She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 135 - Legendary top-notch underground lover (4)

The drawn curtains were waiting on both sides, and the sunlight outside the window had already illuminated the room.

The sun shone on her body for a while, and she seemed to sense that the temperature was not right. Xie Tinglan grabbed the quilt and covered her head in a daze. When she was completely curled up into the quilt, she suddenly woke up and remembered that she was someone else’s home.

Xie Tinglan tore off the quilt at the fastest speed and sat up directly, only to realize that he had already occupied the magpie’s nest, and after a night of sleep, he had invaded the area that was divided by half last night.

She tried hard to recall with a guilty conscience, but what happened when she was sleeping couldn’t be remembered with hard work, and she didn’t know how she appeared there even if she broke her head.

“Awake?” Ning Chuxia heard the movement in the room and went to the door with the cereal she made. “Good morning, are you feeling better this morning?”

“Yeah! Much better!” Xie Tinglan’s small eyes couldn’t help but keep looking at Ning Chuxia.

She had experienced a lot last night. She and Ning Chuxia had met in a dark place. Later, when she entered the Public Security Bureau, she was distracted. Finally, when she finally arrived at Ning Chuxia’s house, Xie Tinglan was exhausted, and she was full of thoughts at that time. As for how to find out about Kuang Tianhao’s loopholes, naturally he didn’t pay too much attention to the surrounding situation.

But now that he relaxed, he noticed the image of Ning Chuxia himself that he hadn’t noticed last night.

Ning Chuxia, who was leaning against the wall, relaxed and casually leaned against the wall behind her. She estimated that she had not woken up very long, and her hair that had been permed and wavy was casually thrown down. With enough hair, she couldn’t even see the seam of her hair. , Although she is in a state of no makeup, she can still see that her skin is good.

Her eyelashes were like false eyelashes, as if she had brought her own eyeliner. She had just drank a mouthful of cereal, and the heat made her pale lips look rosy.

She was wearing a dark blue silk nightdress with suspenders. The opening of the v-neck was not too big, and the lace decoration next to it matched well. The nightdress was not a particularly loose style. her slender.

Although Ning Chuxia had a slender physique, such a physique was just right for a clothes hanger.

Looking at Ning Chuxia, Xie Tinglan thought of a word, that is high fashion, she finally understood what it means that some people can make you look at it.

Although Xie Tinglan was a talented girl when she was a child, she did not have a low EQ due to the efforts of her parents. Of course, she knew that it was not good for her to stare at people like this.

But can it be her fault? Who doesn’t like to watch beautiful girls? Anyway, it’s her business that others don’t love it, she just likes it!

Ning Chuxia looked at Xie Tinglan’s blank eyes and couldn’t help but smile: “Come out, there is cereal at home, let’s chat while eating breakfast.”

She is not blind, of course, she can see Xie Tinglan’s admiration mixed with a hint of obsession.

But this kind of look doesn’t make people uncomfortable, it doesn’t contain any uncomfortable reverie, and some are just a kind of love and yearning for beauty.

Ning Chuxia, who went out first, began to prepare cereal, and Xie Tinglan, who was behind, almost followed, and was ordered by Ning Chuxia to enter the bathroom to wash.

Although Ning Chuxia is a tidy personality, the family is always full.

One is that the house is not large, and the other is that she can always bring back a lot of samples because of the live broadcast work.

Ning Chuxia was soaking in cereal while thinking about things related to this body.

In fact, in her opinion, this body is quite “advanced by nature”. Although she was thin by starvation, she did not turn herself into a pure rib bone. The fat in the waist and hips makes this body able to support most clothes well.

Although she has gorgeous eyebrows and eyes, her temperament is neutralized without any aggression. When looking at people, her concentration and sincerity can make people feel that they are valued.

Ning Chuxia immediately thought of the original live broadcast career that became popular in the first half year. Also, with such an ability, how could it not be popular, but the original body became a bit unbelievable. After all, without a voice, she can still rely on her figure And earnestly win, how can the performance decline so much.

