She Who Became Immortal

012 – Interlude: Junos I

For Junos Yunofeliza, Janus Yunofeliza was not just a father; he was more importantly a chieftain.

In the realm of the demon race, names differ from those of the human race.

The leader of the demon race is the Demon King, unlike in the human world where multiple kings exist.

The Yunofeliza tribe was known for its strength, rationality, courage, and composure.

Originally, they were a group bound by violence. Having influence among the demon race meant nothing other than being powerful.

Exceptions existed, such as the fairy species protected by law, but fundamentally, strength was the virtue and greatness of the demon race.

Nevertheless, they were merely a tribe.

Compared to the trusted confidants directly under the Demon King or special tribes known as nobles, even the Yunofeliza tribe led by Junos's father, chieftain Janus, couldn't measure up.

Strength was essential, yet there were always those stronger, beyond reach.

A value system relying solely on strength inherently harbored contradictions. To obey the strong and subjugate the weak was not true strength.

Strength manifested in various forms. Junos understood this, and perhaps his father Janus intended to convey that message as well.

The Yunofeliza tribe held significant influence, and Janus adeptly wielded that power. He resolved disputes using the tribe's name and intervened to stop abuses, even resorting to violence when necessary.

While not uncommon among the demon race, it wasn't unheard of either.

Few rulers preferred unnecessary destruction in their lands, although such rulers did exist among the demon race, they were scarce.

In other words, Janus governed with benevolence.

This approach might have provoked something.

Before they knew it, the Yunofeliza tribe was singled out in a summit and ordered to invade the human race.

It was a scheme orchestrated by a demon who clashed frequently with the Yunofeliza tribe, Magnus Yunofeliza.

He was a weakling who couldn't even match Janus if fought head-on. Yet, that man displayed a type of "strength" Janus lacked.

In that sense, perhaps the Yunofeliza tribe was considered "weak."

The human race, in comparison to the demon race, is much weaker and has a shorter lifespan.

However, throughout history, there has never been a case where exiled tribes successfully took over human territory. In other words, the orders to invade the human race for the tribes meant certain death. Junos grasped this reality.

Or so he believed.

Somewhere in his heart, there was contempt for the human race. Indeed, on the battlefield, they proved to be truly weak, unable to withstand a single blow from Junos's sword.

Yet, they had managed to burn down the Yunofeliza tribe along with their allies.

It was a magical assault.

The battlefield, strewn with fallen soldiers, was laden with traps.

Whenever the humans attacked with reduced numbers due to their weakness, they would abandon their allies and unleash powerful magic. The tribe members couldn't resist and were reduced to ashes.

What an unstable display of 'strength' this was.

Perhaps, in a one-on-one confrontation with an enemy magician, Junos would never falter. That was the expectation. Yet, on the battlefield against the humans, victory seemed elusive.

The Yunofeliza tribe's invasion had been ongoing for about thirty days.

They would cautiously advance into the hills, strategically reducing human numbers, and retreat into the forest before facing the brunt of powerful magic—returning to the forest, they hunted monsters and wild animals for sustenance.

It was a quagmire.

The human population continued to swell with each passing day.

No matter how carefully they fought, those struck by human magic would perish. Their numbers dwindled.

The once numerous tribes had now been halved.

It was at this critical juncture that she appeared.

A goddess of villainy known as Euphemia Grimwood.

Euphemia Grimwood appeared to be a delicate young girl at first glance.

It was Junos who stumbled upon Euphemia ensnared in a trap set for wild animals, but she was always an enigmatic figure.

Trapped, she spoke calmly while suspended upside down in mid-air.

She exhibited no fear whatsoever.

Her face bore a defiant smile that seemed incongruous with her delicate, flower-like appearance.

And thus, the Yunofeliza tribe underwent a transformation.

Strong, rational, courageous, and composed.

Euphemia Grimwood shattered their preconceptions with mere words.

Yes, it was as she stated.

Junos harbored no desire to die according to unjust "laws of the country"; he sought escape. What was the purpose of it all? They had undoubtedly lost at the meeting. They were deemed weak. Hence, they were commanded to invade the human race.

If their adversaries wanted them dead—why not simply kill them?

Yet, they were not afforded even that dignity. They were forsaken.

Nevertheless, they continued to march towards their ordained demise.

Weak, emotional, fragile, and bewildered.

Such was the state of the Yunofeliza tribe.

Euphemia Grimwood met her demise at the hands of his father, Janus.

Junos bore witness to the brutality.

Her visage obliterated, her skull crushed against a tree.

Yet, she remained alive.

Impaled through the abdomen, her blood and entrails spilling forth, her spine shattered and discarded.

Yet, she persisted.

And she smiled.

A smile that seemed to mock.

A smile that seemed to pity.

A smile that seemed to beckon.

A terribly saccharine, gentle smile.

"I obey commands. I am of the demon race. I am of the Yunofeliza tribe. Because I am a subject of the Demon Lord... That's what I'll do. That's what I've decided. But son, you mustn't do the same," Father Janus uttered, his expression bearing a gravity unseen before.

Even amidst betrayal, he had never worn such a demeanor.

For the target of his animosity was unmistakable.

And the course of action clear.

Because victory or defeat was assured.

But now, circumstances had shifted.

"Tomorrow, a choice will be made. Those who wish to stay, stay; those who wish to depart, depart. It should have been this way from the outset. Even among the fallen, there must have been some who harbored the desire to leave."

"Chief... that's not true," Junos countered, shaking his head. He couldn't accept it.

And it wasn't merely an attempt at consolation.

"Those who passed before did not encounter Euphemia Grimwood. They did not hear her words. Hence, they should have been able to meet their end with dignity. They should have faced death unflinchingly. At the very least, they wouldn't have perished as we are now."

That was his conviction.

A realization dawning upon him.

"So, Chief... no, Father. If you choose to go, do so as a Yunofeliza, strong, rational, courageous, and composed. You told me not to follow suit. That's why I... I implore you... to uphold... telling you..."

Despite his efforts to contain himself, he failed, and tears escaped.

To shed tears... indeed, he was 'weak' after all.

So he acknowledged.

And thus, Junos, no longer bound to the Yunofeliza tribe, embarked for the land of the beastmen alongside Euphemia Grimwood.


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