Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v2 Chapter 1 - The first imperial capital

Dan Taixuan, a mysterious woman who combines beauty and wisdom, has gone to immortality, leaving an endless legend in Dantai City. Chen Nan stood on the square and felt lost.

“Why … why do you treat me like that?” Xian Fan sighed as he separated. Chen Nan followed behind Chu Yue and the little princess, and walked into the main palace of Dantai City.

Looking at his distraught look, the little princess cried out dissatisfiedly: “You are not a scum, you are still a man. I said that after returning to the imperial capital, I will find someone to restore your skills. Why are you still so lifeless, hum, Stinky thief, stingy ghost! “

“Yu’er must not be rude to Son Chen.” Chu Yue said with concern: “Is Son Chen too tired to travel? Otherwise, we will stop here for two days.”

Chennan shook his head blankly and said, “Let’s go on the road quickly.”

“Alright, go back to the imperial capital a little earlier, and restore your skills to Son Chen.”

Chennan left the ancient city of Dantai in confusion. In the next two days, he seemed to have lost his soul. His eyes were empty and there was no trace of vitality.

It wasn’t until three days later that a thunder sounded in his ear, and he recovered like a divine initiation. The sky was dark with clouds rolling, and the waves were tumbling. Dozens and hundreds of golden snakes were rushing between the clouds. Echoes in his heart.

In an instant, Chen Nan had a trace of enlightenment, time passed by, the years passed, the elapsed elapsed forever, it is impossible to look back, the existence still exists, only the existence is true. People cannot always live in the past. Only by grasping the present can we not regret the past …

At this time, the true qi that had already dried up in his body suddenly revived like a dead tree, and the weak qi was free in his body like silkworm pupae. Slowly, the subtle true qi gradually grew up, continually circulating in his body, flowing continuously, like a trickle, like a light breeze.

The skill that was originally transformed by the little princess instantly returned to the beginning, and I looked through the inside to see that the real Qi in his body was more pure than before. It disappeared from him. After a long time, Chen Nan’s excited mood slowly calmed down. Not only did his skill return to his original state, but his mood was also bright, sweeping away the haze before.

Heavy rain fell down, a water curtain between heaven and earth, Chu Yue and his team were temporarily trapped in a small town, and five hundred cavalry took all the inns in the town.

The little princess is happy like a little angel, jumping and jumping, not at all like the deep-witted little devil.

“Oh, great, it’s raining, so cool.”

She cheered and greeted Chu Yue, saying: “Sister, don’t hide in the house, come out quickly, you see how cool it is.”

Chu Yue walked into the rain, and the dense raindrops did not fall on her body. She slid aside three inches outside her body, and the invisible body shielded the rain from the true air.

Chennan felt a shock in her heart, secretly suspicious, before he had sensed the breath of the monk in Chu Yue’s body, but at this time she showed the true spirit of the high and deep warrior.

“Did she practice martial arts?”

Chu Yue caught the little princess ’s arm in the rain and dragged her towards the house. “Look at what you are like now. Is there a little princess’s phoenix? Like a little wild boy who is unattended, Known by the father and mother, I will not scold you … “

“Hey …” Chen Nan stood at the window and couldn’t help laughing.

It was just then that the little princess turned back and saw his smile. She said angrily: “Dare thief, scum, how dare you laugh at me, see how I can clean you up …”

The unruly little princess was reluctantly pulled into the room by Chu Yue.

After midnight, the clouds close and the rain disperses, and all the sounds are still, the night sky like water is shining brightly.

Chennan stood quietly in front of the window, feeling the tranquility of the night.

