She Got Pregnant After a One Night Stand with a Werewolf

Chapter 5: So Be it

Chapter 5

Gu Wen went upstairs.

Black Tail's whole wolf deflated. His ears and tail drooped down.

"The head of the household said I'm useless, I feel like I'll never be happy again."

The other wolves gloatingly laughed.

Black Tail felt like even food didn't smell good anymore.

Shang Xi curiously asked, "Do you guys have any other smells on you?" She sniffed: "I don't seem to smell anything though."

Red Tail hee hee laughed: "That's because you pure humans have the worst sense of smell."

Green Tail explained: "It's because when we wolf people hunt, if we don't hide our scents, some prey will notice, so every wolf person, from a young age, has to learn to hide their own smell."

"I see." Shang Xi nodded.

Black Tail whined: "I was just too relaxed! Here, I never hid my scent before, and the head of the household didn't mention this before either."

A male wolf person with a gray-black tail stood on the second floor hallway, his name was Gray Tail. He didn't go downstairs to eat, and today he didn't help move house or buy Shang Xi's food either.

He had been staying in his room the whole time.

He looked at Black Tail's stupid appearance, then looked at Shang Xi, his face ugly as he went back to his room.

A bunch of disgraceful wolf people, bought over by just a few bowls of human food.

He and the head of the household hated pure humans alike.

That human woman was tainted by too much of Black Tail's scent, angering the head of the household.

Even the mighty head of the household couldn't escape a wolf person's possessive nature, in his opinion, that human woman had nothing worthy of the head of the household, she just happened to give birth to a cub and was brought back to the household by the head of the household.

She disrupted their peaceful days.

If she didn't come, they would have lived more carefreely.

The head of the household clearly didn't like her either right?

When would she leave? Disgusting pure humans!

At 10 pm.

Baby Shang's eyes drooped, after taking a bath, he crawled onto the bed hands and knees.

Shang Xi sat at the bedside, stroked her son's hair: "Wait a moment, drink your medicine before sleeping."

Gu Wen went into the underground ice cellar to get cold spring water, wrapped in the cold air as he entered the room. Seeing him come in, Shang Xi's eyes lit up.

"Dear, sit up, your dad brought medicine, drink then sleep." She half lifted up the sleepy kid, "Mr. Gu, just feed it to him like this."

Gu Wen gave an "mm", seemingly unwilling to say much more. He bent down, had no choice but to get somewhat close to Shang Xi, she had bathed, the scent of the shower gel she used lingered strongly.

It wasn't very fragrant, but still a little better than the stink Black Tail gave off in the day.

Sensing the cold spring water's smell, the chubby-cheeked kid started sniffing with eyes closed, perhaps enjoying the drink, the ears on top of his head pushed open his hair with a swoosh.

Shang Xi dotingly and softly murmured: "Ah, so cute."

Gu Wen glanced at her, "Cute?"

"Yeah, the little ears, the cuter I look."

The bottle was empty, Gu Wen stood up straight, "Is that so."

To be honest, most pure humans see them as freaks, and are badly startled when spotting them, calling the police, screaming stuff like "monster" or "ghost" from their mouths.

He still remembers being about eight or nine, not able to properly control his ears and tail, and once a human woman spotted him outside, screaming as she threw rocks at him.

Basketball-sized rocks smashed into his forehead, blood gushing. He couldn't even maintain human form, directly shifted into wolf form.

He didn't know how long he ran before passing out, when he came to, he was under a big tree in the park, in the bushes, held by a human child. He was injured, lazy to move, letting the kid hug him bawling, drool and tears dripping onto him.

That child should have been bullied at home, running out, that whole night, she clung onto him tightly, not daring to let go, no adults came looking for her to take her home.

He played with that human child for ten days, he even followed her home before. No, that wasn't her home, she said that was her second uncle's home.

Ten days later, she didn't show up at the park.

Twenty days later, he saw her playing happily with new friends elsewhere.

Pure humans were fickle by nature, whether towards friends or partners, they wouldn't stay affectionate for long, this taught young him a second lesson.

He should have just left, but still asked needlessly: "Aren't you scared?"

Shang Xi kissed her darling on the cheek, gently laying him on the pillow. Hearing this, she shook her head, "A little at the start, but later finding out they're all good people, I wasn't afraid anymore. I've met plenty scarier people."

