She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 140 - Legendary top-notch underground lover (9)

Although many people will say that the trip is worthwhile or something to enjoy, and wish to stay for a few more days in the interview after the filming of the show, but every time Kuang Tianhao ends the filming of the show, there is a kind of “released” happiness. .

What is “showing your true self in the show” is simply a baseless lie, unless your status is unshakable in this circle, or even when you are exhausted, you have to play your role well .

You don’t see so many actors and stars overturning in variety shows. The so-called true self they show is only one-thousandth of a thousandth, but it is such a little truth that sometimes it can cause a storm of public opinion.

The camera followed the nanny machine, and when he saw Kuang Tianhao getting into the car, the agent couldn’t help complaining: “Tianhao, do you know how much you are worth now? What about such a big wave! How dare you jump down to save him? people!”

Speaking of this agent, he couldn’t help holding his phone, wishing he could pick up the phone and fight the show team for 300 rounds.

The show “Sihai Hotel” has repeatedly assured them before signing the contract, saying that there will never be any dangerous elements in this show, and there will be enough rescue personnel and equipment for occasional adventure projects.

Well, they did it according to the contract, but who would have thought the weather by the sea was so weird?

Thinking of that scene, the agent had lingering fears.

Today is the last day of the program shooting and a working day. When I woke up early in the morning, there were almost no tourists on the beach. The sea was calm and the well-protected coast was exceptionally blue, showing a unique natural beauty.

The director team finally decided to use the sea fishing plan that had been pressed and useless before. The yacht that had been rented a long time ago arrived on time, and every guest wore a life jacket.

But there were unforeseen circumstances. When everyone was enjoying themselves and taking photos to tell the sadness of parting, suddenly big waves hit after another. When the director team was a little flustered, Li Manman actually fell into the sea!

Although she was wearing a life jacket to protect her body, she was completely incapable of water, and when she stepped into the water, she panicked and fluttered her hands and feet. Beast, to swallow her into the sea that cannot see the end.

The lifeguards were originally on standby on the reclining chairs on the ship, and then there were temporary waves, so they went in and discussed with the captain about returning to the voyage, but they didn’t want to have an accident due to such a time difference.

When everyone panicked and went blank, Kuang Tianhao jumped into the water like a hero in front of everyone and hugged Li Manman tightly.

In fact, how does Kuang Tianhao know how to swim? All he did was thrash Li Manman’s side, suppressed her struggle, and comforted her by telling her that it was all right. Then the hero and Li Manman waited for the huge wave. face.

In the face of huge waves, human beings are extremely powerless, even if two people hug each other, they cannot change the situation of drifting with the current.

In the end, the two lifeguards made preparations and boarded the lifeboat to rescue the two from the sea. Watching the two return to the boat, all the staff members of the show team hugged and shed tears. Faced with this Astonishing situation, who can not worry about it?

Because of this morning, the filming of the show was very peaceful afterwards. In order to take care of Li Manman, who was obviously frightened, many of the original plans have also been cancelled. The director team activated the emergency plan, and only then did enough material be filmed.

The agent was still thinking: “What did you say you jumped down to do? There are so many people in the program group, and you are not a swimmer who is good at swimming. What can you do when you go down? In the end, you don’t have to Wait for the lifeguards to come!”

He clearly remembered that he had confirmed with Kuang Tianhao that although the other party could swim, the last time he swam was the summer vacation after graduating from elementary school, and he hadn’t been in the water for so many years.

This is also fine, otherwise he would not even be able to find someone who could read.

“Fortunately, Jiren has a natural appearance. You are fine, and Li Manman is fine.” The agent did not help her relatives. “She doesn’t know how to be careful. You said that such a slippery situation has caused everyone to worry a lot?”

He doesn’t care if it’s an accident or not, he only knows that his artists are in trouble. Besides, this shows that their artists suffer. After all, whether it is for the public opinion environment of the show or to protect the artists, it is impossible. Post this video.

But who knows that their artists are so brave and courageous, and they go to the sea to save people without turning back in the face of the ruthless waves of nature.

How noble is this character, and it deserves to be praised well, but now? It’s like doing nothing.

