Shen Mu [Divine Grave]

v2 Chapter 10 - Warlord Capital

In the early morning, Chen Nan opened his eyes when the first ray of sunlight entered the room. After washing, he began to meditate in the house to adjust the rate.

Kishi House All Kishis have received invitations from Sima House, and rushed to Sima House after breakfast. After the Kishi Mansion was empty, Chen Nan jumped up, and he had adjusted to his best state. He bowed behind his back and carried a long sword on his waist, striding out of the house.

The capital city of Chu is very prosperous. There are lots of cars on the street, and there are many shops on both sides of the street. The voices of buying and selling are endless.

Today is the day when Sima Lingkong, the son of Huwei General Sima Changfeng, and Nalan Ruoshui, the daughter of Zuo Xiang Nalan Wencheng, are married. Sima Changfeng and Nalan Wen become very powerful subjects. The number of soldiers patrolling the streets and lanes was several times higher than in the past.

Chennan didn’t go far in the noisy street, but was stopped by a team of soldiers with spears.

“Stop, who are you, why travel with a knife?”

“I am Chennan.”

The soldier in question looked back at his companion and said, “Chen Nan … Why are you so familiar?”

One of the soldiers said: “Is it the guardian of the defeated dragon knight Chen Shichen?”

“Exactly.” Chen Nan stretched out his hand to the ground in order to send them away as soon as possible. The sound of “呧” sent out a golden sword gas, and immediately hit the ground out of a deep hole.

“Ah, the rumored golden sword spirit … really Master of the Guardian Kingdom.” Several people exclaimed and hurriedly saluted.

Chennan waved his hand and said, “Get up. I’m going to attend Sima Lingkong’s wedding, leaving one person to lead the way for me, and others to continue patrolling.”

Guided by soldiers, no one stopped Chen Nan on the road. After arriving outside Sima Mansion, Chen Nan waved his hand and sent the soldier away.

The courtyard of Sima Mansion is tall and magnificent. The vermilion gate is affixed with a large “joy”. On both sides of the gate are two mighty stone lions carved from white jade. At this time, the front of the house is full of people, and there are endless stream of people entering and leaving, and those who can enter and leave are all distinguished and noble, most of them are celebrities of the imperial capital.

Chennan watched quietly not far from the Sima Mansion. He didn’t leave until the emperor drove into a side street. All the civil and military officials who attended the wedding were out of the house to greet Chu Han, the emperor of the empire. The grand appearance was staggering. The voice of “Long live” was endless, and it took a long time to calm down.

After about half an hour, the drums and drums were on the street, and the team of greetings returned. Sima Lingkong was sitting on a tall horse, wearing a red dress, his face full of joy and satisfaction.

The team of welcoming relatives is magnificent, and there are no fewer than one hundred drummers, and there are no more than one thousand followers and guards. The bride of Nalan Ruoshui was surrounded by nearly a hundred warriors before and after. At first glance, she knew that she was a highly skilled man, and the defense work was extremely strict.

As Sima House approached, a dark green flying dragon suddenly rushed out of the Sima House. The flying dragon hovered and snarled above the Sima volley, and then a red banner suddenly hung from the flying dragon.

The crowd on the street suddenly boiled.

“Look, dragon …”

“Hundred years of perfect harmony.”

“I wish the dragon knight Sima and the talented lady Naran a hundred years of good luck.”


Sima firecrackers sounded together, and silk and bamboo sounded together.

Sima volleyed and fluttered, waving his hand into the air, and the flying dragon fell back to Sima House.

The wedding has not yet officially started, it has already set off a climax.

After entering the Sima Mansion, the pro-team was no longer as noisy as before.

Chennan turned from the alley, listening to the drums and bursts of cheering in Sima House, he sneered in his heart.

