She Got Pregnant After a One Night Stand with a Werewolf

Chapter 18: Does it matter if He Likes Me or not

Chapter 18

On the other side.

Gu's Group headquarters building.

Gu Wen, who had finished eating and returned to the company to continue working, glanced at the text message on his phone and let out a low sigh. He put down his phone with an expressionless face.

It's best if she doesn't like him.

He hoped that this woman was being genuine.

However, he was still annoyed.

After all, no male werewolf would be indifferent or unconcerned when their partner showed even the slightest dissatisfaction, especially when their partner's mother insulted them. In such situations, male werewolves would typically apologize, try to please their partner, bring them the most beautiful lotus flower from the top of the snowy mountain, and offer them the most tender and delicious meat from their prey, licking their lips in affection.

But this woman wasn't his partner, so he didn't care. He only provided her with food, clothing, shelter, and a worry-free life.


Baby Shang sat on a small stool in the shop, holding a toy plane, and earnestly dismantling and reassembling it while keeping his head down.

This was his hobby.

From time to time, he would look up and glance at his mother, seeing her engrossed in her work. It seemed that only then he felt reassured and continued with his task.

He was like a guardian, a small guardian.

As long as his mother was healthy and happy, he would go wherever she went.

For now, he was quite satisfied with moving to his father's house. His mother didn't have to cook for herself anymore, and there was someone to pick him up from school.

Every night, his father would give him cold sweet water to drink. After drinking it, his body would feel cool, and he would no longer experience the burning pain he used to feel.

In that big house, there were many uncles with big ears and tails. Although some of them didn't seem very smart, they treated him and his mother well.

In his young mind, he had a simple way of thinking: whoever treated his mother well, he would like them.

The flower shop was illuminated by the lights, and amidst the colorful flowers, the mother and son were busy with their respective tasks, creating a warm scene like a painting.

Nine o'clock.

Shang Xi closed the shop.

At the entrance, Black Tail, dressed in a white short-sleeved shirt and black shorts, stood next to a car, beckoning to them. "Baby Shang Xi, I'm here to take you both home."

Shang Xi was a little surprised and walked over with her son. "Black Tail, when did you arrive?"

"Two hours ago."

"Why didn't you come inside and have something to drink?"

Black Tail got into the driver's seat, folding his long legs. With his ears and tail retracted, he looked like a typical handsome young man with well-defined features, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and fair skin. No one would think that he was not human.

As he fastened his seatbelt, he said, "Waiting outside is fine for me."

What he didn't say was that Shang Xi was the mother of the young master of the household, and they had to avoid suspicion. He was afraid that if he accidentally left his scent on Shang Xi again, he would be kicked out of the house and sent back to the snowy mountain, with no place to cry.

Baby Shang Xi looked at Black Tail with his pitch-black eyes and said quietly, "Thank you, Uncle Black Tail."

Black Tail was pleasantly surprised, "You're welcome, Baby Shang Xi."

Twenty minutes later.

They arrived back at Nanfeng Courtyard.

Yellow Auntie from the kitchen held Shang Xi's hand and asked, "Would you like something to eat? I heard you've been busy running the flower shop. You must be tired."

Shang Xi was feeling tired today. Whenever she felt tired, she lost her appetite. In the afternoon, she was further startled by Gu Wen's misguided affection, and as a result, she ate even less.

"Thank you, Auntie, but I'm not hungry right now."

At this moment, all she wanted to do was take a bath and go to sleep.

Then, Shang Bao carried a bottle of milk and went back to the room with her mother.

It was 1 a.m.

Shang Xi woke up feeling hungry.

Hearing the growling of her stomach, she sighed. She should have eaten something when Huang Auntie asked her earlier.

She had intended to endure until dawn, but the more she resisted, the hungrier her stomach became.

In the end, she got up quietly, taking a glance at the sleeping little bundle. She dared not make any noise, carefully tiptoed out of the room.

There should be some food in the kitchen.

If not, she could just cook a bowl of noodles.

She felt like she could eat a person due to how hungry she was.

The house was quiet in the night. She walked in the pitch-dark corridor, relying on the light from her phone.

There wasn't even a motion sensor light.

