Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc I Chapter 13



Arc I Chapter 13


Asami felt disappointed. The ninja academy was ... boring, terribly boring. Some days were interesting. Some days were less interesting, but most days were boring, and amusement a sparse commodity. The tediousness and monotony killed her. She even told Okaa-san.


Okaa-san of course agreed, school was boring, but unfortunately, nothing could be done. She was trapped here for the next few years. Nobody could save her from this prison.


“...” Asami sighed. The academy turned out to be an elementary school in all but name. The only difference was the fancier curriculum. Classes treated ninja history, techniques, theoretical knowledge, but the majority of time was dedicated to more basic skills. Shuriken, kunai, taijutsu, ninjutsu were important, but reading, writing, and arithmetic were equally important, if not more important. The village needed ninja, not idiots. The future canon fodder should at least know how to read and write. Analphabets were a troublesome bunch. They made for poor ninja.


The non ninja related classes had their use, but they were tiresome. They bored her, providing her with little challenge considering her background. Their endless monotony felt like gruesome torture, like a cruel joke of fate. She was already familiar with the curriculum, having studied the subjects before. Due to her birth, she enjoyed a privileged education. Okaa-san spared no efforts. In her eyes, she deserved only the best education. She thus received only the best education. Tutors instructed her in the literary arts and more since a young age.


Even the dedicated ninja classes quickly lost their appeal. They piqued her interest at the beginning, but their fascination didn't last long. Classes became dull, uninspiring to the point that she stopped caring. She decided to ignore Iruka and his classes. Overnight, life became much easier.


Since then, Asami had plenty of time available for the important matters of life, like playing chess during school, which was way more interesting than learning kanji.


Asami finished her turn, moving her bishop to threaten Shikamaru's queen.


“Your turn, Shikamaru.” Asami smiled.


“What a drag, you never fail to annoy me. Your turns are troublesome as usual”, Shikamaru grumbled. His best friend Choji stood by his side, munching on a bag of chips. He followed the game with little interest. His chips proved more interesting.


Asami chuckled. “I hope so. You are such an intelligent boy. I don't want to disappoint our famed little genius by not providing an adequate challenge. I heard you scored high on your IQ test, didn't you? What were the results again?”


Shikamru ignored her, his attention concentrated on the board. “I know what you are trying to do, Asami ... So stop distracting me, I am thinking.”


“...” Shikamaru folded his hands, pondering his next move.


Asami sighed. “You are no fun, Shikamaru. Be careful, with this awful attitude of yours you will never get a woman, ... or a man.”


Her teasing showed no effect. Shikamru didn't listen. He was too engrossed in the game. 


Asami clicked her tongue. “Don't take everything so seriously, Shikamaru. Chess is just a game. Try to have some fun for a change. Try to relax. Sometimes I win. Sometimes you win. And sometimes neither of us wins, but most times I win. That's how it works.” 


Shikamaru grumbled, “Why do we even play chess? I told you I prefer shogi ...”


Asami rolled her eyes. “You did, but I told you that I don't know shogi. I know chess, though, and you know chess. I am the girl, so I decide. That's why we play chess. Pretty simple, isn't it, Shikamaru?”


Shikamaru scowled. “Father was right, women only cause trouble. The same is true for girls, especially when their name is Asami.”


Asami touched her chest. “Oh, you flatter me, Shikamaru, you truly do. You are such a naughty boy.”


Shikamaru scowled. “This wasn't meant to be a compliment.”


“I know.” Asami smiled. Teasing Shikamaru was so much fun.


Shikamru moved his queen, placing it right in front of her bishop.  “Didn't you promise me, though, that you would learn shogi. That was a few weeks ago.”


“Did I?” Asami tilted her head.


“You did.”


Asami stroked her chin. “Can't remember, but I think I said I would learn it ... one day, one day in the future. One day is not today.“


Shikamaru seemed annoyed, but Asami couldn't tell for sure. He always looked annoyed. He always wore the same bored face every day. “Fair enough.”


Asami captured his queen. She would lose her bishop, but exchanging her bishop for his queen was worthwhile trade.


Shikamaru smirked. “I knew you would take the bait. You are predictable, Asami-chan. You stepped right into my trap.”


Asami narrowed her eyes. “What are you talking about ...”


Shikamaru moved his rook, threatening her king. “Checkmate, Asami.”


Moving her bishop created an opening that Asami didn't notice. Her greediness blinded her. Shikamaru's queen was a bait, a costly bait, but a bait. She fell for it.


“Your arrogance, your hubris will be your downfall, Asami-chan. You should pay more attention to the game and spend less time talking.” Shikamru grinned in triumph.


Asami pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly annoyed. She lost. How troublesome. “It seems you have won. Congratulations on your victory, Shikamaru-kun, even though it was a close call. But do you know the difference between chess and reality, Shikamaru?”


Shikamaru wrinkled his eyebrows. “Care to explain?”


“You see, Shikamaru, chess is a game that simulates, designed to sharpen the mind.”Asami motioned at the board. “But in the end, chess is just a game. Chess is merely an approximation of reality. Chess is a game with perfect information. You are always aware of your opponent's moves. Nothing escapes your eyes. The rules are set in stone, their cold logical efficiency merciless. Chess offers no room for uncertainties. The very concept of uncertainty is alien to the game, but reality is different. Reality is full of uncertainties, full of the unexpected. You are not bound by rules. Nothing is set in stone, as each of us has the power to change fate, to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.”  


Asami smiled moved her king, capturing Shikamaru's rook. “Your turn, Shikamaru.”


Shikamaru froze, his mind unable to comprehend. Asami did the impossible. How ... How was this possible? She lost. He defeated her. His trap was perfect. There was no escape. His knight covered his rook ...


“...” Shikamaru noticed, as realisation dawned on him. His knight was moved one field to the left. He didn't stand where he was supposed to stand.


“...” Shikamaru clenched his fist. “Asami ..., you cheated, didn't you?”


Asami tilted her head. “...” 


“I don't know when, or how, but you moved my knight when I didn't look! You cheated!” 


Asami smiled. “Shikamaru, I didn't cheat. You merely made a poor move. You thought it was checkmate. I thought it was checkmate. That wasn't the case. We both erred. You can even ask Choji if you don't believe me. Choji, did you see me moving any pieces?”


Choji stopped eating. His chips lost their importance. “Well, ... I can't tell. I didn't see anything.” He laughed uneasily.


Asami beamed. “See, Shikamaru, I did nothing.”


Shikamaru grumbled, but he relented. It was his fault. He should have known better. He knew that Asami was a sneaky opponent. Her little speech caught him off guard.



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