Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 11 The Origin of the Sirens

Chapter 11 The Origin of the Sirens

"Fuwei, what are you talking about! In the forest behind the port area, there is a small amount of nuclear radiation?" Jiang Ran was obviously very frightened by these words of his ship's mother.

"That's right, Commander, after my sister Fuwei wiped out the deep sea wandering in the sea, I originally planned to go to the forest behind to see if there was any wild game to eat, but I found a small amount of alpha rays."

Jiang Ran took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down first, and at the same time, he was constantly digesting the amazing news that his mother-in-law brought him.

There are probably two situations in which such rays can be produced in nature.

The first is that in the forest behind the port area, there may be some mineral deposits with radioactive elements, such as uranium 235 and the like.

The second is the human factor, that is, nuclear tests, or the sirens are conducting nuclear tests here.

After all, the deep sea is only something made by the sirens. Except for some more advanced flagships and Qi Ji, the general deep sea has no wisdom.

As for the siren, Jiang Ran has learned a lot through this period of study.

Creatures like sirens, which are said to be alien life, suddenly descended on the blue star on a certain day, and occupied 70% of the sea area above the blue star at a very fast speed.

And human commanders and ship girls can only establish port areas in coastal areas and various islands to fight against sirens and deep sea ship girls.

However, because the sirens who descended on the Azur Star are just a small force, although they are technologically superior to the ship girls on the Azur Star.

But after all, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. After the ship's mother and commanders reacted, they began to organize resistance and took back part of the sea area.

However, the Sirens also thought of a way to make up for their own lack of numbers, that is, to use the black mind cube they carried to create a large number of deep seas with energy opposite to the ship girls to fight against these ship girls and commanders .

In this way, both parties fell into the current tug-of-war.

"Commander, should we go to this forest to have a look? If there are really mineral deposits, then we will be prosperous."

Changchun held Jiang Ran's arm, and his clear voice also brought Jiang Ran back from his thoughts.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran's eyes began to light up. Whether it was the first situation or the second situation, it seemed that it was all fat on his lips, and he would not eat it for nothing.

However, now is not the time to explore the forest behind. After all, there are still too few ship girls in my current self, even though there are Luan Niao.

But if it's the second situation, then my ship girls might have to face the real sirens.

The sirens in this world are not the ones in my previous game, but from outside the starry sky, which means that each of them is a space battleship.

Jiang Ran didn't want to let his mother-in-law go up to die in vain just because of a little uranium ore. No matter when, the safety of her daughter is the most important thing!
"Commander, shall we go to this forest?" Luanniao looked at Jiang Ran with anticipation in his eyes.

Ever since she was born into this world, all she faced were surface ships, and fighting was not difficult at all. She was almost bored to death.

But now, she might encounter a space battleship like herself, so she naturally wanted to have a good fight with him.

As for the other two ship girls, although they didn't speak, they could probably see from their eyes that their thinking was basically similar to Luanniao's.

"No, it's just the three of you now. If you meet a siren, you will be courting death! No one is allowed to go until there are no other sisters!"

Looking at the eyes of these girls in his family, Jiang Ran must have understood their thoughts, so she refused decisively.

After all, the Siren is a battleship that can span light years, which is not comparable to the phoenix, although I don't know why it failed to win the Blue Star.

If I met alone, I would not be able to compare with these three ship girls!At least the weapons are much more advanced than their own.

Looking at the appearance of their own commander, the three ship girls can naturally understand Jiang Ran's thoughts, so they didn't argue too much.

The ship's wife will not be unreasonable like those women. As long as you tell them clearly, they will listen, as long as it does not involve the safety of their own commanders.

Looking at the appearance of his own wife, Jiang Ran also smiled and said: "Okay, our new home is also built, you go and have a look."

The three ship girls immediately showed happy smiles when they heard the words, and the previous unpleasantness seemed to have never happened.

"Then Commander, hurry up and take us to have a look." Fu Wei and Luan Niao held Jiang Ran's arms from left to right, looking very happy.

After all, in the future, I will have my own port area. Although this port area is not too safe, it is my home and the commander's home after all.

As long as there are more sisters in the future, then you can go to the forest behind to see what is emitting nuclear radiation.

By then, the port area will be considered completely safe.

A moment later, in the port area.

"Wow! Commander, is this our future port area? It's so beautiful!"

After arriving in Xingang District, looking at all kinds of modern equipment and high-rise buildings in front of them, several ship girls almost felt that they had returned to the motherland in their battleship memories.

So, one by one, they played around in this port area, just like a few children.

After they had turned around the entire port area, Jiang Ran brought them to the ship's mother's dormitory.

"Okay, okay, there is a dormitory over there, you go up and choose a room, the key is given to you."

"Then Commander, which one do you choose, I want to share a room with Commander!" Luanniao took the key, looked at Jiang Ran and asked.

"Ni Zuokai! I want to share a room with the commander." Fu Wei was not to be outdone.

"No, no, Changchun wants it, Changchun wants it!"

"Changchun, why are you kidding around!"

"I don't care, I want to share a room with the commander, and I want to listen to the commander's storytelling!"

Afterwards, the three ship girls began to quarrel over who shared the room with their own commander, chattering, which made Jiang Ran's head dizzy.

It is said that a girl is equal to 500 ducks, and now Jiang Ran has three around him, which is equal to 1500 ducks, making noise in his ears.

Ship girls are girls after all, some human girl nature, ship girls naturally also have some.

After listening for a while, Jiang Ran couldn't take it anymore, and quickly stood in the middle of the three ship girls.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, I'll choose for you, Luanniao's room, Fuwei's room, and Changchun's room. The layouts of these houses are all the same! Mine is too! No! No more fighting!"

Jiang Ran was a little strange. Why were every room the same? What on earth were these stinky girls fighting over?

Do you want some fragrance in your room?

It's amazing!

Girls really don't understand their minds, even his own daughter-in-law is like this.

Sigh, what if there are more ship girls in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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