She had heard Green Tail say that werewolves had excellent night vision. They didn't really need lights, and they even preferred darkness over light.

It was her first time leaving the room this late. During the day, there were werewolves everywhere: at the staircase, on the railing, in the sofa, it was bustling with activity.

But now, she stood at the stairwell on the second floor, surrounded by emptiness and silence. It was pitch-black. She held onto the railing, slowly descending the stairs. It was too quiet, and she could only hear the sound of her footsteps.

Halfway down, her body stiffened, and she stopped in her tracks.

There was someone behind her.

Staring at her.

She felt as if she was being fiercely stared at by a vicious beast. In an instant, she thought of Gray Tail.

Shang Xi pursed her lips, turned around, and under the light of her phone, she first saw the shadow on the wall— a tall figure with big ears and a large tail, standing upright.

That face...

It was different from the werewolves during the day.

Shang Xi fully turned around and saw the face of that werewolf, that wolf face.

Yes, a wolf face.

A wolf's big nose, deep beastly eyes, fangs. "He" stood like a human, wearing human clothes.

In fact, over this past week, Shang Xi had completely accepted the wolf pack. She didn't have any fear. She found Black Tail very cute, she thought Cang Ling was like a mature big brother, and she thought Hong Tail was a lovely, pretty little girl.

She even secretly praised herself for being tough and having a strong capacity for acceptance.

Many times, she observed the wolf pack and felt like she was seeing another side of the world. It was very interesting.

Looking at her son's little ears, she thought they were adorable.

Truly, she wasn't afraid.

Everyone accepted her so warmly and kindly, even better than some humans. She really wasn't afraid.

Their faces were no different from humans, except for the addition of ears and tails, and they all looked good. They wore clothes and walked and talked like humans.

What was there for her to be afraid of?

But at this moment, upon seeing Gray Tail's wolf face, she finally understood the meaning of the three words "werewolf clan." She was living among a group of werewolves.

Shang Xi clenched her teeth, widened her eyes, and tried her best to suppress the urge to turn around and run.

"Are you scared?" It stood upright, speaking human language.

Shang Xi took a deep breath, her face pale, her hand holding the phone trembling. The light from the phone was flickering.

Yes, she was scared.

"So, what do you mean by all this?" She stood in the middle of the staircase, looking up at the werewolf at the stairway entrance.

"The pack leader despises you, do you know that?"

Shang Xi paused. "Yes, I know. How could I not?"

Gray Tail sneered, "In our werewolf clan, we can only have one mate for life. After he had a relationship with you, he lost the qualification to pursue female werewolves. But he would rather be lonely for the rest of his life than come to you because he detests pure humans, he detests you."

"He had to bring you along because of the pups, but in fact, he is annoyed by your presence. Do you understand?"

Shang Xi clenched her fist.

She knew Gu Wen didn't like her. Today, he was even afraid that she might want to be his mate, so he specifically reminded her.

In the morning, when she greeted him, he turned around and went into his room, shutting the door without a care.

If she accidentally bumped into him, he would coldly remind her to keep her distance.

But so what?

"Does it matter whether he likes me or not?" Shang Xi's voice was soft. "Coincidentally, I don't like him either."

"If he finds me annoying, that's his problem."

Gray Tail didn't expect this woman to be so shameless. For a moment, his fangs clenched tightly.

Shang Xi raised her chin and tightened her grip on her hand. "He brought me here because he despised me. It wasn't my own doing. That's his problem."

She tensed her body, spoke with a harsh tone, and looked fearless, but in reality, her back was covered in cold sweat.

She took a deep breath and chuckled softly. "So, are you done talking? Isn't this house yours, right?"

Gray Tail seemed to be infuriated, opening his large mouth and letting out a low roar. His sharp fangs glistened in the light, and his eyes shimmered with a faint green glow.


Gray Tail stepped down from a step.

Shang Xi's body trembled uncontrollably.

Gray Tail spoke coldly, "This is not a place for a pure human like you. You are not from our world. Leave the pups behind and go back to your own world."

Shang Xi was initially quite afraid, but when she heard the words "leave the pups behind," she instantly froze.

The light from her phone also stopped flickering.

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