She Who Became Immortal

021 – She, Who Went Kaboom

As I leisurely descended the hill and entered the Orc Village, not a single werewolf noticed me.

Being beastmen of werewolves, I had assumed they would have an excellent sense of smell, but perhaps that wasn't the case. Well, if they possessed the intelligence of humans along with the sense of smell of dogs, being a heroine in this scene might be a bit challenging.

Anyway, the scale of Sutin Village that lay before my eyes was quite impressive. Montego was probably close to three meters tall, and even if he was an exceptionally large orc, it was still a place where many beastmen, each over two and a half meters tall, resided.

In other words, the roads were broad, and the houses were spacious.

Of course, the actual size of the houses was much smaller compared to my family estate, Grimwood House. If I were to compare it based on my knowledge from my previous life, they were probably as big as a small school, so it was wrong to compare village houses with them.

So, what was large?

Firstly, the doors.

There were wooden swing doors installed as if some sort of harassment, but even if I were to push or pull them, they probably wouldn't budge.

Overall, the scale seemed off—though it only seemed off—it made me feel like I had fallen into Alice's Wonderland.

And as I walked with a slight excitement, I came across the assembly hall. It was quite a large single-story building, and I could see a werewolf man standing near the entrance.

"Hey, you there, woof woof!"

Without hesitation or fear, I boldly called out.

So, I found myself in the house of the village chief, guided there.

Prompted by the guard, I entered the house and immediately found myself in what could be called the living room. Sitting directly on the floor at its center was probably the werewolf chieftain, Zamba Broad. Opposite him sat Serena.

Irrelevantly, when a fox person with six tails sits on the floor, I feel like using those tails as a pillow.

But let's set that aside for now hehe~.

What caught my attention was that there was a fox person beside Zamba Broad who was different from Serena. Unlike Serena, they had only one tail, and unlike Serena, there was no sign of wariness towards the werewolves.

But well, let's set that aside too.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Euphemia Grimwood. Are you the ringleader of the group that attacked the Orc Village Sutin?"

I said it confidently, as if it were just a formality.

Zamba looked extremely displeased, and Serena seemed to exhale a sigh of relief. The fox woman looked genuinely puzzled.

Somehow, I began to feel that there might not be anything interesting here after all.

"So, what brings a human lady who called herself 'Euphemia' here? I highly doubt you thought there was a fun tea party going on here."

Zamba, clearly in a bad mood, spread his arms wide, then shrugged dramatically.

"You fool. What's needed for a fun tea party is delightful company. An uncouth ruffian who doesn't even bother to reintroduce himself for tea chat? Keep your jokes to yourself, you mongrel. Just because I'm cute doesn't mean you, a worthless cur, can take liberties."

"Hey, Serena. Who's this brat? I hear she's an acquaintance of yours, but you know I'm not the patient type," Zamba said, averting his gaze from me and addressing Serena.

The kitsune gave a small wry smile and nodded slowly.

"Yeah, that's right. This girl is my neighbor. If you want to kill her, go ahead and do it. If you can. By the way, Euphemia, it seems Zamba's tribe has made some deals with the humans. They consider orcs as livestock, harpies as slaves, and they even sell the minotaurs as slaves."

"Hmm... An uncouth ruffian lacking manners would be tolerable, but an ignorant fool who doesn't understand reason? A hopeless brute, indeed. No, that's disrespectful to dogs. In that case—"


Before I could finish my sentence, Zamba lunged at me. Rising from his cross-legged position, he propelled himself off the floor, grabbed my throat with his right hand, and slammed me against the wall.


However, it seemed to be moderated considerably. My neck wasn't severed, nor did my back shatter against the wall, leaving my spine crushed.

"Hey, brat. Who the hell are you? Just a brat like you, why the hell did you come here? What's your purpose? Who sent you?" Zamba's gaze pierced through me.

What I saw in his eyes was probably not discomfort from my provocation but rather... suspicion, perhaps.

