(SI): The Celestial Forge Merchant Of The Multiverse: Danmachi

Chapter • 1: The Celestial Forge


――I woke to an unfamiliar and yet familiar ceiling in an unfamiliar yet familiar room. I sat up on the equally unfamiliar yet familiar bed and looked around. The first thing I noticed was despite my lack of glasses, I could see perfectly fine, which was strange in and of itself. The second thing I noticed was the rather large black bird with crimson eyes sitting on the bedside table. I blinked dazedly at it, tilting my head to mirror the bird’s movements. It hopped onto my knee, staring at me. Whoever’s bird this was, it obviously wasn’t scared of strangers.

Oddly enough, the bird (Raven my brain supplied), like the other things in the room, was both recognizable and strange to me. I reached out gently, slowly, to pet the soft feathers on the bird’s head.

" Would you happen to know where we are little one?" I said in way of a greeting, my voice lighter and smoother than I thought it should have been.

The Black Raven blinked its crimson eyes at me, giving me a look I can only describe as;' What do you think?'

What a sassy Raven.

" So you don't... That's unfortunate."

Looking around, I was greeted with a rather clean, and simple bedroom with cream-colored walls and a ceiling. It was not quite clean, not quite dirty, and strangely a mixture of barren and homey.

There was only a queen-size which I am on, a wooden set table with two chairs, and a window, that overlooked a barren street. In the far distance, I can hear metal things hitting each other and groans and yells.

Is someone throwing a party?

Who throws a party in New York in the middle of the night? Aren't they afraid of getting mugged or something?

Curiosity got the better of me, as I went up and looked out the window.

' This... This looks nothing like New York. Where are the homeless and trash? Where are the druggies?'

And most of all!

' Where the hell is my car?!' Nothing. There is nothing. An empty street greeted me. A rather old fashion one at that too

I just got that car damn it!

Man! This sucks.

' Hey dummy, why are thinking of your car!? Where in the nine hells are we?!' The smarter part of my brain hissed at me.

' Right...'. No time to get worried about my car, I got to figure out where am I.

Thanking my conscious, I stepped to the door.

Slowly, I stepped over. Step-by-step.

Feeling a deadpan gaze at my back, I looked back seeing the Raven giving a blank gaze, seemingly questioning the meaning of life.

" What? What if I was kidnapped by a butt Aliens." If I didn't know better, the Raven seemed to give up on life.

Giving me one more blank look, It laid down and closed Its eyes.

Shrugging, I went back to quietly to the walking, while hoping that somehow my Sneak 100 from Skyrim works.

Oh Akatosh, please work! And please don't be butt Aliens! I am not into that! Not at all!

By the time I was done with my prayer, I was a few feet away from the wooden door.

' The moment of truth!'

My hands started to shake and my legs felt like jelly and it was not in a good way.

' Oi! Stop shaking hands! You don't do that when we exercise!'

A few calming breaths later, I was able to get my shaking hands and jelly legs under control. There twitch here and there, but it was a big improvement over what I had before.

Thump thump. I felt my heart trying to free itself from my chest. Alas, it was stuck with me. The beating was so loud, my ears started to ring.

Gulping down some dry spit, I slowly reached for the door. Once my sweaty palms were on the door, I very gently turned the knob.

I held my breath as it made a low clicking sound, as I tenderly opened the door.

Thankfully, the door made no creaking sound, as it opened.

' A hallway?'

Yes. That's what greeted me. A rather clean wooden hallway with two other doors on the of me. The right side is a restroom amd the left side is a guest bedroom. How did I know this? I didn't know. I just knew what was behind the food.

' Okay... That's not odd.'

I gulped again, as I stepped toward the end of the hallway, where the staircase was.

' Do I go down?'

I looked back at my open door and saw the Raven. Its eyes watching my every move.

' I guess so...'

Steeling myself, I stepped downward at a steady phase. And again, thankfully, the stairs made no creaking sounds as I went down.

' Heh... This reminds me of my secret missions to the kitchen when I was little to get some snacks.' I chucked, finding light in my unfortunate situation. Because if don't do that, I'm pretty sure I would be running my ass back into that room. If making fun of myself helps with whatever the hell is going on, then so be it!

I soon stopped my chuckle, as I made it to the bottom. My face is now grim and my mind already coming up thousands of ways this could go wrong.

' Please don't be Aliens. Please don't be Aliens. Please don't be Aliens.' I chanted, as I looked to the left.

' A... Forge?' My eyes widened in confusion.

Not butt Aliens.

But a... Forge? A rather clean and plain red-brick Forge room with a chimney. It had a steal Solid fuel Forge, a Furnace, and Foundry. The basics for Blacksmithing.

As I walked in, I found a bag of charcoal, coal, and blocks of wood ready to be used in a corner.

' Another door?' After scanning the room with a thoroughly confused look, I found another door at the end of the room. It is in the farthest right corner.

' We already did this much, we might as well keep on going.' I sighed at my thoughts.

Giving the Forge one more look, I made my way to the door.

Turning the knob, it opened to a large room with six empty middle-sized wooden tables and a large desk. Behind the desk, was a comfortable-looking rolling chair.

' A... A shop?' This only came to my mind.

No matter what way you look at it, it's a Shop. If I was to sit on the chair and turn right, I would be greeted by a window, showing outside and a door leading into the Shop.

' Huh?' My eyes quickly caught something on the desk.

Walking up, I picked up the paper and found words on it. Upon reading it, my face went through many shades of emotions, until it settled on; a blank look.

Why? Well, read yourself, why don't ya!

... Oh Gods, I am so dead.

[" You how you always wanted to be a Mad Scientist with a robot or mutant army? Well, now you can! I plucked ya from your world and dropped you in Danmachi with The Celestial Forge! Have fun with that!

Yours truly: TheDreamer.

PS: Try not to die, mmkay?"]

Sitting down, I groaned. My groan beat all the groans before it in its groanness.

I am in Danmachi? That's like one of the few Animes and Light Novels I didn't read or watch past the first couple of episodes and the First volume!

Out of all Animes, Mangas, and Light Novels I read, why pick the one I barely know of?!

Why not Naruto, Bleach, or hell Dragonball!?

I would even settle for DXD! I at least read half the Volumes for that!

In my movements of despair, I noticed something.

One; the paper disappeared and two; a shiny metal key replaced it. The key itself seemed to calling out to me.

I sighed. It seems I am stuck here. Not the best or worst, please. At least it isn't the Wormverse or SCPverse.

Picking up the key, I saw myself smile, a broken one in the reflection.

... This is gonna suck so much. I just know it!


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