"Actually," she stroked her son's little ears: "I feel anyone kind is cute."

Gu Wen fell silent for a second, not saying anything, he turned and left.

Baby Shang hadn't been sleeping well recently, so upon nightfall, after drinking the cold spring water, the little guy slept exceptionally soundly.

The huge weight in Shang Xi's heart finally set down.

She suddenly quickened her pace, running to the door.

"Mr. Gu."

Gu Wen stopped in his tracks, not looking back: "Speak."

"Thank you." Shang Xi said.

If not for his timely appearance, if something happened to this child, Shang Xi thought, she wouldn't have been able to pull herself together anymore.

"I know you're his father, this was just lending a hand, but I'm thanking you on my own behalf."

She didn't give birth to satisfy anyone, she did it because she wanted to.

That night's accident caused her to take leave from school, she did live miserably for two years, but she never regretted it, she was very happy now.

Raising a child alone for so many years, used to being independent, now having someone of the same status pitching in, she felt a little more relaxed, while also having a bizarre feeling.

As if she gained a business partner?


Gu Wen walked to the corner, about to go upstairs, when a gray wolf person hurriedly caught up to him.

"Head of the household, that deceitful human is using your cub to curry favor with you. Don't fall for it."

"Humans are too crafty, head of the household, you have to stay sober at all times."

Gu Wen glanced at him. "Gray Tail, eavesdropping is not good."

"I didn't...I just happened to be passing by."

"You didn't hide your scent, remember to in the future." His underlying meaning was that he had long smelled him. "You guys grew negligent without hunting all these years."

Gray Tail frowned. "Head of the household, could it be you don't want our scents to rub off on that human?" You've grown negligent too. She was just tricking you earlier to break into your heart! They're so sly, you know that right?"

Gu Wen stopped walking, his gaze serious and carrying gravity. "I don't think she was trying to trick me earlier. Gray Tail, while pure humans treat partners fickle-heartedly, when it comes to cubs, they're no different from us. A mother's love in any race does not fall short."

Gray Tail was dumbfounded, then anxiously retorted: "Head of the household! You've lost your mind! You've fallen for her tricks!"

Gu Wen frowned. "Gray Tail, you detest pure humans too much."

Gray Tail followed him to his room door, hearing this, froze for a bit. "What do you mean...doesn't the head of the household also detest pure humans? Aren't we the same?"

"No," Gu Wen pushed the door open, "I'm different from you. Pure humans have their own shining traits, I acknowledge this point. You can't acknowledge that."

He shut the door.

Gray Tail clenched his fists, eyes wide glaring, what was the head of the household...doing?

All because of a pure human woman moving in, he turned out like this?


Shang Xi didn't know of this, she slept soundly, waking early the next day to make breakfast, specially cooking her son's favorites.

Scarface uncle was washing cow meat beside, Shang Xi saw him scalding it in the water then spearing it up with a big iron fork, cutting the cow meat into twenty pound chunks to put on a big plate, without any seasoning.

The wolf people woke up sporadically, coming into the kitchen to take food.

This was what the wolf people ate.

Tsk tsk, live and learn.

That day, Gu Wen spoke to her about transferring kindergartens for Baby Shang, feeling that his current school had subpar education environment and hygiene.

"Transferring where?"

"King's Landing."

King's Landing??!

Was it the King's Landing she knew of? With a per semester tuition surpassing a million, it was one of Qingcheng City's top private kindergartens. Some joked that children entered foolish and left clever there.

"I'll ask my child's opinion, if he agrees then it's fine, I have no objections."

"Mm." Gu Wen said no more, leaving for work.

Baby Shang agreed without hesitation to the transfer.

It was Shang Xi left blinking blankly. "Won't you miss any friends?"


There were too many female classmates at school chattering around him, asking him to play with them. He had to climb up a tree every time to hide and breathe a sigh of relief.

Hopefully it won't be like that at the new school.

After confirming the transfer.

On the third morning, a human came to the house.

Shang Xi confirmed that he was a human.

"Miss Shang," the young man greeted her with a smile, "I am President Gu's executive assistant, Dai Cen. Baby Shang's transfer procedures are complete and he can start school tomorrow."


The young man smiled, "I am fully human."

