She Who Became Immortal

015 – She, Who Befriended The Fox Spirit

Imagine a big entrance, but let's skip the boring stuff.

Here's what happened: Euphemia Grimwood got burned by Serena the Fox's Spirit, but then kept coming back to say the same thing over fifty times: "Let's be friends."

Honestly, it got old real quick.

Serena wasn't having a good time either.

She was like, "What's happening!? Who are you!?"

At first, Serena stayed calm, but then she started to look more and more surprised. It was kind of funny... but not really.

Oh, and Junos, who was waiting in the background, started off mad every time I got burned, but then he just looked scared.

Can you guess why?

I was butt-naked.

After getting zapped by the fox's blue fire, I kept coming back naked about forty times.

"Stop it already! Just burn up!"

Serena kept trying to burn me, but it didn't work. She was wearing a fancy outfit like a priestess, and it moved around as she attacked.

Boom, boom, boom—three blue sparks flew, making a fire around me.

It felt like my skin and bones were melting together.

Euphemia Grimwood discards the charred remnants of "her" and strides towards the fox, grinning maliciously.


I could see the fear on Serena's face.

Even though the girl with golden hair looked cute, seeing her come back after being killed multiple times was terrifying.

But there was more to be scared of.

Serena was running out of magic.

She had cast her fire spell over fifty times, which was more than even the powerful "Twin Gillettes" could do. They were young and still learning, but even they couldn't match up to that. Imagine having more power than them!

But Serena was reaching her limit.

It was just a matter of time.

"So, what now, Fox Lady Serena? Your fire isn't working, and here comes a human girl—"

Tap, tap, tap.

Barefoot, empty-handed, and completely naked.

I walk up to Serena and gently hold her face. She looks like she might collapse from exhaustion. It's almost like we're about to kiss and I would love to, but that's not what we're here for. The Yunofeliza demons are waiting for us, and I don't plan on taking anything from Serena.

"Now, what's our next move, Fox Lady Serena? If you have any tricks up your sleeve, go ahead and use them. But it won't change much. You'll just get tired. If you have something to offer, show me. Euphemia Grimwood is watching."

"Are you some kind of monster...!?"

Serena speaks through gritted teeth. She's frustrated, scared, embarrassed, confused, and maybe a little curious.

"Why say such mean things? Look at me, I'm just a human girl."

I say this with a smile, still holding her face.

My smile must have surprised her, or at least that's what I think. Who knows?

"Hmph... You want to talk, huh? Fine, I'll talk. I'll even admit it was impressive that your demon friend stayed out of this. Follow me."

Serena pushes my hand away and heads back to the cottage on the hill.

The house is cozy but well-kept. You can tell they take good care of it. It's small, and they seem to do the cleaning themselves.

"Kirina, find a kimono for this girl. I have some old ones that should fit."

Serena calls out to a girl in the back, who comes forward with a piece of cloth. It's clearly too long to be a kimono.

"Is she your daughter or sister? Sorry, I'm not sure how to dress her."

"Neither. She's a friend's child. Kirina, please help her get dressed. I'll make some tea. And you, the demon guy, sit quietly."

"It's Junos, not 'the demon guy.' You're Serena, and she's Kirina. Let's wait patiently."

"Hmph. I know you can wait."

Serena's comment likely refers to our earlier game where Junos didn't intervene, even when I died. It was tense at first, wondering if he'd attack Serena.

But that's not important now.

With Kirina's help, I change into the clothes Serena offered, then return to the living room and sit on the floor. Finally, it's time to talk.

Humanity often overlooks beastfolk, unlike demons, about whom there's some understanding, even among nobles like myself. Perhaps those in the Eckhart frontier or the upper ranks of the Louisse Kingdom know more.

Knowing your enemies is crucial.

But when it comes to beastfolk, there's a gap in knowledge. Even at the King's Capital Academy, they weren't discussed. I've never encountered them in the Louisse Kingdom. Maybe they wander the world, but they tend to avoid settled areas, as Serena explained.

Currently, various races known as "beastfolk" are under the rule of the Lion King, Randall Kruger. They've formed communities but not nations.

Instead, they follow the Lion King's rule. He acts as their highest authority, settling disputes between groups. There's no appeal; it's his word or death.

"Doesn't this sound familiar, Junos?" I remarked, but he didn't say much. Serena seemed puzzled, so I let her continue.

It's a similar tale. The foxfolk, once living peacefully, were provoked by another race. They fought back, like I did earlier, using their foxfire. This led to inter-species conflict, which the Lion King was called upon to resolve.

The foxfolk, confident in their innocence, faced the Lion King. But they were unfairly persecuted in the end.

So, the foxfolk clan was disbanded, and the kitsune Serena was ordered to guard the frontier. Serena doesn't know what happened to the other foxfolk and where they went.

The only exception is Kirina.

"Ten years ago. Even though we shouldn't have known each other's whereabouts, an old friend came asking. So, they entrusted Kirina to me. They said they had things to do on their own. They also said they would eventually set me free."

With a self-deprecating exhale, Serena remarks.

Kirina, who isn't really her foster parent, was staring at me intently. She seemed to understand the story so far and didn't appear particularly bored. And perhaps because of that... shouldn't she be looking at Serena in this scene?

The one who abandoned her and the one who raised her.

Kirina doesn't seem to have any strong feelings about that at all.

Rather, her interest seems to be more focused on me.

"So, what about you guys?"

While sipping on a herbal tea made from wild grass, Serena asks.

"We're in a similar situation. Well, more like Junos is."

Since we're already on the topic, I decide to talk about the fate of the Yunofeliza clan. Half of them died, and half of them abandoned their names.

"So, what does a nameless demon want in a place like this?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? They wanted to settle here, so they came to get permission. If it seemed impossible, they would have looked for another place, but it seems like this place will do. Wouldn't it be fine to let the demon folks live on the other side of the river?"


Serena gives a puzzled look, as if to say, "What is this brat talking about?"

Lately, it feels like Serena has been enjoying making that kind of face.

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