She Got Pregnant After a One Night Stand with a Werewolf

Chapter 10: This Woman is full of Tricks.

Chapter 10

Shang Xi came to the shop, changed the water for all the flower pots, trimmed off excess leaves from the newly arrived flowers before putting them into pots to revive them. She did a simple clean up of the shop.

Suddenly, the computer went "ding dong", a cute female voice called out: "Flower orders! Flower orders!"

Two customers have placed online orders.

First order: [The One and Only 11 Red Roses] Note: Please wrap them nicely, write this on the card: My wife, I love you.

Second order: [Good Luck Ahead - 6 Champagne Roses + 2 Sunflowers] Note: Write this on the card: Wishing you a prosperous journey ahead.

Shang Xi accepted the orders and started working busily, after wrapping them up nicely, she contacted Runner to come to the shop to pick up the flowers for delivery.

Sometimes when she couldn't get hold of Runner or the deliveryman, she had to deliver them herself.

Now that her son has recovered from his illness, she felt motivated doing her work. Time passed quickly and it was already afternoon.

On the other side.

Since it was his cub's first day of kindergarten, Gu Wen thought about it and decided to knock off early to personally pick up his cub after school.

He was the wolf dad.

He should spare more time for his cub.

Dai Cen reminded him: "President Gu, why not go to the kindergarten together with Ms. Shang? Young master would definitely be very happy!"

Shang lady's flower shop was along the way anyway.

Gu Wen had no interest in Shang Xi, he didn't plan on developing any partner-like relationship with her. But they were both currently single, it was very convenient. For the child's sake, he was willing to cooperate to make the little cub happier.

At the flower shop.

Shang Xi had just closed the doors, getting ready to head to the kindergarten to fetch Baby Shang after school.

Going to a new school, wonder if he's adapting well.

"Ms. Shang is going to fetch young master too?"

Shang Xi turned around, Dai Cen was standing behind her.

Dai Cen: "Please get on the car, President Gu is also going to pick up young master today."

"Alright, thanks for the trouble." Shang Xi politely got on the car after greeting him.

She smiled gently, "Mr. Gu, good afternoon."

She sat opposite of Gu Wen, stretched out her hand to put on the seat belt. Gu Wen seemed to recall something, he averted his gaze early. This woman deals with flowers everyday, her body was full of flowery fragrance. He thought about a place in Snow Mountain, where during summer, the place would be filled with little flowers. The flowery scent would attract many Wolf Clan couples there to admire the flowers in Snow Mountain's cold crisp air.

When he was 10, his wolf mother brought him there. Back then, the beautiful scene left him so amazed he couldn't find words to describe it. He thought to himself, one day he would definitely bring his mate there to see that beautiful sight.

Who knew what happened later on.

He looked at the woman before him who had lowered her head to check her phone. The corners of his mouth pulled into a cold smile, bring her there? Impossible!

Shang Xi didn't know what the lone wolf opposite her was thinking. She was playing with her phone when the car slowly came to a stop. She glanced up at the traffic light, about 90 more seconds before it turns green.

At the zebra crossing, people coming and going about their business.

Suddenly, a man in white short sleeves, carrying a bouquet of flowers, knelt down before a lady.

The people in the car beside laughed out loud: "Proposing at the zebra crossing, this brother sure knows how to pick his spots! How daring!"

Shang Xi thought this was her first time seeing someone propose at the zebra crossing too. The red light was still counting down, 86, 85, 84...

"Marry me, Xiao Yu! We've been dating for 3 years. I swear, I love you more everyday compared to the day before. I'm certain now that you're the one for me in this lifetime. We will be blessed with happiness till we grow old. I promise I will love you for life, be faithful to you, won't let you cry, won't let anyone bully you, I will treat you well for life..."

"Hah..." Gu Wen laughed mockingly, his pulled up lips showed a hint of disdain.

