Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 33 Advanced Ceremony

Chapter 33 Advanced Ceremony
Aiwass was able to sit in a wheelchair while making magic cards.

But when performing advanced rituals, this cannot be done.

Fortunately, Aiwass had already fed the Shadow Demon to his full in the early morning.Even if he stood up and his body was fully connected with his own shadow, the Shadow Demon who had awakened did not lose control at all.

The shadow under Aiwass's feet squirmed slightly, floating up a little from time to time, to prove that it was still alive and still there.

The shadows that floated from time to time at that time reminded people of the special effect of "fairy lingering" made of dry ice - but this celestial energy was pure black without any variegated colors.

It belongs to yes.

In fact, the materials of the advanced ceremony are not exactly the same as the procedure.

The universal ritual itself is not so rigid. The complexity of many rituals and the nature of the difficulty of obtaining materials actually come from artificial encryption.In essence, it is similar to the argot of alchemical writings.The purpose is to prevent people from analyzing the essence of this ceremony.

That's why Aiwass can easily make magic cards.

As a newborn ceremony that was only born three years later, it has not gone through the process of repeated encryption, wrong decryption, and re-encryption, and its original meaning has not been distorted.Therefore, it can be easily reproduced by Aiwass, whose "basic ritual" level is only level 1.

The advanced ceremony is just the opposite.

The advanced rituals of various inheritance schools are slightly different in subtleties.

The ritual Aiwass adopted was a simplified version he had seen from his adoptive father's collection.This is a ritual widely circulated in the Avalon knight family circle——

The advantage is that you don't need to toss too much, and the disadvantage is that you need to consume a small piece of white crystal... about the size of a thumbnail and a thin piece as thick as a coin.But this thing itself is not expensive, so it is easy to say.Aiwass punched a hole in it and threaded it on a string to make a one-off pendant.

He prepared six kinds of silver ornaments, namely two bracelets, a necklace, two rings and a brow ring.

Then apply clove essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, cypress essential oil, benzoin essential oil, eternal flower essential oil and chamomile essential oil respectively, and place them on the six vertices of the hexagram drawn by Aiwass—these six plant essential oils are in harmony with silver The six-pointed star array depicted by the sharp tool is the most important core of this ceremony, and the only irreplaceable part.

After that, Aiwass prepared three kinds of food that he didn't like.

He chose radish, bitter gourd and green pepper.He only symbolically cut a thin slice and put it in the middle of the hexagram.

In this way, the preparations for the ceremony are ready.

Aiwass put on his seminary uniform.Although it is a school uniform, it is also a formal priest's uniform.

It has a plain white priest collar embossed with two gold thorns with roses at the neckline – the piece even has real gold in it.Its shoulders and chest were covered with a tan sash, still adorned with golden thorns like antlers.The gown hung down halfway to the thighs.Further down are brown trousers and cloth shoes.

Anyone who looked at this attire would know that this was a pastor of the Nine Pillars Church of God.

Close the door of the room, and wait until the full moon rises above forty degrees, the ceremony will officially begin.

"—Nine are complete."

Aiwass chanted under his breath.

As he said, he lit a bunch of dried sage mixed with mugwort leaves to make a vanilla stick.

He toasted the tip of the vanilla stick repeatedly like a cigar.

In fact, it can indeed be regarded as a kind of cigar - just like coffee is also regarded as soy milk in a sense.

Clary sage is the most commonly used herb for burning and burning, and it has different effects when mixed with different herbs.When mixed with mugwort, its main meaning is to block the influence of the power of other paths on advanced rituals.

Putting it on Aiwass is used to suppress the interference of his transcendence path on the ceremony.

"Give up the third..."

Aiwass whispered, and pressed the vanilla stick that was emitting green smoke in the middle of the hexagram.

"—Hengwo, Lord of Scales and Feathers, Amber."

These three names are the names of the pillar gods of the Path of Love, the Path of Adaptation and the Path of Twilight.

This is a necessary procedure for the full moon ritual.

There is no extraordinary person who can be slick in all directions.Even full moon ceremonies do not allow for play-by-play.

Before meeting your teammates and enemies, you must declare in advance your three least favorite paths.Express your determination with this.

During this ritual, he cannot cooperate with teammates of these three paths.Even if those three paths are all strong, they cannot secretly change positions.

These three paths were also carefully selected by Aiwass.

Although the adaptation path is good at surviving, it will definitely sell teammates when necessary. It is the characteristic of the adaptation path to protect oneself wisely and collapse.

The Twilight Path and the Path of Love are purely because there are too many weirdos in them.