Ning Chuxia thought about it for a while, and then suddenly realized.

Yes, she walked into a misunderstanding.

Most people living in this world have more than one talent, but everyone has different numbers of talents and different abilities.

So… Did Kuang Tianhao still take something from his original body? Why did he choose the original body as the first target?

Xie Tinglan, who had already started drinking oatmeal obediently, drank her white beard and started to get “rice” for beauty.

Ning Chuxia watched Xie Tinglan for a while, but didn’t see any difference, just pretended to inadvertently introduced the topic: “Tinglan, I woke up and was still thinking about the topic we talked about last night, do you remember?”

Xie Tinglan thought about it and couldn’t figure out which one it was talking about.

“You told me about the fact that your reading is regressing now.”

As soon as he said this, Xie Tinglan immediately became frustrated, “I, I’m actually nothing, I was just too proud before and made myself a genius.”

“But that’s what I think. Although your talent will be lost, what you’ve learned won’t be lost, right? You know, how bad I am. I didn’t get into the first year of the college entrance examination.” Ning Chuxia said this. I can still feel the loss of the original body when I speak.

The environment in which the original body grows is the environment in which reading is useless.

Ning’s father didn’t finish primary school, so he came out to work hard in the society. When Yuan Shi was a child, when he was still successful in his career, the most common sentence he said was: “Those college students, they all work under me.”

Ning’s mother, who was always in step with Ning’s father, was even more traditional in her thinking. She didn’t take the initiative to say anything, but just whispered: “No matter how much you read, you’re not going to marry in the end, you didn’t see that old man. The Zhuang family’s daughter, who has a doctorate, is now 35 years old, and she hasn’t married yet!”

The environment can change people. Father Ning and Mother Ning are not the personalities that urge their children to study. Sometimes they say something wrong. When the child corrects a few words, they have to get angry and say that they eat more salt than the original body. Much, no need for her to point fingers.

The original body, who didn’t study hard for a long time, fell into a vicious circle. She didn’t develop the habit of reading from the beginning and no one could compare her. She went directly to the worst school in the local area. The school was not good in terms of students, environment or teachers. When she studied in this school, she naturally went to a high school with a poor student population, and finally went to a college and went out to find a job.

Of course, there are countless people in this world who can make a fortune without studying, but she didn’t have such ability, she only knew that her degree was rejected by one company after another, and the few whose resumes met the requirements In a company, the environment is not good enough. After finally finding a job in live broadcasting, she realized her ignorance. There were several times that she could not recognize the name of the items in the live broadcasting, so she had to check the pronunciation by handwriting on the Internet.

“Sister Chu Xia, don’t say that, you are really amazing!” Xie Tinglan hurriedly comforted the person, and the loss of this comforter just disappeared, “Everyone has something they are good at, and I am also If I can’t read well, I’m still worried that I won’t be able to graduate!”

Xie Tinglan sighed: “I understand what you mean, sister Chuxia, don’t worry, I will work hard.” But sometimes the most fearful thing is that you can’t even grasp the direction of hard work.

Xie Tinglan really wanted to smash her stupid head to see if she could fall out of the golden key to answer her doubts.

“Sister Chu Xia is the same for you. Don’t just comfort me but not yourself. Everyone has a downhill path. Besides, you can find other jobs in the future by accumulating so much experience!”

Ning Chuxia looked at Xie Tinglan and burst out laughing for a while. This was an encouragement meeting that changed from a complaint meeting to a chicken soup for each other’s souls.

Before breakfast was over, Ning Chuxia turned on the TV, she chose the channel that was broadcasting without hesitation, and when she found the target, she said casually: “Ting Lan, what is the principle of this setting that the news just aired? , why can’t I understand?”

She spread her hands: “Look, there are too many things I don’t understand.”

Xie Tinglan just wanted to say that she didn’t understand, but at this moment, her whole body became stiff——

She, how did she suddenly understand?

Before that, she was puzzled by all these science-oriented subjects such as mechanics, mathematics, and intelligence, as if her logical thinking ability had been taken away, but now, how did she suddenly understand it?