Sima Lingkong’s words two days ago kept echoing in his ears: “Two days later Ruoshui will be married to me, the groom is not you, hehe … you must come to my wedding, um, you can come to the cave room, hehe. “

“Since it has been decided to make a big noise, what are you hesitating about?” Thinking of this, Chen Nan took off the Hou Yi bow from behind.

At that time, the guards outside the gate of Sima House had noticed him and shouted, “Who are you, why are you here with weapons?”

Chennan ignored them and took a carved arrow from the quiver and put it on the bowstring. The guards just wanted to step forward, but the dark Hou Yi bow suddenly burst out of a dazzling golden light, and Chen Nan showed a terrifying momentum. The guards were frightened and took a dozen steps back.

At this time in the Sima Mansion, Sima Lingkong and Nalan Ruoshui were preparing to worship above the hall, but at that moment almost everyone felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

“Worship the world …”


The voice of the person who presided over the wedding just fell, and the sound of gusts of thunder suddenly sounded between the world and everyone in the hall was stunned.

Chennan gently loosened the bow string, and the carved arrow shot by Hou Yi bow turned into a golden light and flew forward. The tall gatehouse of Sima House was passed by the golden arrow and collapsed in the rumbling sound.

The golden arrow was five or six meters above the ground, and no one could be injured, but the buildings were all devastated. It is like a golden dragon passing through the house, dragging a long golden remnant, passing through a building, the golden light is raging, and a “dragon gate” is born in the place where it passes.

When Jin Guangjian passed through the hall of Sima Mansion, everyone was stunned. Jin Guangjian passed through the wall above the emperor’s head, leaving a terrifying “Dragon Gate” on the wall.

“Protect the Emperor.”

There was a chaos in the hall.

Emperor Chu Han was really scared, his face pale for a while, and the Queen grabbed his hand, and also panicked for a while.

Princess Zhu Yue shouted: “Don’t panic, everyone.” Then she guarded the emperor.

Little Princess Chu Yu said: “It is Chennan, it must be the scum Chennan.”

At this time, all the people who had watched the battle of the palace were awakened. This is indeed the magic arrow from Hou Yi Gong. It must be Chennan’s doubt.

“Haha …” A long laugh started from outside Sima’s house.

“Where is Sima Lingkong? I’m here in Chennan’s cave room.” The rolling sound wave rumbled over Sima Mansion.

The faces of Emperor Chu Han and Grand Princess Chu Yue suddenly changed, and what they worried about finally happened. Chen Nan really wanted to respond, which made them regret and hate.

All the people present at the wedding were celebrities of the imperial capital, and had heard of the hidden feelings. At this time, it was already understood that Chennan mostly came for the wedding ceremony, and it was possible to return to Chu.

The wedding could no longer be continued. At this time, Chennan had entered the hall all the way from the gate of Sima House. He held a long knife in his hand, the blade exudes a bright light, where the golden sharp edge passed, the gun was broken and the blade was shot. The sword was full of turbulence, and the powerful forces fluctuated around him in the center. The samurai in the Sima House swayed like a duckweed in the rage. Rows and rows of people were overturned on the ground. Can be aggressive.

Sima Ling’s teeth gritted his teeth, and wished to swallow Chen Nansheng alive. He ripped off the big red fireworks on his chest and strode outward.

The guests in the hall, including the emperor of Chu, also came to the courtyard together. Nalan Ruoshui’s body shivered for a while, she hesitated, and finally pulled off the red towel on her head, and also came to the courtyard.

At this time, Chu Yue had ordered people to block Sima House, and countless guards surrounded Sima House. In Qishi Mansion, all the princes were transferred to the right and left of the emperor, and the little princess Chu Yu was pulled by the queen and stood beside Chu Han.

Sima Lingkong pointed at Chen Nandao with his finger: “Why do you disturb my wedding?”

Chen Nandao: “Don’t give me the false reason, you should know why!”

Sima Lingkong’s complexion was blue, and he said, “How are you going?”