A group of werewolves wandered around with their ears and tails exposed, and Dai Cen was not surprised at all.

It made sense, since President Gu ran a company in the human world, he had to deal with humans.

"Dai Cen is here! Where have you been these past few days?" Black Tail came over, swaying his tail.

"I went to the northern grasslands to secure some deals."

"How was it? Are the cows and sheep there fat?"

Dai Cen smiled, "Not bad, I think you will quite enjoy eating them."

"Dai Cen, did you bring me a bracelet? Awoo!" Red Tail came crashing down the stairs, accidentally hitting the table and crying out in pain.

Dai Cen's smile faded for a moment as he walked over and held out his hand, "Miss Red Tail, are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Red Tail jumped up from the ground, hitting Dai Cen's nose with her head.

The young man let out a muffled grunt as blood started gushing from his nose.

"Oh no!! I'm so sorry!!" Red Tail's tail swayed anxiously.

Black Tail sighed, "Red Tail, you're toxic. Dai Cen has bad luck around you."

Dai Cen calmly dabbed his nosebleed with a handkerchief, and said flatly, "It's fine, Miss Red Tail didn't mean it."

Red Tail let out a sad howl, "Dai Cen, you're so nice."

Then Shang Xi noticed Dai Cen's ears turn red.


She sensed something going on there.

Just then, Gu Wen came downstairs, an arm through a suit jacket over his white shirt. He looked quite presentable for someone who wasn't human at all.

Shang Xi had to admit that by human standards, he was rather good looking.

With short black hair framing his sharp features, likely due to his werewolf heritage, his eyes had an intense upward slant. His thin lips were often pressed together, giving off a serious and cold vibe.

The werewolves started greeting him.

"Master! Good morning!"

"Master is up."

"Master, any instructions for today?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Wen glanced over at Shang Xi.

Shang Xi was puzzled. What was that look for?

She then heard Gu Wen say, "Ask her from now on."

Shang Xi was surprised.

The werewolves nodded without hesitation, "Of course!"

"Miss Shang Xi, do you need anything done today? Please let us know!"

Shang Xi looked back at Gu Wen and shook her head, "Thank you, nothing for today."

"President Gu," Dai Cen followed Gu Wen, "the paperwork is complete."

After Gu Wen sat down, Dai Cen handed him the documents.

"Kindergarten starts at 8am and ends at 4:30pm. The chauffeur picking up and dropping off Baby Shang is fully human, but don't worry. He has 8 years of martial arts experience and was a champion. 20 years of driving experience. We handpicked him from our roster of humans. His background is clean."

"There will be 5 cars following behind with bodyguards trained on the training island."

Gu Wen glanced away from his watch and ordered flatly, "Green Tail, Yellow Tail, Cyan Tail, you join the convoy picking up the pup too."

"Yes, Master! It would be our greatest honor!"

They were not of Gu Wen's clan, but of the same tribe. Gu Wen had taken them in when they came down from the mountains, providing them with shelter and food. So they saw him as their master.

The master was very generous, even giving them human money every month.

Therefore, they were overjoyed at any chance to do something for the master.

The master only had this one pup, they would definitely protect him well!

Shang Xi listened with admiration on the sidelines. This level of security detail was precious indeed. With this, her son seemed to transform into a young master of a prestigious household.

After spending a couple days with the wolves, she did not feel too out of the ordinary.

Speaking of which, Gu Wen seemed quite successful in the human world? Qingcheng Gu Family, Gu Family...

She was suddenly struck by realization.

Speaking of which, the street where her shop was located was Gu Family Street!


Shang Xi's body stiffened as she slowly turned to look at Gu Wen. Hey hey, the one collecting her shop rent was this guy here?

That wolf was sitting there in a white shirt, blending in seamlessly with the humans, surrounded by a group of tail-wagging werewolves.

Oh my...

Her shop's landlord was a wolf.

This wolf was doing even better than her!

Shang Xi was speechless.

Only now did she realize that not only was her son a little wolf pup, he truly was a young master!

As Gu Wen listened to Dai Cen speak, feeling a certain woman's heated gaze, his brows furrowed slightly. His eyes flickered to meet hers.

Shang Xi did not look away quickly enough and gave him an awkward smile.


"President Gu, look here, I think we should..."