The most painful thing about Xie Tinglan’s study is that she clearly knows that the knowledge she has learned in the past is there, but they can’t come out like being locked in a cage, or she needs to use understanding. can’t be found when the links are chained together.

She stood up, her energy was tense, her eyes were full of fog, and tears fell in the blink of an eye. Xie Tinglan explained to Ning Chuxia in her usual voice, but her eyes drifted unconsciously. every corner of this home.

How long hadn’t she felt the feeling that just thinking about the little factory in her head would start to run and analyze?

“I understand, you see, you actually know it, right?” Ning Chuxia smiled lightly, filled with relief.

It seems that she guessed right, this acquisition condition is probably related to favorability or love, and the way to steal is not one-way closed. As long as the love disappears, the stolen talent will return to the owner.

This can also explain why in his last life he had to coax everyone to become a lover, but later he found out that something was wrong, and he had skills that could be used in other fields, so he immediately changed his career in the entertainment industry and stopped by. Before leaving, he gave these people who had contributed to his entertainment career a severe knife.

It’s just that it’s still a little short of the whole picture of the magical system. As long as the last piece of the puzzle is found, everything can be solved.

Hearing Ning Chuxia’s words, Xie Tinglan squatted down and gave Ning Chuxia another hug, rubbing and rubbing like a small animal.

She is not superstitious at all, but is there really a saying that there are lucky stars or noble people in the world?

So she met Ning Chuxia, and luck came one after another.

And she wasn’t just lucky.

Xie Tinglan felt that Ning Chuxia put her hand on her head and gently caressed her, and she was swept along her hair again and again. She didn’t mind at all and sat on the ground half-kneeling, enjoying the feeling of being with her sister. time.

So warm and satisfying.

During this period of time, the doubts and loss that her parents could not control, the shock and ridicule of some classmates, and the pressure from her beloved teacher mixed together, causing a big hole in her chest. She always thought that Kuang Tianhao was something she could use to escape. Hide his island, under his care, this huge hole will eventually be filled.

But I don’t know why, so lacking in love, she got this kind of unconditional tolerance and “pampering”, but she still felt empty and unable to find her heart.

And now the hole in her chest is being filled little by little.

“Ding dong.”

The tender moment was destroyed. Xie Tinglan was a little lost, but she got up immediately. She had been relying on her long enough, but she couldn’t make Sister Chuxia’s legs numb.

“I’m going to open the door!” Xie Tinglan is already in a state of vigor at the moment. If she is seen by her classmates, she will be shocked, because after entering the university, she is more and more quiet, and she has developed such a talkative attitude. Very cowardly.

“Don’t worry, it might be a courier.” Ning Chuxia actually guessed who was coming. The original body was in the company for a long time on weekdays, and even if there was a courier, it would not be delivered to the home. “I didn’t expect the courier to arrive so much today. morning.”

The room is not big, Xie Tinglan ran to the door, she rushed to the door and opened the door, she immediately showed a wary look: “Why are you?”

Kuang Tianhao, who had prepared a lot of drafts in advance, was taken aback by this, and his face darkened again.

He had never seen someone as ruthless as Xie Tinglan in his life.

A few days ago, it was full of love, but inexplicably, it was cleared directly. Could it be that the love of young people is easy to come and easy to lose?

Kuang Tianhao thought of the painstaking efforts he had put into attacking Xie Tinglan, so he could not wait to vomit blood on the spot.

He spent so much time and made so much preparation, but now the bamboo basket is empty.

The most important thing is that he is using this skill urgently now, otherwise he will not worry about his face, making it seem like he has to use this skill!

Cut, wait until he finishes shooting and see if he needs it.

Just as he was about to speak, Kuang Tianhao was stunned for a moment. He just saw a piece of golden light, and he didn’t take it seriously at all. After all, he already knew that [Born I was born] had returned to Xie Tinglan early in the morning, so he didn’t need to worry about it. All the fuss.