Halfway through thinking about this, his eyes suddenly lit up. Speaking of what the boss said last time, as long as Kuang Tianhao agrees, he must fully support Kuang Tianhao’s career.

“Genius” is about to be released, and it will be just in time for the broadcast of the variety show. The more and more Xiao Jiujiu counts in his heart, the joy on his face can’t be hidden. He just sits alone in the front row, with Kuang Tianhao in the back row. Can’t see his expression.

“I guess it’s because the waves were too big and didn’t stand firm.” Kuang Tianhao replied casually.

He secretly laughed in his heart, the agent didn’t know why, but he knew it clearly.

The reason why Li Manman fell into the sea was because of the effect of [Low Valley Card].

At that time, when he saw that the wind and waves were not right, he divided half of his attention on Li Manman. When he could not rely on the system, Kuang Tianhao could only pay attention on his own, and pay attention to every situation that seemed to be a crisis.

Sure enough, his hunch was right. At that time, the hull was bumpy when the big waves came, and Li Manman was quite slender. At that time, she was not holding the railing, and she bumped into the railing, and it was only reluctantly that she grabbed the railing.

But there were too many people on the boat at the same time leaning on the railings, and the railings of the boat were tilted outward. Although the railings were only slightly loose and swayed, the sensitive Li Manman noticed that she stretched out her hand in a panic, Having lost this support, she turned over the whole body in the next wave.

Every time he saw the effect of the Low Valley card, Tianhao couldn’t help but be amazed. The effect of this card was without any trace of its real value. Those who were deeply involved would never realize that all this had been caused by external forces.

Of course, Kuang Tianhao knew that if he didn’t go down, the lifeguards would also go down, so to put it bluntly, he would buy one get one free for useless work.

But is the key to saving lives? No, it is to show his heroic appearance in front of the other party.

Kuang Tianhao was still elated when he recalled that moment, when he struggled against the unbearable waves and sea water to reach Li Manman and hug her—

Well, this sea-soaked skin doesn’t feel smooth, and it’s nothing to enjoy.

But when Li Manman’s refusing eyes from thousands of miles away became only dependent, he was really relieved.

Kuang Tianhao didn’t know what the suspension bridge effect was. He only knew that he had conquered Li Manman’s heart. Not only that, he also won a big baby.

But Li Manman is a really strange woman. After landing on the shore, he just said a word of thanks in a low voice and then disappeared in a hurry. If it wasn’t for the fact that when he was about to leave, a piece of paper was tucked into his hand and wrote Li Man. A note from Mann’s WeChat account, he almost thought that this woman was stone-hearted.

Is this the legendary play-by-play?

It’s a pity that this woman doesn’t know, he hides a big treasure who can see clearly how others like him.

Kuang Tianhao looked at the half-lit [Ruo Xuanhe] in the skill column, and his eyes were full of smiles.

This wave of him is a steady profit!

Half of the skill is lit, and the effect is also halved, but it is enough to cope with the current scene. Kuang Tianhao even thinks that he has learned the skill of speaking without a teacher. Maybe he can do it when he recites poetry on the spot.

If only the skills could be selected, Kuang Tianhao didn’t understand the truth that greed is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant.

Since Li Manman is so cooperative, Kuang Tianhao doesn’t mind coaxing her. ,

He carried two mobile phones on weekdays, and he only used four calling cards. Kuang Tianhao selected one of the three non-real-name accounts and added Li Manman’s friend.

If he is with Li Manman in the future, he must trick her phone to delete it. This is called leaving no trace. When Kuang Tianhao looked at himself, he could not reveal himself whether it was his Moments, WeChat name or even his avatar. The identity account was very satisfied. He thought he would have to wait for a while, but he didn’t want Li Manman to pass his application immediately.

Yo, this looks like he’s been holding the phone in his hand.

She didn’t even send out a long sentence during the input process. Obviously, it should have been typed in advance and placed in the memo and copied directly.

“Thank you for saving me today, I really don’t know how to thank you, it’s nice to meet you…” Followed by a series of compliments to Kuang Tianhao himself and rainbow farts.

Kuang Tianhao couldn’t help chuckling, he was helpless against powerful women, but he was too good at women like Ning Chuxia and Li Manman.

