Ship Girl: Start with an Aerospace Carrier

Chapter 20 Deep in the Jungle

Chapter 20 Deep in the Jungle

Life in the port area is always so pleasant and comfortable. After all, on such a big island, it is just me and my girls, and there are no outsiders to disturb me.

For Jiang Ran, a social terrorist, this kind of life is like a paradise.

It's just a pity that there are no various live broadcasts, short videos and novels on the Internet from the previous life.

Although in this world, with my current level of technology, with the help of the system, I can still get these out.

However, Jiang Ran didn't think about it because he thought it was troublesome.

And even after I got those 4G or 5G networks from my previous life, I didn't record those videos or anything.

Is it possible to let yourself and the girls record the show? It would be too troublesome, and it would be of no use. The number of people is really too small, and you can't record much.

After all, if you want to build a network like the one on Earth in the previous life, how can it be possible without the support of most people and ship girls on the Azure Star?
But now, the deep sea and the sirens have not been wiped out, so let's let go of online entertainment or something.

It's not because I don't want to build a network because I'm afraid of trouble.

Jiang Ran got up, and after washing up, he went to the naval cafeteria, intending to have some breakfast.

During the period, I passed Luanniao's dormitory and found that they were still sleeping late, and I didn't call them, as long as they were happy anyway.

The food in Jianniang's canteen used to be produced by herself, but now that Hu Lun has come, she has contracted the canteen.

"The commander is here, what do you want to eat?" Hu Lun looked at Jiang Ran and said with a smile.

"Well, let's have a bowl of beef noodles, then a bowl of soy milk and a fried egg." Jiang Ran thought for a while and said.

"Alright Commander, it will be fine soon."

After Jiang Ran sat in a corner of the cafeteria and happily ate his breakfast, Peace Ark also came over with a basket of steamed buns.

At the same time, those big beautiful eyes gave Jiang Ran a "vicious" look, and then sat opposite Jiang Ran, eating the buns in his own bowl to vent his anger.

"Hmph, damn commander, I made people wait for you all night!"

Jiang Ran was puzzled by the actions of the Peace Ark, and he didn't offend her. Wasn't he fine yesterday?what is it today?
Sure enough, a woman's heart, a sea needle, even a ship girl born from a beautiful fantasy is no exception!

After eating breakfast, Jiang Ran turned on the system and looked at his current fleet strength, three aerospace carriers, two enhanced 055 destroyers and a [-]-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Even the firepower of those auxiliary ships is almost equal to that of a 055.

The current strength should be almost enough to explore the forest behind the port area. Anyway, he must figure out the issue of nuclear radiation.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran started to notify his ship's wife on the data link.

After a while, the large and small ships in the port area gathered in the central square of the port area.

And Jiang Ran also told them about his decision to let them go to the forest behind to see.

Originally, Jiang Ran thought that these lazy girls would be reluctant, but they all looked very excited.

"Hee hee, Commander, I just want to go to the forest at the back, but you never let me go." Luan Niao pouted, as if blaming her commander for being too cautious.

"But we can't all leave. Someone must stay to protect the commander." Huangniao said with a frown.

As soon as Huang Niao said this, the ladies of the ship were quiet for a moment, and then there were constant quarrels!

"Of course it's my job to protect the commander!"

"Ni Zukai, it's me!"

"I have more firepower than 055 now. It must be me."

"What's wrong with 055, I'm still a [-]-ton aircraft carrier!"

The quiet port area is now becoming noisy. It is said that a girl is equal to 500 ducks when she quarrels.

So now this kind is equivalent to thousands of ducks, screaming constantly around Jiang Ran, making Jiang Ran dizzy.

Only the two little girls, Changchun and Qingyuan, looked at their sisters in a daze at the moment.

I don't know why the sisters who were gentle just now started arguing all of a sudden. . .

"Stop, stop, stop arguing. In this case, you can cast lots!" Jiang Ran also quickly stopped the girls.

"I think it's okay, just do as the commander said."

After a lot of tossing, in the end Luanniao was very lucky to get the quota to protect its own commander.

Seeing the results of the lottery, and looking at the bright smile on Luanniao's face, for some reason, Jiang Ran suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Although they were a bit reluctant to talk to their own commander, after all, this was the result of their own lottery, and they had to abide by it.

Soon the girls in the port area had almost left, and at the same time, they had already made up their minds that they must go and return quickly.

At this moment, only Luanniao and Jiang Ran are left in the huge port area.

Luanniao looked at Jiang Ran's appearance, not to mention how happy he was. It was so hard to have such an opportunity to be alone with his commander, and he had to grasp it well.

"Commander, there's nothing wrong with that forest, don't worry, if you go out this time, it's just a play for them."

A long time ago, because of curiosity, Luanniao released his Xuannv fighter jet to cooperate with Fuwei's early warning aircraft and Wudetection 8.

The forest behind the port area was detected and monitored in all directions without blind spots, but except for some small animals, nothing was found.

Immediately afterwards, Luan Niobian showed Jiang Ran all the images he had detected and monitored before, and Jiang Ran's hanging heart finally felt relieved.

"Let's go, Commander, Luanniao will accompany you to the beach, how about it?"

"No, I have to re-arrange the defense forces on the port side." Jiang Ran refused.

"Um, well, I'll just stay here with the commander." Luanniao said with a smile, anyway, as long as he can stay by his commander's side like this.

Jiang Ran and Luanniao sat down under a coconut tree together, and then he turned on the system, intending to produce a dozen sets of Hongqi 9 surface-to-air missile launch vehicles, which will be arranged around the port area to be in charge of the port area. prevention and control tasks.

At the same time, more than 30 sets of Eagle Strike 18 shore-to-ship missiles have been produced to attack surface ships coming from the sea.

After all, as a port area, the minimum defense capability is still needed, and the defense cannot be completely relied on by the ship mother.

(End of this chapter)

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