Si Vis Pacem -‖- Para Bellum [Naruto FanFic]

Arc III Chapter 1



Arc III Chapter 1


Heavy snow covered the silent forest. The harsh forces of winter reigned the frozen lands, hidden beneath a blanket of ice and white. Nature had turned the world into a cold, barren desert, hostile to human life. But life persisted among the trees, refusing to bow to the forces of nature.


A squad of Konoha ANBU moved through the trees with frightening speed, desperately running for their lives.


“We have to pick up the pace, Konosuke. They are right behind us, Captain!” Hachiro warned, his desperation palpable.


“I know, Hachiro. I know.” Konosuke gritted his teeth. Their situation didn't look good. He and his men were tired. They needed rest, but rest was out of the question. Their pursuers were right behind them. Yet they had to carry on. “Hachiro, where are Masaaki and Yusuke?”


“No idea.” Hachiro replied.


“Masaaki and Yusuke are probably dead.” Asami answered, her voice dispassionate, cold. The girl wore her ANBU mask and white fur coat, with pride. After all, she was one of them, an ANBU. “They engaged the enemy to buy time. They failed to return, unable to disengage. We must assume the worst, Captain.”


Asami was young, barely 13-years-old, but death didn’t bother her in the slightest. The girl accepted the deaths of her comrades with cold indifference.


“Shit!”  Konosuke clenched his fists, anger, rage flaring up inside him. He sent two comrades to their death, but times were hard. Drastic measures had to be taken. Masaaki and Yusuke delayed the enemy, but they paid the ulitmate price. Yet it was not enough. He knew that they were running out of time. The enemy was getting closer and closer every minute. They had to reach the safety of the assembly point before it was too late. 


The only problem was that Norogumi and Karen slowed them down. They were heavily wounded during their mission. Norogumi lost a few ribs and bones. Karen  a lot of blood. In fact, it was a miracle that they both were still standing, still conscious. Nevertheless, it was questionable how long they would still last. Norogumi and Karen grew weaker with every minute. They were slowly but surely reaching the limits of their endurance.   


“...” Konosuke clenched his fists. What were they supposed to do? He didn't know.


Asami chimed in, “Konosuke, our Kiri friends are rapidly closing the distance. I suggest that we should hurry up.” 


“Do you think I don't know that?” Konosuke barked. “We can’t, Asami. We can't go faster. Norogumi and Karen are both in a critical condition. They won't be able to keep up. We can't leave them behind.” 


“I know, but I think I have a solution for our little problem.” Asami halted, stopping on a random tree branch. Her hand drew her sword. Her radiant blade glimmered purple in anticipation.  “I will confront them and delay them as long as possible. I will cover your retreat.” Her voice spoke with confidence.


“Are you crazy? You will die! You can't fight them all on your own” Konosuke clicked his tongue. As much as Asami annoyed him at times, he didn’t want to sacrifice yet another life. Too many lives were already lost today.


“Konosuke, we don't have much of a choice. Someone must delay them at any price.” 


“...” Konosuke fell silent. Asami might be talented for her age, but was she strong enough to face the Kiri-nin alone? He doubted so. And yet ...


“You must go”, Asami urged them. “Time is running short. The enemy is approaching. I don't want my noble self-sacrifice to be in vain.” 


“...” Konosuke was conflicted. Snow started falling. Countless millions of snow crystals turned the darkening sky white. “You know, Asami, it should be the duty of the old to protect the young, and not the other way around ...”


Asami merely chuckled. “Probably, but neither is it your duty to throw your lives away. Sometimes, hard times require hard decisions.”


“... ... ...” Konosuke relented, a heavy sigh escaping him. “Do your best and don't die, Asami. Promise me that you will return. I don't want this to be our final parting.”


Asami smirked, a satisfied grin gracing her lips. “Don't worry, Konosuke, I will return. I won't die this easily.”


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