——The so-called path of love is just a good name.

It is related to savagery, bestiality, and impulsiveness, and pursues the path of reproduction and diet that animals desire.

What kind of people are there?

Old pervert, gourmet, welfare girl, big eater... No matter how you look at it, it's not serious.It is quite suitable for the modern Internet environment.

The Twilight Path focuses on a "sun will eventually set, and all things will eventually perish", which is the path to fight against death and fading, and pursue eternal life and solidification.

Embalmers, taxidermists, and grave keepers, as well as portrait painters and sculptors, are all likely to follow the Twilight Way.Making mummies and wax figures is also a skill of the twilight path, which also includes summoning the dead and reincarnation.

These three paths are not easy to produce excellent teammates.

As Aiwass read the names of the three pillar gods in turn, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the room.

Flames of three colors suddenly ignited on the three pieces of food that Aiwass didn't like to eat.

They are black, emerald green and amber.

They quickly burnt out in the fire, turning into a black cloud of smoke.

But the strange thing is that there is obviously a strange whirlwind in the room, constantly revolving around Aiwass.But the green smoke emitted by the bundle of vanilla sticks after igniting the three kinds of food went straight upwards, converging into a smoke that was only as thick as a wrist, and went straight to the white crystal pendant hanging under the chandelier above.

Afterwards, Aiwass began to surround the ritual array, holding a vanilla stick outside the ritual array, circling with his body low, and smoking the outer ring of the ritual array.

"The six protect me..."

Point the vanilla stick to the six silver ornaments, and at the same time recite the names of the remaining six pillar gods:
"Sand Time Meter. Candle Master. Wei Zhe. Silver Crowned Dragon. Twin Mirror. Father Snake."

As he clicked accordingly, the six silver ornaments gradually turned black.

It wasn't that he was blackened, but it seemed that he had touched some kind of poison.It also seems to have extracted something unfavorable from the surrounding air.

And the whirlwind in the room suddenly became bigger—all the lit candles in Aiwass' room were blown out by the wind, but nothing was blown off, not even a piece of light paper.

"I follow the way of the candlestick."

The next moment, the vanilla stick in Aiwass' hand burst suddenly.

He let go and threw it in the middle of the hexagram.It made a constant crackling sound and raised a wonderful puff of pure white smoke.Covered again on the suspended white crystal pendant that had been blackened by the previous smoke.

——The ceremony was successful.

Seeing that his "Basic Ritual" had suddenly increased by 20%, Aiwass breathed a sigh of relief and confirmed that the ritual had been successful.

He took off the white crystal pendant hanging from the chandelier and wore it next to his body.

Although he knew that this ceremony was very simple before.But Aiwass is also the first time to use rituals to advance after all.

It was all in the cloud before, only this time it was really hands-on.

When Aiwass put on the pendant, he felt a vague sense of tranquility and sleepiness.

It's not strong, and you can resist it with your will.

It's roughly like sleepiness after eating, or the level of taking melatonin before going to bed.

But Aiwass did not resist, but sat in his wheelchair.Close your eyes and feel the tug.

Like sinking slowly in the dark deep sea, he clearly felt that his consciousness was dragged into a deeper level by some force in a waking state.

"Good evening, Priest."

Just when Aiwass woke up again, a cold voice with a somewhat familiar tone sounded to Aiwass.

He opened his eyes and found himself in a dark space.Obviously there is no light source here, but he can see everything clearly.

He sat in a tall, broad-backed chair.Aiwass is more than 1.8 meters tall, but even he cannot completely fill the chair.When you put your elbow on one armrest, the other arm cannot reach the other armrest.

And he looked up and found that there were eight more chairs like this.

Nine chairs form a circle, and in the center is a huge stone hourglass statue.It is about five or six meters high, like a huge decoration in a shopping mall.

Aiwass found himself the fourth to arrive.

In front of him, three more people had already arrived.

The four of them sat next to each other.The first is an old man with his head bowed and a cane in his hand.The second person was a young man in a tan trench coat and top hat.

The third one looked a bit crappy—wearing a fully enclosed knight helmet on his head, but wearing a shirt and sweater for easy movement.

Although Aiwass couldn't see their faces clearly at all, just like he couldn't see the faces of passers-by in a dream.But he could immediately realize that the second place must be Sherlock!
Because his tone is so iconic, and the look is completely undisguised.

As if to say - yes, I am Sherlock Hermes.

 Aiwass' clothes are the cover!It was drawn by the operation officer of this book!
(End of this chapter)

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