Side Note

Chapter 18: Lovefool

Hello, previously a slave due to crime but now a slave due to love here, currently making tea in my room. Why in my room? The kitchen is currently flooded with soup. Fortunately, I saved all my tea stuff. Unfortunately, I didn't save my favourite spoon. I'll miss you Gerrick. I'm making this tea for Afternoon Tea Time, my favourite time of the day. Not because I like drinking tea, but because I like making tea. It is my calling as a maid, and it's been a while since I've made tea. Merida prefers soup, Speedy prefers coffee, and Mel doesn't trust my tea-making skills. She's never had my tea! I'm glad Ferry is here, finally someone who can appreciate some good drinks. Ooh, that might be him knocking.

I opened the door to see no one. No wait, it's just a short person… is that a goat beastman? Ooh… look at those horns and those ears. That's Ferry's black robe, but I can see some lumps… Ferry's secret lovechild?

"No, it's me."

"Last I checked, you were a human, taller than me, and not a girl. What happened?"

"That elf… I fear her."


"She invited me to her room, and as soon as I entered, I noticed a magic circle drawn with blood in the centre and a plethora of items on her desk. I instantly recognised it as what I needed to summon a high-ranked demon. Multiple, in fact."

"So you summoned them for her?"

"Of course I did. Free high-ranked demon summonings, I was enticed by such an offer. Then it happened."

"What happened?"

"She… conversed with them. As if she knew them. She knew all their names and their abilities. Almost as if she can see everything."

"She can."

"She can what now?"

"See everything. She has the All Seeing Eye Sacred Power."

"I suddenly fear her more now."

"I understand. I feel like she knows about the voices in my head."

"I see you're still a nutcase."

"Always will be! Anyways, continue with the story. Still haven't explained why you're a female goat person now."

"I was busy watching their conversation when suddenly she shook hands with them. Before I knew it, I was like this. Now, can we have some tea?"

"Do you not want to turn back?"

"That male human body wasn't my original anyways."

"Wait, what?"

"Elf, dwarf, demon, angel, beastman, tentacle monster, dog, fairy. I've been a lot of things. A lot of demons are assholes."

"Oh… can you turn into a fairy right now?"

"No, but I do have the ability to turn into a bird."

"What kind of bird?"

"A kiwi."

"What's a kiwi?"

"I could show you… but first I want some tea. By the way, call me Merry."


"Different body, different name. Safeguard against demons, fairies, and those spies from Cyst City, just trust me."


We had some tea and talked about things. What kind of things? We talked about Merry's horns. Got to touch them. I think they might be better if they were bigger. Easier to penetrate with. Although ribs might be a problem. Ribs are always a problem when trying to murder someone. As soon as the tea was finished, Merry got up. "I have some tasks to attend to."


"That sponsor of yours, the soup lover, has hired my services. She wishes to create a dungeon in the basement and fill it with demons."


"I do not know, but I am intrigued by it." She walked over to my door before she stopped, "Before I forget, the elf said that your next target is down the road, at the farm that provides this household with produce. Her errand girl and your friend were sent there before you to deal with some intruders. Now, I'm off to summon some demons." 

Huh… a farm. Guess I'll go there.

It's me, Madeleine, currently at the farm. The walk here was great, very refreshing air, as expected of the middle of a forest. As for the farm… currently in shambles. Why? Because Speedy and Mel are fighting the intruders. Speedy has been caught by some magic spell shackles and flopping about on the floor, crushing some potatoes. Mel isn't restrained and has her bow out and firing light arrows at a priestess holding her staff in a prayer pose, being protected by a ninja who is cutting up Mel's light arrows with her sword. Wait… a priestess and a ninja? That sounds familiar.

"Oh, are you the maid that the estate owner recently picked up?" I looked to who was asking me the question and saw a dwarf girl in overalls wearing a straw hat with a shovel in hand.

"By estate owner, do you mean the soup elf?"

"Yeah. Since you know her obsession with soup, you're definitely the maid that was picked up. Whatcha doing here?"

"Merida said my next target was here."

"You an assassin?"

"No, I failed that class. You wouldn't happen to know any Sacred Power holders, would you?"

"I reckon those four fighting there are Sacred Power holders. Although, the estate owner did say I'm one too. Don't really feel like one, you know? I'm just a simple farmer."

"She says you're one? Mine looking into my eyes?"

"Sure thing. Odd request, but the estate owner has asked for weirder." I looked into her brown eyes. Brown like the dirt, how fitting.


You and your fated have this power. You gain strength when together.

Side Note: Pretty sure for kicks and giggles, I gave this to three folks. The problem is I don't remember this world's view on polygamy. Eh, it'll probably be fine.

That's an interesting Sacred Power. Might as well ask the farmer. "So, good news. You're a Sacred Power holder."

"Umm… okay. I thought the estate owner was joking around with me, but to think it's true."