Gu Wen lowered his eyes absentmindedly, his ears turning slightly red.

Why was that woman smiling at him so attractively this early in the morning?

What was her intention?

Was she showing goodwill as Gray Tail said, harboring ulterior motives and wanting him to...become her mate?

At this moment, Gu Wen was not the influential head of the Gu Family nor the leader of a werewolf pack. He was a male werewolf considering a potential mate.

In werewolf culture, anyone with interest in another would directly show goodwill without hiding anything. Pursuing love was a perfectly normal thing.

Having grown up in the human world, he observed that it was the same for humans.

The only difference was that once werewolves settled down, it would be for life.

Humans were not like that. They would only be together for a period of time. They would grow tired and bored until settling into more of a family-like role.

He had never seen humans stay passionately in love with each other into old age, which admittedly gave him quite the bias against humans in this area.

He had seen supposedly loving old couples whispered about behind their backs for meeting other people in the park.

He had seen so-called model couples where one cheated outside the relationship.

In the end, he felt that the intimacy humans claimed to have was only because one hid things well without the other finding out.

Gu Wen did not understand the human relationship cycle of passion, boredom, and settling into family.

If he had to describe it, werewolves remained passionately in love with their mates for life.

These observations and experiences led him to firmly decide from a young age to never take a human as a mate.

Therefore, even if this woman harbored feelings for him, he would not consider it.

"President Gu, what do you think?" Dai Cen had been talking until his throat was hoarse.

Gu Wen simply murmured in acknowledgement.

So Dai Cen continued, "President Gu, regarding what I mentioned earlier... That concludes my suggestions. What is your opinion?"

Gu Wen remained silent.

So why did that woman suddenly smile at him like that?


Suddenly, Gu Wen picked up the scent of the pup. His gaze sharpened as he looked toward the top of the stairs.

Sure enough, there stood a chubby-legged little figure in a black shirt and shorts, ears exposed and barefoot on the carpet, staring curiously at him.

Observing secretly.

Seeing Gu Wen look over, he quickly hid back behind the corner.

He no longer disliked Gu Wen as much as three days ago. This person gave him tasty water every day which soothed his pain.

He was increasingly curious and starting to want to secretly watch Gu Wen more.

The other wolves noticed too.

"The pup is awake! Must be hungry?"

"Pup, did you sleep well last night?"

Red Tail clasped her chest, "The pup is so cute!"

Seeing this, Shang Xi sincerely felt happy that her son was so well-liked by the wolves here. What mother wouldn't feel glad knowing her child was popular?

She walked upstairs and gently asked, "Baby, you awake?"

She was extremely tender toward her child.

The pup snuggled into his mother's embrace. What a clingy one.

Shang Xi kissed her son's chubby cheek, "You're starting at the new kindergarten tomorrow. Excited? There's a crocodile fountain and rabbit fountain there, darling."

Baby Shang nuzzled around in her arms as his little tail wagged and he nodded.

Shang Xi thought to herself.

With her son recovering and about to start school, she had to get busy with work again too.

The next day Shang Xi decided to go back to the shop after breakfast before going to kindergarten.

The werewolves were eating their breakfasts, food they had cooked that she couldn't eat, so she made her own.

Today she cooked minced pork and carrot congee, two boiled eggs, and two small pieces of beef.

She cooked a little slower, and didn't bring the food to the table until the end. Baby Shang held a bottle drinking milk, following his mom around like a little tail.

President Gu sat at the head of the dining table, watching this scene without saying anything, though with slightly furrowed brows.

The next day, Dai Cen brought in two human chefs.

"They and I are all deeply knowledgeable, Miss Shang can tell them what she wants to eat from now on."

"Don't stand on ceremony, President Gu said if you need anything to call me directly."

"Oh, thank you."

She actually felt that Gu Wen seemed to dislike her a bit. When he talked with other werewolves he had a lot to say.

When talking to her, he gave off the impression he didn't want to talk much.

He was clearly very concerned about their physical contact. She still remembered last night when she was feeding Baby Shang cold spring water, she accidentally brushed against him, and he immediately took a step back, looking at her unpleasantly.

Shang Xi also knew not to invite trouble, so she consciously kept her distance from him.

As for specially asking the chefs to come, it was because she was the child's mother, basking in his glory.

So she would thicken her skin and bask.

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