Side Note

Chapter 28: The Fool On The Hill

I am currently having tea with Merry and Merida out in the garden. For a hero who barely spent his time here and didn't care much about personal belongings, the Insane Hero sure has a lovely garden. Although that might've been because of the previous caretakers. What happened to them? We assassinated them, obviously. Just kidding, they got hired by some noble who lives near us. I forget who they are, though. I'm sure they're no one important.

It's peaceful in the garden, and the tea is exquisite. Of course, it's exquisite, though, since I made it. My tea is the best there is. Merida isn't drinking my tea, however. She's not drinking anything. She's just sitting at the outdoor table to watch Mimi duke it out with the giant golem sent to kill her. The revenge plot for one of the Insane Hero's mourners. Maybe a lover of his. I hear heroes tend to have multiple lovers. Wait… I served a hero who had multiple lovers. I know because when the duchess and demon lord were busy, I had to sneak in some women through the back gate.

"So, ladies, who do you believe will win this bout?"

"I care not for the battle. I merely want to enjoy my tea."

"I reckon the winner will be Mimi, solely because a random meteorite will crash into it."

"A bold prediction, Madeleine."

We spent a few minutes of the fight before Speedy returned from an errand Merida sent her on, saw the golem, and then completely dismantled it in a second. Aww… my meteorite. 

"Here's the invitation letter thing. They said she needs to be there in 30 minutes."

"Thanks, Speedy." She took the letter from Speedy's hand and then passed it. "Take a read, Madeleine."

I opened up the letter.

To Madeleine,

Your appointment with the Wiseman of the Hill has been accepted. This letter shall act as physical evidence of that fact.

From the Wiseman of the Hill.

"This is a shoddily made letter."

"The Wiseman is a fool."

"So why do I have this?"

"He's the next Sacred Power holder you'll be… hmm… collecting? What verb do you use?"

"Never gave it any thought. I like the sound of collecting. Yeah, collecting."

"Noted. The Wiseman only allows a singular visitor into his abode on that hill, so it will only be you alone for this."

"Just me? That sounds incredibly boring."

"I chose the Wiseman specifically because you'll be doing it solo. As we plan to summon a high-ranked demon, I require Mel for extra firepower."

"Oh, okay."

"Good to see no questions."

"Eh, that's Mel's thing. Also, if this mansion burns down a second time with tentacles popping out, we can continue our game."

"Noted. Now, please prepare yourself. I'll be having Speedy drop you off soon."

"Aye aye, lieutenant!" Off to my room to prepare.

So I'm currently in queue… there's literally an entire queue of women, all with baskets in their hands and worried but excited looks on their faces. I'm feeling very left out, even though I'm a female too. Maybe it's because I'm the only one with a maid dress here, or that I'm the only one speaking to myself here, or maybe even that I'm the only one with an omnipotent body of energy in the shape of a little girl next to me in the queue. Wait, omnipotent body of energy in the shape of a little girl? I looked down to my left to see the omnipotent body of energy in the shape of a little girl I met a while ago, holding my hand. Well, at least I've got company.

"I didn't ask for it before, but what's your name?" As soon as I asked that, I felt a surge of energy come from her hands that went through my whole body. Oooooh… I liked that very much. 


"Marigold, huh. That's a nice name. So what brings you here? You seeing the Wiseman too?"

She grabbed out the metal screen thing she had before when I first met her and started writing on it. Aww… guess no more energy thingy.

'Part of training. Mr Croen wants me to create multiple avatars and control them at the same time.'

"Why switch to… whatever that is?"

'It's a tablet. I took it from Mel's world. You were making weird noises when I used the energy trick.'

"Oh, weird noises. You shouldn't worry about that. I make weird noises all the time."

'Other people would stare.' I looked behind and ahead to see the other folks in the queue avoiding my gaze. Hah! Cowards.

"So anyway, why me? Why not your parents?"

'I've got another avatar at my parents, and the last one is in Mel's shadow.'

"Shadow? Why?"

'Mr. Croen said something about realms.'


We stood in the queue for a little longer, making small talk. It turns out Marigold is very fond of sea animals. What a cute child. I'd take her for myself if it weren't for the fact she's an omnipotent body of energy in the shape of a little girl. I finally reached the end of the queue, letter in hand. Marigold left, saying she didn't need to be here, she could just read it. Haha… really reminds me of Mel sometimes. 

"Next!" I guess it's time to see the Wiseman. I walked inside the hut to see a man covered head to toe in cloth. The only thing I could see were glowing pupils. I love the suspiciousness! The pupils were oddly where his stomach would be… maybe he has a big head.

"Welcome. I am the Wiseman of the hill. Please hand over the letter."

"Aye aye, chief!" I handed over the letter, which he quickly skimmed through.

"Good. Now please take a seat, and I shall hear your worries."

"Oh, I've got no worries."

"Then why are you here?"

"To look into your eyes."

"Why? To control me? To fulfil some sick lust you have? To steal my pupils for your own?"
"Hmm… yes."

"You monster!" He quickly jumped up, then fell over due to all the cloth over him. He tried getting up, but the mass of cloth was too much for him, so he crawled out, revealing he was a child.

"The Wiseman isn't old, but a child?"

"Silence! I… I…" And suddenly he started crying.

This… is getting annoying. Secret Stole From Mel Technique: Neck Chop! And boom, he's knocked out. I forcefully looked into his eyes since he was now unconscious.

The Fool

You are The Fool. Your journey has begun.

Side Note: He Whose Journey Begins.

Huh… I know wise men are supposed to know they're fools, but this is taking it to another level. Oh well, I don't care. Time to hurry back home so I can be with Mel.

Character profile: Naru

Sacred power: The Fool

Time spent as the Wiseman on the Hill: 2 weeks

Description: The son of a farmer, he had an epiphany one day. Something was urging him to go out, explore the world, and maybe find a place in this world. This scared him, as he'd rather stay in the abandoned hut he spent his days playing in. Soon after this epiphany, his parents died, and so he took shelter in the hut, covering himself head to toe in cloth. Eventually, kids from the village found him and mistook him for someone greater. And so grew the legend that was the Wiseman on the Hill… for about 2 weeks, which was when a certain maid with a penchant for chaos rolled around.

Chapter namesake: The Fool On The Hill by The Beatles

Funny draft moment.

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