She is NOT a cute catgirl!

Chapter 3: The Demon fish


All of a sudden, Aoi’s stomach reminds her that’s now breakfast time. But she doesn’t want to! After her unwanted transformation, she still sits on the bathroom floor with arms and legs crossed. She’ll wait until that evil system comes back and make it give her, her old body back! She will never forgive it!


After some time, Aoi’s stomach grumbles once again and she feels hungry. Her ears twitch agitatedly, as the system still isn’t back, but in the end, she gives in. It doesn’t do any harm, if she eats something in the wait time until that system is back.

Aoi reluctantly stands up and heads towards the kitchen, trying to hold her over-sized pajamas high enough, to be able to walk without tripping over it.

But the unfamiliarity of her now much shorter legs surprises her, nearly causing her to fall to the ground, just like she almost did in her ‘nightmare’ last night.

Determined not to embarrass herself again, Aoi quickly extends her arms to the side to regain balance. She luckily succeeds and after rebalancing, takes her next step with much more caution, trying to understand and correctly control her tiny legs, to build muscle memory.

After a few more steps, she slowly gains proficiency at walking and finally reached the door frame. Where she takes a short breather before inspecting the living room, laying before her. Everything seems so different, with her lower perspective…

She once again looks down at herself, but then notices another unwelcome new feature of her body.

Why do her legs instinctively stand with her knees turned in a little?! While it looks incredibly cute, perfectly displays her shy nature and fits her new catgirl body, it’s not something she wants to have herself! She is no little girl!

Aoi huffs and takes another step, trying not to turn in her knees. While she succeeds, it took nearly all of her attention. By the next step, where the now much bigger-looking living room diverts her attention, she once again unconsciously adopts her cute walk. This is unacceptable! Another thing lands on the grudge-list for the system. Just you wait!

But still, Aoi continues her journey to get food, postponing her anger for later. After walking for, what felt like hours, Aoi finally reaches the kitchen door, which lays on the other side of the living room, opposite to the doors of the bedroom and bathroom.


Over all this time, Aoi’s hunger has only grown. She takes the last steps impatiently, hoping to quickly still her growing need. Her tail even starts swaying a little, while her cat ears perk up with anticipation.

She finally reaches the refrigerator, opening it with greedy haste, imagining all the good food that could be behind this door.

And unexpectantly there is! While on the lower shelves, there is only some vegetables, but a big fat fish lays on the top shelf of the refrigerator. She doesn’t remember ever buying it, but she certainly wants it!

Aoi’s eyes instantly start shining, while she begins drooling. She never knew that fish looked so appetizing, but she just can’t wait to devour this yummy fish.

But when she extends her arms to get this heavenly meal into her greedy hands, the hard reality reveals itself, reminding her once again of her shortness.

Aoi’s ears twitch and she frowns. She accepts this challenge! This fish will sooner or later be in her mouth, whatever happens! She looks around, searching for something she can use as a height booster.

After a short while, her gaze lands on one of the wooden chairs in her small kitchen. She saunters over, being now a bit more proficient in walking with her bothersome small height.

Her tail sways energetically behind her, while a mischievous and silly smile is plastered on her face, anticipating her easy win over this fish. She puts both of her hands on the chair, expecting it to be easily pulled. But when she pulls...

Nothing happens.

A confused look enters her priorly victory-certain face. She tries another time, putting more strength into her arms. But once again, the chair only barely moves. This exasperates her. She can’t be so weak!

Another time she tries pulling the chair, putting all her strength into it. The chair finally moves and at last, after five long minutes of pulling, it stands under the refrigerator.

But Aoi now feels breathless, huffing and wiping away the sweat on her forehead, exhausted by the strenuous manual labor. She looks up at the demon lord that caused all this plight. She can’t wait to finally devour it as retribution!


An incredibly fake sounding devious laugh could be heard in her apartment, as Aoi climbs onto the chair. But it only sounds very cute and endearing with her new feminine and childish voice. In no sense does it sound evil and devious, how it is actually meant to be.

Aoi doesn't really notices the sound she made, as the victory-certain smirk returns to her face. Demon fish, what are you going to do now?! You have been completely cornered!

Once again, hopefully for the last time, she stretches her body to pick up this demon fish. But she is still a few centimeters/inches too short. This causes her to frown, why did the annoying system make her so short?! This can’t be!

Aoi stretches with all her might for the second try, but there is still a little distance to her new arch nemesis. As there is no other option left, Aoi jumps on the chair, disregarding all safety issues while trying to get this evil fish. But to no avail…

She even loses her balance while landing and falls down from the chair. Luckily, her new catgirl body has good reflexes and prevents real damage. But she still falls on her behind.


Aoi involuntarily leaks an adorable cry. Her face quickly turns cherry red, as she realizes the sound she just made... That wasn’t her! She would never make such an embarrassing sound!

She looks up at the demon fish with vengeful eyes! This thing is nearly as evil as the system! But that won’t hold her off from eating it, as in the end, the smarter ones will always win! She can’t give up now!

She tries a second time, climbing up the chair and using up all of her strength in the next jump to get this fish. And finally, she manages to touch it. But only a touch, nothing more. That is long not enough to pull the heavy fish down from its mighty throne.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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