Side Note

Chapter 16: Middle of Nowhere

I didn't get to keep the Spirit or the guardian. Mel kept saying no, and even when I did the power play that was throwing a tantrum, it still failed. She fought me with logic and a chop to the neck. Oh well, there's always the next Lake Spirit. I assume we'll meet another one at some point. 

Anyways, we're back in the mansion, inside Merida's study. Once again, it's all dark and dramatic and atmospheric, or something like that. I'd try to get into the mood she's trying to set here, but I'm too focused on the cat she has on her lap. She's really petting it, and the cat looks like anger incarnate, ready to lash out on Merida. I'd like to lash out on Merida too… for some reason.

"I have a whip in one of my drawers. I am able to accommodate that wish of yours."

"Some other day."


"What the fuck did you two just agree on?"

"Don't worry Mel, if you're feeling jealous, I'll whip you too."

"Fuck no."

"That is understandable. Different people, different tastes."

"Just tell us who we're going to next, Merida."

"We have time to act sidetracked."

"I don't want to hear whatever you two will talk about when sidetracked."

"Fine, fine. Right now, Speedy should be running around the whole forest to find the other Sacred Power holder you two did not meet on your short journey, and since it may take a while, even with her speed, can I have you two do a short thing?"

"Haa… sure."

"Anything for you, Meri."



"I'm… awfully shy. I can't do that."

"Do it, quickly."

"What? Hell no."

"This is going a bit too fast, Meri."

"Look, I know both of you keep concealed daggers under your clothing. The Sacred Power holder you are about to meet is a sealed demon famous for never having been touched by a weapon. If you want to keep your daggers, strip now and remove the daggers."

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?!"

"Usually, when I tell Speedy to strip, she does. I figured you two would be the same."

"People don't typically strip willingly."

"I would."

"Madeleine… you didn't willingly strip this time."

"Oh… that is true. Time to strip." I started stripping whilst looking straight at Mel's eyes. Hahahaha… she's getting embarrassed. I removed everything and looked at the daggers tied to my thighs. I've always wondered why assassination techniques were taught at the Maid School, but old habits die hard, I guess. I wonder why Mel has hidden daggers, though.

"You can never be too cautious. If I could, I'd hide an entire armoury under my shirt. Unfortunately, the best I could fit were daggers." Mel started taking off her shirt, then lifted it to her side. She shook it, and a bunch of daggers came out. Like… a bunch. How did she even fit that many?

"Any student of Rich can fit an illogical amount of items on their persons."

We finished disposing of our daggers when Speedy conveniently zipped into the room. "I found the demon. He was sealed really deep into the forest."

"Good, good."

"Couldn't you have told her where it is with All Seeing Eye?"

"And miss out on watching Speedy's frantic running? No."

"Wait… is that why you send me on random errands that make no sense?"

"Yes, very much yes. I love your running."

"Oh shucks."

"Now send them to the demon."

"Yes, master!" 

Speedy grabbed the wrists of Mel and me, and off we went.

It was a few moments before we found ourselves next to a giant statue of a monk, kneeling in a prayer pose. In its hand was a shining stone connected to a light blue, transparent bubble that went past the trees, both deeper into the forest and higher up into the branches. 

"The demon should be in there. Huge barrier, so it might be a bit of a walk for you. I have some errands to do in some other countries, so have this." Speedy handed over a  wooden handbell without the little ringing bit inside. How is this supposed to work? 

"I have the clapper part on my earring, see?" She pointed at her ear, and I could see an earring that looked like the little thing that goes inside a bell. "If you shake the handbell, the clapper here will shake and make a little jingle. Whenever you're done, shake it, and I'll come. Now then, I'm off. Good luck with the demon." And off she went.

"Any idea how the bell works?"

"Hmm… through the power of friendship?"

"It was a mistake asking you."

"You and I both know I'm the idiot here."

"Yeah, I know. Now, are we going to meet the demon or not?"

"Let's go!"

We walked down the dense thicket of trees, sometimes having to climb over some roots. No one comes this deep into the forest, huh. It felt like the trees would never end until we came across a huge plain, with a tiny hill in the middle of it and a wooden cabin built on top of it, and a man watering some flowers at the front of the cabin's porch. Even from quite a fair bit away I could see his huge horns. He must be the demon. Time to greet him. 

"We should be careful Made- and she's just walking up to him casually. Great."

"Yo yo yo, Demon dayo. What the fuck did I just say?"

The demon, who was extremely focused on tending to his flowers, turned around and silently looked at me. I think he was checking me out. "A maid… you would not happen to have daggers hidden under that skirt of yours?"

"Nope. I was told to strip and remove those a while ago."

"Madeleine! Don't just reveal we're unarmed!"

"Not like weapons would've worked against him. Merida said something about him being untouched, didn't she?"

"That would be right. No weapon has ever touched this flesh of mine. Do not worry. I have no intention to harm either of you. I would rather not spill blood on my garden."

"That's because you're a Sacred Power holder, aren't you?"

"So that's what those of the Lands call it… interesting. Yes, I do have a Sacred Power."

"Coolio, can I look into your eyes, then?"

"What a peculiar request. Hmm… fine."


"Only if you do one thing for me."


"Great… a deal with a demon."

The demon grabbed out a letter from inside his pockets. "I want you to deliver this letter to the Demon Lord. Are you able to do that?"

"The Demon Lord? Is his name Rafe?"

"Are you acquainted with him?"

"Worked under him recently. I know where he is."

"Convenient. I trust you will deliver this, right?"

"You can trust a maid like she's your second mother."

"I see." He handed me the letter. "You shall look into my eyes now."

"Okie Dokie, smokie." I stared into the abyssal eye of the demon. Just kidding, it looked like a normal eyeball, minus the blood-red irises.


You can corrode things.

Side Note: Budget version of Destruction.

"That's all. Thanks demon, you're surprisingly nice."

"It is because you two are no warriors. I have no interest in slaying the weak."

"You know Mel, for once I'm glad I failed Maid School combat class."

"What the hell are they teaching at Maid School?"

Character profile: Raki the Weaponslayer

Sacred power: Corrosion

Demon House: House of Ira

Description: One of the many Demon Fiends that exist in the world, Raki is notable for having never been touched by a weapon in battle. His defeat came when a group of monks were sent to fight him. He was overpowered by their technique and speed due to a lack of armour and sealed within the Walled Forest. He has since made a home and is content with living the rest of his life there. Occasionally, there are warriors who are foolish enough to challenge him. Their remains lie under the hill, their armour and weapons nowhere to be found.

Chapter namesake: Middle of Nowhere by Hot Hot Heat.

I'm not gonna lie, Merida and Speedy weren't planned to be characters, so these pre-Side Note collecting hijinks in the mansion are things I was not planning to write This means the chapters are actually longer than what I was expecting to write. Haa... I expected to just be writing a wacky story with short encounters in a madness-filled world. I'm sure you guys have noticed that I'm releasing these chapters quite consistently, releasing a chapter every 2 days. Due to the longer chapters, I might end up releasing a chapter a day late. I'm still able to write these longer chapters every 2 days, it's just that sometimes I don't want to. I am, at heart, a lazy bastard.

Long story short, every now and then instead of 2 days you'll have to wait 3 days. That is all. Also, I might kill off Merida and Speedy randomly. Maybe not.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.