Shenhao: I can get cashback a hundred times

Chapter 058

“Haha, then let’s just say so!”

Chu Jiang smiled, raised his glass and toasted to Liu Dan Luojun and the two of them.

“However, Chu Shao, in this way, the liquidated damages you took out to these anchors in the early stage are sky-high, right?”

Liu Dan also asked tentatively.

“It’s just small money, as long as they agree to come to our platform to live broadcast, I can guarantee that I will help give liquidated damages, and I will give them as much as the original annual salary!”

Chu Jiang smiled, “Compared to engaging in a live broadcast platform, I myself am now burning money on an e-commerce platform!” ”

This is true, the live broadcast platform will invest tens of billions at most.

As for the e-commerce platform that he wants to engage in, one or two hundred billion each, he can’t play at all.

“E-commerce platform?! That’s a money-burning thing! ”

Liu Dan and Luo Jun both have a deep experience, and they know more or less about this.

“Show you my account balance, just show you!”

Chu Jiang took out his mobile phone and logged into his online bank account.

He didn’t drink much, and as for why he did it, he also wanted them to see their strength before speaking.

Although Luo Jun has already seen it, it is not enough.

As for Liu Dian’s words, it is better to let him feel at ease.

Liu Dan was also curious, and when he saw Chu Jiang bring the mobile phone to him, he also glanced at it subconsciously.

At a glance, Liu Dan admitted that he was completely stunned!

Luo Jun too, he couldn’t help but be curious, and glanced at the account balance on Chu Jiang’s mobile phone!

Exactly how much, they really didn’t have time to count.

But they saw 2 heads, and a lot of zeros behind… I can’t even count it!

“This is two hundred… Cash? ”

Luo Jun didn’t say 100 million, after all, it was on this occasion, the fish and dragons were mixed, and it was definitely not good to say it.

But he didn’t say, Liu Dan and Chu Jiang knew that he was referring to 20 billion!

Chu Jiang smiled and shook his head, “Two thousand, cash!” ”

When Chu Jiang said two thousand, he naturally meant two hundred billion.

At this moment, Luo Jun and Liu Dan were stunned!

I know you’re proud, but I really didn’t know you were so proud!

There are 200 billion cash in the account, what is the concept?

Don’t say that the richest man in the country of Chu is the richest man in the world, I’m afraid I don’t have so much cash, right?

Now what they are thinking is, Chu Jiang’s family is afraid that they are not in charge of the state treasury, right?

So much cash, what a scary person!

“Chu Shao, I only understand now what Shenhao is, no wonder Chu Shao spent more than two billion to buy a private jet without blinking his eyes!”

Luo Jun said this, and Liu Dan was also stunned for a moment.

He didn’t know what happened in the afternoon, but now that he heard Luo Jun say this, he understood why Luo Jun had this attitude towards Chu Jiang.

Coupled with the account balance that Chu Jiang showed him just now, he was really scared!

In the years when his old man was the richest man in the country, his assets were only more than 230 billion.

In fact, this is all the belongings, if you have cash, at most 20 billion!

And the young man sitting next to him, the balance of the account alone, is more than 200 billion, what about all the belongings of the family?

Not yet trillions?


Where did this demon come from!

Liu Dan is in a complicated mood, why not Luo Jun!

As the rich second generation, they are indeed quite proud, but this little pride of theirs was completely crushed when they saw the balance of Chu Jiang’s account.

In this way, tens of billions in people’s homes are indeed a small amount of money….


Wait a minute!

Luo Jun and Liu Dan both thought of a very terrifying thing at the same time, that is, I am afraid that more than 200 billion yuan is probably the tip of the iceberg, right?

If that’s the case, some things make sense.

For example, someone bought a Boeing 777 at random.

For example, take out tens of billions to build a live broadcast platform, and say that this is just small money!

For example, take out one or two hundred billion to engage in e-commerce platforms?!

“Chu Shao, obey!”

Liu Dan also clasped his hands into fists and directly obeyed.

In the end, the financial power that Chu Jiang has is beyond their reach!

Even the rich second generation like Liu Dan and Luo Jun had to admit one thing, people were indeed much richer than themselves.

“It’s all small money!”

Chu Jiang was about to get up and pour the wine, and here Liu Dan was also quick-eyed, and quickly got up and picked up the wine bottle to fill it for Chu Jiang and the two of them.

“Chu Shao, if you want me to say, you have so much money, there is no need to toss like this, right?”

Liu Dan is deeply aware that even if he is given another chance to start over, he will refuse the old man to give him money to start a business.

Is the life of the rich second generation not enough to enjoy?

Or is the girl around him not charming enough?

Starting a thankless thing like entrepreneurship, to be honest, is not something that a rich second generation like them should do.

With so much money, is it bad to enjoy life well?

“Well, this is not boring! Starting a business is not to make money, not to pass the time! ”

Chu Jiang smiled, and Liu Dan was also stunned.

When he said this, he didn’t know how to take it!

“Listen, is this what people say? Isn’t starting a business to make money, just to pass the time?! ”

Liu Dan couldn’t help but smile bitterly in his heart, compared with Chu Jiang, he was a rich second-generation living like a beggar!

“Sure enough, if the level is not enough, you can’t understand Chu Shao’s thoughts at all!”

Luo Jun also laughed and quipped.

“Just kidding, since the money is invested, it is naturally good to make money!”

Chu Jiang took the wine glass, and Liu Dan and Luo Jun also naturally held the wine glass.

The three people sat together, talking and laughing, which can be regarded as a bit of a sense of agreement.

PS: Ask for a flower collection evaluation ticket!

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