Side Note

Chapter 30: Somebody That I Used To Know

Hey there, feeling like a million gold but only because of the multiple crimes I have committed against humanity, Madeleine here. I'm back to travelling with Mel again! Merida finally finished that whole demon thing for which she needed extra firepower, which is great. Mimi is cool and all, but she also licks her own hands. I have nothing against it. It's just that she was weirded out when I licked my own hand. So I can't do it, but she can? Unfair!

"Madeleine, settle down, please. It's too early in the morning for this."

"But I'm finally with you again!"

"We literally talked at the dinner table last night."

"You know what I mean. I'm with you on these adventures."

"I'm glad to be back too, then." Aww… she missed these with me too. "Only because I can't stand Merida and Merry's whole conversation. I much prefer your simpler words."

"Are they too intellectually stimulating for your feeble mind?"

"I see what you're trying to do here, Madeleine, and I don't like it. Can we just hurry and go to the person's house?"

We're currently in the Sonnenfeld Village since Merida told us there was a Sacred Power holder here. So we walked around asking people if they had Sacred Powers. The village is filled to the brim with normal people with normal lives doing normal things, but right now, we're in front of a somewhat rundown house that apparently someone lives in. No one in the village has any idea who lives in it, nor do they want to know. They have noted that their memory blanks out about anything related to this house or whoever lives there, so it must be a Sacred Power holder.

Just kidding, I already know the… thing in there is a Sacred Power holder. Here's their Sacred Power:

Memory Wipe

You can wipe other people's memories.

Side Note: With a single flash.

Mel has already talked to the person here. She just got her memory wiped. Well, I got mine wiped too, but it came back after a while, alongside another one of those blue screens that come up whenever I look into someone's eyes. Something about mental interference reverted. 

This all happened yesterday. As soon as we were flashed by some bright light, we found ourselves in our inn room, having no idea why we were here in the village. I quickly remembered, though, and was about to tell Mel when she suddenly said why don't we hang out in the village. This Sacred Power goal is cool, but spending a day with Mel? The choice was obvious.

Anyways, eventually, I told Mel, so we're back here. Hmm… I don't know if I have to pretend my memory was wiped or if it wasn't? Do you think it'll kill me if I reveal it didn't wipe my memory? It's clear it's wiping everyone's memories. Maybe it's doing something shady. Oh god, a child smuggler! Actually, that's getting ahead of yourself, Madeleine. It's probably something more logical like they… smuggle children! Marigold, no! Wait… how do you smuggle a Godlike being? That sounds like a business I could get into… hmm…

"Is she always like this?"

"Yeah. So what was that about memory wiping she was going on about?"

"Nothing." And suddenly, there was a flash. This time, though, I didn't feel a thing. I guess the immunity kicked in quicker. My Sacred Power sure has some hidden depths, huh. "Why aren't you knocked out this time?" The… goblin? Orc? I don't know, it's a green person. Clearly not human, beastman or elf… maybe a dwarf. No, that's stupid.

"What I am does not matter. Now, would you like to come in for a drink?" 

Hmm… free drinks. "No thanks, I need to drag Mel back home, and I'm getting sick of this village. There are no tea shops."

"Unfortunately, I have to kill you."


"Because you've seen me, and your memory can't be wiped."

"What's wrong with you being seen?"

"I'm an alien. People would surely freak out."

"Eh, I've seen weirder."

"Like what?"

"The personification of the Chaos Storm, the God of Death, and this cute little omnipotent body of energy in the shape of a little girl."

"Those are definitely weirder than me… I'm still going to kill you, though."

"What if I fight back?"

"Pfft… you're a maid from this stupid primitive world. I doubt you can fight ba… why do my feet feel cold?"

"I froze them!" Time to do a little dance in their face.

"I knew I should've kept my plasma pistol in my hand. Fine, fine, you can drag your friend back to your home. It will take ages for me to get out of this ice. Do note, as soon as I get out, I will be hunting you down."

"Ooh… I love the increasing number of people out to get me."

"I regret going on that expedition."

I walked up to Mel, making sure to poke the thing in what I think was their stomach, before ringing the bell to call for Speedy. Overall, I loved the village, the atmosphere and the residents are nice. The fellow locked in their house is weird, though. Definitely watching out for them next time. I'm giving the village an 8/10.

Character profile: Rangalon Traxion

Sacred power: Memory Wipe

Species: Lupusmerrian

Description: An alien whose expedition crash-landed on the world of Mendass. Rangalon is the sole survivor. They were the Citizen's Representative, the member of the expedition chosen from the public as a way to show that exploring the stars isn't just limited to professionals. Unfortunately, this means they have no way of repairing the ship or contacting their homeland. Out of pity, the Creator gave Rangalon the Memory Wipe Sacred Power. Rangalon has so far used it to ensure no one knows of their existence. Unfortunately for them, they never escape the ice, and so their hunt never begins.

Chapter namesake: Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye

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