“There may not be a rainbow after the wind and rain, but there will definitely be hope and light. Dan Taixuan, you have stepped into the realm of fairy tales. It is really not bad for me to be treated by heaven. One day I will break through the void, wait. I……”

The east of Tianyuan mainland, which is the original fairyland of the mainland, after numerous flames and wars, the heroes stood side by side and the nations separated. However, three of these big powers accounted for three quarters of the entire Eastern territory. The three powers are Chu in the west, Baiyue in the north, and Anping in the southeast. The three big powers are not bordered and separated by countless small powers, but the vast majority of small powers are affiliated with the three superpowers. Chu Kingdom, Baiyue Kingdom, and Anping Kingdom are the three great nations with equal strength. They have been in peace for the past ten years or so, and no major wars have broken out.

Since Chu is located in the west and borders on the west, its capital has become one of the hub cities connecting the east and the west. There is a constant flow of customers from east and west, and the prosperity of business makes the city prosperous. The population of the city is not less than one million, and it is full of traffic on weekdays. The country’s material resources are continuously transported here from a grand canal.

Chu Yue and Chen Nan and their entourage came out of the Chu Kingdom after ten days, overlooking the city walls of Pingyang in the distance. It was like a continuous Great Wall, majestic and magnificent. The towers dotted on it are grand and magnificent.

As he got closer to Pingyang City, Chennan’s heart was more and more shocked. The capital of Chu State was more magnificent than the most magnificent Huaxia City he had seen 10,000 years ago.

Pingyang City Wall is 16 meters high and 12 meters wide at the top. The wall is covered with blue bricks, thick, solid, and strong. There are towers, arrow towers, and gate towers built on the gates, which are majestic and majestic. Outside the city wall there is a moat forty meters wide and ten meters deep. In the moat, the blue waves are rippling and little boats are flying.

Chennan was deeply shocked by the magnificent momentum of the Chu capital.

“Hey, the scum has revived. Have n’t seen Pingyang City, and have n’t read it from the book yet? Oh, I forgot, you guys have n’t read the book without learning it. Alas, you stink The thief is really … “The little princess deliberately looks like he hates iron.

Along the way, Chennan was ridiculed by the little princess. He could only comfort himself with spiritual victory: little girl, I do n’t know anything about you now, and one day you will fall into my hands …

Chu Yue looked at the younger sister of the man with a funny face, holding her little hand: “Yuer …”

“Know-Tao-sister, sister-sister!” The little princess whispered a long tail, and then mumbled with a slightly inaudible voice: “Always protect him, this guy is not just able to pull off the Hou Yi The bow, but I have n’t caught it yet. Well, sooner or later I want him to look good. “

Chu Yue gave her a white look and nodded her forehead with her hand, saying, “You!”

The city of Pingyang is full of traffic and pedestrians, and there are endless streams of pedestrians. There are many shops on both sides of the road, a scene of prosperity.

The emperor of the Chu Kingdom had already been informed. Not only did the eldest daughter Xi Xun Zhao, but also the little princess who had run away from home secretly, she was very happy and sent someone out to meet him.

When the greeted people arrived, Chu Yue and his party had already entered the city, but at this time the little princess was gone. Chu Yue was frightened, thinking that the naughty sister slipped again. When she was secretly anxious, the little princess appeared from the edge of the road not far away.

Saw her three mutton skewers in her left hand and two icing sugar gourds in her right hand, and half a piece of chicken roll in her mouth, chasing the owners of two snack bars behind her.

“Little girl, the lamb skewers haven’t given money yet.”

“Little girl, you can’t grab my sugar cane gourd.”

“Sister … Give money.” The little princess chewed something in her mouth, ambiguous.

Chuyue felt so angry and funny. There was really no way to get this sister. The officials who came out from the imperial city also couldn’t help but can’t help but deter the little princess’s usual “magic power” and turned his head to the side.

The owners of the two snack bars saw a large number of Royal Guards appearing in front of them, and were dumbfounded. They couldn’t ask for money and turned into the crowd. Chu Yue ordered one of his men and took the money to follow.

Five hundred iron riders and a large number of royal guards ushered in from the imperial city protected the two princesses from walking slowly towards the imperial city. Chen Nan was treated as a guest of honor by Chu Yue, making him follow behind her and the little princess.