At this time, a long, middle-aged man came out from the crowd and said, “Why are you, Chen Nan? Since my daughter is already married, you shouldn’t bother her again.”

Chen Nan heard that the person in front of him was Nalan Ruoshui’s father, Chu Guozuo, Nalan Wencheng. He clenched his fists and said, “If Rushui doesn’t like Sima Lingkong at all, if he marries him, it will only be a painful life. Do you have the heart to make her fall into a fire pit? “

Before Chen Nan ’s words were finished, he was interrupted. A middle-aged man with a magnificent strode out of the crowd and said, “You must know what you are doing, protect your country. My marriage is given by the emperor, do n’t you Are you dissatisfied with Your Majesty? “

“It turned out to be General Sima. What a big hat. Hey, why didn’t you just say that I used force in front of the emperor, and I was shocked?” After that, Chen Nan turned his head to face Chu Han, and said loudly: ” If there were no Chennan in the martial arts battle against the Dragon Knights on that day, I am afraid that the Chu Kingdom had already been defeated and became the laughing stock of the princes. What did Chen Chenshe forget to die for? Why did His Majesty give Miss Nalan marriage to Sima Lingkong, Why is this so to me? “

Some ministers reprimanded: “Bold, Chen Nan, how dare you blame your majesty, you have already committed the crime of bullying the king.”

“Trick the monarch? Hey, people respect me one foot, I respect one person. If a person commits me, when I can’t bear it, it’s the emperor, I will also pull him down!” Speaking of which, he longed to the sky A dazzling sword rushed straight up, and the dazzling light illuminated the whole courtyard like lightning, which was terrifying and chilling. Everyone present felt a compelling pressure, and there was no change in color.

Chu Han said: “Chen Nan, I know you are very dissatisfied in your heart, but Sima’s marriage is before …”

Chen Nan interrupted him and sneered, “Hey, do we need to queue up for marriage?”

Princess Chu Yue saw Chen Nan showing no respect to the emperor, and said angrily: “You are too much, Chen Nan, don’t forget that you are a court official of the Chu Kingdom. Can a court official talk to the monarch like this?”

When I first saw Chu Yue, Chen Nan felt a stunning feeling in his heart. Later, on the road, Chu Yue greeted him with warmth, making him feel like a spring breeze. But a series of things that happened recently, Chu Yue’s status in his heart fell straight down. This is a woman who has no tactics for the benefit of the emperor’s family. His deep mind is a bit scary.

“This Chu official is improper!”

“You … You were born in Chu Kingdom, do you want to retreat from your own country? Will you be calm in the future?”

“I don’t belong to any country. I’m just a traveler of Chu. Chu has not risen the height of the motherland in my heart, so I feel at ease.” When saying these words, Chen Nan regarded himself as a million years. The former people made the people present inexplicably listen. “I just don’t know if some people can feel at ease and put their good friends into a marriage nightmare for political benefit.”

Chu Yue’s expression changed and scolded: “You shouldn’t betray Chu State even if you have thousands of reasons!”

Chennan has been searching among the crowd. At this time, he finally found Nalan Ruoshui, who was wearing a red dress, and his beautiful face was pale and haggard at the moment. He handed the long knife to his left hand and waved his right hand. There was a violent gust of wind, and the light was surging. A huge golden palm appeared in front of him. The golden palms rolled towards Naran Ruoshui, wrapped around Naran Ruoshui, and brought back a gust of wind that swept back, and shattered those servants who didn’t know how to practice in the field.

Those who cultivated to advanced levels couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Dragon catcher … turned out to be a lost dragon catcher!” All the practitioners did not change color, and the lost knowledge was reproduced in Chennan’s hands.

Nalan Ruoshui fell in front of Chen Nan, she suddenly felt a strange feeling, the difference between the past Chen Nan and the present Chen Nan is getting farther and farther away.

Chennan looked at Nalan Ruoshui’s eyes and said, “If Ruoshui, I will take you away.”