“Just thank you? Well…” As soon as the bait was dropped, he just had to wait for the fish to bite.

Sure enough, Li Manman replied very quickly: “Are you angry? Is it because of me? I’m really sorry, I’ve always been good at talking, but I don’t know why, but suddenly I can’t talk in front of you.”

Her words were somewhat loaded with the thoughts of her little girl, but in Kuang Tianhao’s eyes, there was nothing but amusing.

Of course she wouldn’t say it, and the [spoken eloquence] is almost gone.

“Not angry, just don’t know what I did wrong. Maybe I offended you at some point?”

“It’s not like that!!!” Li Manman could only use an exclamation mark to express her strong denial, “Listen to my explanation, I… Listen to my reasons!”

Kuang Tianhao enjoyed this chatting process with a slightly condescending attitude. These people opened their hearts obediently in front of him one by one, letting him go to the most vulnerable place in his heart, and let him pick and choose all his thoughts.

Li Manman told a story that had happened to her.

Soon after she participated in the talent show, she was dug up and dug up her private photos during her studies. As soon as several problematic photos were exposed, it caused a violent storm.

“I was indeed a person with no gender boundaries at the time. There were both boys and girls in my friends, and the university also served as a member of the external liaison department…”

The partners of their college’s outreach department are actually excellent former alumni of the school or well-known companies that often do school recruiting at the school. As long as the requirements are not excessive and the visits are not frequent, the now accomplished alumni don’t mind taking care of them. There is actually no room for the so-called “need to fight” and “need to operate” for the former junior students.

They just went through the motions in the past, and honestly took out the documents and budget for review. If they were rejected, they would change to another company. If they were accepted, they would take the money and take a photo to complete the task. There are less than ten people, and there are at most two or three people who go to a class at a time on weekdays. At that time, Li Manman, who was so happy, would have thought that this would become her criminal evidence.

Photos of her and these so-called “bosses” are flying all over the Internet, along with photos of her and her friends that she posted in the space from high school to college.

To put it bluntly, it means that she is indiscreet and does not know how to keep a distance from others, a walking green tea bitch.

To put it bluntly, that is to say that she was taken care of, and even someone took a picture of Mom Sang’s circle of friends, saying that she was sold at a clear price.

After having the evidence in reality, someone began to use a magnifying glass to examine every frame of the draft competition.

So, this has become a kind of “full audience detective contest”.

She has a lot of pictures and looks better than others. Either she has a financial sponsor to join the group, or she has an affair with someone in the director group.

The male tutor said two words for her, that is, she didn’t let her tutor go, and wished to be naughty in every place where she could show her own charm.

If the vote is higher than others, then it is rumored that her sponsor buys tickets for her, and how to mobilize multiple sponsors to get the company’s employees to swipe votes for her.

Things got worse and worse, and in the end, someone even pulled up a banner in front of their dormitory, telling her not to bring down other players. On the day of the competition, as soon as she came on stage, there was a sound of booing, which was barely considered far away in the voting. She was in the lead and was finally eliminated. Of course, even if Li Manman was not eliminated that night, and her mentality had collapsed, she would only choose to retire.

Today, so many years have passed, but she still lives in the shadow of the year, no matter what show she is on, she keeps a distance from the men around her, but she just does this, and she will be on the forum every now and then. Someone posted.

“The times have really changed, so many people like Li Manman, no one knows the dark history of her being taken care of by others, right?”

“I learned from my mother that Li Manman had so many scandals back then! It’s true that everyone will forget it after a long time.”

“Laughing, why are you still giving it to your idol and Li Manman? Don’t you know who Li Manman is?”

Li Manman has clarified many times, and even went through legal channels, but those people only remember the facts they want to remember. Facing this kind of public opinion, she has no choice but to tell herself and let time prove everything.

Li Manman, who was holding the mobile phone, said that he was crying, and several times his vision was obscured by the mist formed by the tears.

Kuang Tianhao, who was also holding a mobile phone, moved his fingers slightly and spoke words of comfort. When people are vulnerable, they can always quickly shorten the distance from each other.

“I really wish I could be here at that time” and “I really want to hug you” were sent out one after another, but Kuang Tianhao’s face only had a calm expression.

