She’s All that (There Is)

The bet

choking nsfw transphobia

Firm hands wrapped around my throat, my head slamming against the headboard. Vanessa hovers over me with a look full of rage and fury. A smile on her face that's downright predatory. Her breath, gently brushing my face. Her naked body sitting on top of mine. She moves her hands from my neck to my chest. One hand starts trailing down my body, while the other firmly grasps my breasts. Her lips are mere inches from my face. My lips, enveloping her fingers. She places a firm hand behind my head, and I prop myself up on my elbows. She whispers insults in my ear, as she works my clit and I moan in ecstasy. She comes in for a kiss.

"Alyssa, wake up. hey come on."

Hayley says, gently slapping my face in an attempt to wake me up. She's holding my limp body up with a hand behind my back and shining a keychain light in my eyes. 

"Gotta make sure you don't have a concussion."

A dimly lit small room is visible behind her. There are shelves full of cleaning equipment and a mop in the corner.

"Wh- where are we what happened?" I ask.

"We are in the janitors' closet. I had to get you out of there. Vanessa knocked you out cold and Stephanie went savage on her. Both of them got sent to the principal's office. I didn't bring you to the nurse's office so you wouldn't get in trouble or get sent home to your parents. I know how they can be. Although the whole world probably knows what happened by now." Hayley responds, her voice as calming as ever.

"What do you mean?"

"Someone recorded it and posted it to tiktok. It's absolutely blowing up right now. I think people on twitter are mostly taking her side on this. It's getting nasty, people are trying to dig up dirt on you."

"How long have I been out?" I ask, rubbing the back of my head and wincing.

"Almost two hours. I put a cold compress on your head, and have been watching you for the most part. Steph came in and checked up on you a few times too. It's almost the end of 6th period and I wanted to wake you up before the school closed."

"Fuck, I'm never going to live this down will I?"

"Worst part is Vanessa's getting a ton of clout acting like the victim. Knowing her, she'll probably try to bait you into fighting her again."

"Well, thanks for watching me. You're a true friend. Would you mind helping me with my makeup so my parents don't fucking find out I got a black eye?"

"Of course, Lyssa.  I'm just glad you're alright."

When I got home I saw my follower count on all my social media dropped by about a hundred. 

I saw the video that was posted. Shaky cam footage of the two of us fighting each other. Vanessa made several reaction videos where she was crying. She talked about how I made fun of her for not having a mom, and attacked her unprovoked. I had comments filled with hate towards me and death threats in my dms. Just like Hayley said, twitter is full of people bringing up controversial things I did in the past. I don't have the energy to respond to any of it. I don't think there's much I can say that people would believe. I can feel my life online crumbling around me and can't do anything to stop it. All the more infuriating is that, while my life is in shambles, Vanessa is getting more clout as a result. I cried myself to sleep. 

"Alyssa! your friend is here!"

My mom yells from downstairs, followed by a ton of loud frantic footsteps.


"What the shit are you doing in my room Steph!" 

I shout, throwing the covers off of me, and slamming a pillow right into her face.

"Hey! I like, just wanted to check on you before school started."

"Ugh, forget it I'm not going." 

I say, lying back down, and hiding in my blanket.

"You aren't going to let queen bitch keep you down are you?" 

"She already won."

"What? You're still, like, the most popular girl in school."

"Am I even?"

"Here, bitch, get up. I'm gonna help you get ready for today and we are gonna confront that hoe."

She says, pulling me out of bed. 

"Like, the only reason she's so popular is because of you anyway. She's always hanging off your shoulder, and saying you're friends. Like, without any of that she wouldn't be nearly as popular. She's a total dried up crusty bitch, and she's just doing what she always has. Use you for fame." Steph says, laying out some clothes for the day.

"You know what? You're right! She fucking has always done that." I say, swinging my legs off the end of the bed.

"The only mediocre bitch who deserves fame for your content is you." Steph says.

"Um, ouch bitch?"

"Don't worry. This is like, going to be better than any makeup you've ever worn, because I'm doing it."

"So like, I texted Hayley to meet us at the east entrance. Vanessa's first class is algebra in room 1d. We are like, totally going to ambush that bitch and get it all on video."

"Are we sure confronting her this soon is smart?"

"Shut up, and drink your coffee. Here are, like, some eye drops bee-tee-dubs. It's kinda obvious you've been crying."

"Do you have to drive so fast?"

"Yeah. We're here, comb your hair."

"You sure can be bitchy, always."

As we walk out of the car and head to the entrance, Hayley jogs and catches up to us from behind. We open the doors in a theatrical fashion, charge the halls in a tight offensive formation.

"Girls, what's the plan. What are you even going to say?"

"Like, uncuff your pants, your kankles are showing, Lee."

"Shut your fucking mouth, Steph, and hit record."

I had her in my sights. Steph was right about doing this. With my friends behind me and the moral high ground I felt ready. This felt right, and this time I'd be the predator.

"What the…" Vanessa starts, then pauses, seeing the phone out.

"What, are you here to punch me again?"

"Listen, Ness, you may have won the fight but I'm done being the reason you are popular."

"What are you implying?"

"You've been pretending to be my friend for clout for years, and now you're getting sympathy clout for a fight you started!"

"Oho, so you think you alone are the only reason I'm popular? You couldn’t even make an actual, real life, talking frog famous!"

"I can prove you’re only popular because of me. Name a person and I can make them as popular if not more than you in a month."
“Well we are both fighting for prom queen. What are you going to do, make some nerd a charity case for the prom king title? No that would be too easy. Shit come to me when Hell has frozen over and you’ve made that same loser boy prom queen then we can talk.”
“You can’t, like, possibly be serious.” Steph says

"No, you know what you come here, acting like you’re the hottest shit. Make any boy prom queen by the end of the month and I'll delete my account. If your mere presence can make someone popular, you'll have no problems getting a tranny to become prom queen."

"We like, totally don’t have to put up with this shit it’s not something that needs proving, whore.” Steph says.

"I'll do it."

"Hey excuse the fuck Lyssa you can't possibly think that–" Hayley starts.
“This is the end of your reign, Vanessa. If I have to upgrade some loser man to a woman in order to be rid of you forever, then you’re fucking on bitch.”

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