“No, I can’t go with you.” Naran Ruoshui shook his head.

Chennan whispered: “I came to save you deliberately, as long as you hide for a period of time, the so-called marriage contract must be invalid.”

Naran Ruoshui exclaimed: “Be careful!”

Although Sima Lingkong was secretly shocked by the magical power that Chen Nan had just exhibited, but at this time he was burning with anger. The guy in front of him not only disturbed his wedding, but also regarded him as nothing, and wanted to take the bride in front of him. Drive him crazy. He grabbed a long sword from the guard next to him, and slashed towards Chen Nan. The dark green grudge made the sound of “shock”.

Chen Nan pulled Nalan Ruoshui to the back, and his left-handed long knife slashed back, and a fiery awn rushed forward. Howl.

“Haha … If you want to fight, you will fight. Today, Chen Nanding wants to make trouble in the imperial capital!”

Knife Qi and Dou Qi collided together, bursting into the air in the air, Chen Nan remained unchanged, Sima Lingkong backed up five steps in a row, his body was bloody, his face flushed. But he refused to flinch, his eyes flashed coldly, and the sword rushed up again.

The air of sword and fighting spirit stirred in the air, Chen Nan cut out an eye-catching knife and flew into the sky, and jumped into the void. The golden glow around his body was like a blazing fire, as if wearing a fine gold armor, he stepped towards Sima in the air. The huge pressure loomed over Sima volley, and the unmatched coercion made him breathless, but in front of the emperor’s celebrity, Sima volley didn’t want to back down and didn’t want to lose face. ‘S grudge went straight up.

When the dark green grudge meets the body sword gas at the foot of Chennan, the impact is scattered, the light fades instantly, and the gold body sword gas rushes straight down.

Sima volleyed in horror and raised his sword while slashing back. A group of phantoms appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. Chen Nan kicked thirteen feet in an instant, broke the dark green grudge defense, and stepped a few feet on Sima Lingkong’s long sword. Sima Lingkong held the sword with both hands to stop it, but the huge pressure made him unbearable. His feet crushed the marble floor and sank into the ground.

When Chen Nan’s eleventh foot stepped down, the long sword shattered completely, turned into iron filings and fell from the air, Sima Lingkou vomited blood, and all below the knee submerged into the ground. At this time, Chen Nan’s twelfth and thirteenth feet were approaching. Sima Lingkong regretted, and secretly hated that he should not be blamed for face, and forced, he raised his palms to meet Chen Nan’s feet.

“Boom”, “Boom” two loud noises, the glory flashed, the air waves rolled, Sima Lingkong was kicked and flew out. Everyone in the field who was trained to be deep and deep heard two crisp sounds. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the kicked Sima Lingkong’s palms were broken and sagged weakly.

At the same time, Chen Nan blasted out an unparalleled sword. The dazzling edge was like a sky-changing rainbow, like a lightning flash, and the huge energy fluctuations followed.

If the dazzling blade of the man hits Sima volley, it will make him smash instantly. This moment came from the palace, and several high-level warriors who protected the emperor quickly rushed up and took this powerful sword.


Rushed up to the six masters, standing in the field with the broken sword in their hands, the power of this knife even nearly injured the six of them. At this time, Chen Nan and Sima Lingkong fell to the ground respectively. The former had a long sword to the sky, the body was surging with golden light, and the fighting spirit was high. The latter had a pale face, spitting blood, and a look of shame and anger.

The duel just now was too fast, and it all happened in a flash. If it weren’t for the last few moments, a few high-level warriors reacted quickly, and Sima Lingkong was already dead on the spot.

Many people in the field have already seen Chen Nan shot, but at this time still showed a shocked look.

Sima Changfeng shook his head and sighed, “This kid is too calm, how can he fight hard with him?”

Everyone has a lot of discussion:

“The third-order Eastern Warrior who has reached the level of Jian Qi out of the body is really terrible!”