He likes Li Manman so much! With such a heart and soul, the original half-bright skill will basically be fully illuminated, and soon you will be able to prepare for the second skill.

“Tianhao, let me tell you something.” The agent just calculated for a while, and then turned around, “We signed the agreement with a clause that we can’t fall in love, you know that?”

He wished he could see what information Kuang Tianhao was replying with his clairvoyant eyes. Not long after he got into the car, Kuang Tianhao kept staring at his phone. If it wasn’t for the calm expression on his face, the manager would have started to investigate.

“I know this, don’t worry, I know I’m on the rise, and I won’t do impulsive things.”

“Also, this is Li Manman, you have nothing to do with her, right?” The agent carefully observed Kuang Tianhao’s expression. If Li Manman did have an affair with Kuang Tianhao, he would have to fight the mandarin duck first. As for the hype Plans are put aside for now.

“Of course not, what are you thinking!” Kuang Tianhao said without a guilty conscience.

In the past, he didn’t mention how much he looked forward to falling in love, but since the stealing of luck, he felt more and more that he should be worthy of a more perfect person. If nothing else, the family background must be good, and he didn’t pick it. If you can get on the rankings of Forbes and Hurun, you can do it.

As for Ning Chuxia and others? Hey, that’s just a tool man, not qualified to be his wife.

“That’s good, you can rest for a while, it will take an hour to get to the airport.” Looking at his watch, the agent thoughtfully lowered the visors of the surrounding car windows for Kuang Tianhao so that he could have a good rest.

Kuang Tianhao didn’t refuse, closed his eyes and called out a name he hadn’t called for a long time: “Stealing luck, wake up, has your luck been replenished?”

The panel unfolded in front of Kuang Tianhao with the appearance of Stealing Luck made him stunned and stammered.

Ji Yun had already sensed his thoughts, and immediately replied: “Don’t worry, I didn’t steal.”

“What’s the situation?” Kuang Tianhao had doubts for the rest of his life. The new tool man was already in place, and his momentum was just right. Could it be that the two of them couldn’t match Xie Tinglan’s deficit?

Kuang Tianhao did not hesitate to let Jiyun confirm the situation. The money that should be spent must be spent, and he can’t wait until death is imminent before starting to regret it.

After this investigation, Kuang Tianhao was dumbfounded.

“You said that Xie Tinglan got full marks in all subjects in just a few days, and went to a well-known research institute to cooperate with others to do experiments, and then the paper was sent by a teacher he knew and passed the preliminary review?” Kuang Tianhao felt that he Stuttering is no good.

“Yes, according to calculations, Xie Tinglan’s dormancy in recent years has brought her a stronger comeback. She is now extremely lucky.”

Kuang Tianhao asked Ji Luck carefully before he finally understood what happened to Xie Tinglan.

Xie Tinglan’s life should have been a steady rise and a gradual development, but due to Kuang Tianhao’s intervention, she became synonymous with “the fall of the **** of learning” and “injury Zhongyong” on the campus.

And this time, she suddenly returned with a gorgeous counterattack, which naturally caused a small controversy at first, but with the guarantee of the professor and the inhuman results that were obviously full of her personal characteristics, the controversy quickly disappeared. Only a brand new version of the campus legend remains.

They seemed to have wiped off Xie Tinglan’s clumsiness and helplessness in the past in an instant, and automatically rationalized everything for Xie Tinglan.

“This is the unique brain circuit of a genius, right? Are you saying that Xie Dashen is doing a social experiment? Investigate the surrounding environment after the genius fell, and discuss the life development of the top student in the college entrance examination? But this is not related to the academic direction of Dashen. Too much the same.”

“I think it’s enough to learn the gods, right? We’ve had enough of Keke’s failures and almost finished it, and when the gods have played enough, we’ll go back to the top, oh, what’s this called a return? People are tired of sitting down and look at the scenery below.”

“Let’s just say that the teaching of our university is so exaggerated that it can make such a legend as the God of Learning fall. I quickly went to worship the God of Learning. I don’t ask much, I just need to pass the counterattack.”

