Side Note

Chapter 11: Rhinestone Eyes

Since I've got a mirror, I might as well check myself out. Eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Still there, and so nothing to fear. Skin is intact, and the hair is still on my head. The eyebrows exist, and the little horns growing out of my forehead are still cute. Wait… horns? I knew that Demon Lord did something weird to me in my sleep! Damn you! Anyways, if I had to guess, the reason I was given the mirror was to find out my own Sacred Power. Time to stare into my own eyes. 

Side Note

You can see the Sacred Powers of other people. You can see Side Notes tied to them. Only you can see Side Notes. 

Side Note: Yo yo yo, what up Side Note! Creator of all Sacred Powers here, just leaving a note to tell you that you'll get something neat if you find 999 Side Notes. Don't worry. The ability itself will keep track.

Side Notes found: 11.

Oh. That explains it. Hmm… "Hey Mel, how many Sacred Power holders do you know?"

Mel walked out of the tent. "Not many. Why?"

"Tell me the specific number."

"Hmm… including the four new ones we met today," She thought for a long minute, "I'd have to say around 15. Now tell me why you want to know."

"I finally know what I want to do."

"Was that always a worry of yours?"

"Nope, but I was bound to have an existential crisis about it at some point, so good thing I've knocked it off the list before it even happened!"

"Okay… still doesn't explain anything."

"I know what my Sacred Power is."

"I figured that's what the mirror was for. Now hurry up and get to the point."

"I want to eat dinner."

"Well, good thing, I'm about to cook it." She was about to walk over to the fire before she stopped and looked at me. "Aren't you the maid, shouldn't you cook? Also, weren't you going to tell me what you want to do?"

"I'm going to meet 999 Sacred Power holders."

"That's a stupid goal. Now, about you cooking."

"I failed cooking class back at Maid School."

"I see. How did I get stuck with the worst maid possible?" She walked over to the nearby campfire to cook some rabbits she caught a few moments ago. "So 999 Sacred Power holders, huh. Good luck on that."

"And you're coming!"

"Yeah, sure."

"Wait, really?"

"What? Expecting me to say no?"

"Yes. I was expecting you to say 'Fuck no' then I'd say 'Why not?' then you'd go 'You'd die before you even reach one hundred' then I'd follow up with 'That's why I'll have you come' then you'd laugh maniacally before calmly saying no, then we'd have hate sex."

"Ew, no, you may be cute, but I'm not having hate sex with you. I don't even hate you."

"So you like me?"

"No. You interest me."

"So you do like me!"

"Still no. Side Character seems to still do its thing even when you're looking, which has never happened before. Maybe if I stick around with you, I'll learn why. Maybe the weirdo who created this fucked up world made your Sacred Power specifically for some purpose."

"All I can hear is that you like me."

"Maybe I do hate you."

"So is the hate sex on the table?"

"I'm going to knock you out."

"Knock me up, baby."

"You know what, going to completely sideline this whole conversation and start a new one."

"About what? Update on our relationship?"

"Your name."

"Still don't have one."

"I know, which is why I shall name you."

"My first gift from my lover! I'm so excited."

"I'm going to knock you out after I name you."

"Like how they capture monsters?"

"What? No."


"What do you mean disappointing?! Shut up for now. You're getting us sidetracked."

"Aye aye, captain!" Shutting my mouth right now. I can still think, fortunately.

"No thinking either." Darn, guess no thinking either then. I sat down near the fire where she was cooking, looking at her thinking whilst staring into the hot fire. Mmm… fire.

"I'll name you Madeleine."


"Because I can shorten it to Mad, which is what you are."

"Eh? I'm never angry."

"The other mad."

"Oh, crazy mad. Fair enough."

"Happy with that, Mad?"

"Sure am, Mel."

"That's not my name in this fo-"

"Shh… all of you is Mel to me."

"Take your finger off my mouth."

"It's nice and warm."

"That's it, knocking you out."

"But I haven't had din-" And everything faded to black, with the last thing I saw being Mel's fist.

Character profile: Madeleine.

Sacred power: Side Note.

Grade report for maid school: S in Cooking, B in Private Service, C in Combat, C in Cleaning, A in Oddly Specific Requests Made By The Master Of The House, S in Mathematics, F in Obedience, SSS in [Tea Stains Block The Last Subject].

Description: The main character. Y'all will learn more about her as the story continues. Or maybe not. That'd be funny.

Chapter namesake: Rhinestone Eyes by Gorillaz.

Hey there, pojlk here, just wanted to say a few things. I do have 999 Sacred Powers. Don't have 999 characters though, so that's probably a problem. Huh, I swear I had more to say. Oh, whatever. Feel free to ask questions, I guess.

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