“A dragon catcher who can cut out the sword and lose his sword …”


The little princess looked very excited and whispered: “The story of the hero saving the beauty happened by my side. Wow, it’s so handsome! If at my wedding there is a person who has the skills to defeat the masters and the majesty Appeared in front of me, how nice it should be! “

The queen “dong” knocked her on the head and scolded, “What are you talking about?”

The little princess said wrongfully: “Why knock me?”

The queen looked to the left and right, and whispered, “You will make troubles regardless of occasion, and I will punish you for not being allowed to leave the palace for a month.”

“Hee hee.” The little princess smiled and said, “I didn’t expect this scum to get worse.”

At this time, Chu Yue said to the people of Qi Shi Mansion: “Chen Nan is arrogant, but he turned against Chu in front of the monarch. Now, please ask all Qi Shi to join him to take him down.”

There was a cry of exclamation among the strangers:

“Oh my god, why can’t I gather magical elements?”

“Why did my whole body suddenly disappear?”


The sound of exclamation continued.

Chu Yue seemed to think of something, his face changed greatly, and he said angrily to Chen Nan: “You even instigated the old poisonous monster to poison all the strangers! You … so vicious, do you have to sacrifice so many people?” Chu Yue was really anxious. If all Kishi were poisoned and killed, it would be an inestimable loss for Chu.

Chen Nan coldly hummed: “You must use the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman, they just lost their skills temporarily.”

After all, Chen Nan’s knowledge of human nature is not enough. At this moment, he is still very young and he can’t devote himself to poisoning a group of strangers in Chu.

In an instant, Chu Yue’s face was extremely blue and he shouted: “All the high-ranking samurai in the royal palace listen to orders, and at all costs will kill the rebel thief!”

Dozens of martial arts samurai martial arts walked into the stadium, and a force of intense pressure radiated from these people.

Chen Nan shouted, “Who dares to move? I will kill him immediately!” He took off the Hou Yi bow, and a carved ling arrow was already on the bow string.

One of the palace warriors who seemed to be the leader said loudly: “Don’t be afraid, let’s go together, he can only shoot one person down with this arrow …”


The situation changes, and the world loses its color! Along with the thunder and thunder, Houyi’s bow bowed slightly, and a golden arrow shot like lightning.

Today, Chen Nanxiu is not the same as before, and the power of the light arrow is many times stronger than when he was in the west of Chu Kingdom. The dazzling, trembling heart of all arrows went to the sea like a dragon, and it was so powerful that the people in the whole circle couldn’t breathe. The light arrow blinked into the chest of the warrior leader, and the warrior burst into pieces, leaving only a blood mist in the air, and the pungent blood was sickening.

The aftermath of this arrow is huge, the huge power fluctuations are like a raging sea, and the whole Sima House is vast. The terrifying energy fluctuations make everyone standing unsteady and fall to the ground.

Many samurai in Sima House fell to the ground, many people were injured by their weapons, and the blood flowed continuously. Manchu culture and martial arts were even more unbearable, and fell to the ground.

If the emperor of Chu Kingdom was not supported by the eldest princess Chu Yue in time, he would have to fall down, and in order to support the queen, the little princess fell to the ground herself, cursing angrily: “death, oops …”

The princes of Qishi’s house lost their skills temporarily, and they all fell to the ground.

Only some masters were unaffected, still standing in the field, staring angrily at Chen Nan.

Sima House today feasted on the celebrities of the imperial capital. The prestige of the golden arrow made these people embarrassed. Today they can be described as having lost their faces. The screams of the magnates and the noble ladies of Houmen followed one another, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

If this news spreads to other countries, the Chu state can be described as a big loser, and will certainly be teased by other countries.

When everyone stood up from the ground and calmed down, they looked at Chennan with anger.

At this moment, the crowd was silent, and everyone held their breath. The shocking scene just now stopped the palace warriors who wanted to step forward.

