head as she leaned back, legs close to giving out as she crouched over him.

“I can’t believe I passed up on this last year,” she grunted.

He’d definitely gotten a feel for where she liked his affections most now, increasing his pace to match her own increasingly belaboured breathing. The dark elf’s spine continued to arc, the older woman practically using his hair as handholds as he worked his magic on her.

When it came, he both felt and heard it.

“Fucking deeps!” Griffith’s final utterance reached a fever pitch, as her satin insides seized around his digits like a thing possessed. Spasms ran through her inner walls as she all-but thrust against his questing tongue, sweat rolling off her burnished skin in rivulets.

It was an erotic sight to behold, given the woman’s usual taciturn nature, to see her so… raw and uninhibited as she rode out her orgasm for all it was worth. The muscles across her abdomen writhed and flexed before his eyes, legs shaking and twisting before finally giving out as the woman lowered herself to one knee.

Fortunately, she had the foresight – if only barely – to take a half step back and release her deathgrip on his head before she did, lest she end up collapsing atop him.

Panting and near-spent, she simply crouched there a moment, eyes downturned as she took in great gasps of air. When she did finally rouse the energy to look up, it was to find him absently reaching for a nearby rag to wipe her collected fluids from his face.

“Needed that did you?” he asked finally as he once more discarded the slightly oily and now very damp bit of cloth he’d found.

It was amusing to see, the slight hint of shame and… pride that flashed across the woman’s face.

An expression he was all too familiar with, for while certain social norms remained the same in this world as the last, some were as flipped as the gender dynamics. This was an example of the latter.

Which was to say that Griffith was currently experiencing a sensation akin to that of an older man who had just blasted a not inconsiderable load over the face of his younger partner after losing control of his senses enough that he’d resorted to… face fucking them.

Shame at the loss of control, pride at the… volume of her ‘finish’ – if William were to judge that was what she was feeling.

He’d seen it before. And he’d probably see it again.

And while he was hardly a man that enjoyed being liberally doused in the excitement of his partners, it wasn’t something he took much umbrage with either. He was, after all, a little proud of himself for having elicited said response in the first place.

“I, uh, yes, it’s been a while,” Griffith finally admitted, her tone shifting from contrite to almost challenging as she spoke. “Though given you’re the cause of much of that, I’d say you’ve not much room to complain.”

He smirked, willing to allow her to once more take on the role of the domineering seductress she’d clearly cast herself as.

Which meant it was his job to play the brat.

“Oh? In that case, I do hope you’re not…” He paused leadingly. “Spent? Given all that just happened, I’d not blame you if you had a little trouble staying lubricated going forward. I know that can be difficult for you older women.”

The words sounded a little silly in his mind, even after years in this world, but they had their intended effect as Griffith clambered to her feet once more – having just essentially been accused of no longer being able to “get it up”.

“I think you’ll find I’ve got more than enough ‘lubricant’ left to drain a brat like you dry,” she promised.

Sliding off his underwear at last, he smiled inwardly at the way the woman’s eyes widened at his member.

Slowly, they slid from it to his face as he smirked at her.

“Prove it.”

As she practically leapt at him, he had a feeling he’d have garnered less of a response from waving a red flag at an oncoming bull.

He let out a groan as she took him inside her, her inner walls squeezing down on his dick as her hips slammed down into his.

It was incredible, and for all that he’d accused her of immaturity a moment ago, he almost felt himself lose control as her hotness enveloped him. As it was, his hips bucked involuntarily up into her, balls slapping against her perfectly toned ass.

Her hand pressed down onto his chest, pushing him to the floor as she loomed over him like a lioness savoring a kill.

“How’s that for dry, brat?” She grinned, eyes flashing with lust.

Whatever response he might have made was lost as she slowly started to move, hips rising and falling with gradual luxurious movements. Indeed, her gaze only grew more haughty and confident as she leaned over him, breasts hanging before his face.