"Question: How's your love life?"

"Eh? Love life? Umm…" She started looking down, covering her face with her straw hat. Aww… how adorable.

"Seriously though, how's your love life? Anyone you made love to recently?"

"Well… I'm a farmer here in the Walled Forest, don't get many moments to have romance."

"Hmm… well, how about those two intruders?" I pointed at the battlefield. The priestess is shooting light lasers at Mel, who is flipping and dodging all of them. Speedy, on the other hand, has the ninja pinned down. I bet you she's saying something that she thinks is extremely witty.

"Intruders? Did the estate owner tell you that?"

"Yeah, that's what she said. Is it wrong?"

"It is. I've been caring for the two when I found them knocked out in the forest. They've been a great help in the past few days."

"Oh… wonder why Merida said they were intruders, then."

"Most likely to cause a tussle. She loves to watch Mare fight."


"The one she calls Speedy."

"Hahaha! She's named after a horse."

"A beautiful name, innit?"

"Umm… sure. Since they're not intruders, should I do something about the fight?"

"You? Can you do anything?"


"Fine. I'll go inside my cabin to grab some healing potion, just in case."

"Thanks." She ran towards her cabin, throwing the shovel she had in hand to the side. I looked at the battle and saw that they were at a standstill right now, gasping for air. Hmm… this is the best time to catch them off guard. 

I stomped my foot on the ground, and from behind the four grew dirt pillars. They turned around to see the pillars, further distracting them. I grabbed out four daggers from under my skirt and threw one at each, catching their collars and connecting them to the dirt pillars. I stomped again to cover their feet with dirt to restrict them further.

The farmer walked out, carrying a box with potions, but was shocked to see the scene. "You could do magic?"

"A little something I picked up in school."

"What school did you go to?"

"Maid school. Now, time to look into those two's eyes."

I walked over to the priestess first. She seemed the least likely to attempt to attack me. By the way, the order of threat of being hit from would be the priestess, then Speedy, then Mel, then the ninja. Maybe Mel above the ninja. 

"Wait, Madeleine? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me Mel. Was the fight fun?" I said whilst walking over to the priestess. I grabbed her by the chin.

"W-what are you doing?"


"Don't worry, just looking into your eyes." Her eyes were a beautiful, holy white. As expected of those lab-grown priestesses. I assume they're grown in a lab.


You and your fated have this power. You gain strength when together.

Side Note: Pretty sure for kicks and giggles, I gave this to three folks. The problem is I don't remember this world's view on polygamy. Eh, it'll probably be fine.

How convenient. That's two out of three, and if I remember correctly, Mel said the ninja and priestess were into each other. "Hey priestess, I want to do the same thing to your lover there. Can you make sure she doesn't attack me?"

"Umm… sure. Hey Chern, don't attack the maid, please."


"Thanks." I walked over to the ninja and looked into her eyes too.


You and your fated have this power. You gain strength when together.

Side Note: Pretty sure for kicks and giggles, I gave this to three folks. The problem is I don't remember this world's view on polygamy. Eh, it'll probably be fine.

Three out of three. Wild. I stomped on the ground and freed everyone else. "Okay Mel, we're done here. Let's go home."

"Eh? But we were fi-"

"Why were you guys fighting?"

"They attacked first!"

"You're clearly here for revenge after we left you there!" The priestess yelled at Mel.

"Maybe I should have my revenge!"

"Sorry for leaving you. We didn't want to wake you up!"

"What? Why?"

"You'd kill us."

"You know what. Good point."

"Wait… you don't like being woken up? Then what about last night?"

"I don't know. I guess whenever you're involved, some of my traits get ignored. You better get used to it. That's how it goes."

"What do you mea-"

"I want to rest," said Speedy, who was clinging onto Mel. I forgot she was here.

"Let's go, then."

And we all went home, completely glossing over the fact we met Mel's former party members. 

Character profiles: Chern Kuno, Bel Heal, and Kori Land

Sacred power: Lovers

Dates gone on: As pairs, 2. As a trio, 0. 

Description: A trio of lovers who recently got together. Chern is the ninja who has a hobby of collecting a tiny pebble from the ground of every new country she visits. She got to visit many countries as a member of the Hero's party. Bel is the priestess who was a bit of a weirdo back at the temple she grew up in due to specialising more in offence than support. Ironic considering her surname, a name given to all orphans raised at the temple she was at. Kori is the farmer who has been farming since she was a child. Due to being largely self-sufficient and the distance from the nearest town, her only social interactions until recently were with Merida. These three are childhood friends, but Kori was suddenly taken by the wind one day. The wind was actually Speedy, who kidnapped Kori at Merida's request.

Chapter namesake: Lovefool by The Cardigans

Somehow, this chapter ended up longer than I thought. Might write a 100-word chapter one day to balance it out.

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