Ah, I see, Zamba must be suspecting someone who might be behind the cutest, Euphemia Grimwood. That's why he didn't try to kill me in a fit of anger.

"I am Euphemia Grimwood. Nothing more, nothing less, just a simple beauty. So, Mr. Chief of the mongrels, how about introducing yourself?"

"I'm Zamba Broad. The name of the werewolf who'll kill you."

"Kill? Did you say kill? Me? A worthless cur like you? Wahahaha!"

I chuckled.

What a boring man.

This guy isn't any different from the bandits around here.

"If you can, go ahead and try. But before that, let me talk a bit more. Zamba, about those humans you made deals with... of course, I don't know about the 'business partners,' but I can tell you one thing. Humans have no intention of honoring any agreements with worthless curs like you from the start."


"I don't know who they dealt with, or what they demanded in exchange for turning beastmen into livestock or slaves."

"They sought military strength," Serena added.

"Military strength?"

"Their goal is to overthrow the Lion King. They intend to borrow military strength from the humans for that purpose."

The werewolves' goal is a coup d'état.

I had heard about that from Montego.

But—to turn beastmen into slaves and hand them over to humans for that purpose?

To borrow military strength from humans in exchange?

"Hahaha! Hahaha! How ridiculous!"

I burst into laughter involuntarily.

How can I not laugh at something like this?

"What's so funny!?" Zamba's grip tightened on my throat.

Normally, such a grip would make someone stop breathing, or perhaps lose consciousness due to lack of blood flow to the brain, or maybe even break their neck before that.

And yet, my laughter didn't stop.

"What's funny? Hahaha! You don't even understand that? Then let me enlighten you, Zamba Broad. One reason is because you're pathetic fool! If you want to defeat your King, just go straight to where he is and challenge him to a fight. Surely, even the Lion King has some pride, he wouldn't just stay silent when a worthless cur like you blatantly picks a fight. Zamba, why didn't you go to the King directly? The answer is simple, you avoided a direct confrontation with Randall. Because you were scared. Scared of losing. Scared of the disgrace of losing. At that point, you're already a loser."


Zamba's right hand exerted even more force, crushing my throat.

My windpipe was crushed, my neck bones shattered, and my lovely head twisted at an impossible angle.

The hand released its grip.

My body crumbled.

By the time my buttocks touched the floor, my neck was back to its original position.

"Hahaha! You got pissed off because I hit the nail on the head, you loser! Haha! Uh-huh, uh-huh... Hey, Zamba Broad. Want to know another reason why I'm laughing so much?"


I detected a small amount of fear in Zamba's gritted teeth gaze.

Really, to be afraid of such a cute girl, he's quite rude.

"Humans are far more shameless, narrow-minded, cunning, and insatiable than you. They ignore all your interests, only think about their own, and seek only their own benefit. They use or kick aside others just to break promises. That's what humans are. With a loser like you who's so outstandingly pathetic, the only outcome is to be exploited. Too bad, Zamba... Haha, hahaha!"

"Shut the hell up!"

Zamba's claws on his right hand extended with a sound like a click.

The moment I recognized that, his arm was already swinging, and my body was being cut along three slashes. But, really, wouldn't one claw be enough instead of bothering with three?

Anyone would die if their upper and lower halves were severed anyway.

Spilling a large amount of blood and dropping my fresh entrails plop plop, my upper body rolled on the floor. Despite my body being lightweight, it was still a human body. There was a dull thud as it hit the ground... well, it didn't matter.

Without bothering to check if my lower half was still attached, I laughed and shouted.

"Hahaha! Good, a choice fitting for a beast. Isn't it wonderful? It's my favorite time, the time for violence. I hate violence, but it's much better than a tea party with losers. Hey, Serena! Se-ree-na! It's time for the fox's magic! Burn down the walls or the ceiling with your specialty magic! Make it as flashy as possible, please!"

The next moment, my vision turned pure white.

It was because Serena detonated me along with everything else.


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