Chennan’s second arrow was put on the bow string again, the **** bow was facing, everyone changed color, and finally he moved the Hou Yi bow from Sima Lingkong’s body to the emperor’s direction.

Nalan Ruoshui anxiously cried behind him: “What are you going to do, Chennan?”

Chennan couldn’t answer, and said to Chu Han: “Let me go with Ruoshui.”

Chu Han nodded and said, “I didn’t expect this to happen, okay, I let you go, everyone flashed away.”

Sima’s volley was fierce and his eyes were crimson. Just now he had suffered a serious internal injury. At this time, he was frightened and intermittently. With the sound of “wow”, he spit out three large mouths of blood and was pushed back out of the field.

Chennan put a Hou Yi bow and motioned for Nalan Ruoshui to retreat outside.

When exiting the gate of Sima House, Nalan Ruoshui said: “Chennan, I really can’t leave you.”


“I can’t go away, what will my father do after I leave? What about my family? They will lose face.”

“They just sacrifice some face, do you want to sacrifice the happiness of your life?”

Naran Ruoshui shook his head and said, “This wedding can’t continue anymore, you don’t have to worry about me.”

Chennan Road: “Why don’t you refuse to leave me?”

Nalan Ruoshui looked at him a little, and said, “You are far away from the ordinary Chennan, I was a little scared, I can’t see the future … In addition, I can’t just think about myself, I have parents, I have family members. … “

“Chennan be careful!” Nalan Ruoshui exclaimed.

A glorious sword light chopped towards Chennan like a horse, and instantly cut the carved arrow on the bow string. Chen Nan’s pupils contracted for a while, and he already saw that this was the monk’s flying sword. The owner of the flying sword was the princess Chu Yue. He left a residual image in the same place, traversed like a lightning out of a distance, and then quickly pulled out his long knife and slashed away towards the flying sword.

Surrounded the audience for a while exclaimed:

“Flying Sword!”

“The most mysterious monk among cultivators!”]

“It’s Her Royal Highness!”


Feijian Hanguangcanran, Lengsen forced.

Chennan waved his sword straight, but the golden sharp edge couldn’t stop Feijian’s castration, and finally he waved his long sword and fought with Feijian directly.

“Ding Dang Dang Dang”

After a while of metal symphony, the long knife was even cut into several segments, leaving only a bare handle in his hand. Chen Nan secretly panicked, and sighed that the monks were really extraordinary. He dropped the hilt and struck the flying sword with his bare hands. A layer of golden brilliance spread over the surface of his palms. He avoided the blades and slapped the palms on the spine. After the palms of flesh and flying swords touched, they even issued The sounds of “clang”.

This series of movements can be described as lightning, everyone can only see a sharp edge and a palm shadow intertwined, the radiant brilliance accompanied by the sound of “clang”, huge energy fluctuations surging wildly.

When many high-level warriors reacted and wanted to rush up, the princess was already a little bit powerless. She looked pale for a while and retreated the Flying Sword unwillingly.

Chen Nan just wanted to pursue, a group of high-level warriors stood in front of him, he quickly stopped his footsteps, bent his bow and arrow again, and the carved arrow pointed directly at the emperor of Chu. Everyone was shocked and forced to stop.

“Ruoshui follow me.”

“No, I …” Nalan Ruoshui shook his head and said, “Chen Nan, I truly thank you for what you have done for me today. You don’t need to worry about me. Maybe we will have a meeting in the future …” Without saying anything, Nalan Ruoshui ran into the crowd quickly, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chennan was in a daze for a while, and finally angered the eldest princess Chu Yue, opened the Hou Yi bow and pointed at her, saying: “Dare you dare to attack me, today I want …”

Suddenly an old sigh sounded in his ear: “Ah, don’t be too excited, young man, she is my grandson’s daughter.”