But it was only now that he took a serious look and found that the [I am a little white lotus] that mysteriously appeared on Xie Tinglan’s head had actually been upgraded and turned into a golden skill.

Moreover, the luck on Xie Tinglan, which had been on the verge of disappearing, suddenly increased, but it was not exaggerated, and he was almost missed by him just now.

This is the first time Kuang Tianhao has seen a skill upgrade. If he hadn’t been in a daze now, he would have to ask what the system was hiding from him!

As for the luck upgrade? He had persuaded himself that it was reasonable that the return of talent would affect his luck.

He couldn’t help but think of a bright future. Wouldn’t it be nice if it could be harvested in a cycle? But this kind of thinking was suppressed by him at once, and he couldn’t afford the high luck that the system wanted.

Kuang Tianhao, who had prepared his skills in advance, said affectionately, “Tinglan, why are you still mad at me?”

Kuang Tianhao knew Xie Tinglan too well. Xie Tinglan was taken care of that day, and her family’s emphasis on cultivating her also ignored her need for an independent personality. Xie Tinglan was even more naive than Ning Chuxia. , More simple, as long as you follow her to share the enemy, lead her to do a little rebellion, and give her a safe house, she will be able to stick to her completely.

“Did you freak out yesterday? It’s my fault, I didn’t protect you.” He pointed to his foot, which was wrapped in a bandage. The bandage he bought at the drugstore at the door, and he put the other shoe first. In the stairwell on the first floor, if it weren’t for this time, he didn’t know that so many bandages were needed for dressing, “Last night, I was afraid that I would delay you dragging your legs. It will take a while.”

The first trick is to sell miserably first. This trick is also enough for Ning Chuxia. Kuang Tianhao did some research on makeup beforehand. The pale face put together makes a sense of decadence.

Full of self-confidence, Kuang Tianhao stretched out his hand and was about to use a move to kill him when he saw a flash of determination in Xie Tinglan’s eyes——

What is she deciding?

This question was answered immediately.

“Ah—” Xie Tinglan fell to the ground. She seemed to have accidentally brought down the shoe box on the shoe cabinet and made a loud noise, but she accidentally staggered the same place perfectly. Vase on the shoe cabinet.

She, who was already sitting on the ground, kept stepping back, stretched out her hand and held her head tightly. Too much force had already made the rather supple hair messy.

Kuang Tianhao was speechless for a while, now he has his own acting halo, right? How can I not see that Xie Tinglan is acting?

And that’s too much, isn’t it? Is it so exaggerated?

Kuang Tianhao, who complained a few words in his heart, was about to stretch out his hand to pull Xie Tinglan up. He really wanted to brag about his kindness. If it wasn’t for Xie Tinglan’s skills that he desperately needed, he wouldn’t be entangled with this actor. .

As soon as he entered, Xie Tinglan retreated. Kuang Tianhao was about to move when he saw a hand emerge from the sky, grabbed his hand and threw it aside.

“What are you doing?” Ning Chuxia protected Xie Tinglan like a hen protecting her own chickens.


“No, Sister Chuxia, it’s my fault this time.” Xie Tinglan, who hugged her knees behind Ning Chuxia, said timidly, “Brother Tianhao just wanted to touch my head, but when he reached out, I just thought about last night, and I was so scared.”

Kuang Tianhao is really speechless, he now has a feeling that he has a sincere heart but paid by mistake.

Did he come here specially to please Xie Tinglan? Why is she so afraid of him?

“I’m fine.” Xie Tinglan leaned against the wall and barely stood up, but at a glance, the body that was so tensed and stiff that she was on the same arm and foot showed that she was very nervous. She forced herself to take the step of Kuang Tianhao. The whole body trembled again, “I’m really fine.”

She pretended to be strong, but Ning Chuxia saw her hand that was already in the shape of chicken feet due to nervousness. Ning Chuxia directly pulled Xie Tinglan back and reached out to rub the child’s hand.