The imperial city of Chu is majestic, solemn, and magnificent, exuding the emperor’s spirit.

After entering the imperial city, Chu Yue said to Chen Nan: “Senior Chen, my father and emperor may want to meet you in a moment. You are here to wait patiently, don’t run around, you know?”

“Yes, Caomin knew.” Chen Nan didn’t understand the etiquette of the princes and ministers of Chu Kingdom very much. He had always spoken to Chu Yue in ordinary people’s tone. At this time, he entered the imperial city and was somewhat uneasy.

Chu Yue smiled and said, “You do n’t have to be nervous, I said that. Chu State treats those with outstanding talents as sergeants. Even in the face of a king, you do n’t have to pay a gift. Whatever you did before, you can do what you do now. No need to be cautious. “

Chennan breathed a sigh of relief. If he was asked to see a slightly larger official like someone else, he would poke his head to salute, and bother him.

At this time, the little princess had already disappeared in the palace, and Chu Yue smiled and turned away.

When Chu Yue came to the harem, she saw the little princess leaning against the queen’s arms and chattering about something. The emperor’s face was sitting opposite with a faint smile.

Chu Yue came forward and sat down after seeing the ceremony. Chu Han, the emperor of the Chu Kingdom, liked the little princess Chu Yu most of all his children, and the most relied on was the princess Chu Yue and the second prince Chu Wenfeng. He was very happy to see that the eldest daughter not only completed the mission of the West Tour, but also recovered the younger daughter.

The little princess talked endlessly, reciting the thrilling adventures along the way, and listening to the Empress of Chu followed with nervousness.

After she finished speaking, the emperor of the Chu Kingdom said with a deep voice: “I didn’t expect this kind of benevolence to be so daring, but I dared to have some evil intentions on the border of Chu. If I didn’t want to destroy the peace on the mainland for many years, Li Min was caught in the water. Among them, we must send people to congratulate the Moon Kingdom. “

Chu Yue said: “The father emperor was very worried that he shouldn’t be angry at the moment, and besides, Ren Jian didn’t get a little bit cheap. He suffered heavy losses, and he also suffered heavy embarrassment.”

Chu Han nodded and said, “Write down this account to Baiyue Kingdom first.” Then he said, “Oh, how did it seem that a person named Chen Nan participated in the whole process, Yuer, you said vaguely In the end, what is going on? “

Chu Yucha started the topic and said, “You are so good, Father and Emperor. For me, I want to conquer the Moon Kingdom.”

Chu Han said with a straight face, “Huh, you left the palace quietly this time. You don’t know how worried we are. How can I punish you?”

“Ah? When I first came back, I begged you not to punish me. Didn’t you agree? No, the father and emperor are the king of a country. There is no joke, you can’t regret it.” Then, the little princess caught the queen Her neck, she said softly, “Queen …”

“Okay, it ’s so big and boring, your father and emperor are talking to you, but you promise that similar things wo n’t happen again next time, or else do n’t say that your father and emperor will not promise you, even me Never forgive you. “

“Oh, I know that the mother is the best.” Then she kissed the queen’s face.

“You kid …”

The little princess turned to Chu Han and said with a smile: “Look, Father, this is the fiery fire lotus I picked for you after all the hardships and dangers.” Then she opened the jade box containing the fiery fire lotus. Suddenly the fragrance is tangy.

The emperor of the Chu Kingdom had no intention of punishing her. Seeing that she could come back safely, she was too happy to be too late. She just deliberately scared her. Seeing her weird look at this moment, she coaxed the queen out first, and came to please him again. A smile appeared on her face, and the color of doting was beyond words.

“You naughty …” Chu Han said, squeezing her pink face, then turned her head and said to Chu Yue: “Yue’er, is there anything unusual in the west?”

“No, all the cultivators from all countries entered the Luofeng Mountain Range, and did not stay in our Chu realm. It seems that they all went for the legendary unicorn, and no one was mischievous about our Chu border.”

