Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 240: Looking Up

I carried my Wolf Princess into my room, and it was exactly how I had left it. There were still the free trophies I had got from hockey and football, and the right kind, not soccer. I turned and smiled; a space about two meters tall and three wide was filled with old newspaper cut out of the Sun Shine girl from every newspaper I could find.

"So this is the skeletons on the wall? You can barely even see them, and most of them don't even look as cute as I do!" Kyra said cuddling into my chest. 

I turned and sat down on my bed, It was only a double. More than enough for me, and there could be room for one more if I squeezed.

"No, they aren't. None of them are half as beautiful as you, but as I said, they were like baseball cards. Plus, my parents didn't care, they thought it was a lot more normal than Dave's anime girls he had upon the walls. My dad used to bug Dave asking why he couldn't just be happy with three-dimensional girls," I said laughing and still holding Kyra in my arms who didn't seem to mind being pampered.

"What would he say?" Kyra asked while sliding her hands under my shirt to move over my stomach.

"Two-dimensional girls will always just sit and watch me work without asking questions. I don't have to spend time with them so I can get what needs to be done!" I said in a mocking tone like my brother would use. "Keep in mind that he was only fifteen at the time, but he had already helped build an entire game world for an MMORPG that became very popular. So, it was just plain facts coming from him, but dad and I would still laugh at him anyway, but he knew we were joking."

"You respect your little brother a lot," Kyra said climbing out of my arms and starting to walk around the room, looking at the medals and trophies.

"Hard not to, I was good at sports, not great, but dad got to go to a lot of games. Dad always liked that I did sports, but he just didn't know how to connect with Dave. The kid was always on the computer, and when he was younger, my dad used to try and kick him off, thinking he was just playing games. It wasn't until I made mom force dad to sit down and watch Dave work," I said thinking about that time.

It had been near too impossible to get dad to see reason. In his mind, computers were just a waste of time, but I had pushed mom to make him come and watch. 

"Dad sat for four hours with Dave and drilled him with question after question about how he made things work inside of the games. Finally, mom pulled him out, and Dave was only twelve at the time, so when I went to see him, he just looked frustrated. I guess he hadn't got anything done and that frustrated him. So, when dad found out, he just nodded and didn't bother him again. If there is one thing my dad could understand, it was hard work and determination. After seeing the things that Dave was doing, he got it."

"So you were kind of like his guardian? You watched over him?" Kyra asked, coming to lay on the bed and put a hand up the back of my shirt and she curled around me.

"Pft, yeah, I guess, I kicked the shit out of anyone that messed with him, but I got through school because he helped me with my work and study. He did this all while doing his own work in a lower grade than me, then there was the game building as well. The kid always wanted to help, and after I got out of school he helped me get my first job as a janitor for a company he was doing work for," I said.

Kyra was quiet, and I looked down at her, and her eyes were closed. Nice one, Hyde. You bored your wife to sleep with you talking. Well, it had been a long day so maybe in the morning, I might get something.

I took my clothes off and pulled the covers out from under the sleeping Kyra. I probably could have flipped her over and she still wouldn't have moved, she was out like a light.

After getting her under the covers, I crawled into bed with Kyra and cuddled her closed to me. I buried my face into the back of her neck and green hair, kissing her gently.

I soon started to drift off, and the last thing I remember about was how nice it was to have a place that was really like home now. After that, I slipped off and had a good sleep for about five hours.

'Hyde! Get up and into the Dragon Armor now! I think the giant has spotted us, or at least he is coming this way. Hurry up and stand up and I will merge you Into the armor, quickly!' -Eva.

Her voice jolted me awake, and I untangled myself from a growling Kyra.

"Where do you think you're going!" Kyra growled, but I was already sinking into the floor.

"Stay here, I have to go. Our big friend is back so I think it is the best time we get out of here for now. I don't think I will get lucky again," I said, but I was already merged with the Dragon Armor and back laying on the ground where I had fallen.

I could see the massive walking forest coming straight at me. I knew when I had someone too big to tangle with. I would need to open the other two Gates before I had a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

For now, I just needed to get the hell out of here.

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