She is actually happy that Xie Tinglan can do this. Xie Tinglan can act so hard to keep her benefactor away from the scumbag **** she thinks, which shows that she is a person who will repay her kindness; it also shows that she is completely letting go now. He was obsessed with Kuang Tianhao.

And this is not just a matter of Xie Tinglan letting go. Ning Chuxia glanced at Kuang Tianhao’s gentle smile from the corner of his eye – well, it is estimated that Kuang Tianhao will not be persistent towards Xie Tinglan after this. It is.

“Okay Tianhao, you’d better go. Tinglan still needs a few days of rest. Next time you want to come, tell me in advance, it’s better.” She continued to gently rub Xie Tinglan’s hand after she finished speaking. , “Don’t force yourself to be close to her, there’s no rush for this kind of thing.”

Ning Chuxia said this, Kuang Tianhao was as annoyed as a cat whose tail had been stepped on, but he didn’t show it in his expression.

He now feels as if he has been aggrieved by being beaten up inexplicably on the street. What is Xie Tinglan doing? When did she start to love acting so much.

He seems to be split into two halves now, one half is the desire for Director Li’s opportunity, and he is not willing to give up the skills that Xie Tinglan bears; the other half is his full anger that is smooth sailing. Why should someone like Xie Tinglan be addicted to acting and know a liar?

Xie Tinglan whispered: “Sister Chu Xia, I don’t mind, you should let Brother Tianhao come in and sit down, his foot is injured and he can’t stand for a long time, I’ll just bear with it, I can hide in the room. , although I will feel a little flustered in the room, but this can be overcome, Tianhao brother is more important.”

Kuang Tianhao glanced at Xie Tinglangao twice because of these words, but it was rare to say a human word.

Kuang Tianhao’s performance cost a lot. Now he is still leaning on crutches, but to be honest, it’s too tiring to lean on crutches. He now feels that the legs that have been maintaining the volley are stiff, and the muscles on the upper arms of the arms that have been exerting too much force are starting to become sore. .

Kuang Tianhao is full of confidence in this. In order to be afraid of his camouflage and omission, he specially turned on his acting skills to simulate the scene of falling down, and then wrapped the bandage. Anything in the wrong place will never happen, and this is wrapped in bandages. Legs, he never put them down from beginning to end, and now the bandages are still spotless white with no flaws.

It is impossible for Xie Tinglan to frame him like last night!

“You will be afraid if you stay alone in the room. Why don’t you tell me? You don’t understand. Sometimes people’s psychology is very fragile. Don’t listen to what others say. Fear is to be overcome with poison!” Ning Chuxia looked at Xie Ting with concern. When Lan Er’s eyes were placed on Kuang Tianhao’s body, only hesitation remained, “Didn’t you just fall over your leg yesterday? Why is it so serious?”

“Didn’t I worry about you at that time? I forgot…”

Xie Tinglan’s voice was not loud, but she was stuck in the gap between Kuang Tianhao’s words and said, “How could this be, I actually misunderstood Brother Tianhao.”

Kuang Tianhao had a bad feeling.

Xie Tinglan, who was still talking, showed a guilty expression: “Actually, I didn’t dare to tell you, Sister Chuxia, last night I had a nightmare all night, and I dreamed that Brother Tianhao was timid and deliberately didn’t come to save me. .”

Hearing this, Tianhao suddenly realized. He knew it. No wonder Xie Tinglan would clear his favor points overnight. It was really unfortunate. Fortunately, now Xie Tinglan finally understood.

“I just saw Brother Tianhao like this, I immediately thought of last night, and I was very scared, but now I know that I was too extreme, I was wrong, Brother Tianhao actually wanted to help me, and in the end he was anxious to put his legs I got hurt! It’s just that I’m still so sad, if Brother Tianhao didn’t fall too hard at first and couldn’t bear the pain and could only squat, maybe, maybe I wouldn’t even be as scared as I am now?”

Speaking of this, she waved her hand hurriedly: “I don’t mean to blame you, I know you are really good, you are trying to help me as much as possible, it’s just… I’m just trying to figure it out myself, I’m sorry.”