“Like them?” she asked. As she noticed him staring. “I’m pretty big for an elf after all. And while that might not mean much compared to a lot of human girls, I like to think we elves make up for it in…”

Her hands grabbed his, moving them up to caress her breasts, which were just as elastic as they looked.


She wasn’t wrong, as his hands caressed the soft fullness of them, her smooth skin like silk under his fingers.

"Mm, yeah," the dark elf breathed out, as she started to increase her pace, hands leaving his to finally let her hair down, pulling loose the ponytail it was normally kept in.

It made for a hell of a sight, silhouetted by the mage-light behind her, she twisted her head so as to let it fall in about her like a curtain, appearing even more wild and uninhibited than her already lustful gaze made her seem.

“I like this,” she whispered, smirking as a flex of her insides made him groan. “You looking up at me. Much better than when you’re being so mouthy.”

Now, he couldn’t let that pass – even if it was hard to speak over the pleasure emanating from his groin.

“Ah, but would this be as fun if I wasn’t so annoying normally?” he gasped.

The older woman cocked her head in genuine consideration. “No, I suppose it wouldn’t. With that in mind, we’ll have to do this more often. If only to make the irritation you normally cause me worth the tradeoff.”

Well, he certainly wouldn’t complain if that became the case, as she continued to increase her pace. Indeed, he couldn’t help but buck up into her, both of them driving the other further and further towards abandon, sweat running freely.

Eventually, they reached a similar rhythm, each getting used to the movements of the other. She smirked as he gasped with ecstasy as she ran her nails across his thighs. He chuckled as the flesh of his palms brushed against the sensitive nerves of her hardened nipples.

“Ancestors, I love this so fucking much!” she grunted as the second orgasm of the day ripped through her – and it took all of his willpower for his own not to follow.

Instead, he slowed, allowing the woman to recover from the overstimulation of her cunt – before he started again.

Not of his own volition, but because she seemed to take it as a challenge. The dark elf was offended that she’d ‘popped’ before him.

It wasn’t long before he came in turn, with the dark elf practically dragging it out of him as she teased, twisted and thrust down at him.

It wasn’t a mutual orgasm. He felt his core shudder and release, spewing jet after jet of hot cum into the woman on top of him. But he doubted that lessened her enjoyment at all, as her eyes gleamed with triumph as her hungry insides worked to drain him utterly.

When he finally stopped, hips letting out a final few errant twitches as he lay in a pool of chilled sweat, he felt utterly spent.

He wouldn’t be for long – an advantage of his younger body – but for just that minute, as cum dribbled from the seductress on top of him, he felt like he was.

Forget hardened instructor, Griffith looked for all the world like some kind of succubus as she languidly rose off him, uncaring of the way his seed dribbled from her.

“Not bad for an older woman?” she asked casually.

He could only lay there – the stone beneath his back rapidly cooling as the growing soreness there reminded him of what it was usually unwise to couple on bare concrete.

With that said, as he glanced up at the dark elf, he couldn’t help but feel the resurgence of strength to his groin, as his body exclaimed its willingness to fight once more – bruises or not.

“Not at all,” he said. “With that said, I recall a promise to leave me drained.” He gestured to his resurgent erection. “And I seem to have energy yet.”

Griffith’s languid smile stilled for a second at the sight, cockiness giving way to surprise before a look of absolute determination slipped over it.

“Well,” she said with a seriousness that wasn’t entirely suited to the situation. “Never let it be said I’m a liar.”

So it was that William had to struggle down a sense of fear – and excitement – as the dark elf started to advance on him once more, determination clear in her gaze along with renewed stirrings of lust.

Indeed, he was just about to suggest maybe laying down a blanket or something similar… when the door to his workshop swung open.

…And he found himself staring into the very wide eyes of Verity.

Eyes that quickly switched from surprise to fury as they shifted from his prone form to the woman standing over him…

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