Chen Nan was shocked, and suddenly came awake, he was too familiar with this sound, turned out to be the emperor’s mysterious curse, the old monster of more than 170 years old, he knew that the old monster was using advanced martial arts to pass on to him sound.

The old monster sighed: “In life, there will always be a lot of unsatisfactory things. In fact, there is no eternal happiness and no eternal regret in the world. It will never be an instant, when the glitz is gone, the face is old, then Only then will I find that the most important thing in life is peace of mind. “

The voice gradually faded, Chen Nan looked around, and no trace of the old monster could be found. Although he has a Hou Yi bow in his hand, he also deeply taboos this unpredictable old man. If the old man sneaks in on him secretly, he will absolutely be unable to cope.

At this time Chen Nan had already pulled the Hou Yi bow away, but out of scruples about the old monster, he had to point the Hou Yi bow to the ground. A golden arrow of light submerged in the ground with the sound of wind and thunder, the earth trembles violently, Sima Mansion collapsed more than half in the “rumbling” sound, the dust filled with smoke, and the sand was flying.

No one knows that the golden arrow that shot towards the ground gradually changed its trajectory under the ground. The golden arrow rushed towards the palace not far from here, and then rushed into the ancient tomb under the royal ancient book room. The golden arrow with the vitality of heaven and earth, like being attracted, flew straight to the dead master in the ancient tomb, and finally burst suddenly in the first three feet of the immortal body, turning into a little golden light, and rushed into the immortal Body inside. The tomb returned to calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Chennan was in the chaos of the crowd, and the dragon-trapped hand came out again. The golden palm brought a violent wind and rolled the little princess Chu Yu around the queen. He quickly tapped the little princess’s acupuncture point, and then brought her into his arms. He held the bow in his right hand and placed his left hand on the princess’s throat.

At this time, Sima and his son were mad, not only the wedding was destroyed by Chen Nan, but also the entire Sima House was destroyed by him.

“Scum, stink thief let me go …”

The look of the emperor, the queen, etc. changed dramatically, and the grand princess said: “Chen Nan, let go of my sister, I promise to let you leave safely.”

Chennan remained motionless, without any indication. In fact, he was testing the bottom line of the old monster in the dark to see if he would shoot. After waiting for a long time, the old monster didn’t move, and the heart he hung suspended a little.

The little princess shouted, “Smelly thieves, take your hand away, it’s almost unpleasant.”

Princess Chu Yue said: “Did you hear my words, Chen Nan? Let go of my sister, UU reading I will let you go.”

Chen Nan sneered: “Well, I don’t want to talk nonsense, let everyone flash away, don’t send someone to follow me.”

Chu Yueqi’s complexion changed and changed, and finally said: “Okay, I agree to your request.”

The queen was anxious next to her, and just about to speak, Chu Han stopped her and said, “Believe Yueer, let her handle it.”

Chinese Chinese Wu Baiguan at this time Mu Ruo dumb chicken, what happened today exceeded their imagination.

Chen Nan is not very familiar with Chu, but the way out of the city has already been explored. He took the little princess and left the imperial capital.

The little princess swelled: “You have escaped the scum, don’t you let me go yet?”

“Life is really wonderful. It was you who caught me in the capital, and now you sent me out of the capital. I do n’t think you will forget the series of things that happened during this period? Just stay with me and be good. Be my maid! “

“What? Let me this princess give you this scum as a maid, you dream!”

Chennan did something that he had always wanted to do, but he never had the opportunity to do it. He squeezed the little princess’s cheeks hard and pinched and pinched fiercely.

The little princess shouted in pain: “Oh … scum, you bastard, let go, how dare you treat me like this?”

“You little devil, I know you are very cunning, don’t play tricks on me, and give me a honest way.”

“Where are you **** taking me?”

“Sin City.”


“I didn’t expect you to fall into my hands again, little devil.”

Chennan was a little lost in his heart. He took the little princess Chu Yu and left the capital of Chu Kingdom.

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