Kuang Tianhao was stunned, where did he want to understand? This is how to smear him in front of Ning Chuxia again! Why come again?

He couldn’t control his temper: “Aren’t you right? Is this leg pain under my control?”

As soon as his voice became louder, Xie Tinglan swayed again like a leaf that was blown by the wind: “I know, I know.” She stretched out her hands to cover her face, “But how do you want me to not think about it? When I saw you, I thought of last night. You kept saying that you would protect me. Why didn’t you show up at that time.”

Kuang Tianhao is really on fire. His skill also has the ability to analyze other people’s acting skills.

Come on, this is really revenge! How much warmth and care did he give Xie Tinglan? When she couldn’t study well and was alienated by her teachers, classmates and family, who else was by her side? Isn’t he the only one Kuang Tianhao?

Kuang Tianhao took a step forward with anger and stretched out his hand to push Xie Tinglan’s hand covering his face, but saw that Ning Chuxia was firmly protecting Xie Tinglan.

“Get out of the way, what are you doing to protect her? I told you, she is acting and pretending to be pitiful, you know? You were deceived by her in Chuxia! Think for yourself, will I lie to you?” Kuang Tianhao stared But he couldn’t break through Ning Chuxia’s line of defense.

He thought of the countless strategies and personal information he had seen in the system, and there were places that could be used.

Don’t you want to provoke? He will too!

Kuang Tianhao doesn’t plan to maintain his relationship with Xie Tinglan anymore. Anyway, Xie Tinglan’s skills are not very useful. Director Li can find an excuse to push it or use his acting skills to deal with it. The shooting is almost done, and a few shots can’t affect the overall situation.

As for Ning Chuxia, that is the basic game that he must not lose! Not to mention that Ning Chuxia now has new skills and amazing luck that make his mouth water.

After thinking about it, Kuang Tianhao immediately said: “Chuxia, let me be honest with you, I only regard Tinglan as a little sister, but I can feel that she has a little bit more affection for me than brother and sister.” He helplessly shrugged. She shrugged, “She’s relying on you now to deliberately sow discord between us. She suddenly found out that I have someone I care more about. Of course, we will be cut off.”

He is simply genius.

This kind of emotional provocation is invincible! He didn’t believe that Ning Chuxia would still protect such a sister.

“I didn’t!” Xie Tinglan was very angry when she heard this, “Sister Chuxia, I used to like him a little bit, but not anymore! I’m not that kind of person!”

As soon as she was excited, she quickly calmed down. Behind Ning Chuxia, a face changed quickly, and she leaned over pitifully: “Sister Chuxia, I want you to stay away from him.”

Seeing this change of face, Kuang Tianhao was only angry that Ning Chuxia didn’t look back at that time. He was happy when he heard this: “Look, did she admit it?”

“Because I suddenly found out that Kuang Tianhao is a very scary person, I am so afraid of him, I don’t want you to get close to this kind of person, Sister Chuxia.” Xie Tinglan relaxed when she saw that Ning Chuxia didn’t let go of her, and then stretched out straight He pointed his finger at Kuang Tianhao, “You said you didn’t come to help me, your leg fell, right?”

“Then have you also become dumb?” Xie Tinglan said bitterly, “Why don’t you call someone? If you shout loudly, that person may let go, don’t worry about being recognized, you can wait for someone to come. Just go! Or you don’t want to take the risk of being recognized by your voice? Is the life and safety of my so-called sister too cheap for you?”

Xie Tinglan was really glad that she had the ability to think again this morning.

As soon as Kuang Tianhao entered the door, she gradually began to feel that something was wrong.

Just now she quickly reviewed the whole thing and found the biggest omission.

Can’t you shout if you can’t run out? He can pretend to be her boyfriend or something and say a few words outside why she hasn’t come out yet or pretend to be passing by and want to walk in, without even calling someone.

Of course, there is a certain possibility that he was too nervous to forget.