“Oh, that’s fine. But it is indeed an extraordinary thing to discover the magical beast Qilin in the Luofeng Mountains. Is there really a saint to be born?”

Chu Yue smiled and said, “The wisest saint is not your father and emperor, don’t worry about it.”

Chu Han smiled and said, “How could you girl, like your sister, have your tongue slicked up? In fact, I am not very worried. Our Chu State has been in Cathay Pacific in recent years, and we expect nothing will happen.”

“Yes, Father and Emperor, this trip to the West, I found a wizard. Well, strictly speaking, it was the sister ’s credit, the sister discovered and caught this person.”

“Oh, who is there?”

The little princess rushed and said, “It’s a scum, a stupid thief. Without learning, there is no art, and I can’t even write words.”

Looking at Chu Yu’s anxious look, Chu Yue couldn’t help laughing. The little princess was ashamed and angry and said, “Sister, you must not say …”

“Haha …” The emperor and the queen laughed at the same time. They rarely saw the princess of the elf so embarrassed.

“What’s the matter with Yue’er?” The queen asked.

Chu Yue said: “Can Yu’er say?”

The little princess saw the look of the emperor and the empress with a look of hope and curiosity, and immediately deflated, saying, “Speak.”

Chu Yue told Chen Nan’s story originally, the emperor and the empress began to look angry, and then could not help showing a shocked look.

After listening to it for the last time, Chu Han said to Chu Yu: “No wonder your little naughty words are flashing. It turns out that there are still these things. According to what he did, **** ten thousand times, but it is a pity that he is a talent … … “

The Queen also said: “This man is really a wizard, as long as the descendant bow is in his hand, it is equivalent to a peerless master. However, his words and deeds are indeed **** ten thousand times.”

Chu Han said: “Yu’er, you really grew up. Under such circumstances, you can still think of him as a talent, leaving his life. You have matured, and I really don’t have to worry about you in the future. Now. “

Chu Yu said with a small mouth: “People have grown up already, but I really regret not killing him.”

Chu Han pondered for a while and said, “Leave him behind.”

Chu Yue also said: “I think he should be left, after all, talent is rare.”

The Queen said: “Then he must be sealed, and he should not be allowed to talk nonsense.”

Chu Yue said: “Through these few days of observation, I found that he is not the kind of unobstructed person, he should understand his situation.”

Queen said: “This is fine.”

Chennan had been waiting outside for a long time, and he did not see any news. He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he did not know that he had already turned around in Guimenguan. While he was in a state of anxiety, a maid came over and came to him and whispered, “Are you son Chen?”


Palace girl said: “The grand princess ordered me to take you into the palace, and at the same time asked me to tell you not to be nervous. You can see your majesty the emperor in a moment, as long as you speak respectfully.”

“Okay, I remember.”

Chen Nan was nervous because he had blamed the little princess, fearing the emperor’s blame, and he took a breath after hearing the words of the court lady.

Red walls and yellow tiles in the palace, carved beams and paintings, and brilliant gold. The buildings are scattered one after another, and are magnificent and magnificent.

He was summoned by Chu Emperor in the study. He glanced at the tall and mighty old man in front of him. Chen Nan knelt down on his knees and prostrately said: “Caomin has seen His Majesty the Emperor.”

“Flat body.”

“Your Majesty.” Chen Nan dropped his head and stood aside.

Chu Han’s face sank like water, and said coldly: “You used to be rude to my little daughter’s words and deeds, can this be the case?”

Chen Nan saw Khan suddenly on his face, and said, “Yes, Cao Min is stubborn.”

Chu Hansen said: “Do you know that your words and deeds have long been **** ten thousand times.”

The cold sweat on Chen Nan’s body soaked all the underwear.

“However, the eldest princess pleaded for you, saying that you live in the mountains and do n’t understand the etiquette and let me forgive you. I did n’t want to let you go, but Yuer also pleaded for you, saying that you are a personal talent, you can make up for it later. I did n’t kill you. “

“Your Majesty Xie forgives.”