Kuang Tianhao almost vomited blood when he saw the comment that was projected to him by the stolen luck, Xie Tinglan wanted to take back the luck in one breath!

After the anger was over, Kuang Tianhao fell into consternation again: “But if I add Li Manman, it should be a positive growth, right? Xie Tinglan has not achieved results yet, but it has suppressed the luck of both of us? No? , tell me quickly, is there something wrong with Ning Chuxia?”

Kuang Tianhao nervously called out the trough card that had begun to diffuse. If it wasn’t in his own consciousness, he would have wanted to directly perform a black eye and faint on the spot.

“No, what’s wrong with the trough card this time?” Who took the credit for him again?

No, Ning Chuxia encountered so many problems before, why didn’t anyone come to help her?

Ji Yun was silent for a while, and Kuang Tianhao knew that he was running the investigation.

“…It has been confirmed that Ning Chuxia is still in a low state, and the current value of luck is not much different from before…”

Um? Kuang Tianhao was bewildered, didn’t this stealer feel that what he said was contradictory?

Stealing luck is hard to be patient: “The trough caused by the trough card is not much different from the previous one, one is to accelerate the impatience of the company boss with Ning Chuxia, and the other is to cause problems around the Ning family’s parents, which is a double blow both physically and mentally. I chose to quit my job to start a business, but I have broken with my parents and put all my money into it.

“Isn’t that Ning Chuxia? By the way, what about Lin Weina?” Kuang Tianhao remembered the existence he was most assured of, he couldn’t help but scolded Zhou Papi for stealing luck, and he had to ask him one by one. Inquiry and payment of luck value, this stealing luck really does not have the slightest awareness of the community of interests.

After eliminating the other options, the only option left was. Kuang Tianhao never thought that the problem would be Lin Wei.

It was clear that the skills he took from Lin Wei did not change color at all.

Sending out the processed video as usual, Ning Chuxia stretched out to confirm someone’s flight.

Her small studio has officially started operation, but now it is not as good as before. There are many different types of anchors in the industry. It is a dream to make it popular without spending money.

Of course, this can also be a direct loan wave. Ning Chuxia didn’t dare to gamble, but deliberately slowed down the speed.

Through the tests over this period of time, she has basically figured out the scope of the system on Kuang Tianhao’s body.

That system is not as sensitive as she imagined, and even a little dull, and the system’s judgment criteria seem to be still influenced by the original body.

For example, several problems that appeared one after another some time ago, seemingly coincidental, are actually impossible to be so coincidental.

Whether it was being fired or backstabbed by his parents, it wouldn’t actually affect Ning Chuxia, but it was definitely a blow to the original body.

Ning Chuxia is actually looking forward to Kuang Tianhao to use this trick again. At that time, he doesn’t know if the face-loving father and mother Ning can put down their face and admit that they can’t, or collect a debt.

Speaking of which, Ning Chuxia opened the family group where she was the only one left——

In the past, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother would occasionally persuade her to “return when she lost her way”, go back to apologize to the boss, and strive to return to the company to continue to serve their face.

Ning Chuxia didn’t expect these two to be quite resilient. She took the time to label and group all the people related to Ning’s father and Ning’s mother, and then pulled up such a warm and sweet family group.

Then, she started frantically launching “Chicken Soup for the Soul” and MLM copywriting, and every time she posted a few eoji emoticons below, commenting something: “Thank you relatives and friends for your support, everyone will help me forward a lot. Like and be grateful, such a good article and a good opportunity are worth sharing with everyone around you.” At the same time, he did not forget to post it in the group and call his parents to share their feelings.

As for the articles or copywriting thrown into the group, Ning Chuxia is also very particular about it. She was afraid that she was not good at it, so she went to find a lot of copywriting for reference.

“What should I do if my entrepreneurship is looked down upon? Don’t be afraid, you have to tell him loudly that my parents and grandfather didn’t work hard enough back then, and I couldn’t become the second or third generation of the rich with ease, but now I will never give up. Will save my kids from being exhausted at my age!”

“Every day people say that their money is not enough, but they can’t see how hard people who are richer than them are working hard. If you don’t start a business, you may still have a happy land in front of you, but you lose the ability to read poetry and the distance. great opportunity.”