But Xie Tinglan really couldn’t feel convinced by such a statement, coupled with her amazing memory of images, she couldn’t help but keep recalling the scenes from last night in her mind.

Fall to the point where you can’t stand up? How serious is he?

And why is there no trace of Kuang Tianhao on his body? And the pile of ruins at the school was either a stone or a broken brick. Could it really be so coincidental that it only fell on the leg?

She took a special look just now, and Kuang Tianhao’s hand didn’t even have any marks or bruises. How on earth is a slapper who can defy inertia and not support the ground with his hands?

Even the feelings she used to believe in, now seem to be full of mistakes—

If she is really a good sister, can you resist not calling the police? After calling the police, couldn’t Kuang Tianhao still say that he acted bravely? And according to his own words, he and her are so open-hearted, there is absolutely no need to avoid them, right?

The only possibility is that he has a ghost in his heart, and it is a big ghost.

Kuang Tianhao hesitated: “I’m not, I’m not afraid to call the students who chased me before?”

Xie Tinglan just shook her head: “Sister Chuxia, I don’t want to talk to him anymore, I think he’s so annoying.”

Ning Chuxia was silent for a while, then she stretched out her finger and pointed out: “Go away.”

“My leg.” Kuang Tianhao stretched out his finger and pointed to his leg that was covered in gauze, “You want me to jump like this?”

“Sister Chu Xia, don’t make it difficult for me, forget it, let me go, otherwise I’m afraid that if I stay, he will insist that I eat your jealousy, but for me now, only you are my important benefactor. With friends.” Xie Tinglan turned over to collect things, but she was stopped by Ning Chuxia before she took a step.

“What’s wrong with you.” Ning Chuxia’s other hand that stretched out the door still didn’t change direction, “Go away, don’t let me be more disappointed in you.”

“Kang Tianhao, think about it for yourself. Your dreams are very important. You were not the one who put your dreams above everything else. Now, don’t you think you are a little selfish? For your dreams, Your career, this is an excuse, not a reason.” Ning Chuxia closed the door rudely after speaking, completely isolating Kuang Tianhao on the other side.

She patted Xie Tinglan on the shoulder, and when she turned around, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She was about to appear on the stage a long time ago, and when she saw Kuang Tianhao’s magical look, she was immediately inspired, and it was long after she finished sending the message.

Now Kuang Tianhao should have received the gift she carefully prepared, right?

Kuang Tianhao knew that Ning Chuxia’s house was not under surveillance, so he put down his legs as soon as he jumped into the elevator. Before he left, he remembered to take a look at Xie Tinglan’s skills. He really regretted it so much that he had a brain hemorrhage. .

[Golden skill: I am a little white lotus]

[Skill description: When you activate the skill, you will get the pitiful buff and the persuasiveness buff. Every time you show weakness, you will double the damage to the opponent.

“No no no, everything is my fault, it doesn’t matter, just let me take care of it, it doesn’t matter if you get hurt!”

“Little white lotus shakes, I say I’m wrong, I don’t know why others blame you hehe!”]

Damn, this skill explains why it’s so bad.

He can even understand why this skill can be upgraded, whether it can be upgraded to gold, it is really hard to tolerate, and it actually happened to him.

Going down the stairs, Kuang Tianhao saw people from a distance and could only continue to move forward with crutches. When he finally reached the stairwell, he bent down and touched it.

Wait a minute, where are my shoes?

Where have my shoes gone?

Kuang Tianhao looked bewildered, and looked down at his left leg wrapped in bandages and his right leg, which started to hurt because of the tightness of Jinji’s independent calf this morning, and began to suspect his life.

Is he going to choose the barefoot fairy trip or go back like this?

Suddenly panicking, he remembered to take a look at the skill. At this look, he felt that he was hit again.

One of his two most precious passive skills was actually grayed out.

As the skills turned gray, Kuang Tianhao also felt that all his thoughts were gone.

He really had the heart to jump into the sea.

The Ning family is also located in S city.

The home that had been quiet before was suddenly broken by a phone call.

After the chaos, the storm is finally approaching.

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