Chu Han ’s voice was no longer cold, and his tone slowed down, saying: “You do n’t need to be afraid. I said I will forgive you, and I will never kill you again. Moreover, I have heard that you are really a talent, as long as you are in the future Work hard for me, I will never treat you badly. “

“Your Majesty.”

“Well, you do n’t have to be so cautious in the future, even if you see me, you do n’t have to give a big gift. From now on, you are already a member of the Chu Kingdom, and of course it is a Hidden Kingdom. You ca n’t mention it. Something. “Chu Han smiled on his face and said,” Oh, Chu has a talent like you. I’m really relieved. You don’t have to worry about the previous things, work hard, and I will definitely add you to the future. Jinjue. “

Chennan walked out of the palace and wiped a cold sweat. He sighed, “It’s dangerous. I almost said goodbye to this world and called ~~~” He let out a breath. But as he walked, the more he thought, the more he felt something was wrong.

“Almost made this old guy shock, slapped and rubbed three times. This old fox first made a mess, and then gave me a” candied jujube “to eat. Under the envy, I wanted to make me obedient. He sold his life. This old fox is really good at mastering art. It is indeed an old guy who has sat on the throne of the emperor for decades. “

“Mr. Chen, what are you mumbling about?” Chu Yue, dressed in white, fluttering, beautiful and elegant.

“Oh, nothing, I’m lamenting why the palace is so big, I’m about to turn.”

“Hehe, come with me, I will take you out and arrange your accommodation by the way.”

For this magnificent princess, Chen Nan felt good about him. Chu Yue took good care of him along the way, making him far away from the little princess’s “claw.” Looking at Chu Yue’s unparalleled face and amiable smile, he respectfully said, “Thank you, Your Highness Princess.”

Chu Yue smiled and led him out of the imperial palace. Outside the imperial city was the residence of the ministers of North Korea and China. The two of them came to a mansion with an extremely large area. The tall gatehouse is extraordinary, flanked by the mighty stone lions carved by white marble, and the plaques with red letters on the vermilion doors are hung on it.

Chu Yue said: “The people who can live here are strange people. Everyone has some special skills. You will live here in the future. At the beginning, you are not familiar with this place, and maybe you are not used to it. , But it will be better if the time is longer. “

Qishi Mansion is divided into countless independent small courtyards, unlike the grandeur and luxury in front of the mansion house. UU reading has a bit of a natural taste. Each small courtyard has its own unique garden view.

Those so-called strangers who saw Chu Yue only smiled and nodded when they saw Chu Yue.

Chennan ’s small courtyard was very quiet. A small piece of green bamboo was planted on the west side of the garden. A bamboo table and two stone chairs were displayed in the bamboo shadow. On the east side is a flower garden with a few strange stones in between.

Chennan asked: “I will live here in the future? Do you need me to do something?”

Chu Yue smiled and said: “You will live here for the time being. I will find someone to restore your skills in a few days. Then I will find someone to teach you some advanced martial arts so that you can better master the Hou Yi bow.”


“However, don’t run around, don’t break into their yard at random until you are not familiar with others.”

Chen Nanqi said: “What’s wrong?”

Chu Yue said: “Some of these people are intensively studying toxins, so that there are snakes and poisonous plants everywhere in the courtyard. They may be highly toxic if they are mistakenly entered; others may study magic, and powerful magical energy may be Will destroy the entire courtyard at any time; others … “

Chen Nanyue was more and more shocked to hear that there are all kinds of weird people living here, it is simply a settlement of a terrorist organization.

Finally, Chu Yue again said: “There are few guards here, but every day there are a few stunted Kishi who patrol in turns, so here is absolutely safe.”

Chennan screamed: “It’s over. I’m running away from the plan.

After Chu Yue was sent away, Chen Nan felt uneasy: The guy who played poison, and his snakes and insects would not run in my yard, right? There is also the saboteur who tinkers with magic, won’t it live next door to me?

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