“Back then, my entrepreneur friend Ay advised me not to be crazy, but now I live in a villa and drive a sports car, but she still lives in that house and wonders how much risk it will take. You are not a billionaire, you are worried What bankruptcy? The worst is to start all over again, but the best is to have an infinite future.”

“How many people lament every day that they have not been able to get on the train to make a fortune, that they have missed stocks and funds, and that they have no connections and know people, but it is they who are reluctant to lend a helping hand when their relatives and friends start a business, and are reluctant to give up. How can people with small money make big money? Cherish the friends who are willing to lead you to develop, these days money is not everything, opportunity is!”

Of course, these are basically fallacies, but Ning Chuxia’s purpose is to make Ning’s father and Ning’s mother unbearable. She has not finished the 108 sets of copywriting she prepared, and Ning’s father and Ning’s mother both quit the group. Even block her.

Presumably now, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother should finally recognize the reality that their daughter will never give them face anymore.

Glancing at the computer screen in front of her, there were already a lot of reminders on the web page. Ning Chuxia still chose the live broadcast sales industry she liked the most back then, but in order to build her own account, she first chose to publish articles on various platforms. Gather popularity with videos.

The first category that Ning Chuxia chose was clothing, followed by beauty.

Now the outfit videos she posted can basically attract traffic to the store. There are already unknown stores, so the netizens who went shopping asked for her account name and started to contact them for cooperation.

Ning Chuxia didn’t plan to lower the quality of the videos and articles. She worked steadily and accumulated a lot so that she would not crash halfway in the future.

Now her account doesn’t seem to have many fans, but in fact, the quality has surpassed that of many big marketers. Once she enters a virtuous circle, as long as she has no problems, she can continue to move forward.

Looking back on the phone, Ning Chuxia thought for a while and then posted several Weibo posts. She had confirmed it beforehand. Kuang Tianhao didn’t buy the air ticket after filming the show. Now he should be sitting on the plane and preparing to go to the next one. journey.

This celebrity is different. The itinerary is basically public, and Ning Chuxia doesn’t even need to waste time to check.

After posting on Weibo, Ning Chuxia put on her mobile phone and started to prepare for the evening live broadcast. She casually wrote the words Kuang’s family on the cover of the kraft paper bag she pressed on the table. According to the unevenness of the paper bag, she could see what should be inside. Is put a u disk.

Her opponent this time is not alone – no matter how you interpret this sentence, what Ning Chuxia has to do is to calculate every step of the way, and kill him with the last blow.

“Wei Wei, what happened to you?”

“It’s nothing.” Only then did Lin Wei notice that her movements were a bit big, and she embarrassedly apologized to her roommate, but she couldn’t help looking at the phone viciously.

She is so angry!

Her fans are so good, why can’t they see the real face of the scumbag?

It didn’t take long, but Lin Wei already felt that her friendship with Xiao Xia had transcended time, space and distance.

Not only does she learn about Xiao Xia’s life from her Weibo and private messages every day, but she also sneaks into Xiao Xia’s live broadcast room and various social accounts, never missing one.

This is her most useful way of decompressing in the face of all the pressure and helplessness. Every time she sees Xiao Xia, no matter how popular she is, she always conscientiously publishes what she has prepared, even if it looks 10,000 times more shoddy than her. Things are red hot, and her mentality is also very peaceful.

“Everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is also difficult to start again! Who doesn’t want to go smoothly? I don’t have this luck, but I have this little persistence.”

When she looked at Xiao Xia, she seemed to be looking in the mirror. She was also at the bottom of the valley. Even though she still had savings, education, and family support, she was ashamed in front of Xiao Xia. With such encouragement, she could survive the setbacks.

Last night, the play they prepared was reviewed by the teacher for the first time. After the performance, she was called out by the teacher.

The teacher is very gratified: “All roads lead to Rome. If this road doesn’t work, let’s take another one. It hurts to give up, and it hurts to come again, but it’s better than staying there forever. Lin Wei, I think you made the right choice. .”

She was so happy that she didn’t sleep well all night. In her dream, she returned to the big screen and gave a hearty performance.

But how beautiful the dream is, how bad the reality is.