Shang Xi was listening intently to the proposal, hearing him laugh, she inexplicably glanced at Gu Wen: "What are you laughing at?"

"You pure humans always make promises you can never keep." Gu Wen made no attempt to hide the mockery in his eyes. "How laughable and hypocritical."

Shang Xi: "You're right on that."

Not expecting her to agree with him, Gu Wen paused for a bit before replying coldly: "Promises are the most useless things."

"I feel the same way." Shang Xi nodded in agreement.

Just then, the lady at the zebra crossing seemed to have whispered her reply. She accepted the flowers, hugged the man and gave him a kiss. The two left hand in hand. The waiting cars at the traffic light honked blessings. The crowds watching the red light applauded. The timer showed 9, 8, 7...

Shang Xi also pulled up the corners of her lips, stretched out her hands to applaud: "He popped the question successfully!"

Didn't expect to catch a public proposal while fetching the kid.

Gu Wen ridiculed coldly: "What's there to celebrate? They will break up eventually."

Shang Xi was taken aback for a moment: "How do you know that? Can the Wolf Clan predict the future?"

"Have you been watching too much fantasy drama?" Gu Wen sneered. "We're just slightly stronger in physique, live a bit longer, our bodies not as fragile as yours."

Shang Xi slowly nodded: "Oh... then how can you determine they will definitely break up? Are you bluffing?"

Gu Wen sneered coldly: "Then you should ask yourselves, isn't fickleness, getting tired of things quickly your kind's nature?"

Shang Xi went silent for a second before replying: "Mr Gu, I sense you have a deep prejudice against us pure humans. Regarding mates, are all of you from the Wolf Clan this arrogant and condescending?"

The scenery outside seemed to be moving in reverse. It turned quiet in the car for a moment.

"Shouldn't I be arrogant?" Gu Wen stared into Shang Xi's eyes, a hint of mockery flashed past his own. "The Wolf Clan only has one life mate, we would be absolutely faithful to our mates."

Shang Xi said: "Then... we humans have true love too you know, although not like you guys who only have one mate for life. Maybe that couple just now could grow old hand in hand."

She returned his gaze steadily, her long curly lashes fluttered lightly: "You're just too prejudiced. There is this wondrous thing called destiny. I won't deny we pure humans can't compare with your absolute loyalty when it comes to mates. But as long as we meet the right one, we can also love each other for life."

Listening to her voice while holding her gaze, Gu Wen felt something was off with himself. He felt a stir in his heart and averted his eyes towards her parting red lips. Her flowery scent drifted over. He swallowed with some difficulty.

This woman was bewitching him.

She seemed to say: Believe me, be with me. I won't let you down. We pure humans do have true love, I have true love for you for instance.

What a scheming woman.

She was confessing to him in another way.

Gu Wen's entire body shuddered as he snapped back to his senses abruptly.

He had let down his guard. Gray Tail's words rang in his head. He can't let his guard down.

Pure humans were most skilled at sweet talk and enchanting a wolf's heart.

To this day, grandmother still lives a lonely life up in Snow Mountain, refusing to go anywhere else. Despite the fact that the betraying grandfather has long passed away. But she still recalled him from time to time.

The Wolf Clan's lifespan averaged around 300 years. Humans don't live more than 100 years. Grandmother still has to live a lonely life for a long time to come...

Gu Wen thought, he would never follow his grandmother's path. Absolutely not.

Thus, at this moment, his expression turned cold. His thin lips tightened briefly before he said: "Enough, I don't care how you pure humans do things. I won't take a pure human as my mate."

His words have made things clear. He rejected her overture directly and bluntly.

He assumed Shang Xi would continue arguing or appear somewhat dejected.

Yet to his surprise, after hearing what he said, Shang Xi just lightly acknowledged it with an "Oh", then said plainly: "Then don't find one. Your prejudice towards us runs too deep, it is best you don't."

Having said that, she calmly lowered her head to continue playing with her phone again, nonchalant.

Gu Wen: ......

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