Lin Wei felt that he was so angry that he could jump two meters high after reading the few Weibo posts that Xiao Xia just posted!

“The work is over, should he be done? But the phone never rang. I don’t know what I want. Maybe it’s an answer? Maybe it’s a determination.”

“I asked carefully like a pervert, and only then did I know your whereabouts. Sometimes I really feel that I am so humiliating and ridiculous. You should be on the plane now, right? Occasionally, very occasionally, do you think of me? I think Would you like to explain to me what happened that day?”

“I received a call to ask me if I had a loan or not. My friends don’t understand why I always answer unfamiliar calls, even the numbers marked as spam calls. But you know that, right? I’m here Waiting for you, this secret used to be sweet, but now it seems to be more and more bitter.”

She really wanted to grab Xiao Xia and wake up, look at her friend, wouldn’t she wake up? Why don’t you wake up Xiao Xia?

Angrily Lin Wei typed and deleted it. While he was thinking about it, an unfamiliar number called in.

Lin Wei suddenly became nervous. There were people in the dormitory. She looked around: “I’ll go out and throw some garbage.”

With such a reluctant reason, she picked up the unfinished snacks on the table and walked out, and she took the phone carefully until she reached the unoccupied stairwell.

Although this call may not necessarily be from someone, what if it is? At most, it’s just being harassed!

Lin Wei, who answered the phone, heard the unfamiliar and familiar voice on the other side, and felt that pink bubbles would pop out of his whole body.

“How long has it been since you called me? Really, you don’t know how hard it is for me during this time.”

“Didn’t I film a variety show a few days ago? I just got off the plane. No, I’ll call you as soon as I get off the plane.”

Lin Wei, who was smirking with his phone in his hands, was suddenly stunned by this keyword, and the sweet atmosphere disappeared, and the question that appeared in his mind the last time appeared again.

Her boyfriend is no better than Ning Chuxia’s boyfriend, right?

She also felt that Ning Chuxia was pitiful, but what about her? When she was most helpless, Kuang Tianhao was also not by her side, wasn’t he? What a scumbag in this world.

On the phone, Kuang Tianhao’s voice was the same as before, but it was a little cold to Lin Wei. He gave countless cares, but he refused to leave any trace like before.

Maybe she’s paranoid? Lin Wei counted it carefully, Kuang Tianhao never called her name on the phone once, was he just so protective of her?

When they first got together, the two of them were a combination of weak men and strong women. At that time, Kuang Tianhao was so confused, and the works he filmed were not broadcast. She should be the one who was worried that it would affect her career after it was released, right?

She remembered the Weibo posted by Ning Chuxia——

“A woman’s sixth sense tells me that you should have had a good impression of her, but in front of me, you affirmed to us that you are just brothers and sisters, I still remember the shock she received when you said this, I really I can’t help thinking, maybe you have done a lot of things that misunderstood her? Unfortunately, even if she is just a younger sister, she, like me, doesn’t have any evidence that we have been so eager to communicate. “

“I even feel like I’m falling in love with my own delusions, the phone is unfamiliar, WeChat is not there… Are we really together?”

The distance from the dormitory here is just enough to get a little wifi, Lin Wei searched for how to record the phone call, and followed the prompts.

She didn’t want to just fall in love with “Blank”.

“Tianhao, I’m really happy that you can call me this. All the pressure before is gone.”

Kuang Tianhao chuckled: “Fool, I’ve been here all the time, but I was too busy before, and I was afraid of disturbing your shooting.”

“Tell me about the show you’re shooting this time, and I don’t know when I’ll have the opportunity to shoot the show again.”

“It’s just an ordinary variety show, there’s nothing special worth talking about, I have to say…”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, don’t talk about it. By the way, I remember that this show was filmed on the beach in L city, right? I read the weather forecast and it was fine except for the first day. These days are very sunny, so don’t get sunburned. , the ultraviolet rays are very strong in that place.”

After the phone call ended, Lin Wei also ended the recording. Only then did she realize what she had done impulsively to violate other people’s sex, but after struggling for a long time, the delete button was still not pressed, unless…she didn’t know either. Unless there is something, she will definitely keep this recording, just as a memorial.

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